I do not remember dreams often but this time I remember seeing a number and subconsciously knowing it was the BTC price. Saw the number and remember it to the hundredth decimal place. $33,310.50 And for this reason I’m long af 🫳🏻
Cleanspark is on pace to reach 10eh/s in the next 30-40 days. That is late july early august. They have the miners on site and racking. They also have the miners already purchased and being delivered to reach or possibly exceed 16eh/s by the end of the year. This is a miner that has been lagging against all others. As book value goes they are severely undervalued...
the rumors are true. pigeon is long pepe. Momentum is picking up. It's currently working on piercing through that heavy resistance zone. Expecting pace of move to increase when this range is flipped.
This is the one miner that has lagged against all others and I believe it's time is coming. Chart looks good momentum is behind it. During June 2023 SDIG energized the 2,000 Avalon 1346 mining rigs. They have a goal getting to 4eh/s by the third quarter of 2023. SDIG is extremally small compared to competition and considering it has revenue above its marketcap.
Deep fucking value? Double bottom? -90%? Interesting.