One of the ways to count Brazil GDP is to add up its consumer spending, business investment, government spending, and net exports.
In 2023 Brazil GDP was 2.17 T USD, and the previous year it amounted to 1.95 T USD.
Brazil GDP accounts for 2.05% of the world GDP.
GDP per capita is gross domestic product divided by a country's population. In 2023 Brazil GDP per capita was 9.26 K USD, and in 2022 it amounted to 9.03 K USD.
Last quarter Brazil real GDP amounted to 334.49 B BRL, the quarter before that it was 344.06 B BRL.
Since GDP measures an economy's output, it is subject to inflationary pressure. So real GDP is a measure of an economy's output adjusted for inflation.
The highest figure Brazil GDP has ever reached is 2.62 T USD.
The lowest ever value Brazil GDP has reached is 17.03 B USD.