
LTC Binomial Jump Pattern Detected

- What is "Binomial Jump Pattern"
- In a book I read it speaks about how traders are able to use binomial functions to increase the likelihood of their margin trades.
- I used the same analysis but applied it to spot trading.
- This is a term I made up.
- My theory is that if LTC keeps the same distribution pattern carried over into the next wave it will have a jump that looks like this.
- This is my first test of this theory. BTW those trendlines were drawn on this chart months ago.

Why LTC now?
- BTC has exceeded ATH. Eth has exceeded ATH. LTC has _______ ATH.
- In the early stages of LTC most traders were more invested into bigger coins like eth and BTC. It was perceived to be relatively cheep at the time.
- Most used LTC for quick swing trades.
- Now that price has gone very high on other pairs. I believe this opens the door for LTC in a big way.
- According to my own research it seems to be that most are now setting up long positions on the coin with no intentions of selling like we saw earlier in the $50-$200 range.
- I like to consider LTC as the " cheapest blue chip safe haven coin "
- Not to mention many intuitions are in or have been adding LTC to their stack on speculation of price.

I appreciate all feedback or other ideas.
