on the 4h with a cup and growth of up to 4% it is likely to reach 105000 TSX:AND the market will help it reach untill 110000$
on wednesday at 5 pm important data will be released by the usa federal reserv which will have a significant impact on the market and maybe causes the price go dawon...
in usd market you can see go up and this efect can on the btc and cuses on the btc and go down maybe this money go to ALT market and causes to go up to anader market....
if in chart btc after breack white line will goes up until 100$ but beacurfull in fibonachi beacuse maybe actin fast and you buy and highly come back is bether buy step by step....
this chart is usdt market... when market hasnt any technikal you can see valuom in market usdt forexample now btc hasent any analysa and you can see treatment usdt and decied to trade in market usdt you see 2 cercle number 1 the first area for protection if breack this are btc can goes up and next protection is number2 but very becaful for trade in thi area but i...
chart in the time month 88% growth... after the pattrn cup and reject the area support and similer than the pass maybe in the futher btc growth88%....
this chart in time month 88% after the area support then the pattern cup silimiler than the pass 88% growth...bnb
in the chart you can see this pattern by 16% gorwth after the break area purple you can open the position until to orange line but becarful becuass this way is veeery long....
afther the growth the gold silver is very backward to market and now in time daly can growth in futher...
you can see green line in chart and indicator RSI in time 4h is verey far but you can waeit for entry point....590/600
if cercul up breack the treand goes up and if you want entry to market by low risck you must choes cerule dawon...
if breack yhe green line you can hope to bulish up to 62500 and if breack withe line go dawon 59100 untile 58100...
if the trande afther the breack price of 62600 price dawon until 61600 and 59500 and if trande up and breake 64500 go to 66600...
in that time xau 1h the market start and now the price is chanel floor and the price can go up to 2670 ad 2713.........