Internet Computer

ICP : Ground breaking!

I am so excited about this project. Speaking as a software engineer myself, ICP is the end game of blockchain technology. Being able to build and publish applications to a "cloud" that is not owned or regulated by any one entity is the ultimate service.

right now almost all software services are hosted on cloud services owned by one of several major hosting services. Amazon web services, Pivotal Cloud Foundry, RedHat, Google Cloud are some of your major players. These cloud service providers have full control over the customers account and supreme authority over who can and who can not use their service.

one recent incident is with the social media app PARLER. Parler was started with the goal of providing unregulated and free social expression via their phone app. Due to "poor timing" and negative media, Parler found itself outcast by big tech. The reasoning behind this is debatable but nonetheless, Parler was offline almost overnight. Many jobs were lost and a tech company was destroyed.

ICP isn't just a good idea, or even great idea... its a much needed idea.
This is my project.. I'm behind ICP all the way. I hope to see great achievements from Dfinity.
