PRIME overvalued and heavily undervalued intrinsically. Long.

Book value at 0.76. Fair Price at 0.90. Intrinsic value still between 0.87 and 1.17. Prediction/target at 1.06 within the year according to chart pattern as long as Q3 has fair results (cannot over-expect since there it is the energy sector's low season). If PRIME solves it's problems and there is good financial lubrication expect at least 100% gains. Worth the risk. Long.
Just noticed my title is moronic, I meant to type Oversold.
After Q3/23 results, I maintain intrinsic target at 1.06-1.08. Albeit a minor loss, annual sales have reached target as well as an improvement in the balance sheet. All it requires is better market conditions so liquidity may be injected at a time where investors feel comfortable with the risk taken. Very interesting play.
Chart PatternsTrend Analysis
