I don't know if this idea is crazy or not. But as a speculator in the financial markets and based on the theory of the contrary opinion. I like to always go against collective thinking. The mass and the experts are convinced of an imminent recession. So for me the GOLD I don't see it Breaking highs this year. Maybe I'm wrong, maybe not. But that's what I see today.
This is just my crazy Idea, Please no one take this as Investment advice. Anyway I'm accumulating and My plan is to accumulate a lot of ALtcoins in all these Months. This is on a Weekly chart, I mean u Know for the Next 2 years wuuuu!!
Just check the Charts Charts talks for it self Sell in MAY? I don't think so lets see
just check the price, price talks. Lets see.. I know the fud is fresh but the chart looks juicy
The next move is coming, The action price talks about the next bounce So just follow the price, we have a 62k like a resistance and the 60k zone like a support by Saturday and Sunday. lets see
just check the graphics. BABA is ready for a Huge Bounce, not a financial advice Chart talks