CHINA COVID Projection - Wave Spike ONWhile I totally missed this spike formation months ago, it is already happening, and the charts are telling us it is already a spike wave.
Today, China says it will mass test all 11 million of the Wuhan residents, and it has locked down a number of cities in swift response.
the next couple of weeks should see China spike, followed by USA spike, and they may start blaming China again...
Be careful!!
Coronavirus (COVID-19)
Singapore is not enjoying it, but it is in a surprise wave. IT should start to taper off, but the tail would be long...
Indonesia was as projected, and appears to be slowing slightly.
Malaysia is the surprise, as instead of tailing off, a new spike over the last three weeks emerged and the trajectory indicates higher levels over the next weeks.
Of interest, the USA... as the CDC makes about turns in their advisory, and summer holidays are going on with people being still very complacent about it, it looks like a spike wave is due over the next two weeks, and projected to accelerate.
On this note, I wonder IF the equity market will finally realize and freak out for a bit here...
It has been 1.5 years, have we learnt nothing?
If at all, the war has changed inherently, with the Delta variant. There will be more to come...
AHPI In the SkyAHPI continues testing this 382 fib level and with more delta variant to go around, related stocks are gaining some nice sympathy momentum. But is it enough to get it up and over the "hump" so to speak. This same 382 level was a higher traffic area of support last July and August with upper resistance being around the 236 fib level. Something interesting to look at is the 50 fib level that was an intermediary level of resistance earlier this year. Will that ultimately present the next "real support" or can AHPI establish itself above 382 with it acting as the "new support" area? A lot of this might have to do with covid cases, market momo, and the company avoiding dilutive events. But something to keep a close eye on is the daily volume. It's much lower on August 2nd compared to the last day of July, though it is still relatively higher compared to the last month or so of trading so the verdict is still up in the air as far as that's concerned.
"I n a similar fashion to MTSL, Allied Healthcare Products (AHPI Stock Report) shares have experienced their own bout of trading volatility over the past week. While we’re seeing a stock market crash on Monday, AHPI shares climbed over 40% during the session. This is another instance where there are no headlines to point at, but momentum is kicking things into high gear...With an uptick in virus cases, some companies are gaining steam. Allied Healthcare manufactures a number of products geared toward addressing respiratory issues. Given the rise in coronavirus cases, companies dealing with respiratory issues may have garnered some sympathy sentiment in the stock market today. "
Quote Source: This Is Why Stocks Are Down Today
August Could Be The Start Of A Bumpy Period In MarketsLast week, in an interview on CNBC, legendary trader and investor Stanley Druckenmiller sounded an alarm. He told reporters on the financial news network, “I can’t find any period in history where monetary and fiscal policy were this out of step with the economic circumstances, not one…I will be surprised if we’re not out of the stock market by the end of the year, just because these bubbles can’t last that long.” He went on to say there is a “raging mania in all assets.”
Jackson Hole could send ripples across markets like in 2020
The market expects the beginning of tightening
The delta variant provides another excuse
What does “transitory” really mean?
Fasten your seatbelts for a very rocky ride in markets- The dollar and bonds have become risk barometers than the VIX
In 2021, cryptocurrencies rose in a parabolic move to record highs. Even though they corrected, prices remain far above last year’s levels. The explosive rallies reflect the decline in the faith in government and central bank control of the money supply.
The tidal wave of central bank stimulus and tsunami of government stimulus has weighed on fiat currency’s purchasing power. The stock market has risen to all-time highs because, for many investors, TINA, there is no alternative to stocks. As Leon Cooperman, the ex-Goldman Sachs partner and hedge fund manager, once said, “Buying bonds amounts to picking up pennies in front of a steamroller.” Commodity prices are trending higher in a bullish relay race that began at the March and April 2020 lows. Gold reached a record peak in August 2020. Grain and oilseed prices rose to eight-year highs earlier this year. In May, lumber, copper, and palladium reached record peaks. NYMEX crude oil futures recently rose to the highest level since 2014. Natural gas traded to highs above $4 for the first time since the peak winter season in late 2018. The last time natural gas was north of $4 per MMBtu was in 2014. Ethanol moved to its highest price since 2014, and coal to a level not seen since 2008. Last week, coffee futures traded at over the $2.15 level for the first time since 2014 before correcting. Commodities, stocks, cryptocurrencies, and other asset prices are trending higher. Residential real estate is not only a seller’s market, but prices have moved to insane levels in some regions. The bottom line is accommodative monetary and fiscal policies have planted turbocharged inflationary seeds, and markets have responded.
