UK stocks that increased the most in price

UK companies below are top stock gainers: they've shown the biggest daily growth in price. But there's always a risk of retracement — so make sure to consider all stats, including share price and market cap.
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Analyst Rating
EUAEURASIA MINING PLC ORD GBP0.001+32.14%7.40 GBX38.22 M1.35161.25 M GBP−0.00 GBP+97.96%0.00%Non-energy minerals
STBSECURE TRUST BANK PLC ORD GBP0.40+30.00%546 GBX560.38 K5.6979.19 M GBP4.101.33 GBP−0.08%6.55%Finance
Strong buy
GNIPGENIP PLC ORD GBP0.00425+15.69%29.6 GBX179.43 K4.48Commercial services
SEENSEEEN PLC ORD GBP0.001+13.33%4.26 GBX8.23 M203.484.58 M GBP−0.04 GBP+75.52%0.00%Technology services
Strong buy
FANVOLUTION GRP PLC ORD GBP0.01+12.72%585 GBX3.78 M5.841.03 B GBP27.320.21 GBP+14.43%1.73%Producer manufacturing
DFSDFS FURNITURE PLC ORD GBP0.10+10.21%144.6 GBX2.06 M5.50302.66 M GBP−0.02 GBP−118.48%3.13%Consumer durables
Strong buy
ATMANDRADA MINING LIMITED ORD NPV+10.16%3.53 GBX9.74 M0.2353.49 M GBP−0.01 GBP−7.55%0.00%Non-energy minerals
JOGJERSEY OIL & GAS PLC ORD GBP0.01+10.00%77.0 GBX472.96 K1.1022.87 M GBP−0.16 GBP−10.27%0.00%Energy minerals
TLWTULLOW OIL PLC ORD GBP0.10+8.52%14.90 GBX4.7 M0.43200.35 M GBP48.060.00 GBP0.00%Energy minerals
SOSSOSANDAR PLC ORD GBP0.001+8.00%6.76 GBX255.87 K0.4215.51 M GBP61.360.00 GBP0.00%0.00%Retail trade
Strong buy
GMSGULF MARINE SERVICES PLC ORD GBP0.02+7.93%17.70 GBX2.35 M1.16175.47 M GBP5.960.03 GBP+76.79%0.00%Industrial services
Strong buy
GGPGREATLAND GOLD ORD GBP0.001+7.47%9.50 GBX66.41 M1.181.16 B GBP316.670.00 GBP0.00%Non-energy minerals
ZOOZOO DIGITAL GROUP ORD GBP0.01+7.32%11.00 GBX1.53 M0.5710.08 M GBP−0.12 GBP−165.30%0.00%Consumer services
CRLCREIGHTONS ORD GBP0.01+7.27%29.6 GBX230.2 K2.3118.82 M GBP−0.04 GBP−352.23%1.64%Consumer non-durables
SFTSOFTWARE CIRCLE PLC ORD GBP0.01+7.14%30.0 GBX446.26 K0.73109.22 M GBP250.000.00 GBP0.00%Commercial services
SRBSERABI GOLD PLC ORD GBP0.10+7.12%143.0 GBX407.34 K0.69101.11 M GBP6.990.20 GBP+336.25%0.00%Non-energy minerals
Strong buy
EMHEUROPEAN METALS HOLDINGS LIMITED(AU ORD NPV (DI)+7.00%10.70 GBX335.55 K0.6718.2 M GBP0.00%Non-energy minerals
EEEEMPIRE METALS LTD NPV (DI)+6.98%11.50 GBX3.59 M0.7169.04 M GBP−0.01 GBP−62.86%0.00%Non-energy minerals
