Great set up with a PT of 160. long 9/20 delta 40 calls. Trade TA News follows!
Ranging trading spy puts. keeping it simple is the best way.
Range trading with a weekly Iron Condor spread. Credit 1.15 per.
Pivot- 32.12 Over- 31.7, 32.05, 32.63, 33.56, 34.14 Under- 30.76, 30.54, 29.61, 29.26, 28.68
Pivot- 2900 Over 2913, 2923, 2939, 2966, 2982,3008 Under- 2887, 2881, 2871,2855, 2845, 2829
Pivot 288.92 Over- 289.67, 290.67, 292.29, 293.28 Under- 288.05, 286.61, 285.44 , 283.32
Bullish consolidation under it's high from ER, Great long swing. SEP 20, 50 delta calls. FIBs 1 and 1.272 for PT's
We sold this week calls just over resistance for a nice credit.
for an out the gate DT or long entry tomorrow.
Two day SPY sort swing then rally up again.
Just before ER, $17 target with 70 delta calls 90 days out. long PT $30
Breaking down with a short entry here with to PT 1 (fib 100 ) and PT2 (fib 127.2)
295 pivot for move up or down. 100 and 127.2 fibs for PT's. My personal Idea, not investment advice.