Being resilient in constantly adding more data to the platform to support your market research, we welcome the BitMart exchange to the list of integrated data partners. You can now find BitMart spot and swap crypto pairs directly from our charts.
Launched in 2017, BitMart is a global digital asset trading platform with over 1,500 trading pairs listed. BitMart is dedicated to developing the crypto industry’s potential through innovation and financial inclusion while offering some of the best and lowest fees. With 24/7 user support, hybrid hot/cold wallet systems, and multi-signature technologies, it ensures security for its 5 million users across 180 countries.
The new data aims to help you navigate fast-changing and emerging crypto markets and create more reliable strategies. To access BitMart data directly from TradingView super charts, simply type the “BITMART:” prefix in the symbol search panel and see all available pairs:
Let us know what you think about the integration. Don’t forget that TradingView stores direct access to more than 1.3 million instruments worldwide, making it your universal entry point for all markets.