Stanley Druckenmiller knows it is not a question of if significant volatility grips markets across all asset classes, but when it occurs. August 2021 could be a very bumpy period in markets as the traditionally volatile fall season is on the horizon.
Jackson Hole could send ripples across markets like in 2020
The markets are anxiously awaiting word from the US central bank at its annual August gathering in Jackson Hole, Wyoming. Aside from fishing, hiking, and other outdoor activities, the Fed tends to use the offsite experience as an occasion to roll out monetary policy changes. Even though the 2020 summer meeting was virtual, the Fed took the opportunity to introduce a not-so-subtle change in inflation targets, shifting them from 2% to an average of 2%.
After the highly inflationary CPI data over the past three months and a slew of other validations that the economic condition is far above the “target,” the Fed’s tone changed. At the recent meetings, the rhetoric became subtly more hawkish than dovish. However, this week, the central bank took a dovish step back as COVID-19’s delta variant is causing infections to rise. The variant could be a convenient reason for the Fed to maintain the accommodative status quo.
The market expects the beginning of tightening
Recent Fed minutes told markets the central bank debated whether they would begin tapering quantitative easing with mortgage-backed securities or government bonds. When the tapering starts, the Fed Funds rate hikes will eventually follow.
The subtle change in the rhetoric increased market expectations that tighter credit is on the horizon. However, the market does not always get what it expects, and the Fed and US Treasury are notorious doves since 2008.
The delta variant provides another excuse
If the central bank digs deep into the excuse box, which sits next to the toolbox full of accommodative tools, it may come up with the rising number of COVID-19 delta variant cases as justification for the status quo. The powers in Washington DC will not mind as Democrats desperately want to hold onto and even expand the majority in the House of Representatives and the Senate. Liquidity and stimulus continue to prop up the economy, but the flood of the pair comes with a steep price tag.
If the Fed decides to delay tapering QE or set a schedule to increase the Fed Funds rate from zero percent, it will only push off the inevitable. The bottom line is that artificially low interest rates and $120 billion each month in debt purchases are transitory policies to stabilize economic conditions.
What does “transitory” really mean?
The Fed’s mantra in 2021 is “transitory” when describing rising inflationary pressures. After the May CPI data, all the focus turned to lumber prices and skyrocketing home prices. In the wake of the June CPI, bottlenecks in the supply chain causing a semiconductor shortage and lack of supplies of new and used cars were thrust to the center of the excuse stage.
Meanwhile, markets have been in an inflationary relay race to the top, with one asset passing the baton to the next. The stock market remains near record highs. Cryptocurrencies exploded, reaching incredible peaks in April and May, which is a direct challenge to the central bank and government control of the money supply. Commodity prices have been a merry-go-round of increasing prices. Real estate levels are out of this world. My wife and I bought a new home in late 2016. This week, smaller houses on our block were selling at over 100% above the price we paid.
“Transitory” means temporary, and that a condition will pass. The Fed refused to define its measurement period for the “average 2% inflation rate,” calling it “discretionary.” Uncertainty is growing, and markets appear ready to respond.
Fasten your seatbelts for a very rocky ride in markets- The dollar and bonds have become risk barometers than the VIX
The price of any asset is always the correct price because it is the level where buyers and sellers meet in a transparent marketplace. The Fed may control short-term interest rates via the Fed Funds rate, but long-term interest rates reflect the market’s perception of credit. Ironically, the bond market has been taking on the Fed since August 2020.
