BITCOIN / U.S. DOLLAR (BTCUSD) MonthlyDates in the future with the greatest probability for a price high or price low.
The Djinn Predictive Indicators are simple mathematical equations. Once an equation is given to Siri the algorithm provides the future price swing date. Djinn Indicators work on all charts, for any asset category and in all time frames. Occasionally a Djinn Predictive Indicator will miss its prediction date by one candlestick. If multiple Djinn prediction dates are missed and are plowed through by same color Henikin Ashi candles the asset is being "reset". The "reset" is complete when Henikin Ashi candles are back in sync with Djinn price high or low prediction dates.
One way the Djinn Indicator is used to enter and exit trades:
For best results trade in the direction of the trend.
The Linear Regression channel is used to determine trend direction. The Linear Regression is set at 2 -2 30.
When a green Henikin Ashi candle intersects with the linear regression upper deviation line (green line) and both indicators intersect with a Djinn prediction date a sell is triggered.
When a red Henikin Ashi candle intersects with the linear regression lower deviation line (red line) and both indicators intersect with a Djinn prediction date a buy is triggered.
This trading strategy works on daily, weekly and Monthly Djinn Predictive charts.
This is not trading advice. Trade at your own risk.
BTC Is Expeted To Have Braekout From Descending TriangleA very big descending triangle:
At this time the Bitcoin is moving in a very big descending Triangle the price action of BTC was entered in this triangle on September 2017.
We have 4 touches at the resistance of this triangle and 4 touches at the support. When last time in Dec 2018 the priceline of Bitcoin touched the support then it turned very strong bullish and moved up to 300% and touched the resistance of the triangle. Now even after this very strong bearish recent rally we can expect that the price line will not hit the support. Because this time we have some other supports above this triangle’s support who are biggest hurdle for the price line to reach the support. Back in December 2018 when the price line was hitting the support of the angle at that time the bollinger band was also at the support in the 200 simple moving average on weekly chart was also at this level. Therefore at that time the BTC had 3 support levels.
1. The Bollinger bands
2. The 200 simple moving average number on week chart
3. The triangle support it self
Now this time if we examine the chart then we have the lower band of Bollinger band and the 200 simple moving average above the triangle support level and these are working as biggest hurdle for the price line to reach the triangle support even though we can see that the candlestick that was opened and closed on 9th March has hit the spike beyond the Bollinger bands and the 200 simple moving average support. But now the candle sticks are retraced back and at this time we are above 200 simple moving average and within the Bollinger bands. That is really very positive move by the price line of the king of all cryptocurrencies.
Now we are at the end of the triangle and the movement of the price line is getting squeezed and the triangle in itself is also getting squeezed. Therefore we can expect a break out from here above the 200 simple moving average in the bollinger bands.
Here I have also used the volume profile and I have placed the volume profile on the complete price range of the Bitcoin moving within this triangle and we can easily see that the traders interest is love below the 200 SMA. Its mean that the traders are not interested to trade even near the support of this triangle and we have a point of control of this volume profile at $8150 therefore we can expect the upwards move by the price line of BTC at least up to this POC level.
Since 2015 the priceline of BTC is always pumped hard after hitting the 200 SMA:
Now let's come to the point that we have already discussed in my previous posts that the BTC is at its strongest support ever that is not broken down since it is appeared in the history of the Bitcoin and that is 200 simple moving average. On below chart after zooming out we can clearly examine that after 1st appearance of 200 SMA first time price action has has touched on the 200 simple moving average support in June 2015 and turned very strong bullish and moved up by 8900%. At that time the price line of BTC was also at its pivot low point. Then the pride line of Bitcoin retraced down and touched 200 simple moving average support on December 2018. At that time the BTC was at its pivot low point $3122 dollars and again turned very strong bullish and moved up by 300%.Now at this time we have seen that from Feb to March 2020 the price action faced strong bearish move and this is for the third time in the history of the leading cryptocurrency the candlesticks are hitting on this support. Even though the priceline has hit beyond the 200 SMA but retraced back again. So this time we can expect and other bullish move.
Down trend line repetition of previous move:
In my previous articles we have seen that Bitcoin has formed a down trend line on long term weekly chart. This trend line cannot be ignored as the priceline of BTC has so many touches at this level.
The BTC has started moving above this trendline from July 2019 and this time the priceline of Bitcoin is again hitting at the trendline support. I have placed the volume profile on the complete price action moving above the trendline , now we can examine that the point of control of the volume profile of complete price action moving above this trendline is almost at $10350.
