
Keep3r Network - We Picked a GREAT One

KP3R is ranked 171sthttps://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/keep3rv1/ in terms of market capital on coinmarketcap, with a market dominance of 0.01 percent. KP3R is currently being traded at $1,175 at the time of writing. In the last 24 hours, the price of the coin has risen by about 11%. The day’s high and low points are about $1,213 and $953.30. On the other hand, the daily trade volume jumped by about 187.17 percent in a single day.

Even on the red day, the coin has shown strong momentum and has increased a lot becoming one of the top gainers today. The fall, KP3R had reached an all-time high of roughly $2065 in November 2021. During the drop, KP3R formed a bottom and fell to $547 in June. The coin displayed reversal, just like many other coins, and soon it was trading above the lowest low that it had formed. This month we have seen an increase of about 38%.

KP3R has a total supply of roughly 201k tokens, with around all of them in circulation. KP3Rcan be purchased on a variety of exchanges, including OKEx, Binance, and CoinTiger.

This is a K33P3R!

