Coins with small supply

Explore tokens with limited supply — there are fewer of them in circulation than most cryptocurrencies. The list below contains helpful stats, check them out before making a decision.
Circ supply
Change %
Market cap
RCRebel Cars391910.010662 USD+1.28%0 USD108.33 K USD
SEXSex One25891766,778.05 USD−4.02%766.78 K USD1.29 K USDMemes
TBTCtBTC2513997,739.80 USD+2.59%879.66 K USD1.1 K USD
EEURQQuantoz EURQ3916201.0439 USD+0.38%21 USD102.01 K USDStablecoins
DIGGDIGG2964574586.23 USD−9.52%336.45 K USD62 USDAlgorithmic Stablecoins
XMONXMON26611.49 K424.39 USD−1.13%634.43 K USD4.08 K USDData management & AI, NFTs & Collectibles Staked ETH15472 K2,987.28 USD+1.69%5.97 M USD4.18 K USD
TBCTen Best Coins7583.01 K12,294.77 USD−2.59%36.99 M USD719.31 K USD
SFINSongbird Finance27593.25 K157.95 USD−3.08%513.34 K USD6.71 K USD
YYNETHYieldnest Restaked ETH39103.82 K0.036675 USD−9.22%140 USDDerivatives
YFDAIYFDAI.FINANCE34903.99 K19.034 USD+6.61%75.87 K USD2.7 K USDData management & AI, DAO
AMKTAlongside Crypto Market Index23804.5 K250.31 USD+7.92%1.13 M USD3.33 K USD
TBTCtBTC2455.41 K97,439.82 USD−0.20%527.51 M USD4.8 M USD
SOLVBTCBBNSolvBTC.BBN2367.8 K97,434.47 USD−0.27%759.98 M USD606.93 K USD
DEFROGSDeFrogs257110 K78.867 USD−1.64%788.67 K USD58.32 K USDMemes, NFTs & Collectibles
COREcVault.finance90510 K2,584.08 USD0.00%25.84 M USD5.25 K USDDeFi, DAO
PANDORAPandora126610 K1,058.29 USD−1.73%10.58 M USD2.2 M USDNFTs & Collectibles, Derivatives
LLBTCLombard Staked BTC21918.72 K97,632.81 USD−0.29%1.83 B USD4.62 M USD
GRAILCamelot Token113321.05 K671.71 USD−9.83%14.14 M USD1.48 M USD
CBBTCCoinbase Wrapped BTC21821.8 K97,675.99 USD−0.30%2.13 B USD160.5 M USDWrapped Tokens
YFIyearn.finance28733.69 K5,929.74 USD−2.39%199.76 M USD27.5 M USDDeFi, DAO
ULTIMAUltima24137.41 K16,078.31 USD−6.29%601.47 M USD8.78 M USDWeb3
YFIIDFI.Money125738.6 K280.24 USD−1.74%10.82 M USD2.75 M USDDeFi, DAO
UNCXUNCX Network127746.6 K225.22 USD+3.43%10.49 M USD12.5 K USDDeFi
RSWETHRestaked Swell Ethereum36248.69 K2,827.05 USD−1.08%137.64 M USD1.3 M USDDerivatives
OZONEOzonechain268950 K11.997 USD−40.47%599.85 K USD1.12 K USD
SWETHswETH34150.43 K2,967.58 USD−1.22%149.65 M USD251.17 K USDDerivatives
KTONDarwinia Commitment Token324251.31 K4.4860 USD+56.37%230.19 K USD22.64 K USDMetaverse
FRXETHFrax Finance - Frax Ether35352.17 K2,747.83 USD−0.87%143.36 M USD2.1 M USDDerivatives
PUFETHpufETH29169.4 K2,842.37 USD−1.05%197.26 M USD5.45 M USDDerivatives
AUTOAuto261476.67 K9.4131 USD+0.75%721.66 K USD16.32 K USDDecentralized exchange