And as discussed earlier in my previous articles we have noticed that POC works as center of gravity for the price action and it pulls back the price action towards itself whether the priceline is moving up or down. And after placing this volume profile on complete price action we can also examine that interest of traders is very love below $7,200 therefore I was expecting that a price action will not touch the support of trendline or if it will hit at the support of the trendline then there are possibilities that the priceline will move up again towards point of control level.
If we see charts back in 2018 to 2019 then it will be revealed that same as like this trend line a downtrend line was formed after the market crash of 2017. The formation of that trendline was started in March 18 and ended in February 19 for almost a year. The point of control of volume profile was at $6500 and the traders interest was very low below $6,000 level. And when the Bitcoin moved down from that level then priceline took a very powerful bullish divergence and moved up by more than 300%.
So this time this trendline is another support added that is not letting the price action to reach the triangle’s support.
If the priceline moves up then what should be the targets:
Now here the question comes in mind if the price action starts a bullish rally from here then what should be our sell target? Here I would like to suggest that we can set two types of sell targets.
1. Type of target: As we have seen that the price line is moving in a a very big descending triangle on weekly chart and if we place the Fibonacci from the tail of the triangle upto the support then we can see that we have the Fibonacci projection from point 0.382 to 0.786 Fib level that is $9300 to 16000.
2. Second type of target: As in my previous posts we have already observed that the price line of Bitcoin has formed a really very big bullish Gartley pattern. So we can also set sell targets according to the Fibonacci sequence of this Gartley. And that is if we place the Fibonacci retracement to from a A to D leg of this pattern. The we receive the Fibonacci projection from 0.382 to0.786 Fib level starts from $8654 dollars and ends up to $12070 and we can set our target in this bracket.
However if the price action breaks out the resistance of the triangle or crosses up the 0.786 projection of A to D leg of Gartley then it can turned even more strong bullish.
We have very strong supports and very low chances that the BTC will be dropped more from here. We can have some sideways move at this level and sooner or later we will be moved up from this level however the 200 simple moving average support is the most strongest support in the history of the Bitcoin therefore we should use this as our stop loss.
BTCUSD Bearish Move Revealed Two More Powerful Bullish SignalsHi guys and gals hope you are well, welcome to the new update on Bitcoin This time the price action has revealed two more powerful bullish signals which can move lead the priceline of BTC to achieve highest price in the history of Bitcoin but before moving to those signals lets see some mid term analysis then it will be easy for us to understand the move of BTC.
Formation Of Bearish Reversal And Bullish Reversal Patterns At A Same Time:
The price action of Bitcoin was forming bearish and bullish patterns at a time one was the Head and Shoulder pattern another one was the Cup & Handle formation.
Cup & Handle Pattern A Bullish Reversal Pattern:
This Cup & Handle was started on 24th October 2019 and after forming the body of the cup the formation of handle was started in the month of Feb 2020. The resistance of the cup was at $10350 and it was expected that once the priceline will break out the resistance of the handle it will also break out the resistance of the cup as well. Up til 5th of March the price line retraced upto the golden ratio of 0.618 Fibonacci level and I was expecting that if this golden ratio will be not broken down then there are chances that the price actio can take the bullish divergence from this level and soon it will break out the resistance of the cup as well. But today after the strong bearish move we can examine that the priceline of Bitcoin has retraced more than 100% and the cup and handle pattern is now invalidated.
Head & Shoulder A Bearish Reversal Signal:
on the other side a bearish reversal pattern was being formed on 4 Day chart and that was Head & Shoulder pattern. It was started on 18th of December 2019 and completed on 7th March 2020. 8th of March was the decision making day for the Head and Shoulder pattern because on that day a strong bearish read candlestick was appeared and we received a bear cross by the stochastic and the moving average convergence divergence (MACD) also turned strong bearish from weak bearish and the price line crossed down the neckline of Head & Shoulder pattern and today the Bitcoin has hit at $5713 that is the recent lowest price by the price action of BTC as per Bitstamp exchange.
Support and Resistance Levels:
In my previous articles we have examined that after breaking out every resistance level the price line of Bitcoin was retesting the previous resistance level as support and moving up. When the Bitcoin broke out the $9819 resistance then it was expected that the price action of BTC will retest this resistance as a support and after the successful retesting the price action was expected to move up to the next resistance level at $10,398. But unfortunately the price action has failed in retesting this resistance level as a support and moved back to the previous support at $8314. The leading cryptocurrency did not stop here and even moved more down to the next support level at $6550.
