Preferably suitable for scalping and accurate as long as you enter carefully the price behavior with the drawn areas. With your likes and comments, you give me enough energy to provide the best analysis on an ongoing basis. And if you needed any analysis that was not on the page, you can ask me with a comment or a personal message.. red lines are most...
Preferably suitable for scalping and accurate as long as you enter carefully the price behavior with the drawn areas. With your likes and comments, you give me enough energy to provide the best analysis on an ongoing basis. And if you needed any analysis that was not on the page, you can ask me with a comment or a personal message.. red lines are most...
Preferably suitable for scalping and accurate as long as you enter carefully the price behavior with the drawn areas. With your likes and comments, you give me enough energy to provide the best analysis on an ongoing basis. And if you needed any analysis that was not on the page, you can ask me with a comment or a personal message.. red lines are most...
just scalp And watch lines and price action .this is exact... and i use it in 5 min or less but in tradingview we cant share timeframe less 15 min... red lines are most strong. Enjoy Trading... ;)
red lines are most strong Better For Scalping... Enjoy Trading... ;)
red lines are most strong Better For Scalping... Enjoy Trading... ;)
USDCHF Full Analysis( Support and Resistance ) 4H this is exact.. Enjoy Trading... ;)
EURUSD Full Analysis( Support and Resistance ) red lines are most strong Better For Scalping... Enjoy Trading... ;)
GPBUSD Full Analysis(Support and Resistance) 4H Better For Scalping.
EURUSD Full Analysis(Support and Resistance) Better For Scalping..
USDCHF Full Analysis(Support and Resistance) 4H this is exact.. Enjoy Trading... ;)
check price behavior with lines then enter. this is exact.. I PREFER TO USE THIS FOR SCALPING...
Its better to scalp with this areas. watch price action what doing with lines then enter . this analysis is stable always.. this is exact... Enjoy Trading.. xD ;)
just scalp And watch lines and price action .this is exact...
AUDUSD 1H price action Analysis from past of market. these lines are exact... red lines are most strong
just scalp And watch lines and price action .this is exact... and i use it in 5 min or less but in tradingview we cant share timeframe less 15 min...
DXY INDEX STABLE AREAS ANALYSIS 15MIN check price behavior with lines then enter. this is exact.. I PREFER TO USE THIS FOR SCALPING...
AUDUSD 1H price action Analysis from past of market. these lines are exact... red lines are most strong