FA is strong but can this thing leave thru all the bad bubbles without being punished eventually..... well i believe so lest speculate this into a bearish trend up to 127-900 dollars....why not amazon and apple did....and i hate apple... yet its price soars... nike cant be worse than apple in any means at all... as far as consumers go...
keep the bags light or your be a bag holder :D
yummy conspiracy theories... or is it.... the world wont know till 2024 :P
....ZzzZzz troll me now I dare you all!
Extended 5th wave coming up 80-110 Target 6-24 months
wild gambit but the abcd and other harmonic patterns and common sense is flaggin me to buy this shit for a hodl of 4+ years....... saying this is the bottom and this is the wave 3 starting....I am here making bold moves masterpiece shots to the moon... i want history not quick millions... id rather die broke breaking a system rather than rich exploiting something broke.
im not diving into the leaves the BARR is the bottom im not publishing it you should know this... its text book....
Long to all time high and enjoy the fomo then short that bitch
"with all your powers combine i am captain planet" 1-2k% 2 years 10- bagger .... bring the hate i have nothing but time :D and in the end the patient will win :D