Hey everyone,
I work day to day as a computer technician and one of my customers who is an Economist with more than 30 years of experience mentioned to me that the shorting the NASDAQ and SPX is safer than the return on a purchasing a property investment.
I certainly found this interesting and decided to use technical analysis to see where we are headed. It seems as though the recovery of the economy after the COVID-19 stock crash was too fast to be of natural terms. It is quite obvious that money was poured into the economy (printed at ridiculous quantities) and fell into the hands of unexperienced traders and unsure investors dumping their cash to inflate the stock market. Unfortunately, this tends to catapult the collapse at a greater momentum, followed by investors and firms putting their money into assets that provide a return (such as Gold and Silver... and maybe Bitcoin?) and also foreign investors pulling their money out of countries and devaluing the subsequent currency.
I am extremely worried and excited for what follows 2021/2022. Let me know if I have missed something or would like to add something of more value!
Love, peace, Seb.