
Cycle from 2019, to 2021, to 2023

Most people knows History tends to repeat itself, but people usually goes and look for price path instead of looking at Indicators. Indicators can give you a better knowledge because their movement is contained within certain limits, of course I'm not talking about copy/paste past stuff into present stuff, but if you take a look you will notice it correlates very very good.

#1 boxes correspond to #2 boxes and we are heading into #3.

So, I made this chart for you. Based on the RSI and Stoch RSI indicators we can find the same patterns within the past few years and we can determine that this cycle has been active at least since 2019 (I didn't look too far in the past) but thats enough to determine the cycle is about 2 years long....

Something interesting you can notice it in the yellow square, if you compare yellow 1 and yellow 2, you will notice the price was supposed to climb above 250 but instead the price got heavily suppressed (capped??) and it didn't climb was much as it was going to do it. After that, it continued its path according to the past cycle.

Take a look at every box number 1 and compare it to every box on number 2.

Final conclusion: we are heading into maybe 1 or 2 months of a decline in price before going into continuos climb to the final launch.

PS: all of this chart and cycles stuff is not even considering NFT Marketplace launch or NFT dividend coming or anything else. IMO (very tinfoil, I proudly admit) RC is waiting for the correct timing to create the perfect storm and perform a Wombo Combo vs the SHFs.

PS: sorry for my english

Disclaimer: Not financial advise.
