The philosophy way of approaching saving energy(no "free" energy

The philosophy way of approaching saving energy( FYI there’s no “free” energy )

Since 2016 we've been using solar panel for saving energy. After that, by having a project to use this economic way of the COP more than 100% in 10 years, it has become a little bored. So we’ve begun to explore the ways of using solar panel at night.
Evidently now within a world economic recession of the central banks manipulation failure, within a condition of weather changing, 90% days is rainy in this city and no sunlight to kill disease. We feel maybe it’s time to make a small innovation here. Based on many ignored acknowledge on the internet.
1, we have to admit that there’re many people have had a “perpetual machine” succeed. That’s very easy if you can use some self-recover source of energy, like using batteries. Batteries can recover themselves if you let them rest for a while, so it’s simple. You buy a lot of batteries, you let some of them do work and you let some of them recover energy, then you switch them to get the work forever. Very simple.
2, the real deal here is a over-unity which is the input greater than the out put. We can tell you guys, there’re some cases in human history where we’ve achieved that, the nuclear bombs have done that many times and the nuclear generator factory. But that is impossible to use at home, right? and it needs tremendous investment why we call that there’s no “free” energy, you must invest it from the first place.
3, so how to get an over-unity machine, we point out the philosophy way of approaching saving energy to get there. We’re neither physicists nor scientists, what we’re talking about here is a “philosophy”.
BUT WE REALLY SUGGET physicists and scientists look at this to think about your understanding of energy and try to break your prisons.

what is “ENERGY”?
1) energy has two elements binding forever, cycle and force, or voltage and current, or electron spin positive and negative, magnetic flux flow clock wise or counter clock wise, and so on…… fundamentally 1 unit energy is a electron pairs.
2) Numerous electrons pairs are full of our universe to resonance together.
3) there's no time. so there’s no speed. speed is a movement distance where is measured by solar cycle. For example, 1 year= 12 months, 1 day= 24 hours, those are all solar cycles. For example 1 light year is a distance.
4) the energy cycle can’t be cut. if you cut cycle then the force is growth to maintain the energy.
5) energy has many transforms, like mechanic( inertial), electricity, magnetic… but they’re the same thing. they just have different cycles and forces.

so the way to get an over-unity, you have to make them “jump”……

4, think about the nuclear power. Einstein make atoms jump from a mechanic cycle into an sub-atom cycle, by squeezing uranium together with heat. Heat is a cycle too, a wave length. The force has become huge to separate particles, to trigger a chain reaction. So if you can make a machine to jump through into smaller cycles, but bigger than the nuclear cycle, then you should’ve had real over-unity already.
5, to be clear, for making that machine, you have to invest hardwares. Nothing is free, the mistakes of many people have made are:
1) i don’t know why, but it run faster at short circuit. ( it’s a saving not an adding)
2) i can’t explain where is this energy comes from but it’s working. ( you have a leak point in your system, the universe is balancing, no investment no energy)
3) i want to charge a big battery to drive my car ( please easy, first you make a self runner)

6, some people have made a self runner but they’re too eager for output. In fact, if you loop back the energy then you should’ve observed the input energy has been reduced significantly.
7, in fact our generators and motors, most of them have only 50% efficiency or lower.
7, if we have a machine can save more than 50% energy, that has a little bit higher efficiencies than most of machines. Then there maybe, maybe a way.......

2020/04/04 Beijing time 13:30

"The obvious thing that is never seen until someone expresses it simply." - Christian Morgenstern, ( 1871 -1914) German poet.
2020/04/14 Beijing time 14:49
The flywheel, battery, current.
When we connect a battery with a scope, we can see a straight line without cycle, there's no current can be seen on the scope, only voltage. Without a cycle means the cycle can be connected its ending with its beginning, a flywheel works like that, so the battery is a flywheel, as well. They're all containing the energy.
The current is NOT an energy, current only happens when we short the circuit, means breaking to stop the flywheel, just like stoping a car. It's a waste of the energy.
What we're calling the "energy" isn't the energy itself. We're using something in between two energies.
2020/04/14 Beijing time 20:39
Now we're gonna ask some simple questions for electric car guys:
Why we're using a wasted energy way to drive the motor, from using current?
Can we drive a motor directly, from battery, without using current? If we have 2 mechanical flywheels, one drives another, is there anything about current? is there anything about over heat the wire? is there anything about back EMF?
Now think about the efficiency, if we have a way to make a battery working as a "flywheel".
2020/04/16 Beijing time 20:06
The Einstein equation, the four matter forms, the energy.
E = M*C^2
A flywheel self-spin energy E = 0.5m*v^2, (v is a distance measured by solar cycle)
Its moving forward energy E = 0.5m*v^2, summary E = m*v^2, now use C replace the v. This's saying one electron is moving like a moving flywheel. They form our universe. But they're highly unstable.

