$STZ — Diagonal Calendar Put Spread?

This price forecast is purely based on technical analysis of the current setup.
I guess people are drinking a lot?

We've had an extremely long stretch of green - which is a stale green light - 11 days in a row of green & 6 weeks straight of green - that hasn't happened since 2017 - it looks like the stock is trying to breakout on the weekly chart, but it looks so overbought technically speaking - very wide divergence from the all of the moving averages.

This is a great candidate for a diagonal calendar put spread, or just naked put buys.
I'm considering buying a very far out put - possibly January 2023 - and selling near-month puts against it with the goal of both having my bought put appreciate in value and have the sold near-month puts degrade in value so I can either buy them back for cheap or let them expire worthless. If I am able to successfully roll in near-month credits against my bought strike then I can slowly pay off the position's debit & eventually have a risk-free position.

In other words, if I make enough money from selling puts - against the bought out of the money & far dated puts - then I can completely pay off the cost of the puts I bought while still owning them - creates a risk free position.

Let me know if this is a confusing strategy for any of you, or if you disagree with my analysis.