BIFIBeefy103380 K228.85 USD−1.82%18.31 M USD414.78 K USDDeFi
NNMDNexusmind298082.5 K3.9082 USD−0.27%322.43 K USD57.85 K USD
SFGS.Finance390784.9 K0.0021005 USD+3.21%178 USD135 USDDAO
SFIsaffron.finance213691.42 K20.354 USD+8.62%1.86 M USD8.9 K USD
MEMEmeme (Ordinals)264894 K7.0214 USD−2.85%660 K USD330.34 K USDMemes
BIRDBird.Money350194.94 K0.78617 USD−3.63%74.64 K USD866 USDOracles, Data management & AI, Analytics
DSCDSC3902100 K0.0033987 USD+0.19%340 USD30.83 K USD
VVMCVMS Classic608100 K606.70 USD−4.89%60.67 M USD219.9 K USD
BETHBeacon ETH264100.97 K2,751.62 USD−1.17%277.84 M USD1.87 M USD
SFRXETHFrax Staked Ether259101.18 K3,053.12 USD−2.16%308.92 M USD331.65 K USDDerivatives
LSETHLiquid Staked ETH258103.84 K2,992.16 USD+0.07%310.71 M USD99.76 K USDDerivatives
LEASHDoge Killer1003106.4 K186.54 USD+0.95%19.85 M USD1.15 M USDMemes
TALTalentum3002120.01 K2.5306 USD−7.57%303.7 K USD1.64 K USD
OILXOilX Token1353124.18 K73.806 USD−0.86%9.17 M USD67.96 K USD
WBTCWrapped Bitcoin204129.3 K97,650.41 USD−1.46%12.63 B USD560.32 M USDWrapped Tokens, Cryptocurrencies
STRONGStrong3086138.27 K1.6594 USD−4.65%229.44 K USD14.79 K USD
CGOComtech Gold1185141 K92.370 USD+0.95%13.02 M USD692.34 K USDAsset-backed Tokens
CBETHCoinbase Wrapped Staked ETH248144.05 K2,989.24 USD−1.28%430.61 M USD2.36 M USDDerivatives
WTAOWrapped TAO654145.13 K351.97 USD−6.04%51.08 M USD117.77 K USD
FLXReflexer Ungovernance Token2682193.8 K3.1017 USD−2.68%601.1 K USD69.28 K USDStablecoins, Asset-backed Stablecoins, Smart contract platforms, Derivatives, Web3, DAO
AICOREAICORE3670199.8 K0.15623 USD−8.93%31.21 K USD437 USD
GLIGLI TOKEN3797200 K0.045810 USD−0.65%9.16 K USD1.25 K USD
AITAiMalls2830201.88 K2.1005 USD+3.37%424.06 K USD9.99 K USD
PAXGPAX Gold112203.54 K2,909.72 USD+2.08%592.24 M USD55.06 M USDAsset-backed Tokens
CMETHMantle Restaked Ether238228.08 K2,899.27 USD−1.40%661.27 M USD20.09 M USDDerivatives
XAUTTether Gold98246.52 K2,873.85 USD+1.24%708.47 M USD8.09 M USDAsset-backed Tokens
XAGXSilver Token1407250 K32.477 USD+0.54%8.12 M USD113.43 K USD
MEDIAMedia Network1680250 K18.600 USD−6.20%4.65 M USD1.01 M USD
EZETHRenzo Restaked ETH237262.97 K2,845.33 USD−1.11%748.25 M USD13.29 M USDDerivatives
WEGLDWrapped EGLD1483300 K22.054 USD−4.09%6.62 M USD1.53 M USD
BANKFloat Protocol (Bank)3269324.33 K0.46050 USD+5.04%149.35 K USD286 USD
MTCMoonft3712330 K0.077017 USD−12.90%25.42 K USD4.99 K USD
LQLiqwid Finance2392365 K3.0217 USD−0.59%1.1 M USD98.85 K USD
MMTRMeter Stable3236391.72 K0.39862 USD−5.86%156.15 K USD415 USDStablecoins, Interoperability