RKHROCKHOPPER EXPLORATION ORD GBP0.01+6.96%36.9 GBX1.58 M0.89221 M GBP21.210.02 GBP−64.63%0.00%Energy minerals
Strong buy
EAHECO ANIMAL HEALTH ORD GBP0.05+6.73%55.6 GBX179.45 K3.4135.24 M GBP59.040.01 GBP0.00%Health technology
Strong buy
KISTKISTOS HOLDINGS PLC ORD GBP0.1+6.19%120.0 GBX258.22 K1.8593.64 M GBP−0.56 GBP−306.41%0.00%Energy minerals
Strong buy
ZPHRZEPHYR ENERGY PLC ORD GBP0.001+6.15%3.45 GBX6.6 M2.6756.9 M GBP−0.00 GBP−400.00%0.00%Energy minerals
Strong buy
PALMPANTHER METALS PLC ORD NPV.+6.10%43.6 GBX53.67 K1.752.13 M GBP−0.40 GBP−385.43%0.00%Non-energy minerals
RSTRESTORE GBP GBP0.05+5.88%225 GBX2.17 M5.73290.96 M GBP81.820.03 GBP2.52%Commercial services
Strong buy
TTGTT ELECTRONICS ORD GBP0.25+5.65%86.0 GBX611.28 K0.60144.5 M GBP−0.07 GBP−128.80%8.48%Electronic technology
VANQVANQUIS BANKING GROUP PLC ORD GBP0.207272+5.37%54.9 GBX691.55 K1.49132.14 M GBP−0.12 GBP−169.04%11.52%Finance
Strong buy
TANDTAN DELTA SYSTEMS PLC ORD GBP0.001+5.26%20.0 GBX30 K30.3913.91 M GBP−0.02 GBP0.00%Producer manufacturing
SORTSORTED GROUP HOLDINGS PLC ORD GBP0.625+5.16%32.6 GBX7130.222.37 M GBP−0.86 GBP0.00%Technology services
FXPOFERREXPO PLC ORD GBP0.10+5.14%73.6 GBX2.38 M0.66411.63 M GBP−0.08 GBP−133.19%0.00%Non-energy minerals
VODVODAFONE GROUP ORD USD0.2095238+4.60%73.28 GBX86.52 M0.7117.53 B GBP9.060.08 GBP−75.61%8.10%Communications
LIVLIVERMORE INVESTMENTS GROUP LTD ORD NPV+4.56%69.0 GBX30.18 K1.58108.72 M GBP7.300.09 GBP+1,612.73%4.95%Finance
APNAPPLIED NUTRITION PLC ORD GBP0.0002+4.56%123.8 GBX520.84 K1.88296 M GBP0.00%Health technology
Strong buy
AAZANGLO ASIAN MINING ORD GBP0.01+4.35%120.0 GBX163.49 K3.23131.38 M GBP−0.20 GBP−2,923.61%0.00%Non-energy minerals
Strong buy
ALTALTITUDE GROUP ORD GBP0.004+4.35%24.0 GBX119.05 K1.4716.67 M GBP24.240.01 GBP+37.50%0.00%Technology services
OSBOSB GROUP PLC ORD GBP0.01+4.33%438.6 GBX1.44 M1.431.55 B GBP4.580.96 GBP+67.26%7.73%Finance
Strong buy
CHGCHEMRING GROUP ORD GBP0.01+4.21%396.0 GBX3.17 M1.491.03 B GBP27.990.14 GBP+722.67%1.89%Electronic technology
Strong buy
PROCPROCOOK GROUP PLC ORD GBP0.01+4.19%22.4 GBX24.69 K1.2223.43 M GBP49.780.00 GBP0.00%Consumer durables
Strong buy
SSITSERAPHIM SPACE INVESTMENT TRUST PLC ORD GBP0.01+4.17%55.0 GBX783.93 K1.98125.24 M GBP19.430.03 GBP0.00%Miscellaneous
TRCSTRACSIS PLC ORD GBP0.004+4.17%375 GBX44.73 K0.41109.42 M GBP235.850.02 GBP−92.87%0.67%Technology services
