1234 Tell me that you love me more! - Feist lol I had to break radio silence for this lol "revenue" for apple was 123 nine 45. Smells fishy. lol I bet you their actual balance sheet is a post it note with scribles and doodles and the only thing you can read is "oof" lol So trustworthy. So dire lol Long or short YOU decide lol
Wonder who was selling Jan 22? Could it be that the financial situation was already in the cards before any concepts of germ theory came to the CNBC consciousness. The current run up has many hairline fractures and insanely higher momentum. I thought September 2021 was January 2020. Could be that November was January 2020. I DONT KNOW. This time the bone wont...
Still hanging around the confluence levels from a month ago. I have short inclinations, but do what you want. The cannibals have ignored the real economic situation since february. Who says they cant disgrace themselves more. The fall down will be devastating. This isn't ta its FA. Previous lines were just analyzing the trajectory. I dont have much faith in my TA...
While I do respect the vulgarity of the MM's for manipulating a massive herd of zombies, I do take pleasure knowing that they will all rot in hell with their master satan speaker of lies. The zombies will be down there with them. Sheol beckons.
pump and dumps are in effect the bloodletting of a market. All that is left is the preserved muscle, bones, skin, & fat plus of course those nutritious organs. Pristine meat. tasty FEESH.
Largest short squeeze ever lol. I hope you all had a good 2 months of blood and pain. I have. I hope you all had a good time building the correct strategy to take advantage of the squeeze and the situation. I know I have. The next few months will show actual traders vs mindless zombies. You do not need to be right all the time. You just need to drive it home...
Yo this is what I'm lookin at. Blood moon to slay the beast?
These trend line thingies are pretty crazy. I've never done them before lol The algos built me a house!
If there is one thing I know it is crypto. Bitcoin giveth and bitcoin taketh away. Jonestown was "booming".... or at least that is what the kool aid said. Witnessing the greed and obtuse risk levels of these "investors" in all markets over the past year or so (hell..... 30 years), has led me to understand a few things. greed does not pay. The only way to live is...
Relatively surprised to see this, but the lines from the past couple ideas were resistance levels going forward. Looks like they are being tested. Perhaps this is a large group of market participants. The lines should break down. There are no more stimmies. These trends were created during the stimmy phase.
I really do wonder how much it actually costs to prop up a market of this size. I wonder about the technology they have. I wonder about the amount of people involved. I really do wonder how much it costs to pull of this kind of operation. Food for thought...
I would never have imagined people could be so reckless with their money. I dont know what kind of drugs "market participants" are on, but the level of recklessness people have for their long term actual assets is INSANE. The depravity is mind blowing.
Line of dip buy is pretty important so far.... lets see if they got any more juice.
I see this trade as a difficult hunt. It is the biggest of game. The most rare. The most dangerous. It's long, it's painful, it is a bloody hunt, but it is for the juiciest and most nutritious game. I have personally been dreaming to short this market since Fannie mae and freddy bankrupted me in college lol. I am a macro macro trader. I have no clue how...
So this is what I have been looking at (pardon the split infinitive). Orange line is the line of dip buying that goes back to around february (last lack of stimmies). This current "BTD" has a very different pattern compared to the others. It paused for a day on the dip line and then on Monday of this week crushed through it. I'm not a technical analysis person....
New Moons tend to start crashes. Exhaustion is visible in the market. The snow ball is growing. I do not feel sorry for those crushed by it. It's getting about time for me to make some real money. Every time has its season. I believe it is harvest season. Its gonna be a dark winter for most. I just want eat.
Oh where, oh where will she be? I'm thinking largest ever. I suppose.
This market is getting interesting. Dump at earliest possible time this morning. Basically equal volume to a lot of trading hours. Drug it up slow to open lol Very bullish lol (obvious sarcasm) Curious to see how this all turns out.