Corporate bonds with a fixed coupon rate

Investors looking for a guaranteed coupon rate for a specified term often opt for fixed-rate bonds as they provide regular coupon payments. Find the list of corporate fixed-rate bonds below sorted by coupon rate.
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LTMAQ5488902LATAM Airlines Group S.A. 13.375% 15-OCT-2029
13.38%Chile113.94%500 K9.09%2029-10-15700 M USD1,000.00 USD2,000.00 USD
TTIDX5578020Trident TPI Holdings, Inc. 12.75% 31-DEC-2028
12.75%United States110.93%5 K8.92%2028-12-31620 M USD1,000.00 USD2,000.00 USD
HHLFU5788101HLF Financing SARL LLC 12.25% 15-APR-2029
12.25%United States108.81%200 K9.28%2029-04-15800 M USD1,000.00 USD2,000.00 USD
NO1105762SHAMAR.PETR. 21/27
12.00%Canada103.00%04.16%2025-07-30173.1 M USD1.00 USD1.00 USD
11.88%United States111.59%08.13%2029-04-30400 M USD1,000.00 USD2,000.00 USD
US29357JAC09Enquest 11.625% 27
11.63%United Kingdom103.50%09.96%2027-11-01465 M USD1,000.00 USD200,000.00 USD
SLM5678372Navient Corporation 11.5% 15-MAR-2031
11.50%United States112.75%1 M8.32%2031-03-15500 M USD1,000.00 USD2,000.00 USD
NIC5571592Nickel Industries Limited 11.25% 21-OCT-2028
11.25%Australia106.00%500 K9.05%2028-10-21400 M USD1,000.00 USD200,000.00 USD
RKUNF5744795Rakuten Group, Inc. 11.25% 15-FEB-2027
11.25%Japan109.56%400 K5.79%2027-02-151.8 B USD1,000.00 USD200,000.00 USD
CSH5714297Enova International, Inc. 11.25% 15-DEC-2028
11.25%United States109.00%6 K8.15%2028-12-15400 M USD1,000.00 USD2,000.00 USD
VVHML5949743Vedanta Resources Finance II Plc 11.25% 03-DEC-2031
11.25%United Kingdom108.20%1.54 M9.27%2031-12-03500 M USD1,000.00 USD200,000.00 USD
EENPRO5676359Energo- Pro a.s. 11.0% 02-NOV-2028
11.00%Czech Republic107.10%830 K8.46%2028-11-02300 M USD1,000.00 USD200,000.00 USD
GGOLJ5809824Golomt Bank LLC 11.0% 20-MAY-2027
11.00%Mongolia104.95%720 K8.37%2027-05-20400 M USD1,000.00 USD200,000.00 USD
MMAHE5213995Mastellone Hermanos Sociedad Anonima 10.95% 30-JUN-2026
10.95%Argentina104.00%69.83 K7.66%2026-06-30110.87 M USD1,000.00 USD1,000.00 USD
FFB11THE EGYPTIAN FIN CO FOR SOV TASKEEK 10.875% SUK GTD SNR 28/02/202610.88%Egypt102.60%200 K8.07%2026-02-281.5 B USD1,000.00 USD200,000.00 USD
VVHML5890706Vedanta Resources Finance II Plc 10.875% 17-SEP-2029
10.88%United Kingdom105.17%1 M9.26%2029-09-171.2 B USD1,000.00 USD200,000.00 USD
AABPL5991857Ambipar Lux S.a r.l. 10.875% 05-FEB-2033
10.88%Luxembourg104.10%11.49 M9.95%2033-02-05470.23 M USD1,000.00 USD200,000.00 USD
SSABR5948951Sabre GLBL, Inc. 10.75% 15-NOV-2029
10.75%United States106.03%1.4 M8.93%2029-11-15824.71 M USD1,000.00 USD2,000.00 USD
