How to get help/support on TradingView?

Here's a short guide for you on how to get help on TradingView.

General overview:

Issue type
Where to get help

General questions

Help Center

You couldn’t find a solution to your problem in the Help Center or need advanced help with your chart, billing, trading, etc. from the team.

Tip: remember that you have to be a user with a paid plan in order to get in touch with the team. If you are a free user, check this page, please.

Support Ticket from your chart:

Pine-related inquiries


You were hacked or have lost access to your account.

Account Recovery form*

You are charged but do not recognize the payment.

Tip: Check your Account and Billing page first.

Payment Search form*


*All forms containing requests unrelated to the primary topic will be ignored.
**Account Recovery and Payment Search forms are addressed by our agents via email only - one of the few exceptions when the team contacts you not in a Support Ticket. We encourage you to check your inbox once in a while and cooperate with the agent so that we could help.

Note: The support team normally doesn't provide help in direct messages on the platform, on social media, or via phone or email. 

Most users receive automatically generated messages, invoices, or newsletters from TradingView (from, for example, or other addresses). Please do not reply to them, as these email addresses are unmonitored.

Other useful links:


Where to get help

Report a vulnerability

Bug Bounty Program

More about Partner Program

Partner Program

More about widgets

Market Widget

More about advertising


More about open roles/careers



More info is always here for you - just scroll down to the bottom of the website and look for what you need there.

Friendly reminder: Please be precise and concise when sending a request to the team, and try to choose the correct issue type for your problem. Note that we do not provide automated replies as well as live chat help, as the team are no robots, and it might take us some time to review your request and give a comprehensive reply. Also, the team doesn't normally work on weekends. We appreciate your understanding.

Happy trading!