Hi guys,
I post one of my secret holding : BTSUSD. This one from a TA point of view is very promising. I entered at 0.07 and im already almost +100% (!). BUt this is jsut the beginning. Insipired by Hae Jin work, BTS shor term is : 0.21. BTS amorcing sub waves normally lead to greater cycle waves. Mid term BTS can easily touch 0.40.
As Hae Jin, the master, says : Owning 100k to 2.5 Mil coins of BTS now will have your future generations bless your name for centuries to come!
I strongly believe that BTS is a solid buy for a trader or an investor who look for huge profit. Also, BTS got a nice assets autonomous trading platform named DEX and a nice and fast algorythm that make it interesting.
I will try to update once a week or so for the followers.
Wish you massive profit ! Take care,