PPOMO5632557Promerica Financial Corporation 10.75% 14-AUG-2028
10.75%Panama105.00%1 M8.85%2028-08-14225 M USD1,000.00 USD150,000.00 USD
SATS5938591EchoStar Corporation 10.75% 30-NOV-2029
10.75%United States105.50%6.06 M9.09%2029-11-305.36 B USD1,000.00 USD1,000.00 USD
BBNTLF5579922BENTELER International Aktiengesellschaft 10.5% 15-MAY-2028
10.50%Austria106.50%1.8 M7.96%2028-05-15500 M USD1,000.00 USD200,000.00 USD
CCTL5910343Level 3 Financing, Inc. 10.5% 15-APR-2029
10.50%United States112.79%3 K6.55%2029-04-15667.71 M USD1.00 USD1.00 USD
UUNIT5536195Uniti Group LP 10.5% 15-FEB-2028
10.50%United States107.13%10 K7.55%2028-02-152.77 B USD1,000.00 USD2,000.00 USD
VLO.IFValero Energy Corporation 10.5% 15-MAR-2039
10.50%United States143.47%76 K5.16%2039-03-15112.99 M USD1,000.00 USD2,000.00 USD
10.50%United States101.91%09.87%2029-07-151.25 B USD1,000.00 USD2,000.00 USD
CCTL5565345Level 3 Financing, Inc. 10.5% 15-MAY-2030
10.50%United States108.67%275 K8.12%2030-05-15924.52 M USD1,000.00 USD2,000.00 USD
KKOON5809065Karoon USA Finance Inc 10.5% 14-MAY-2029
10.50%United States103.25%3 M9.42%2029-05-14350 M USD1,000.00 USD200,000.00 USD
VVERP5706071Verde Purchaser, LLC 10.5% 30-NOV-2030
10.50%United States108.91%35 K8.22%2030-11-301.05 B USD1,000.00 USD2,000.00 USD
HHDNT5584333Heartland Dental, LLC 10.5% 30-APR-2028
10.50%United States106.25%2 M8.03%2028-04-30700 M USD1,000.00 USD2,000.00 USD
10.38%United States107.35%07.60%2028-07-03250 M USD100,000.00 USD200,000.00 USD
VVHML5949741Vedanta Resources Finance II Plc 10.25% 03-JUN-2028
10.25%United Kingdom103.69%2 M8.79%2028-06-03300 M USD1,000.00 USD200,000.00 USD
AMCX5781619AMC Networks Inc. 10.25% 15-JAN-2029
10.25%United States106.39%21 K8.08%2029-01-15875 M USD1,000.00 USD2,000.00 USD
GEO5842443GEO Group, Inc. 10.25% 15-APR-2031
10.25%United States109.40%5.1 M7.96%2031-04-15624.67 M USD1,000.00 USD2,000.00 USD
MO.HHAltria Group, Inc. 10.2% 06-FEB-2039
10.20%United States141.39%82 K5.11%2039-02-06207.56 M USD1,000.00 USD2,000.00 USD
US27889PAC7ECOBK TRANS. 24/29 144A
10.13%Togo104.79%08.67%2029-10-15400 M USD1,000.00 USD200,000.00 USD
EKOT5912175Ecobank Transnational Incorporated 10.125% 15-OCT-2029
10.13%Togo105.25%816 K8.54%2029-10-15400 M USD1,000.00 USD200,000.00 USD
AATGX5676682Aretec Escrow Issuer Inc. 10.0% 15-AUG-2030
10.00%United States109.25%300 K7.60%2030-08-15700 M USD1,000.00 USD1,000.00 USD
PPEMX5666477Petroleos Mexicanos 10.0% 07-FEB-2033
10.00%Mexico102.74%3.36 M9.40%2033-02-071.97 B USD1,000.00 USD10,000.00 USD
10.00%Bermuda101.88%08.94%2027-04-19165 M USD1.00 USD200,000.00 USD
AUNS5731903Auna S.A. 10.0% 15-DEC-2029
