Cheaptickets = Best Entry MID Term = Medium R:R Expensive = bad R:R
GER30 Dax Long Mid-Term Map Expensive Tickets = Bad R:R Mid Tickets = Medium R:R Cheap Tickets = Very Good R:R for longs BB= For me best buy ATM!
You can see my Mid Term Ticket Level for entrys. Cheap Tix = low risk to TOP MID Tix = medium Stoploss size DAX Trading Map 2016
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Strong preformance and demand of USD and heavy printing by ECB. If we will be pushed by suprising managment switches by Yellen or Draghi outlook have to be changed. but i am at all bearish
There are still big Risk factors in play for the rest of the year caused by Brexit and tumbling southern Euro countries. Also keep in mind there are elections in the USA… So in Q3-Q4 it can be choppy also in the US Equities. Nothing new from QE Front. ECB still pumping and ready to use all tools to archive thier goals. That normaly should chill out markets but...