CAPCapverse3795400 K0.026836 USD−2.61%10.73 K USD89.67 K USDGaming, NFTs & Collectibles
LEELove Earn Enjoy2433400 K2.5676 USD−0.43%1.03 M USD19.69 K USD
KP3RKeep3rV11384425.18 K19.884 USD−5.50%8.45 M USD2.1 M USDDeFi, Jobs
KWENTAKwenta1465431.81 K16.184 USD−0.50%6.99 M USD73.01 K USDDecentralized exchange, Derivatives
METHMantle Staked Ether227450.36 K2,902.14 USD−1.14%1.31 B USD12.42 M USDDerivatives
SGRSchrodinger2929462 K0.77517 USD0.00%358.13 K USD6 USDMemes
RETHRocket Pool ETH225462.37 K3,067.33 USD−1.17%1.42 B USD4.01 M USDDerivatives
MPH88mph3173465.28 K0.43040 USD−9.06%200.26 K USD107 USD
BASEBase Protocol3054480.68 K0.54612 USD+5.00%262.51 K USDAlgorithmic Stablecoins
SNOWSnowSwap3461495.6 K0.19004 USD0.00%94.18 K USD100 USD
AANEXAstroNexus3472500 K0.16324 USD−1.41%81.62 K USD251.7 K USD
EGAXEgochain3165500 K0.41159 USD−5.72%205.79 K USD7.43 K USD
MUSEMuse1591508.55 K10.644 USD−1.75%5.41 M USD134.5 K USDNFTs & Collectibles
BUNNYPancake Bunny3702510.23 K0.053852 USD−1.52%27.48 K USD55.52 K USD
URUSAurox2399521.93 K2.0811 USD+22.52%1.09 M USD2.23 K USDAsset management
RSETHKelp DAO Restaked ETH224547.36 K2,838.72 USD−2.09%1.55 B USD4.45 M USDDerivatives
EEMYCE Money3707549.01 K0.046390 USD−5.81%25.47 K USD1.78 M USD
MCNMCNCOIN2901550 K0.70756 USD−22.81%389.16 K USD499.89 K USD
STNKStonks839579.7 K50.301 USD−12.91%29.16 M USD795.82 K USDMemes
DMTSanko GameCorp1230590.01 K19.356 USD−0.96%11.42 M USD112.08 K USD
INFSANCTUM INFINITY337593.47 K253.73 USD−3.53%150.58 M USD1.82 M USD
JNFTCJumbo Blockchain1113593.94 K25.327 USD−0.30%15.04 M USD15.83 K USD
INVInverse Finance950602.43 K37.688 USD+4.35%22.7 M USD219.38 K USDLending & Borrowing, DAO
BBSOLBybit Staked SOL382605.98 K209.65 USD−3.46%127.04 M USD3.6 M USD
ROOKRook2843617.64 K0.69000 USD−1.43%426.17 K USD3.11 K USDDecentralized exchange
BMAXBMAX3512655 K0.10653 USD−0.24%69.78 K USD823.6 K USD
FARMHarvest Finance944672.18 K33.551 USD−0.64%22.55 M USD1.19 M USDDecentralized exchange, DeFi, DAO
YACHTYachtingVerse3805675 K0.015003 USD−1.26%10.13 K USD17.51 K USD
TATSUTaτsu1886700 K4.6410 USD−0.64%3.25 M USD85.7 K USD
TIMEChrono.tech1197710.11 K17.674 USD+6.24%12.55 M USD186.33 K USDPayments, Jobs
XINMixin504730 K113.65 USD+0.33%82.96 M USD105.63 K USD
OFFBlastOff3764730 K0.019104 USD−8.18%13.95 K USD486 USD
HAPIHAPI Protocol1627732.23 K6.8056 USD−2.01%4.98 M USD90.34 K USDOracles, Cybersecurity
CTTCryptoTycoon3536754.92 K0.080918 USD−1.37%61.09 K USD440 USDGaming, NFTs & Collectibles
TULIPTulip Protocol3260815.21 K0.19004 USD+3.54%154.92 K USD2.84 K USD