Strong buy
CERCERILLION PLC ORD GBP0.005+4.17%1,375 GBX102.83 K2.26389.58 M GBP26.650.52 GBP+18.21%1.00%Technology services
Strong buy
LEXLEXINGTON GOLD LTD COM SHS USD0.003 (DI)+4.17%3.76 GBX3.04 M7.3914.4 M GBP34.090.00 GBP0.00%Non-energy minerals
HTWSHELIOS TOWERS PLC ORD GBP0.01+3.89%101.4 GBX9.03 M5.941.03 B GBP−0.06 GBP+13.68%0.00%Communications
Strong buy
ALTNALTYNGOLD PLC ORD GBP0.1+3.87%322 GBX32.88 K1.0484.73 M GBP6.670.48 GBP+197.66%0.00%Non-energy minerals
NANONANOCO GROUP ORD GBP0.10+3.78%7.70 GBX390.32 K0.6914.43 M GBP−0.00 GBP−114.16%0.00%Electronic technology
PRDPREDATOR OIL & GAS HOLDINGS PLC ORD NPV+3.75%4.150 GBX3.17 M0.4826.65 M GBP−0.01 GBP+41.38%0.00%Industrial services
SRTSRT MARINE SYSTEMS PLC ORD GBP0.001+3.66%42.5 GBX246.52 K1.10102.48 M GBP0.00%Electronic technology
BKSBEEKS FINANCIAL CLOUD GROUP PLC ORD GBP0.00125+3.54%264 GBX183.8 K0.71170.65 M GBP84.570.03 GBP0.00%Technology services
Strong buy
PULSPULSAR GROUP PLC ORD GBP0.05+3.53%44.0 GBX700.0054.27 M GBP0.00%Technology services
FSTAFULLER SMITH & TURNER 'A'ORD GBP0.40+3.45%540 GBX52.65 K1.86289.3 M GBP15.880.34 GBP+96.53%3.55%Consumer services
PRVPORVAIR PLC ORD GBP0.02+3.37%674 GBX29.59 K0.49299.93 M GBP18.820.36 GBP+3.05%0.94%Producer manufacturing
CRWCRANEWARE PLC ORD GBP0.01+3.37%1,840 GBX154.19 K3.14623.32 M GBP69.430.27 GBP+22.80%1.63%Technology services
Strong buy
BIRDBLACKBIRD PLC ORD GBP0.008+3.33%3.88 GBX926.07 K1.0014.52 M GBP−0.01 GBP+10.29%0.00%Technology services
OXBOXFORD BIOMEDICA ORD GBP0.50+3.31%280.5 GBX160.2 K0.48287.72 M GBP−1.44 GBP−125.86%0.00%Health technology
HOCHOCHSCHILD MINING PLC ORD GBP0.01+3.24%223.0 GBX2.18 M1.621.11 B GBP49.780.04 GBP0.00%Non-energy minerals
Strong buy
BGOBANGO ORD GBP0.20+3.18%81.0 GBX99.83 K1.3860.31 M GBP−0.09 GBP−43.06%0.00%Technology services
Strong buy
CNECAPRICORN ENERGY PLC ORD GBP0.06549180+3.17%260.5 GBX11.64 K0.21176.39 M GBP−0.86 GBP+51.39%0.00%Energy minerals
TRITRIFAST ORD GBP0.05+3.08%67.0 GBX383.24 K3.8087.65 M GBP−0.03 GBP−21.83%2.77%Producer manufacturing
Strong buy
QTXQUARTIX TECHNOLOGIES PLC ORD GBP0.01+3.06%202 GBX12.51 K0.2494.85 M GBP20.760.10 GBP1.53%Distribution services
Strong buy
SFORS4 CAPITAL PLC ORD GBP0.25+3.04%33.90 GBX1.35 M0.85200.26 M GBP102.730.00 GBP0.00%Commercial services
