The enigmatic and rare phenomenon known as the Pooping Trinity Pattern emerges as a captivating manifestation within the intricate tapestry of unique bearish circumstances pervading the market. With its distinctive appellation, this pattern assumes the role of a quintessential embodiment of bearish inclinations. Nevertheless, amidst the relentless descent into the...
We are currently observing the emergence of a fascinating pattern known as the "slanted mushroom." This unique pattern tends to occur during bearish market conditions, yet it offers a glimmer of hope in the form of a spike, resembling the peak of a mushroom. In real-time trading, it can be likened to a moment of temporary respite amid a gloomy outlook, where the...
We have borne witness to an astonishingly evasive succession of undulating waves, colloquially referred to as the "middle finger" waves, which was subsequently succeeded by a phase of tranquil equanimity. Notably, it is a recurring phenomenon that, following the initial flourish of these expressive waves, we often find ourselves confronted with a subsequent...
Throughout our collective experiences, we have borne witness to a multitude of intriguing market phenomena, colloquially referred to as "shitpile patterns," each bearing distinct features reminiscent of the excretory process. Within the realm of trading, it is not uncommon to behold such intricate dynamics within the realm of lesser-known cryptocurrencies (aka...
The bearish trend that has been prevailing in the market is gradually coming to an end, and we anticipate a significant upward spike in the near future. The market sentiment is shifting, and positive indicators suggest that a bullish momentum is about to take hold. Traders and investors are eagerly awaiting this anticipated surge, as it may present lucrative...
According to our analysis, BNB is likely to enter a bullish trend on 15-minute candles. We expect this to result in at least a 1% profit gain. It may be worth considering investing in BNB at this time.
GAL is currently experiencing a bullish trend, which is great news for investors. However, there are signs that a correction is looming on the horizon. The asset has become overheated and is due for a cooling off period. This correction could take the form of a short-term dip, but it's important to be aware that it's just another bearish cycle that will hopefully...
There's some positive news for COCOS traders as the asset is showing signs of a slight recovery. It has entered the BULL/GREEN zone and seems to be on an upward trajectory. However, it's important to exercise caution and remain vigilant due to the unpredictable nature of the market. The heavy volatility in the market means that this upper cycle might not last long...
Despite its current bearish trend, LQTY has a history of bouncing back relatively quickly from such cycles. While the bearish cycle may persist for a bit longer, it is likely that the trend will soon reverse and transition back into a bullish cycle or even experience a bullish spike. Therefore, while the current trend may be discouraging, there is reason to remain...
The world of Bitcoin is a high-stakes game, with fear and greed levels running rampant. Retail investors are finding themselves caught in the crossfire as institutions try to extract profits from the market. To navigate this turbulent landscape, it's important to closely monitor the charts and brace yourself for significant movements in both directions. Careful...
Bitcoin is having a correction now... Expect a downtrend. Keep an eye on the cycles.
I tried to draw comparisons between the crypto market and Newton's laws of motion: First law: In the crypto market, a cryptocurrency's price may remain stable or continue to move in a certain direction unless acted upon by an external force, such as a major announcement or market disruption. This is similar to Newton's first law, which states that an object at...
Ethereum is in the BEAR zone. Expect this BEAR cycle to last for a bit longer!
Wojak is crying. Do not gamble tonight... The trend is clearly bearish, and the market doesn't look good!
BNB is having a correction now. Expect the asset to enter another green zone soon. Good luck, traders!
More money to be injected soon... Will we approach the next major target by June 2023? It seems realistic to me...
We are in the bullish zone, finally. However, please keep in mind that there will be corrections on the way up. Bitcoin won't go up in 1 candle. So, prepare for an engaging ride. Good luck, traders!
Watch out. COCOS entered the Bear zone. The market maker did a great job pumping this one. The s***t coin is not due for a correction.