Long Term Downward Trend Line And Volume Profile:
In my previous article I have revealed that the price action of BTC has formed a new long-term trend line on weekly chart and we have so many touches at this trend line therefore this line cannot be ignored. After placing the volume profile on the complete priceline moving above this trend line we can examine that the point of control of this volume profile if at $10,300. the POC always works as centre of gravity as it always pulls the price action towards itself and we can witness that the price action is moving around the point of control level, whenever the price action moves upward or downwards it always moves back to the POC. Guys the Bitcoin needs to break out this POC level as soon as possible cause if we will have few more touches around this POC level then another trend line will be formed above the priceline and in that case a down channel will be formed. And after appearing this down channel it will be difficult for the leading cryptocurrency to break out the resistance of this down channel. And as we have discussed in my previous article that in order to have a break out from this POC level we need buying volume with the continuity as we had from Feb 2019 up to June 2019 but unfortunately sofar we are not having as that much powerful buying volume. Even now we can see that the volume oscillator is triggered with the value of more than 8 level on weekly chart in favour of bears. And value of volume oscillator at 8 level is very strong on weekly chart.
This time I am not expecting that the price action will hit at the support of this downtrend line because the volume profile of this complete trend line is showing very low interest of the traders below 7500 dollars therefore the price action can move up at any time or can move sideways at this level unless the traders interest gets develop below this level.
But if the traders interest will be developed below $7,500 level then there is possibility that the price action of BTC will move more down to hit the trend line support.
Simple Moving Averages:
On weekly chart the price line is above very strong support of 100 in 200 simple moving averages. At this time the price action is hitting at the support of 100 moving average and likely to hit at the support of 200 SMA as well. These both moving averages are very strong support for the price action of Bitcoin since December 2015 as both moving averages were not broken down upto November 2018. And that was only 100 simple moving average that was broken on November 2018 the 200 moving average is not broken down so far. After when the price action broke down the support of 100 SMA it droped down to the 200 simple moving average support and consolidated there and took a very powerful bullish divergence and produced more than 300% profit.
Now I would like to share with you a very important move of priceline of leading cryptocurrency that can lead the price action to the highest price ever in the history of Bitcoin.
If we see the ichimoku cloud on weekly chart then back in 2014 in the month of May when the cloud was turned bullish the price action crossed down the cloud and after crossing down the cloud the priceline moved up again and hit at the resistance of the cloud and failed to cross up the cloud and dropped down again then cloud and turned bearish and for long time period the price action of Bitcoin moved sideways and after consolidation the priceline again took bullish divergence and produced more than 5000% huge profit.
Now in current time period we can see the king of all cryptocurrencies is likely to take the same move again. The price line has crossed down the cloud when the cloud turned bullish and in the month of February 2020 the price action has hit the resistance of the cloud but has failed to cross up the cloud and now dropped down again. Now the ichimoku cloud is turned bearish again. Now we can see a long term and short term sideways move at this level and after consolidation the price action may take the same move and cross up the cloud for a powerful bullish rally.
Harmonic Moves On Long Term Monthly Chart:
Now I would like to share with you the most powerful signal and pattern which is appeared on the very long term monthly chart and that is very big bullish harmonic pattern formed by the price action of Bitcoin. But before taking you to the current harmonic move I would like to show you the previous harmonic move of BTC on long-term monthly chart. Below is the chart that I published on April 2019 on this post you can see after hitting the highest price ever in the history of Bitcoin the priceline dropped at0.786 Fibonacci level. The price action had a strong support of 50 simple moving average and on monthly chart 50 simple moving average is considered very strong support. With this signal I used some other indicators and signals and based on my study and analyses I predicted that the price action has confirmed that it is going to form a complete Gartley pattern soon. Then we have witnessed that the priceline moved in the same way as I predicted and formed a complete Gartley.
Now we can see that the price action of Bitcoin has completed the formation of another Gartley pattern on month. The initial leg was started on December 2018 and has ended on January 2019 then we can see that the price action has a retraced up to 0.786 Fibonacci level on December 2019. Then the price action projected between 0.382 0.886 Fibonacci projection of A to B leg and completed the C leg on Feb 2020. Now the price action was suppose to take another drop to retrace between the Fibonacci level from 0.618 to 0.786 and after today's drop the price action has entered in the potential reversal zone of the bullish Gartle pattern and has completed the final leg. Now from here the leading cryptocurrency can take the bullish divergence at any time from the potential reversal zone and suppose to move in the projection area of A to D leg from 0.382 to 0.786 Fibonacci.
