St. Louis Financial Stress Index

Recently the STLFSI retreated to its near-historical low levels. RSI is indicating a divergence that could indicate the index will head higher. Markets are also looking poised to resume their volatile trend to the downside after rallying this year.

About the Index:
The STLFSI measures the degree of financial stress in the markets and is constructed from 18 weekly data series: seven interest rate series, six yield spreads and five other indicators. Each of these variables captures some aspect of financial stress. Accordingly, as the level of financial stress in the economy changes, the data series are likely to move together.

How to Interpret the Index:
The average value of the index, which begins in late 1993, is designed to be zero. Thus, zero is viewed as representing normal financial market conditions. Values below zero suggest below-average financial market stress, while values above zero suggest above-average financial market stress