10.00%Luxembourg106.87%508 K8.02%2029-12-15310.84 M USD1,000.00 USD1,000.00 USD
IEP5939693Icahn Enterprises L.P. 10.0% 15-NOV-2029
10.00%United States103.30%400 K9.00%2029-11-15500 M USD1,000.00 USD2,000.00 USD
F.GUFord Motor Company 9.98% 15-FEB-2047
9.98%United States126.82%220 K6.91%2047-02-15114.19 M USD1,000.00 USD1,000.00 USD
MO.HAAltria Group, Inc. 9.95% 10-NOV-2038
9.95%United States135.63%90 K5.42%2038-11-10176.89 M USD1,000.00 USD2,000.00 USD
VVNGB5671902Venture Global LNG, Inc. 9.875% 01-FEB-2032
9.88%United States108.25%655 K8.02%2032-02-012 B USD1,000.00 USD2,000.00 USD
AABPL5744778Ambipar Lux S.a r.l. 9.875% 06-FEB-2031
9.88%Luxembourg101.80%1.21 M9.40%2031-02-06552.96 M USD1,000.00 USD200,000.00 USD
JBLU5872842JetBlue Airways Corporation 9.875% 20-SEP-2031
9.88%United States105.63%20 K8.53%2031-09-202 B USD1,000.00 USD2,000.00 USD
VVHML5981511Vedanta Resources Finance II Plc 9.85% 24-APR-2033
9.85%United Kingdom101.90%1 M9.44%2033-04-24550 M USD1,000.00 USD200,000.00 USD
XXS252392947HAZ.M.VA.KIR 22/25 REGS
9.76%Turkey102.48%05.96%2025-11-132.5 B USD1,000.00 USD200,000.00 USD
AASGP5809061ASG Finance DAC 9.75% 15-MAY-2029
9.75%Ireland102.00%400 K9.09%2029-05-15300 M USD1,000.00 USD200,000.00 USD
ADS5718216Bread Financial Holdings, Inc. 9.75% 15-MAR-2029
9.75%United States107.25%475 K7.41%2029-03-15900 M USD1,000.00 USD2,000.00 USD
UUATS5803397US Acute Care Solutions, LLC. 9.75% 15-MAY-2029
9.75%United States101.00%95 K9.42%2029-05-151 B USD1,000.00 USD2,000.00 USD
IEP5906695Icahn Enterprises L.P. 9.75% 15-JAN-2029
9.75%United States101.61%1.23 M9.18%2029-01-15696.42 M USD1,000.00 USD2,000.00 USD
CCG4798445Getty Images, Inc. 9.75% 01-MAR-2027
9.75%United States100.84%12 K9.25%2027-03-01300 M USD1,000.00 USD2,000.00 USD
HHHGP5896238HAH Group Holding Company LLC 9.75% 01-OCT-2031
9.75%United States99.80%80 K9.80%2031-10-01675 M USD1,000.00 USD2,000.00 USD
LPI5654244Vital Energy, Inc. 9.75% 15-OCT-2030
9.75%United States102.32%2.31 M9.12%2030-10-15302.36 M USD1,000.00 USD2,000.00 USD
DDSCW5593485Olympus Water US Holding Corporation 9.75% 15-NOV-2028
9.75%United States105.07%650 K7.97%2028-11-151.7 B USD1,000.00 USD200,000.00 USD
PAM5890253Empresa Distribuidora y Comercializadora Norte S.A. 9.75% 24-OCT-2030
9.75%Argentina104.50%100 K8.57%2030-10-24183.79 M USD1.00 USD100.00 USD
RKUNF5785983Rakuten Group, Inc. 9.75% 15-APR-2029
9.75%Japan109.65%2.05 M6.75%2029-04-152.01 B USD1,000.00 USD200,000.00 USD
RRLUX57444753R Lux Societe a responsabilite limitee 9.75% 05-FEB-2031
9.75%Luxembourg102.02%844 K9.22%2031-02-05500 M USD1,000.00 USD200,000.00 USD
