Deeper Network DPR Bearish NewsDeeper Network DPR Crypto has to much bearish news and distrust from the mining community for people to purchase DPR. First Bearish news Sept 6th invest payback then on Dec. 1st Genesis miners will start to unstake and move on from the project to look for the next new project to get into. I don't see the coin price starting to stabilize until at least June 2023 or longer.
Bearish News: AMA on Twitter 8/18/2022 it was announced that on Dec. 1, 2022 all the original 2000 Genesis Node Miners on Ter8 will go from mining 1,153 DPR per day (when the price was around $15cents) to mine 65 DPR per day with the price now .02cents. All current DPR staking will be given back over 3 months from Dec 2022 to March 2023. Deeper will now only accept USDC as staking now and as currently for all future aspects of the company moving forward. After this new broke the mining community was in an uproar. So they changed it tobe a halving first (Which means you will earn the lowest rewards percentage of all the mining, then they will kick everyone out and drop the staking amount by 80% less. This is to force every one to add more Nodes onto the system to try to get a similar return. But because the miners were lied to, it is not likely the existing miners will purchase more equipment from Deeper. But just to keep what they have. The miners will likely hold there DPR untill it at least gets to .05cents or higher. At the moment Deeper wants to Mine about 3,500,000 Deeper Chain DPR per day which would equal to about 43DPR per Node if it was maxed out with 80,000 nodes.
Bearish News: Aug. 5 & 6, 2022 Deeper Network has turned down an invitation to showcase at Sir Richard Branson’s Block Chain Summit on Necker Island at the Neckerverse Showcase for a chance to pitch to the Virgin Impact team and other global heavyweight investors. The reason from Deeper Network "Cheryl, Russell and I ( Eric ) seriously considered attending the gathering but decided it was best to focus on exchange listings, research & development, and new product deadlines instead." This is the worst mistake they could of made during this bearish time period.
Bearish News: Possible Token Crash Starting around September 6, 2022 thru the next 8 months, investors getting Deeper Chain DPR returned to them who bought in at .006cents to .02cents. Deeper is only allowing 750,000 DPR total perday from the miners and the invests to go over the bridge from Deeper Chain to the other two chains to get to an exchange and to sell. Some of the people have set up computer programs to keep dumping coins over the bridge first so they do not get locked out when the daily total of 750,000 is hit. There was 2Billion token allocated to sell but they only advertise 1Billion being sold. DPR given out already to the investors that crashed the coin the first time (estimated 40% returned), there is an estimated amount of 2 to 4 Million Deeper Chain DPR being released each day to their investors for the next 8 months starting in September 2022 thru May 2023. Will Deeper fully open the bridge or will they try to control their investors cash out for a second time, well see what happens…….. How will the miners plan for this apocalyptic scenario of no longer being able to move Deeper Chain DPR across the bridge to get it on an exchange to pay for their expenses? I foresee another massive upset that Deeper Network will hush the investors by kicking people out of there Deeper Network community social groups when people complain and get upset like what happened when they lock up the investors DPR the first time without paying them back as was promised in their smart contract that had a hidden back door in the smart contract to reprogram it and to lock back up again. This is a lack of trust that I don’t think Deeper Network will every out live.
-Crypto Whale Information: See the Whale news on my channel for their Wallet address & Location, as you can track for yourself who is a true supporter and who is a dumper…… (AMA said Whales are allowed in the project now)
- Deeper Chain Community Governance - Currently being controlled directly by Deeper Network, not by the Community but thru a back door in the program (Verified on AMA) I don't foresee them giving the governance to the community within the next year or so because they like to be able to have fully control without have to wait for voting approvals, because the programing is far from being perfect..............
- 7 Validator Nodes on Deeper Chain, 3 have been verified to be in control of by Deeper Network DEVs, apparently they can control votes on the Governance with their locked DPR rewards- Wallet Addresses 1st 5C4vNVT5pDroqufEtXKYp3RKrNXVTHk9yqTeNNUSnJ6EbGGY ; 2nd 5CJDFR5RCMxPwVdzgH6JA9D7M625FEFKrdsJG1JnQVQdQkH2 ; 3rd 5HCG6MvAhYgLZdPoD1BVHEjgKee9n4AhMLKfq64VLiM4znuU
-Deeper Chain DPR Crypto Burn Wallet #1: (Warning this is a subject Deeper does not like to talk about) There has not been a routine burn setup yet promised by Deeper to fight inflation . The only burning is est 21DPR perday equivalent to about .80cents per day!!! from the Validator transactions which they are calling a “Routine Burning or Every Gas Fee”. The old burning was every 7 days and burnt all the treasury wallet. Then they slowed it down to every 24 Days thru the Treasury and to burn only about 1% now. There is credit burning set up for the miners, which is false advertisement because they only burn 1% of the money paid to buy credit to increase mining rewards. The rest of the money is added to the treasury wallet for Deeper to pay their DEVs instead. Waiting for Deeper Network to provide Burn Wallet Address for all three Blockchains so the community can monitor what they are being told. Talking about this subject will get you band and removed from Deeper Network Social media accounts so be aware………… Deeper Network has responded to my concern about this saying "that 1% of the treasury wallet is burned each day" but I don't believe that's what happens, I believe that only 1% of each transaction that is transferred to the Treasury wallet is then sent into the burn wallet only during the transaction process, not that 1% of the treasury wallet total is burned. So once the funds go into the Treasury wallet once the 1% has been taken out, the remaining funds are no longer programed to be burned. ( be determined) At the moment it is unknown how to see a total burn amount from this wallet but you can see how much DPR will be burned in the next 7 day burn period.