The four matter forms, solid, liquid, gas, bio life form( like a human)

There're huge amount of energy absorb or release between 3 major forms transformation, to break the symmetric, where we can harness them, we can control them for our using.
2020/04/20 Beijing time 21:21
what is "time"?
2020/07/15 Beijing time 20:32
The electron field, combustion engine, electro-magnetic motor( future of cars)
What is an electron "field"?
Our point of view is, a physical electron field is a place where can contain a same kind of electrons.
1, a piece of solid metal can self-contained, like a cylinder, like a crank.
2, liquid can be contained by metal or others, like the gasoline.
3, gas can be contained by metal or others, like the air.
But between different fields, they're against each other.
The combustion engine ignites the liquid, liquid becomes the gas to form a new field, this new field is against the metal which will do our work, for free. So the efficiency of the combustion engine is a COP>1 already, from our point of view.
The efficiency of a combustion engine is decided by how large of the gas, which is released by the fuel, so the least fuel make the most gas should be the most efficient way.
Very surprising, we're looking at people are using how many heats can be release from the fuel, to measure the efficiency.
So that method has been proven wrong.
The electro-magnetic motor in a Tesla car, is using magnetic field too, simply saying, comparing with the combustion engine they're nothing but the same thing.
Now think about the electric charge cells, the efficiency of product that electric power is very low...... basically, a electric generator only has 50% efficiency.
Truth is boring....
2020/08/09 Beijing time 1:32
First of all, we pray for Lebanon survivors. Then we talk about what is a COP>1.
In this explosion, the energy released from the chemical material is measured by TNT power. The solder heat triggered the fireworks, fireworks triggered the 2750 Ton chemical material. So in this huge energy releasing, how many energy was input?
The solder... right? What is the COP in this situation?
Same thing in the combustion engine. For example, a diesel engine is ignited by compressing the diesel, how many energy was input?
The combustion engine compares with the electric motor, the combustion engine is much more efficiency than the later one. The electric motor has only 90% efficiency is doing the best. An mistake is using electric power in the military engine, it will be lack of power. The electric motor COP<1.
We're using electric motor in the car because the electric power is cheaper.
2020/08/25 Beijing time 21:45
Do more experiments, do less simulations, do less mathematic models.
The software is destroying the reality, considering that the mathematic model is pre-defined without fundamental.
The reality is beyond our imaginations. The truth of the universe is simply beautiful.
2020/09/18 Beijing time 16:40
What is a gravity?
1; the Newton third law.
2; particle physics common sense, force is a matter exchange.
3; there's no force among planets, but the sun dominates all forces.
4; physicists( self-ego) don't talk to engineers(a practical) each other, that make it worse.
The books we're teaching our students are so wrong.......
Maybe It's time to review back to 1918...... there was the Spanish flu, it had made gaps in the science in many ways.
2020/10/02 Beijing time 17:11
Recently NASA has shown a motion picture of the sun black spots activities in the past 10 years. That picture is showing this year of 2020 has the lowest black spots in a solar activity cycle. This is explaining the diseases on the earth. There's no plenty of sun to kill bad things.
Since Einstein's breaking through, we haven't had any big discovery in the physics theory but smaller ones. Such like the photon and the magnetic field have to be explained much more clearly. There's no "time", there's no "gravity" as well, just like Einstein told us.
2020/10/02 Beijing time 23:13
The new noble price of the physics will be announced on 6th. Oct. 2020, we're expecting something interesting there. Einstein's theory has been widely under valued, considering he's not a religious man, it's a reasonable suppression in western culture. Think about the virus mistakes, our followers should've seen it already.
2020/10/07 Beijing time 10:05
The black hole, 400 million suns mass, the singularity proven Einstein general relativity is right. Of course he's right, the bad part of this price is, after 120 years physicists still eat on his food drops. Believe it or not, they can eat Einstein for 200 years, until the time and the gravity would be expressed simply and clearly.
There's no time, that's a bad example to use time stopped in the black hole.
2020/12/08 Beijing time 18:22
Because we have a new theory of what is energy and we need mathematic formulas to analyze it, recently we're reviewing a book "Engineering Cybernetics" written by Qian xuesen, version 1980 copy.
In his book, Qian analyzed how the revolution had happened and how the worker class had been created, from the technology advance.
It's so amazingly to see a 200 years cycle. We believe that it is a time to outlook at the new century, by looking back into the first industrial revolution in the U.K. and it should reveal us the future images.
On 2020/12/04
1; An unmanned space craft lunched from the moon, captured by orbiter on a moon's orbit. Mars colonization.
2; A fusion nuclear plant tested successfully. Helium 3 on the moon.
3; A quantum computer with 76 single photons performed a significant calculation. cryptos, keys, passwords, communications.
By China in a single day, yet a small island frogs are throwing pig guts to each other, congratulations!
An human civilization new phase is coming.
2020/12/10 Beijing time 16:29
Just watched a video log of SN8 rocket test, crashed on the ground. Failed again.
It looks like that Elon Musk can't wait for landing on the Mars, as a alien, he's claimed a rest on the red planet.
The space exploration is a high risk task, no shortcut, or it will pay a failure. China has planned 14 years, there're some launches are failed, the rockets and the loads both could fail. Only for taking 2Kg sample back from the moon.