DHC4995752Diversified Healthcare Trust 9.75% 15-JUN-2025
9.75%United States100.14%350 K9.23%2025-06-15380 M USD1,000.00 USD2,000.00 USD
VEKS5818083Vestel Elektronik Sanayi ve Ticaret A.S. 9.75% 15-MAY-2029
9.75%Turkey100.49%1 M9.59%2029-05-15500 M USD1,000.00 USD200,000.00 USD
LLIMA5854598Limak Cimento Sanayi ve Ticaret A.S. 9.75% 25-JUL-2029
9.75%Turkey102.19%2 M9.05%2029-07-25625 M USD1,000.00 USD200,000.00 USD
AALUV4854488Allied Universal Holdco LLC 9.75% 15-JUL-2027
9.75%United States100.63%200 K9.42%2027-07-151.05 B USD1,000.00 USD2,000.00 USD
IDKQY5781613Sammaan Capital Limited 9.7% 03-JUL-2027
9.70%India102.39%2 M8.48%2027-07-03350 M USD1,000.00 USD200,000.00 USD
UUS45674GAB05IneosQF2 9.625% 29
9.63%United Kingdom104.79%08.05%2029-03-15400 M USD1,000.00 USD200,000.00 USD
SSTX5721143Seagate HDD Cayman 9.625% 01-DEC-2032
9.63%Cayman Islands112.00%5.03 M7.21%2032-12-01750 M USD1.00 USD2,000.00 USD
US345370CX6FORD MOTOR 20/30
9.63%United States114.91%05.84%2030-04-22431.96 M USD1,000.00 USD2,000.00 USD
IINOS5701594INEOS Quattro Finance 2 Plc 9.625% 15-MAR-2029
9.63%United Kingdom105.75%400 K7.75%2029-03-15400 M USD1,000.00 USD200,000.00 USD
BBIHS5758937Binghatti Sukuk SPC Limited 9.625% 28-FEB-2027
9.63%Cayman Islands100.72%2 M9.19%2027-02-28500 M USD1,000.00 USD200,000.00 USD
LLIMA5999383Limak Yenilenebilir Enerji A.S. 9.625% 12-AUG-2030
9.63%Turkey100.49%870 K9.49%2030-08-12525 M USD1,000.00 USD200,000.00 USD
YYINS5796342Yinson Production Financial Services Pte. Ltd. 9.625% 03-MAY-2029
9.63%Singapore103.90%2 M8.36%2029-05-03600 M USD1.00 USD1.00 USD
AAVNC5995206Avianca Midco 2 Plc 9.625% 14-FEB-2030
9.63%United Kingdom99.03%1.25 M9.92%2030-02-141 B USD1,000.00 USD200,000.00 USD
US111021AE1BRIT. TELECOMM. 00/30
9.63%United Kingdom121.90%04.78%2030-12-152.67 B USD1,000.00 USD1,000.00 USD
FFWRD5657716Clue Opco LLC 9.5% 15-OCT-2031
9.50%United States102.50%75 K8.90%2031-10-15725 M USD1,000.00 USD2,000.00 USD
US879273AU4TELECOM ARG. 24/31 144A
9.50%Argentina104.01%08.53%2031-07-18817.22 M USD1,000.00 USD1,000.00 USD
WWESD5661073We Soda Investments Holding PLC 9.5% 06-OCT-2028
9.50%United Kingdom104.63%350 K7.85%2028-10-06980 M USD1,000.00 USD200,000.00 USD
AGVR5732791YPF SA 9.5% 17-JAN-2031
9.50%Argentina106.05%3.08 M7.98%2031-01-17800 M USD1,000.00 USD1,000.00 USD
RRRD5862538R. R. Donnelley & Sons Company 9.5% 01-AUG-2029
9.50%United States101.31%2 M9.08%2029-08-011.05 B USD1,000.00 USD2,000.00 USD
XXS258138163TC ZIRAAT BK 23/26 MTN
9.50%Turkey104.49%06.01%2026-08-01500 M USD1,000.00 USD200,000.00 USD
NCR5657711NCR Atleos Escrow Corporation 9.5% 01-APR-2029