In a series of counter-intuitive moves, the US 30-Year Treasury bond futures fell from 183-06 in August 2020 to a low of 153-29 during the final week of March while the Fed purchased an average of $120 billion each month in debt securities. As inflation data began to make the Fed think about tightening over the past few months, the bonds have risen, reaching the most recent high at 167-04 in mid-July. The bond market has been moving contrary to the central bank’s signals with the futures near the highs at just below the 165 level as of July 30.
Meanwhile, the dollar index reflects the US currency’s value against other world reserve foreign exchange instruments. Since the euro is the second-leading reserve currency, the dollar index has a 57.6% exposure to the European currency. The dollar index tends to move higher and lower with interest rate differentials. In the wake of last year’s pandemic, the rate gap between the dollar and the euro narrowed substantially.
As the weekly chart illustrates, the dollar index fell from its highest level since 2002 at 103.96 in March 2020 to a low of 89.165 in early 2021, a drop of 14.2%, a substantial move for the US dollar. Since May, the index rallied, reaching the 93.195 level in July. The dollar index was at just over the 92 level on July 30. The index fell after the July FOMC meeting when the central bank appeared more dovish than the prior month.
The high in March 2020 was a flight to quality during the worst period of asset liquidation caused by the pandemic. The decline came as US rates fell. The latest rally is on the back of the prospects for rising US rates compared to European rates and the potential for volatile markets over the coming weeks and months. The dollar and bond market are likely to reflect volatility better than the VIX index. The VIX reflects implied volatility of put and call options on S&P 500 stocks. Since market participants tend to panic during downside corrections, the VIX rallies when stocks fall. However, the stock market’s rise could be a symptom of inflationary pressures where all asset prices are rising, and that could continue given the tidal wave of central bank liquidity and tsunami of government stimulus.
Even if the Fed bites the bullet and tightens credit, the process will be laborious. The central bank does nothing quickly unless it faces an unprecedented event, as we witnessed in 2008 with the financial crisis and 2020 on the back of the pandemic. Going from hawkish to dovish is a short-term affair while reversing course to a tighter approach to credit is done at a snail’s pace, in the interest of “market stability.” Meanwhile, with the 2022 midterm elections on the horizon and a green and progressive agenda in Washington DC, the spending will continue. Government stimulus in the trillions overwhelms any tweaks the Fed may make over the coming months.
The price tag for inflationary policies is massive. The market is waiting for the Fed to unwrap its plans at the August Jackson Hole event. The FOMC got a lot more inflation than it bargained for when it boosted its target to an unknown and unmeasurable “discretionary” level last year. Fasten your seatbelts; markets are in for a wild ride over the coming weeks and months. The fall tends to be a volatile time in the stock market. Corrections in 1929, 1987, and 2008 came during the fourth quarter. Follow those trends as they are your only friend. The central bank and government policies may have been friendly for markets since the early 2020 lows but feeding the inflation beast with liquidity and stimulus is like giving bigger fixes to a junkie. According to Stan Druckenmiller, a rude awakening could be on the horizon. I can’t disagree, as all the seeds of financial insanity have begun to bloom. Either raging inflation or raging stagflation would roil the markets, and one of the two conditions seems unavoidable.
We could look back at August 2021 as the beginning of an unprecedented and volatile period in markets. Fasten those seatbelts, hedge your bets and investments, and prepare for a head-spinning ride. It is far better to be safe and ready than unprepared and sorry when it comes to your assets.
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Trading advice given in this communication, if any, is based on information taken from trades and statistical services and other sources that we believe are reliable. The author does not guarantee that such information is accurate or complete and it should not be relied upon as such. Trading advice reflects the author’s good faith judgment at a specific time and is subject to change without notice. There is no guarantee that the advice the author provides will result in profitable trades. There is risk of loss in all futures and options trading. Any investment involves substantial risks, including, but not limited to, pricing volatility, inadequate liquidity, and the potential complete loss of principal. This article does not in any way constitute an offer or solicitation of an offer to buy or sell any investment, security, or commodity discussed herein, or any security in any jurisdiction in which such an offer would be unlawful under the securities laws of such jurisdiction.