ALFAALFA FINANCIAL SOFTWARE HLDGS PLC ORD GBP0.001+2.91%230.0 GBX1.27 M2.12659.88 M GBP30.960.07 GBP−14.70%0.58%Technology services
Strong buy
ECORECORA RESOURCES PLC ORD GBP0.02+2.88%60.7 GBX436.01 K1.13146.3 M GBP9.930.06 GBP5.70%Non-energy minerals
Strong buy
WG.JOHN WOOD GROUP PLC ORD GBP0.0428571+2.87%38.68 GBX7.78 M0.47254.49 M GBP−1.23 GBP−23.57%0.00%Commercial services
DIALDIALES GROUP PLC ORD GBP0.004+2.86%18.0 GBX42.5 K1.529.21 M GBP−0.01 GBP−81.54%8.57%Industrial services
Strong buy
ANTOANTOFAGASTA PLC ORD GBP0.05+2.81%1,808.0 GBX1.02 M0.9217.34 B GBP27.560.66 GBP−3.57%1.45%Non-energy minerals
NOGNOSTRUM OIL & GAS PLC ORD GBP0.01+2.69%3.05 GBX3.88 K0.124.94 M GBP−0.35 GBP−185.15%0.00%Energy minerals
Strong buy
VIDVIDENDUM PLC ORD GBP0.20+2.69%80.1 GBX88.83 K0.1373.47 M GBP−0.69 GBP−19.32%0.00%Electronic technology
WIZZWIZZ AIR HLDGS PLC ORD GBP0.0001+2.67%1,653 GBX512.43 K0.781.66 B GBP8.611.92 GBP+28.71%0.00%Transportation
IPFINTERNATIONAL PERSONAL FINANCE PLC ORD GBP0.10+2.58%139.0 GBX5.3 M5.11294.47 M GBP5.370.26 GBP+28.06%7.82%Finance
Strong buy
PXENPROSPEX ENERGY PLC ORD GBP0.001+2.52%6.10 GBX1.32 M2.6823.95 M GBP−0.00 GBP−258.33%0.00%Energy minerals
BCGBALTIC CLASSIFIEDS GROUP PLC ORD GBP0.01+2.52%305.5 GBX3.32 M1.051.43 B GBP45.390.07 GBP+41.68%0.93%Technology services
CHHCHURCHILL CHINA ORD GBP0.10+2.44%526 GBX14.72 K0.9156.36 M GBP7.380.71 GBP−4.69%7.12%Consumer durables
BT.ABT GROUP ORD GBP0.05+2.39%156.40 GBX28.94 M1.4314.95 B GBP20.290.08 GBP−58.19%5.30%Communications
RFXRAMSDENS HOLDINGS PLC ORD GBP0.01+2.38%215 GBX92.04 K1.3267.3 M GBP8.370.26 GBP+6.96%5.33%Finance
Strong buy
TSTLTRISTEL ORD GBP0.01+2.38%323 GBX186.51 K1.98150.26 M GBP25.060.13 GBP+2.47%4.29%Health technology
ADT1ADRIATIC METALS PLC ORD GBP0.013355+2.35%217.5 GBX383.93 K2.77723.43 M GBP−0.12 GBP+22.41%0.00%Non-energy minerals
FNXFONIX PLC ORD GBP0.001+2.31%199.5 GBX114.5 K0.74193.2 M GBP18.870.11 GBP+21.08%4.26%Technology services
ITHITHACA ENERGY PLC ORD GBP0.01+2.30%133.2 GBX1.86 M1.432.15 B GBP15.450.09 GBP13.81%Energy minerals
ITMITM POWER ORD GBP0.05+2.23%27.50 GBX2.17 M0.84166.07 M GBP−0.06 GBP+39.80%0.00%Producer manufacturing
JSEJADESTONE ENERGY PLC ORD GBP0.001+2.17%23.5 GBX1.37 M1.48124.46 M GBP−0.09 GBP+50.16%0.00%Energy minerals
Strong buy
MAB1MORTGAGE ADVICE BUREAU (HOLDINGS) PLC+2.12%770 GBX19.17 K0.23436.99 M GBP41.260.19 GBP−1.84%3.73%Finance