9.50%United States109.40%562 K6.58%2029-04-011.35 B USD1,000.00 USD2,000.00 USD
PAM5455573Pampa Energia S.A. 9.5% 08-DEC-2026
9.50%Argentina104.00%153.83 K6.93%2026-12-08196.17 M USD1,000.00 USD1,000.00 USD
BLUN5832279BlueNord ASA 9.5% 02-JUL-2029
9.50%Norway105.13%1 M7.91%2029-07-02300 M USD50,000.00 USD150,000.00 USD
CCOMM5968396CommScope, LLC 9.5% 15-DEC-2031
9.50%United States104.00%45 K8.57%2031-12-151 B USD1,000.00 USD2,000.00 USD
PESS5826310Paratus Energy Services Ltd. 9.5% 27-JUN-2029
9.50%Bermuda98.50%1 M10.00%2029-06-27500 M USD100,000.00 USD200,000.00 USD
CVHS5849344Telecom Argentina S.A. 9.5% 18-JUL-2031
9.50%Argentina104.73%920 K8.36%2031-07-18817.22 M USD1,000.00 USD1,000.00 USD
GTLS5512830Chart Industries, Inc. 9.5% 01-JAN-2031
9.50%United States107.63%850 K7.62%2031-01-01510 M USD1,000.00 USD2,000.00 USD
FFCX3667985Phelps Dodge Corp. 9.5% 01-JUN-2031
9.50%United States123.49%36 K4.64%2031-06-01107.4 M USD1,000.00 USD1,000.00 USD
VVNGB5671900Venture Global LNG, Inc. 9.5% 01-FEB-2029
9.50%United States111.11%14 K6.01%2029-02-013 B USD1,000.00 USD2,000.00 USD
VVHML5981509Vedanta Resources Finance II Plc 9.475% 24-JUL-2030
9.48%United Kingdom101.12%200 K9.17%2030-07-24550 M USD1,000.00 USD200,000.00 USD
DDOW.TWDow Chemical Company 9.4% 15-MAY-2039
9.40%United States133.81%1.02 M5.24%2039-05-15557.94 M USD1,000.00 USD2,000.00 USD
SLM5581317Navient Corporation 9.375% 25-JUL-2030
9.38%United States108.75%10 K7.13%2030-07-25500 M USD1,000.00 USD2,000.00 USD
9.38%United States100.39%09.22%2028-06-01492.8 M USD1,000.00 USD2,000.00 USD
QQGOG5925418NewCo Holding USD 20 SARL 9.375% 07-NOV-2029
9.38%Luxembourg101.60%400 K8.89%2029-11-07650 M USD1,000.00 USD200,000.00 USD
FQVLF5759290First Quantum Minerals Ltd. 9.375% 01-MAR-2029
9.38%Canada106.95%1 M7.14%2029-03-011.6 B USD1,000.00 USD200,000.00 USD
TTKBS5733247Turk Ekonomi Bankasi A.S. 9.375% 17-JAN-2034
9.38%Turkey105.54%500 K8.29%2034-01-17400 M USD1,000.00 USD200,000.00 USD
FFHBV5658259FIVE Holdings (BVI) Limited 9.375% 03-OCT-2028
9.38%British Virgin Islands105.25%2 M7.51%2028-10-03350 M USD1,000.00 USD200,000.00 USD
TRKYY5651315Turkiye Sinai Kalkinma Bankasi A.S. 9.375% 19-OCT-2028
9.38%Turkey108.19%600 K6.58%2028-10-19300 M USD1,000.00 USD200,000.00 USD
TTLOL5741444Talos Production, Inc. 9.375% 01-FEB-2031
9.38%United States103.37%40 K8.52%2031-02-01625 M USD1,000.00 USD2,000.00 USD
WWESD5750229We Soda Investments Holding PLC 9.375% 14-FEB-2031
9.38%United Kingdom104.80%1 M8.18%2031-02-14500 M USD1,000.00 USD200,000.00 USD
9.30%United States113.29%05.85%2030-03-01294.76 M USD1,000.00 USD1,000.00 USD