Stocks are suddenly looking risky on CDC newsThe headline: vaccinated people are getting and spreading Delta
This afternoon the CDC announced that a Delta variant outbreak in Massachusetts infected a lot of vaccinated people. The vaccines provided protection against death and hospitalization, but less-than-expected protection against infection and transmission. The disturbing data helps me make sense of reports that over 80 vaccinated people (most of them over the age of 60) died of Covid in Massachusetts over the last couple months, an anomaly in the nationwide data.
Possible winners: vaccine-makers and ecommerce
The report probably bodes well for Moderna and Pfizer, which have been pushing the FDA to approve a third booster shot. Trial data shows that a third shot quintuples antibody counts and may provide additional protection. The FDA has been reluctant to approve a third shot, because it would reduce the availability of first and second shots for the rest of the world. But I'd say that the odds of a third shot getting emergency approval for use in patients over 60 just increased sharply. Ecommerce ETFs like IBUY and KWEB might also outperform for a while as people hunker down again.
Possible losers: everything else
The rest of the stock market is now at real risk, however, as Delta spreads and other states experience outbreaks like we've seen in Massachusetts. The US is about three weeks behind the UK in the spread of Delta, so my guess is we see a sharp increase in new cases for the next couple weeks, and then a peak around August 10. I'd put good odds on a selloff in the next week or two as the numbers worsen and people get pessimistic.
I'm not going short; just taking a break
There are some bullish factors here, so I'm just trimming my holdings, not going full short. Congress is about to pass a trillion-dollar infrastructure bill, and weakening economic data suggests that the Fed will keep rates low and hold off on tapering for the forseeable future. We're also seeing some dollar weakness, which could drive traders out of cash and into equities. I'll probably hold onto my miner stocks as a US dollar hedge. Other than that, I've mostly sold my stocks and will take a little break as we see happens with Delta. Trade safe!
PAVM Wayback MachineHad to go way back to find some levels to plot against and 2017 looks like it's the mark. The interesting part is that this 236 area has been an area of traffic in the past. Considering that PAVM failed to break and hold (for now) once again might reinforce that idea. Prior to reaching those highs, the stock tested this area a few more times but failed at every pass besides 1.
"The progress from Lucid is one aspect that traders are watching with PAVmed. However, an earlier development this summer may have also acted as a catalyst for the record-setting move in 2021. Once again, this involves Lucid’s EsoGuard test. It received a European CE mark certification. This now allows the test to be marketed in numerous European countries...While PAVmed isn’t developing a cancer treatment, the EsoGuard platform is the first step to potential prevention. According to the company, it is the first and only commercially available diagnostic test capable of widespread screening to prevent esophageal cancer deaths through early detection of esophageal precancer and cancer in at-risk chronic heartburn patients."
Quote Source: 3 Biotech Penny Stocks To Watch On Robinhood IPO Day
VXRT Vaxart Covid-19 VaccineOn 6/11/2021 Piper Sandler brokerage Initiated Coverage giving a price target of $18.00
VXRT Vaxart today announced that it has shown for the first time in clinical trials that its oral tablet vaccine platform successfully boosted immune responses in subjects previously vaccinated with a Vaxart oral vaccine more than a year earlier. (
This is in line with my previews chart:
USA COVID: Watch out!Was just speaking to a good buddy who saw an interview where someone said that in a few weeks, the Delta wave would be over.
I pulled out the chart, and by any measure, it does not appear so!
The only time this model failed was the Singapore KTV Club surge, which is an anomaly, and a gamechanger... much as an awakening call. Otherwise, it has been pretty darn reliable.
Just hours ago... the CDC reversed its decision/recommendation on vaccinated people and mask wearing. Essentially, admitting that even vaccinated people can be infected, and spread the Delta variant.
Check in again in September!
Meanwhile... please take care and be safe.
DYAI Covid-19 Vaccine for the African ContinentDyadic International signed a COVID-19 vaccine technology transfer and licensing agreement with the Rubic Consortium.
The Rubic Consortium is made up of promoters of the project representing public health, medical, academia, vaccine technology, technology transfer and economics sectors.