It's hard to recover the Apollo plan, considering most of those best engineers are dead. We're seeing a "generation struggle" which has caused by the culture continuation gap. Don't risk astronauts lives on a personal target.
2024 moon base, Good luck.
2021/2/7 Beijing time 13:37
"It's already there"
We're on a giant shoulders but some people are sitting on top of dwarves. Philosophy has defined what is science.
Since when? there's a superstitious imagination, in the Young's double-slit interference experiment. This mistake has become a source of many mystiques. The quantum mechanics cheating, the Schrödinger's cat guessing, those are definitely not science.
What's a seeing? A photon strike your eye cell, it slow it down, translate it into an electron, your nervous system send a electric signal to your brain for processing. We can't see something in the universe, doesn't mean there's nothing, right? In fact, an energy sea is unseen. "It's already there".
In the Young's double-slit interference experiment.
When you put an object between the gaps and the plate, the sea waves have been disturbed, then you will get an particle on that plate. When you remove the camera, then the waves come back. The photon is riding the energy sea, by light speed without weight.
There's no time and no speed, light speed is a distance divide by earth cycle, means a frequency.
What is an energy again?
2021/2/8 Beijing time 04:37
1; The photon shows us the shape of the energy sea, most waves in the sea are unseen.
2; The photon moves above the light speed in a single cycle, it can become weightless.
3; The light speed is a result of small movements, an average speed.
Even if the God created human eyes, it doesn't mean he would have to show us everything, for human eyes only "receive" translated electrons...... Human can't hear super sonic waves as well, but dogs can do. It doesn't mean there's no super sonic waves right? We would feel nothing, if we were in a room where is full of super sonic waves.
2021/3/10 Beijing time 02:34
The Einstein's rebel and its consequences.
It's very clear that Einstein was wrong about the light speed. When we look back to 1905, he was young and rebel. A young man wanted to prove himself right, so the way it took was a little wild.
A simple physical rule, wave travels in a medium, the speed depends on the medium itself. We now know, the light speed is 2/3 in the glass, the light speed is 3/4 in the water. So the light speed can change, and the speed is decided by the medium.
The light wave travels lightyears, without energy loss, it must be in a medium.
The "aether", Einstein wasted a name, just for proved his light speed unchangeable.
Now we're more looking at the "magneton", Maxwell has used this particle to fulfill his eaquation. We believe that the magneton maybe the golden key we've lost a hundred years ago where Einstein has made his mistake.
2021/3/21 Beijing time 14:42
The energy and the work.
The energy is a status, the work is a processing between two energies.
In fact, we should use an impulse or use a momentum to express the energy, but mistakenly we've used a work to express it.
Simply saying, what we're calling as "the energy", it is a waste of the real energy.
When you know what is really an energy, then you should've known how to save it, and create it, before you can waste it.
The Germany BBA of car industrial are declaring an abandoning in the combustion engines developments. They're turning into electric cars in 10-15 years. Elon Musk has problems soon. Meanwhile the APPLE company is studying the electric cars, they call it "a mobile phone on wheels". Indeed, it's not a fresh technology now.
The car industrial is a major production sector, when they shift into electric, the future should change quickly. Be careful.
A "man in the loop".
When we human race is turning into AI and robots, dogs, drones, the key safety question must be asked. How man kind can control them, without killing ourselves.
The program must have an hand break, in case the electric system is failure. Check out the TESLA cars, how many people have died from losing control?
2021/3/31 Beijing time 14:50
SN11 failed again, Elon Musk is wasting money and time. A favorite son of China banks, he's doing public relations to fix the problems of TSLA killing customers. The good days of Elon Musk is gonna be ending with BBA and many competitors. The Xiao Mi company is announcing four wheels smart phone producing.
He's still in a sweet dream, like many middle age USA people, being educated wrongly. Sleep tight, don't wake up.
2021/4/23 Beijing time 15:13
"A man in the loop", the priority of humanity must be higher than the robots.
TLSA released the data of the China Henan province female customer. Where the model3 car crash happened, we checked it and instantly knew the problems.
1; the radar in the speed sensor, the speed measuring is wrong.
2; the logic of break is wrong.
3; obviously TSLA software not design with "a man in the loop".
The same software logic problems happened within: Boeing 777 MAX, F35 stealth fighters, DDG2000 battle ship, Ford class fighters carrier, Etc......
The philosophy mistake of the USA technology is the virtual reality. It shouldn't have more priority than humanity. We say this again, the maths and the simulation are NOT the real situation in the universe.
Do not go that way, it's not a God way. What we're worried about is that China still can go that way. Which is a bad future.
2021/5/14 Beijing time 19:57
We're going to land on the Mars tomorrow. It's very risky to land on the surface, it has only 50 percent chance to succeed. Not like the moon, the Mars has a weather condition and the storm is strong. The "perseverance" landing way is a better way. Although, the strings are too short, but it is a safe landing.
The "ne zha" is a better name for the robot BTW.
2021/9/24 Beijing time 22:55
Think about the Mars.......
The innovation is coming, with the movie "Matrix 4" showing, humanity is evolving.


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