AT&T Inc.

AT&T new dip opportunity.

As with many stocks, they paid out divedens; after which, many people sold their position. This resulted in a drop from 30 to 29, which admittedly is not very sizable.

I am watching closely to see a continuation in the down trend.

I have a buy order for call options:

20 calls at Limit order at .45 per option contract, expiring Jan 21st, 2022, strike price of $35.00

These have an abundance of open interest and volume, they are trading at .78 as of right now.

I may be willing to increase my limit price. I almost feel that if I were to stock up on them, even at the current price, im almost for sure going to be making a decent return the moment they are in the money.

And it is likely imo that I would be in the money sometime in the next year on that trade. It had almost reached $35 in June.

Earnings are coming up on Jan 28th, So I may wait till after earnings.