-Deeper Chain DPR Crypto Burn Wallet #2: Deeper Network has not provided the wallet address from the burning during the Pico sale so the community can monitor the wallet activity.
- Deeper Token ECR-20 Blockchain Ethereum Burn Wallet Address - Deeper Network has not provided the wallet address from the burning during the Pico sale so the community can monitor the wallet activity.
- Deeper Token BSC Binance Smart Chain Burn Wallet Address - Deeper Network has not provided the wallet address, nothing would be in the wallet address that i would be aware of if it exist yet
- Deeper Chain Treasury Wallet Address: 5EYCAe5ijiYfyeZ2JJCGq56LmPyNRAKzpG4QkoQkkQNB5e6Z (At the moment this is funded by the left over Validator Transactions & Burn DPR for Credit Score Increase, 1% of Transactions going into the wallet are Burned, this is confirmed)
- Polkadot Parachain for Deeper Chain – not yet, no future plans at the moment (Verified by Polkadot Support)
-10 Billion DPR Total: 6 Billion DPR will be mined within 25years (Verified on AMA); & 4 Billion DPR Belong to Deeper & Investors
-Location of Deeper Network servers where VPN data is stored: Unverified, Programmers working from China, ect. , Government Jurisdiction over VPN data information unknown, Privacy VPN info shows data is kept by Deeper Network, time period kept unknown.
- Deeper Network VPN / DPN equipment concerns: They say they do not keep logs of records of your internet access BUT!!!!! When you login to the device for the first time it makes you approve there two privacy agreements first. Terms and Condition of Use agreement under point Prohibited and restricted uses point #25 say : “We shall have the right… to monitor User Content”; The second agreement you must approve is the Deeper Network Privacy Policy under Data we Collect says “We may receive access to basic personal information from your social network accounts should you register or sign onto such services using Deeper Network Products or Services” (Why in the world is Deeper trying to collect your personal information?????????, also would they not also be able to see your banking information then...), then under section Data Retention it says “We will keep records containing personal data….. as maybe required by applicable laws (So then which governments laws are you under because there are countries that require no data collected) at the end of the day Deeper Network is not a Decentralized VPN because your data is collected in Deeper Networks Servers and Deeper Does not allow the Miners with the Exit Nodes for the VPN service to erase the VPN data on there own devices, even if their country allows for no logs to be collected. Will Deeper Network change their policy’s to be in harmony with what they told their community of NO LOGS/DATA KEEP BY DEEPER and ONLY DATA COLLECTED ON EACH EXIT NODE, apparently, they changed their minds……
Pico - At the moment the Pico is only good for mining with a Staked credit score, if the Pico has its own Public IP and is connected for months without being disconnected it will currently not get 10mb of traffic each day to get an increased organic credit score as an exit node, the network currently will choose a faster path out thru a Mini instead. So the Pico at the moment is not a good mining device if that's what you bought it for organically. This has been confirmed.
-Company Info:
-Deeper Network INC of the Marshal Islands (no office location there currently) Crypto Currency company that was set up as a shell company, filed on March 8, 2019 Entity number 100333 (Legal system mixed legal system of US and English common law, customary law, and local statutes; International law organization participation accepts compulsory ICJ jurisdiction with reservations; accepts ICCt jurisdiction)
-Deeper Network Inc of Delaware USA (no office location there currently) Software Developer/ VPN / DPN , Entity 201816910575 6/14/2018, EIN Tax ID# 841835438, State ID 04799167 This is the company that controls everything.
-Location Of Head Quartiers Office (5200 Great America Pkwy, Santa Clara , California, 95054) : The main temp office rental location no longer exists that is advertised and on Entity Documents the location is currently enmity and abandoned, supposedly working remotely from home and out of a shipping warehouse since the past two years or longer, unable to verify from the last trip to California. No new permanent office location currently that I am aware of that has been verified. Even from there past video of this office location you can tell it was just a temp location as if it was like one of those rent a cubical to work at temporary location.
