Feeder Cattle Futures

3 Inflation Scenarios for 2023

There are only 3 inflation scenarios that will happen till the end of 2023:

i. Improve CPI to 2%
ii. Range CPI to hover between the band of 5-8%
iii. Continue to trend higher breaking above 9%

Many investors believe scenario (i) & (iii) will be unlikely.

70% of the investors feel that CPI should settle unchanged from how the year started at between 5%-8%.

Therefore, what is moving up then? Both the long-term and short-term? I have explained in the above video.

Feeder Cattle Futures
Minimum price fluctuation:
0.00025 per pound = $12.50
TAS: Zero or +/- 4 ticks in the minimum tick increment of the outright

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