This bullish divergence can help the price line of Bitcoin cross up the ichimoku cloud on weekly chart and Bitcoin can repeat the same powerful bullish move as it has taken from 2016 to 2017 and achieved highest price.
BTCUSD forming a bullish BAT | A good long opportunityAfter forming a bullish Shark pattern the priceline of Bitcoin / US Dollar cryptocurrency has formed a bullish BAT pattern and entered in potential reversal zone.
This PRZ area should be used as stop loss point in case of complete candle stick closes below this area.
I have set my buying zone from 0.618 to 0.886 Fibonacci how ever for more profit you can try to buy from 0.786 to 0.886 Fibonacci.
Buy between: 8027.01 to 7807.79
Sell between: 8084.15 to 8376.43
Atif Akbar (moon333)
Bitcoin/USDLONG, i have clearly shown what i see to be going on. Also this pair has broken out on the daily timeframe!
I expect a slow move until we break 0.786, once we break this first target is 0.5 fib level where i see a small amount of pullback to the 0.618 fib level. My overall target would be the -27!
(NFA/DYOR) BTCUSD: Remember the bigger picture. I have not yet seen anything that justifies sh*tting one's pants, unless something truly serious unprecedented happens, like breaking below the 200 week simple moving average (shown here in a lovely blue), which we have tested in the past but never broken. After each halving, we have ALWAYS set a new all time high. I personally haven't seen anything convincing that says institutional interest and overall interest in bitcoin and cryptos as a whole is going down any time soon, and the rate at which new bitcoin is issued only ever goes down, not up (hooray for controlled supply). If the concept of supply and demand is to be believed, then what does that tell you?
#BitCoin update for 02.06.2020BitCoin update for 02.06.2020 the price action is still rising over the yellow lines are supported...
The white line is the VWAP-Anch it did start on 01.01.2020 at 00:00:01 AM UTC... Same as my last update the price of Bitcoin vs the USD is still strong, I have a gut feeling about this year...
In the RSI-VWAP Indicator, it has come down a bit. But it's trying to come back to the 80 zones... For me, that's a good sine because we don't want the market to get too hot yet ... For the reason is, Bitcoin has a bright future and we don't need a repeat of 2017 - 2018... I want to see Bitcoin being used by most people in the next 10 years, not as "Do you remember Bitcoin?"
This chart is the Bitcoin Market Cap Dominance that has been Calculated By TradingView...
Wow, what a move down... What altcoin is taking in all this action?
BTCUSD forming bullish BAT | A good long opportunity aheadThe World's No:1 ranked cryptocurrency Bitcoin (BTC) is forming bullish BAT pattern on 2hr chart and expected to enter in bullish potential reversal zone soon.
Lets have a look on the BTC price action's move:
After initial leg (X to A) the A to B leg is retraced between 0.382 to 0.50 Fibonacci and then B to C leg is almost projected between 0.382 to 0.886 of A to B leg's Fibonacci projection and final (C to D) leg is suppose to be retraced between 0.786 to 0.886 Fibonacci for a perfect bullish BAT and then the price action will be entered in potential reversal zone of this bullish BAT pattern, then we can expect bullish divergence at any time which will lead the priceline between 0.382 to 0.786 Fibonacci projection of A to D leg, but after this bullish divergence if the candles sticks will be closed above 0.786 Fibonacci levels then it can also lead to the long term bullish move.
As per Fibonacci sequence method we can set our targets as below for mid term trade:
Buy between: $7153.07 to 7105.86
Sell between: $7265.77 to $7434.52
So this is a good and very short term long opportunity for Bitcoin traders.
Atif Akbar (moon333)
The harmonic moves analysis involves hours of hard work and determination however the success of harmonic trading in fiat and cryptocurrencies is around 80% therefore it is always important that you follow any stop loss strategy while trading harmonic patterns I have also shared a stop loss idea in this article, the information in this article is for educational purpose only this is not intended to be investment advice, I have tried my best to catch the harmonic moves as per predefined classical harmonic bullish BAT pattern if you find any flaw or you have any suggestion feel free to share with me in comments section.
A Harmonic Push Can Lead The Bitcoin To Hit The Next ResistanceThe price action of leading cryptocurrency the Bitcoin has found a parallel channel and moving within this channel.
The resistance of channel is at $7772.71 and the support is at $6550.00.
