“It is a capital mistake to theorize before you have all the evidence,” once said Sherlock Holmes, and we at TradingView support the famous detective in this approach. That is why we keep adding new market data — to equip you with everything necessary for a well-thought-out analysis. Today, we’re presenting a new addition to our data feeds — futures data from Taiwan Futures Exchange (TAIFEX).
TAIFEX was established in 1997 to facilitate futures trading and strengthen Taiwan’s economy; it started trading a year later, together with launching its first product — futures on Taiwan Stock Exchange Capitalization Weighted Stock Index (TAIEX). The exchange serves as a fully-fledged platform with its own trading, clearing, and market oversight functions — all aimed at stimulating trading activities in Taiwan and developing the domestic futures market.
For decades, TAIFEX has been hard at work, upgrading its facilities and seeking stable growth, and today, it lists about 300 products. Among them are equity index futures, single stock futures, ETF futures, commodity futures, and currency futures.
And now, TAIFEX futures data is available to TradingView users. To see all added assets, just type “TAIFEX:” in the symbol search field:
Please note: real-time data for TAIFEX futures is only available for Taiwan residents. Otherwise, delayed data is displayed by default.
We believe the new data will enrich your futures market analysis with new ideas and opportunities. Let us know your thoughts about our latest updates — we value your feedback. And don’t forget that TAIFEX is one of many. Our platform reliably connects to hundreds of data feeds, with direct access to 1,357,880 instruments from all over the world. All this makes TradingView your only needed point of entry for everything markets.