This has been a legtendary week, lots of mixed signals but hey man, when life gives you lemons, you buy calls
here's a lil recap for the week:

- tsla inclusion
-- supposedly over 100B in assets projected to be exchanged today as a result
-- this will bring the S&P's PE up another 10%
-- TSLA was also was just downgraded w/ one analyst saying a pt of 90 ..

-feds keeping rates low and will keep them low
-- once at the 0 bound GL trying to get out..

- U.S. head of nuclear operations got hacked? (just heard this one)

- vaccine approval/rollout plans

- Germany locking down

- SPCE announcing quantum computing communications
-- the implications are revolutionary

--possibly up to 2k -1.2k stimulus checks coming... more than likely we will know for sure by Sunday of this week


.... I'm expecting us to reach a new paradigm in about one or two weeks... I'm buying the dip w/ small size here, I'll add if we get confirmation Monday
andddddd slightest suspicion that we still that 9.30 on uvxy....
not selling bc @ the end of the day we never know what the weekend or next week will bring! so, just looking to trade and increase my size @ a new low, hopefully we get the chance
as it stands right now I'm expecting 375-376 on SPY EOW next week, if we don't see a bounce here I'll take a loss and revaluate, p/c not as high as it was before... still expecting to see one more leg till shorts back off a lil....
that's when i'll get short :D


This has been one of my best weeks ever! almost doubled one of my accounts, looking to keep the momentum into next week
kindddaaaaa thinking about making a discord/youtube a 2021 goal for me.... we'll see how things work out

Beyond Technical AnalysisillsqueezeyaTrend Analysiswontteazeya
