Doge ready for lift off. 3 billion in shorts fair game

By Antizma
Read the fine print, she's taking off with a story fitting for the giant it is about to become. Not BTC, not XRP....No! Doge heads the way to become king crypto with a plateau starting at around 12-27k. (I don't even believe what I'm reading). But if you have targets, throw them in the theoretical trashcan ladies and gentlemen. This will be your one and last time to get rich in this space. Everything will plateau after this. In a first plateau that will last about 15 years, only top out for a diagonal continuous fall until the circuit closes.

Beware, on the trip to UniverseX, there will be a trip to the bottomless pit. Where the Doge hunts its prey and eats them like a meal prepared for a king. It is the end times, this is why we all need Jesus with us.

Lord we pray for your strength and comfort in the storm and wisdom to trust you. Amen.

It'zya boi,

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