Arrangement includes C1 COVID-19 vaccine technology transfer and licensing agreement.
Provides potential funding pathway for a C1 manufactured COVID-19 vaccine to progress through Phase II and Phase III clinical trials.
Establishes co-development basis for researching, developing and manufacturing multiple other C1 produced vaccines in addition to DYAI-100.
Intends to reduce African dependence on foreign vaccine suppliers.
Combined with previous C1 COVID-19 vaccine collaborations in India and South Korea (including Southeast Asia), this agreement further supports the potential for C1 produced COVID-19 immunization coverage to more than 40% of the world’s population. (
Now what is the potential for DYAI???
The 52 Week Range is 3.1500 - 9.1900
Now the price is 3.89usd, so close to the lower end.
The market cap is only 107Mil
The biggest owner, 4.744%, is BlackRock Inc. which reported on 5/7/2021 1,307,205 shares on DYAI for a market value of $7.18Mil.
if we make an average, Blackrock bought DYAI at 5.5usd per share. and i don`t think it will sell for less, especially with new COVID-19 vaccine coming.
The second important owner is Vanguard Group Inc., which has 709,698 shares at a market value of $4.44Mil. they bought DYAI at 6.25usd and didn`t panic sell when the stock went to 2.5usd!
My short term price target is 6.5usd, but on the long run, depending on the efficacy of the vaccine, this company can worth Billions!
Just remember MRNA before it made 25X!
AUDUSD bulls have a bumpy road aheadAUDUSD refreshes intraday low under 0.7400 threshold as covid woes escalate in Australia, taking down the overall risk sentiment amid pre-Fed cautious mood. The same reverse the Aussie pair’s breakout of a three-week-old resistance line, portrayed the previous day, by staying below a broad horizontal resistance area since July 09. Hence, the quote is likely to retest the previous resistance line, near 0.7355, before challenging a weekly support line around 0.7340. Should AUDUSD bears keep reins past 0.7340, the monthly low near 0.7288 will be on their radars.
Meanwhile, the stated resistance area surrounding 0.7400–7410 guards the quote’s immediate upside ahead of a descending trend line resistance from June 11, surrounding 0.7440. In a case where AUDUSD bulls manage to cross the 0.7440 hurdle, a 200-SMA level close to 0.7510 will be a tough nut to crack for the pair buyers. Hence, the bearish trajectory has multiple filters to the north and the risk-off mood keeps sellers hopeful.
Bullish ZoomAfter strong Q1 and Q2 earnings. With fears of delta covid variant. It seems that Zoom stock is about start a bull cycle.
Beside the strong fundamentals and supportive circumstances. This convintion is also build upon chart technicals where the price has broke through a falling channel, and now testing the upper trend + 50 day moving average.
As shown the candle stick is making a bullish hummer at the daily close which makes a positive Sign for a long entry.
First target price is $440 and the second $500 with a chance for further upside. However, this play may takes sometime and hence patience is required.
BIOV -- FDA approval for COVID-19 clinical trialsBiotech sector is getting hot, especially for companies connected to COVID-19 vaccine and treatments development... BIOV chart looks rip for a breakout with MACD closing in on bullish cross and a major catalyst in the form of FDA approval of its Phase I/II study:
FDA Provides Necessary Guidance For BioVaxys To Begin Preparation Of Ind For Phase I/II Clinical Trials Of CoviDTH
VANCOUVER, British Columbia, July 22, 2021 /PRNewswire/ -- BioVaxys Technology Corp. (CSE: BIOV) (FRA:5LB) (OTCQB: BVAXF) ("BioVaxys"), is pleased to announce today that the US Food and Drug Administration ("FDA") has provided its official Written Response to the Company's request for a Pre-IND Type B review of CoviDTH as a diagnostic for evaluating T-cell immune response to SARS-CoV-2.