The formation of the channel was started since Nov 25 2019 and sofar the priceline is not able to breakout the resistance or breakdown the support, this time after hitting the support the price action moved up and went close to the resistance but did not hit the resistance this time so we can assume that this time hitting at the resistance is due.
This was the Bollinger band’s upper bands which was the hurdle for price action and did not let the pricline to hit the resistance so we can expect the price action may hit the lower band of Bollinger bands which is currently at $6880 and then it will be bounced up again without hitting the support and may attempt to have the breakout from the channel and the chances of breakout are more than the breakdown lets have some more details then it will become more easier to understand.
Indicators and Oscillators:
Relative Strength Index (RSI) was oversold up till 17 Dec having oversold value 25.09 and now bullish.
Moving average convergence divergence (MACD) is weak bullish.
And if we see the Directional movement the +DI has crossed up -DI but the ADX of directional movement is moving down which is a good sign coz when it was up it was assigned to the bearish singal –DI and it is expected that next time it will be moved up for +DI.
Moving Averages:
If we see the simple moving averages with time period of 25 50 100 and 200 the we have the same position as we had in Dec 2018 the order of moving averages was as:
25MA was below all then we had 50MA then 100MA and then 200 simple moving average was above all and the alligator’s mouth was closed then on 11th Jan 2019 the 25 SMA started moving up and the we have seen in May 2019 a complete alligator mouth was opened which was formed with 25MA , 50MA and 100 and 200 simple moving averages and this alligator mouth lifted the price action upto $13880.
This time the moving averages are likely to make the same move and 25SMA is trying to cross down the price action if this moving average will be able to cross down the priceline then it will be 1st successful step toward the formation opened alligator’s mouth and then a strong bull run can be observed.
The Harmonic Move:
Now the price action has also completely formed bullish Crab pattern and sofar the bullish divergence from the potential reversal zone of this pattern is due if the price action takes bullish divergence then it will must enter the 0.382 to 0.786 Fibonacci projection of A to D leg and this bullish divergence will lead to break out from the channel which we have seen earlier in starting of the article but once the price action will be able to cross up the 0.786 Fibonacci projection of A to D leg then the price action may hit the next resistance level at $12325 which was formed in Jun 2019.
Atif Akbar (moon333)
BTCUSD Thoughts and Short-Term GameplanShort term gameplay is long. I am holding a long from the pivot as shown and will hold it through to see how it reacts in the golden/yellow areas on my chart. The main target is hitting the Blue line. Taking Profits all the way up at nearly every significant fib retracement from this move.
Good luck and happy trading.
Bitcoin The Master Of All Assets | A Tremendous Performance 2019The leading cryptocurrency is currently being traded at $7221 as per Bitfinex, which shows more than 100% move from the starting of the year upto today's date.
BTC's price action took bullish divergence from $3500 to $13764 in the first six months after that we can see the price correction around upto 0.618 Fibonacci levels.
During this bullish move Facebook’s launch of cryptocurrency Libra in June further boosted buying of Bitcoin.
The excitement, however ended in the third quarter with fear gripped the market that Libra might expedite the process of regulation for the entire crypto market.
The sell off was very prominent by miners selling their bitcoin rewards in the final quarter.
On 18 Dec 2019 we have seen that recently the Bitcoin has lost more than 52% of its value falling from $13764 to $6477 and it is also reported by Press Time earlier previous week.
Despite this downward correction move the overall Bitcoin performance is very positive as mentioned above it is performing better than gold and S&P 500 in a very positive way.
Even though the gold is a classic asset and it is being traded at $1518 / OZ and it is up more than 19% on a year to date on the other hand the s&P 500 index has gained more than 28% since starting of 2019 and at the time of writing it is at the same position and that is the biggest gain in the year since 1997.
Gold 2019 performance:
s&p 500 2019 performance:
While on the other hand the Bitcoin's more than 100% gain in a year of 2019 looks shocking when we compare with the traditional markets.
But if you compare this gain of BTC with its historical yearly gains then it looks less impressive
So the Bitcoin has not even proved it self the king of all cryptocurrencies but also the master of all assets.
Atif Akbar (moon333)
BTCUSD formed bullish Gartley | Upto 11.5 bullish move expectedPriceline of Bitcoin / US Dollar cryptocurrency has formed a bullish Gartley pattern and entered in potential reversal zone.
This PRZ area should be used as stop loss point in case of complete candle stick closes below this area.