(A Few people have come and gone from the head ranks, not sure if currently accurate)
Chief Executive Officer: Hui (Russell) Liu; San Jose, California
Chief Technology Officer: Hui Liu/Chao Ma
Secretary/Chief Financial Officer: Xiaoshuai (Cheryl) Liu ; Maple Ridge, British Columbia, Canada
Corporate Officer: Adam Wolfe
Lei Chang; Saratoga, California
Chief Marketing Officer: Eric Ma (Thailand) (Working only part time now, another one of the upper ranks with one foot out the door, I believe the next person will be #3+ for this job title next)
Chief Branding Officer: Yinan S.
Software Developer: Arturo Jimenez
Product manager: Kain Xu
Deeper Network DPR Coming Crash NewsDeeper Network DPR Crypto just had the worst AMA ever on 8/18/22 on Twitter, it is so bad they are holding off on releasing the recording at the moment. If it was not bad enough that the investors are getting there money back starting Sept. 6, 2022 slowing dropping the price but now they have officially killed any incentive to buy DPR to stake for mining. So as the price dips miners are not there buying it. And starting Dec. 1, 2022 they are flooding the system with returned staked DPR that will currently not have a real use factor since there is nothing to use it for other than staking. There is around estimated 500,000,000 DPR currently staked on the Genesis Nodes. The only thing holding back a complete collapse of DPR at the moment is the 750,000 max per day blockchain bridge transfer to get to an exchange................................ How will Deeper fix this mess...................................
Bearish News: AMA on Twitter 8/18/2022 it was announced that on Dec. 1, 2022 all the original 2000 Genesis Node Miners on Ter8 will go from mining 1,153 DPR per day (when the price was around $15cents) to mine 65 DPR per day with the price now .02cents. All current DPR staking will be given back over 3 months from Dec 2022 to March 2023. Deeper will now only accept USDC as staking now and as currently for all future aspects of the company moving forward.
Bearish News: Aug. 5 & 6, 2022 Deeper Network has turned down an invitation to showcase at Sir Richard Branson’s Block Chain Summit on Necker Island at the Neckerverse Showcase for a chance to pitch to the Virgin Impact team and other global heavyweight investors. The reason from Deeper Network "Cheryl, Russell and I ( Eric ) seriously considered attending the gathering but decided it was best to focus on exchange listings, research & development, and new product deadlines instead."
Bearish News: Possible Token Crash Starting around September 6, 2022 thru the next 8 months, investors getting Deeper Chain DPR returned to them who bought in at .006cents to .02cents. Deeper is only allowing 750,000 DPR total perday from the miners and the invests to go over the bridge from Deeper Chain to the other two chains to get to an exchange and to sell. Some of the people have set up computer programs to keep dumping coins over the bridge first so they do not get locked out when the daily total of 750,000 is hit. There was 2Billion token allocated to sell but they only advertise 1Billion being sold. DPR given out already to the investors that crashed the coin the first time (estimated 40% returned), there is an estimated amount of 2 to 4 Million Deeper Chain DPR being released each day to their investors for the next 8 months starting in September 2022 thru May 2023. Will Deeper fully open the bridge or will they try to control their investors cash out for a second time, well see what happens…….. How will the miners plan for this apocalyptic scenario of no longer being able to move Deeper Chain DPR across the bridge to get it on an exchange to pay for their expenses? I foresee another massive upset that Deeper Network will hush the investors by kicking people out of there Deeper Network community social groups when people complain and get upset like what happened when they lock up the investors DPR the first time without paying them back as was promised in their smart contract that had a hidden back door in the smart contract to reprogram it and to lock back up again. This is a lack of trust that I don’t think Deeper Network will every out live.
-Crypto Whale Information: See the Whale news on my channel for their Wallet address & Location, as you can track for yourself who is a true supporter and who is a dumper…… (AMA said Whales are allowed in the project now)
- Deeper Chain Community Governance - Currently being controlled directly by Deeper Network, not by the Community but thru a back door in the program (Verified on AMA) I don't foresee them giving the governance to the community within the next year or so because they like to be able to have fully control without have to wait for voting approvals, because the programing is far from being perfect..............