The FDA found the Chemistry, Manufacturing and Controls, and other elements of the clinical development program proposed by BioVaxys to be acceptable and provided guidance and feedback supportive of BioVaxys' clinical development plans for CoviDTH. In addition, the FDA indicated that animal toxicity studies for CoviDTH were not required and that the Company could start its clinical development program with a combined Phase I/II study. Based on this feedback, BioVaxys will begin preparation of an IND application to support a Phase I/II safety, dosing, and efficacy study.
BioVaxys submitted a Pre-Investigational New Drug ("IND") meeting request and briefing package with the FDA's Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research (CBER) for CoviDTH earlier this year. The Pre-IND review is a critical step in the US regulatory approval process, as it affords an opportunity for study sponsor companies to seek clarification from the FDA on clinical trials design, clinical materials manufacturing, quality controls, etc.
"With the guidance we received from this FDA review, BioVaxys is now able to begin preparing its IND," stated BioVaxys President and Chief Operating Officer Ken Kovan. He adds "Although the FDA has indicated that our planned animal tox study is discretionary, we will likely continue with the animal tox study of CoviDTH as it does not interfere with the development time frame and may in fact provide useful data."
James Passin, BioVaxys CEO, stated, "We are pleased to advance CoviDTH towards clinical trials, as we believe that mass screening for T cell immunity to Covid-19 will represent a critical tool for public health authorities to address the continued pandemic, as Covid variants continue to circulate and major governments in the southern hemisphere enact new lockdown policies."
The Company is not making any express or implied claims that its product has the ability to eliminate, cure, or contain Covid-19 (SARS-CoV-2) at this time.
Testing kits on Delta VariantFundamental
Quidel: a manufacturer of diagnostic products, frequently rises or sinks in response to developments in the coronavirus pandemic, as a big part of their revenue comes from its COVID-19 testing kits.
As the Delta Variant is worrying countries around the globe, QDEL will be interesting to watch.
Technical Analysis
As you can see in the weekly chart, the blue horizontal line which is approximately $150 was tested multiple times, is now also coinciding with the 50ema, which has worked well as support.
A potential target could be in place, as there is still a downtrend from the Pfizer Vaccine initial news of 95% efficacy.
NRBO 400% Upside Potential | Covid-19 TreatmentOn 4/20/2021 HC Wainwright brokerage Reiterated Rating to Buy and a Price Target of $16.00 for NRBO
But how come? What`s the catalyst? Why NeuroBo Pharmaceuticals was up 40% yesterday?
Richard J. Kang, CEO: "Throughout the first quarter of 2021, we continued to make progress advancing the 60-patient Phase 2/3 clinical trial of our lead drug candidate, ANA001, a proprietary oral niclosamide formulation, as a treatment for moderate to severe COVID-19."
"we expect to report preclinical in vitro data demonstrating Gemcabene's ability to treat COVID-19 variants alone and in combination with ANA001."
"NeuroBo has the financial foundation to fund operations at the current level into the fourth quarter of 2021 and we expect to achieve a number of value-creating milestones with our COVID-19 programs in the coming months."
Besides the Covid-19 treatment, NeuroBo Pharmaceuticals has a current portfolio of four drug candidates focused on developing and commercializing multi-modal disease-modifying therapies for viral, neuropathic, and neurodegenerative diseases.
The Market Cap if only 88.473Mil at the time or writing!
SINGAPORE COVID-19 Wave 3 Projection Update IXLike a bad zombie movie, the unexpected happened. The start of July appeared as if all was going well, and then suddenly, a new cluster was discovered and the depth and width of this cluster spread was far deeper and wider than anticipated. The model did not pick up this incoming, and for the first time it failed to. This has significance as it is an anomalous event, a game changer if you will, and in such circumstances, it tells a lot.
The green arrows depict the speed of the spread, as well as the discovery by detection. Yes, we are getting better at detection, but only after knowing that there is a cluster. The green arrows point steeper upwards in the past two weeks and the weekly chart signals that this would take more weeks than previously, as well as there would be more affected than previously.
The initial spike has not yet decelerated, but should be tapering off in the weeks to come, thereafter, we may or may not see smaller spikes with smaller clusters surfacing.
Stricter measure have just been put in place and it would take months for this one to pan out, taking us to end August.
