Stock market sectors of France

The table below shows sectors along with their overview and performance metrics such as market cap, volume and number of stocks. Research various sectors to find promising stocks.
Market cap
Div yield % (indicated)
Change %
Consumer Non-Durables975.6 B EUR1.94%−0.65%470.5 K735
Finance457.26 B EUR4.40%+0.18%2.24 M11100
Health Technology439.15 B EUR1.61%−0.88%865.17 K567
Electronic Technology398.77 B EUR1.30%−1.24%857.66 K966
Producer Manufacturing206.61 B EUR1.88%−1.22%1.51 M948
Energy Minerals122.23 B EUR5.86%+0.96%5.41 M25
Industrial Services119.05 B EUR3.58%−3.28%744.25 K423
Process Industries118.99 B EUR2.21%−0.34%590.97 K828
Technology Services93.56 B EUR1.14%−1.12%8 M463
Consumer Durables80.49 B EUR7.97%−1.61%2.53 M721
Commercial Services79.41 B EUR2.68%−0.97%553.19 K451
Utilities77.74 B EUR6.42%+0.28%4.18 M420
Consumer Services59.08 B EUR2.92%−0.02%737.55 K834
Communications45.71 B EUR5.03%+0.33%5.34 M38
Transportation32.08 B EUR2.26%−0.41%332.18 K511
Retail Trade16.79 B EUR5.30%−0.99%1.5 M826
Distribution Services12.34 B EUR5.18%−2.35%401.35 K419
Non-Energy Minerals10.13 B EUR5.59%−0.41%284.06 K512
Health Services5.1 B EUR0.12%−5.11%1.07 M27
Miscellaneous1.44 B EUR4.14%−2.45%2.83 M2649