Capital 99.5% Risk on trade - 1% Expected Return - 2.5% Trades are fictional and conducted for portfolio building purposes. Strategy: Multi-Timeframe Market Structure Long Model Pure technical strategy to capitalise on order-flow trends.
Capital 99% Risk on trade - 1% Expected Return - 2.5% Trades are fictional and conducted for portfolio building purposes. Strategy: Multi-Timeframe Market Structure Long Model Pure technical strategy to capitalise on orderflow trends.
Capital 99% Risk on trade - 1% Expected Return - 2.5% Trades are fictional and conducted for portfolio building purposes. Strategy: Multi-Timeframe Market Structure Long Model Pure technical strategy to capitalise on order-flow trends.
Capital 98% Risk on trade - 1% Expected Return - 2.5% Trades are fictional and conducted for portfolio building purposes. Strategy: Multi-Timeframe Market Structure Long Model Pure technical strategy to capitalise on order-flow trends.
Capital 100% Risk on trade - 1% Expected Return - 2.5% Trades are fictional and conducted for portfolio building purposes. Strategy: Multi-Timeframe Market Structure Long Model Pure technical strategy to capitalise on orderflow trends.
Capital 100% Risk on trade - 1% Expected Return - 15% Trades are fictional and conducted for portfolio building purposes. Reasons for trade: Recessionary Strategy: - High Interest Rates, provide higher yields for financial sector. - Weekly Bullish Order flow. - Daily Intermediate Swing Structure created. -Hourly ITS finalised.
Capital - 100% Risk on trade - 1% Expected return - 3% Trades are fictional and conducted for portfolio building purposes. Reason for Entry: -Intermediate Bullish Swing on Hourly. (Technical) -Excess Demand due to the decline of inflation. (Fundamental) -Price rises for market to short for longs for future interest rate drops. (Fundamental)