Nonetheless, Singapore still remains very lucky by any comparison to the rest of the world. When luck runs out, we would not know, but this is a warning yet again that any complacency would be met with a viral comeback response.
HODL would be appropriate for this circumstance... stay well and safe!
Are Covid Stocks Coming Back?If there is any hope for the S&P right now it may very well come from the healthcare sector with mega blue chip Johnson & Johnson.
JNJ has managed to put in consecutive higher highs and higher lows on the weekly, and now also is confirming support on the .618 fibonacci level at $165.40.
However, there appears to still be much selling pressure at just above $168, so don't be surprised if we continue to see consolidation for another a week or two before getting the confirmed breakout above our red resistance line at the aforementioned $168 price level.
If resistance at this level is broken, we will be seeing a possible retest of blue sky all time highs for the healthcare giant JNJ.
In the meantime, I am liking the idea of small longs along the .618 ($165.40) area as long as the upward sloping green trend is not violated.
It is time to short boeing.All right folks, boeing on the 1day has officially broke the VWAP and has continued to fall post-market. Now is a good time to take advantage of the negative news as well as the market correction. Delta rising, boeing problems rising (mechanical, etc).
Why short boeing
MACD bearish volume with no curve
VWAP broken without big bounce at VWAP
RSI has new LL
Falling to BBand at 158 would be pushing it but for a longer term holder could be plausible.
SL @ 219
Good luck
Please note: I do short term holding, will not hold this position longer than a day or two. Check back for updates.
Roku very bullish cup and handle!Hi Traders!
It looks like our favourite streaming company $ROKU is forming a cup and handle pattern. Price has formed a handle by the means of a small downward movement. If price breaks the upper trend line of the handle, the cup and handle pattern is confirmed.
On top of that other technicals tell us:
- Price is supported by 50MA support.
- Ichimoku, the cloud of the current downward trend is very thin which indicates that the current small downward movement is very weak. Also, the price is fairly distanced above the cloud which is bullish.
- RSI is 47, this level has worked as support in the past lets see if this happens again!
- ADX on the hourly shows us that the short term downward trend is already weakening.
Also don´t forget that the chance of fundamentals bringing bullish momentum and sentiment on the stock is also very high with upcoming Q2 Earnings report. Both investors and analysist expect company growth! And with the delta covid variant concerning investors again, ROKU is a safe-haven for investors, as ROKU profited from the previous lockdowns.
Our trade plan:
Wait for price to break the upper trend line of the handle and enter at 418USD, and hold for at least 2 months first price target at 480USD an TP2 at 525USD. Stop loss at 398 just below the psychological level of 400USD and below the upper trend line, this would make this thesis invalid.
Disclaimer: This is not financial advice and for education all purposes only.
In search for the next BNTX, MRNA and NVAX !!Since Covid-19 is here to stay with us with its variants and the vaccines don`t offer lifetime protection, this means that there is room for other companies to develop a better vaccine to address the problem.
And the gains in vaccines stock are quite similar to cryptocurrencies year over year.
From all time low to all time high, BNTX made 19X, MRNA 24X and NVAX 66X.
My question for you is the following: which is the next vaccine developer to make at least 10X our money?? I`m looking forward to discover with you the next big vaccine developer!
And i have a presumption or two which i already shared in my group. And those were the fundamentals i was searching for: data submitted to FDA for Emergency Use Authorization, Phase 3, low Market cap - under 1Bil, on the lower end of 52 Week Range, other drugs in the pipeline, high intraday volume.
NVAX Novavax Analyst RatingsOn 6/15/2021 Cantor Fitzgerald brokerage Boosted the Price Target from Reduce to Overweight $217.00 to $272.00
On 5/18/2021 JPMorgan Chase & Co. brokerage Reiterated Rating from Overweight to Neutral $285.00 to $161.00
On 5/12/2021 B. Riley brokerage Lowered the Price Target from $365.00 to $286.00
On 5/12/2021 HC Wainwright brokerage Lowered the Price Target from $317.00 to $294.00
My personal price target is $240.
Looking forward to read your opinion.