AEPANGLO-EASTERN PLANTATIONS ORD GBP0.25+2.07%690 GBX22.22 K1.95266.94 M GBP5.311.30 GBP+51.92%3.53%Process industries
KLRKELLER GROUP PLC ORD GBP0.10+2.07%1,382 GBX336.11 K1.22988.1 M GBP7.151.93 GBP+60.47%3.54%Industrial services
Strong buy
PFCPETROFAC ORD USD0.02+2.06%6.940 GBX721.37 K0.5735.22 M GBP−0.84 GBP−12.26%0.00%Industrial services
AAFAIRTEL AFRICA PLC ORD USD0.5+2.04%149.9 GBX4.3 M1.275.38 B GBP117.110.01 GBP−56.31%3.28%Communications
SOLGSOLGOLD PLC ORD GBP0.01+2.04%7.50 GBX10.68 M1.97220.58 M GBP−0.01 GBP+6.41%0.00%Non-energy minerals
Strong buy
RUARUA LIFE SCIENCES PLC ORD GBP0.05+2.04%12.50 GBX96.59 K0.667.6 M GBP37.880.00 GBP0.00%Health technology
ZIOCZANAGA IRON ORE CO LTD ORD NPV (DI)+2.04%8.02 GBX309.4 K0.1579.57 M GBP−0.00 GBP−118.58%0.00%Non-energy minerals
PMPPORTMEIRION GROUP ORD GBP0.05+2.03%125.5 GBX13.54 K0.3016.92 M GBP−0.80 GBP−335.98%2.85%Consumer durables
SEPLSEPLAT ENERGY PLC NGN0.5 (DI)+2.02%177.0 GBX58.49 K0.051.02 B GBP8.670.20 GBP+76.34%5.71%Energy minerals
Strong buy
GELNGELION PLC ORD GBP0.001+2.00%12.8 GBX12.6 K0.3418.56 M GBP−0.06 GBP+6.40%0.00%Producer manufacturing
RTORENTOKIL INITIAL ORD GBP0.01+2.00%326.4 GBX9.01 M0.908.04 B GBP26.840.12 GBP−19.36%2.84%Commercial services
AIEAAIREA PLC ORD GBP0.25+1.96%26.0 GBX20.51 K2.7210.55 M GBP152.940.00 GBP−94.41%2.16%Consumer durables
APTDAPTITUDE SOFTWARE GROUP PLC ORD GBP0.07333333+1.95%313 GBX8600.03171.13 M GBP37.220.08 GBP+109.73%1.76%Technology services
Strong buy
IPOIP GROUP ORD GBP0.02+1.88%40.55 GBX2.56 M0.40380.86 M GBP−0.22 GBP−157.59%0.00%Commercial services
Strong buy
IMBIMPERIAL BRANDS PLC GBP0.10+1.86%2,788 GBX1.17 M0.4022.62 B GBP9.322.99 GBP+19.21%5.61%Consumer non-durables
Strong buy
NARNORTHAMBER ORD GBP0.01+1.85%27.6 GBX7 K1.017.4 M GBP−0.05 GBP−221.85%2.22%Distribution services
DECDIVERSIFIED ENERGY COMPANY PLC ORD GBP0.20+1.84%914.5 GBX153.89 K0.57532.59 M GBP0.00%Energy minerals
Strong buy
MRKMARKS ELECTRICAL GROUP PLC ORD GBP0.01+1.82%56.0 GBX27.59 K0.9257.72 M GBP−0.01 GBP−129.76%1.75%Retail trade
Strong buy
PHARPHAROS ENERGY PLC ORD GBP0.05+1.79%22.7 GBX174.52 K0.7791.56 M GBP−0.04 GBP+59.35%5.08%Energy minerals
CRSTCREST NICHOLSON HLDGS PLC ORD GBP0.05+1.78%148.8 GBX737.98 K1.20375.35 M GBP−0.40 GBP−681.70%8.55%Consumer durables