Edu bullish setup for Brent crude oil June '18 futures contract.
Based on US-T as well as "cash cow" yield rising in 2017/18 current draw in live cattle could be continue. Looking forward to buy the dip in COW, time horizon - early summer.
Massive H&S structure goes on. Look forward for HS continuation with further downside below 1000.
Rally to be continue..
RUT goes to be delivered higher. Don't be scared.
Sell silver based on trend analysis
Long-term First Solar Inc. - the time of 'solar action' First Solar, Inc. is a provider of photovoltaic (PV) solar energy solutions. The Company designs, manufactures and sells PV solar modules with thin-film semiconductor technology, and also develops, designs, constructs and sells PV solar power solutions. The Company operates through two segments: components...
Based on trend analysis look forward gold is to back on 1240-1250 levels
Dont speculate. Just hold it till mid-Dec, 2018. $70K+ / BTCUSD coming
Look forward on CBOT:ZN1! and TNX index retrace in a short time.
Looking forward for a reversal in Euro / Ruble pair in a short time around low 60s levels. Watching for a MA(14), as even 1 bar breakout can result a change of movement. To be continue with UPDs after mid-March expiration. Our initial target is at 80 lvl.
Based on 3M eurusd futures (black line) look forward for reversal in EURUSD (blue steps), with upcoming higher high targets within few years. Time horizon: up 2023/24 yrs.
Look forward for further Coffee falling to below 100 area. Don't buy the dip!
Look forward for further NGAS downstream action.
Edu speculative Long on DWTI (DWT for now) vs. OPEC ease. One-day monitor.
Here's long term projection for ruble/barrel (ukoil * usdrub) aka rublebochka, DXY adjusted.