I have used Fibonacci sequence to set the targets:
Buy between: 7120.5 to 6899.5
Sell between: 7294.4 to 7712.2
Atif Akbar (moon333)
BTCUSD formed bullish Shark | A good long opportunityPriceline of Bitcoin / US Dollar cryptocurrency has formed a bullish Shark pattern and entered in potential reversal zone.
This PRZ area should be used as stop loss point in case of complete candle stick closes below this area.
I have used Fibonacci sequence to set the targets:
Buy between: 7150.23 to 7015.36
Sell between: 7264.54 to 7528.54
Atif Akbar (moon333)
BTCUSD formed bullish BAT | A good buying opportunityThe price action of Bitcoin / US Dollar has formed a bullish BAT and entered in potential reversal zone.
This PRZ area should be used as stop loss point in case of complete candle stick closes below this zone.
I have used Fibonacci sequence to set the targets:
Buy between: 7478.80 to 7428.98
Sell between: 7597.58 to 7775.97
Atif Akbar (moon333)
BTCUSD forming bullish BAT | A long opportunityThe price action of Bitcoin / US Dollar is forming bullish BAT pattern and soon it will be entered in potential reversal zone.
This PRZ area can be used as stop loss point in case the complete candle stick closes below this area.
I have used Fibonacci sequence to set the targets:
Buy between: 6947.6 to 6887.3
Sell between: 7090.4 to 7304.9
Enjoy your profits and regards,
Atif Akbar (moon333)
BTCUSD forming a bullish BAT | A good long opportunityPriceline of Bitcoin / US Dollar cryptocurrency is forming bullish BAT pattern and soon it will be entered in potential reversal zone.
This PRZ area should be used as stop loss in case of complete candle stick closes below this zone.
I have used Fibonacci sequence to set the targets:
Buy between: 8758.52 to 8740.52
Sell between: 8801.44 to 8865.27
Atif Akbar (moon333)
BTCUSD fomring bullish butterfly | A good long opportunity aheadPriceline of Bitcoin / US Dollar the leading cryptocurrency is forming bullish Butterfly pattern and soon it will be entered in potential reversal zone.
This PRZ area should be used as stop loss point in case of complete candle stick closes below this area.
I have used Fibonacci sequence to set the targets:
Buy between: 8924.74 to 8739.71
Sell between: 9068.34 to 9413.47
Atif Akbar (moon333)
BTCUSD formed bullish BAT | A good long opportuntiyPriceline of Status / Bitcoin cryptocurrency has formed a bullish BAT pattern and entered in potential reversal zone.
This PRZ area should be used as stop loss in case of complete candle stick closes below this zone.
I have used Fibonacci sequence to set the targets:
Buy between: 9179.6 to 9147.8
Sell between: 9255.4 to 9369.2
Atif Akbar (moon333)
BTCUSD formed bullish Butterfly | A good long opportunityPriceline of Bitcoin / US Dollar cryptocurrency has formed a bullish Butterfly pattern and entered in potential reversal zone.
This PRZ area should be used as stop loss in case of complete candle stick closes below this zone.
I have used Fibonacci sequence to set the targets:
Buy between: 8159.94 to 8088.45
Sell between: 8215.43 to 8349.72
Atif Akbar (moon333)
BTCUSD formed bullish Cypher | An opportunity for long positionriceline of Bitcoin / US Dollar cryptocurrency has formed a bullish Cypher pattern and entered in potential reversal zone.
This PRZ area should be used as stop loss in case of complete candle stick closes below this zone.
I have used Fibonacci sequence to set the targets:
Buy between: 8136.92 to 7951.23
Sell between: 8283.10 to 8634.08
Atif Akbar (moon333)
Breakout is coming, let me tell you why ...To keep this simple:
Left Chart:
parabolic movment, which has started in July 2017
ascending triangle (decline in volume fortifies the pattern)
bullish flag
Right Chart:
confirmation of re obtained longterm trend
bullish divergence in stoch
stoch is at all time low
stoch is about to cross
trade save
BTCUSD has formed a bullish butterfly and entered in PRZ areaPriceaction of Bitcoin / US Dollar has formed bullish Butterfly pattern and entered in potential reversal zone to hit the sell targets insha Allah.
This PRZ area should be used as stop loss point in case of complete candle stick closes below this zone.
Volume profile is showing less interest of traders here,Stochastic did not give bull cross and MACD is strong bearish so for secure trade we should wait for MACD to turn weak bearish or for stochastic to give bull cross then buy.
I have used Fibonacci sequence to set the targets:
Buy between: 7918.59 to 7830.86
Sell between: 7984.59 to 8151.83
Atif Akbar (moon333)