- 7 Validator Nodes on Deeper Chain, 3 have been verified to be in control of by Deeper Network DEVs, apparently they can control votes on the Governance with their locked DPR rewards- Wallet Addresses 1st 5C4vNVT5pDroqufEtXKYp3RKrNXVTHk9yqTeNNUSnJ6EbGGY ; 2nd 5CJDFR5RCMxPwVdzgH6JA9D7M625FEFKrdsJG1JnQVQdQkH2 ; 3rd 5HCG6MvAhYgLZdPoD1BVHEjgKee9n4AhMLKfq64VLiM4znuU
-Deeper Chain DPR Crypto Burn Wallet #1: (Warning this is a subject Deeper does not like to talk about) There has not been a routine burn setup yet promised by Deeper to fight inflation . The only burning is est 21DPR perday equivalent to about .80cents per day!!! from the Validator transactions which they are calling a “Routine Burning or Every Gas Fee”. The old burning was every 7 days and burnt all the treasury wallet. Then they slowed it down to every 24 Days thru the Treasury and to burn only about 1% now. There is credit burning set up for the miners, which is false advertisement because they only burn 1% of the money paid to buy credit to increase mining rewards. The rest of the money is added to the treasury wallet for Deeper to pay their DEVs instead. Waiting for Deeper Network to provide Burn Wallet Address for all three Blockchains so the community can monitor what they are being told. Talking about this subject will get you band and removed from Deeper Network Social media accounts so be aware………… Deeper Network has responded to my concern about this saying "that 1% of the treasury wallet is burned each day" but I don't believe that's what happens, I believe that only 1% of each transaction that is transferred to the Treasury wallet is then sent into the burn wallet only during the transaction process, not that 1% of the treasury wallet total is burned. So once the funds go into the Treasury wallet once the 1% has been taken out, the remaining funds are no longer programed to be burned. ( be determined) At the moment it is unknown how to see a total burn amount from this wallet but you can see how much DPR will be burned in the next 7 day burn period.
-Deeper Chain DPR Crypto Burn Wallet #2: Deeper Network has not provided the wallet address from the burning during the Pico sale so the community can monitor the wallet activity.
- Deeper Token ECR-20 Blockchain Ethereum Burn Wallet Address - Deeper Network has not provided the wallet address from the burning during the Pico sale so the community can monitor the wallet activity.
- Deeper Token BSC Binance Smart Chain Burn Wallet Address - Deeper Network has not provided the wallet address, nothing would be in the wallet address that i would be aware of if it exist yet
- Deeper Chain Treasury Wallet Address: 5EYCAe5ijiYfyeZ2JJCGq56LmPyNRAKzpG4QkoQkkQNB5e6Z (At the moment this is funded by the left over Validator Transactions & Burn DPR for Credit Score Increase, 1% of Transactions going into the wallet are Burned, this is confirmed)
- Polkadot Parachain for Deeper Chain – not yet, no future plans at the moment (Verified by Polkadot Support)
-10 Billion DPR Total: 6 Billion DPR will be mined within 25years (Verified on AMA); & 4 Billion DPR Belong to Deeper & Investors
-Location of Deeper Network servers where VPN data is stored: Unverified, Programmers working from China, ect. , Government Jurisdiction over VPN data information unknown, Privacy VPN info shows data is kept by Deeper Network, time period kept unknown.
- Deeper Network VPN / DPN equipment concerns: They say they do not keep logs of records of your internet access BUT!!!!! When you login to the device for the first time it makes you approve there two privacy agreements first. Terms and Condition of Use agreement under point Prohibited and restricted uses point #25 say : “We shall have the right… to monitor User Content”; The second agreement you must approve is the Deeper Network Privacy Policy under Data we Collect says “We may receive access to basic personal information from your social network accounts should you register or sign onto such services using Deeper Network Products or Services” (Why in the world is Deeper trying to collect your personal information?????????, also would they not also be able to see your banking information then...), then under section Data Retention it says “We will keep records containing personal data….. as maybe required by applicable laws (So then which governments laws are you under because there are countries that require no data collected) at the end of the day Deeper Network is not a Decentralized VPN because your data is collected in Deeper Networks Servers and Deeper Does not allow the Miners with the Exit Nodes for the VPN service to erase the VPN data on there own devices, even if their country allows for no logs to be collected. Will Deeper Network change their policy’s to be in harmony with what they told their community of NO LOGS/DATA KEEP BY DEEPER and ONLY DATA COLLECTED ON EACH EXIT NODE, apparently, they changed their minds……
Pico - At the moment the Pico is only good for mining with a Staked credit score, if the Pico has its own Public IP and is connected for months without being disconnected it will currently not get 10mb of traffic each day to get an increased organic credit score as an exit node, the network currently will choose a faster path out thru a Mini instead. So the Pico at the moment is not a good mining device if that's what you bought it for organically. This has been confirmed.
-Company Info:
-Deeper Network INC of the Marshal Islands (no office location there currently) Crypto Currency company that was set up as a shell company, filed on March 8, 2019 Entity number 100333 (Legal system mixed legal system of US and English common law, customary law, and local statutes; International law organization participation accepts compulsory ICJ jurisdiction with reservations; accepts ICCt jurisdiction)
-Deeper Network Inc of Delaware USA (no office location there currently) Software Developer/ VPN / DPN , Entity 201816910575 6/14/2018, EIN Tax ID# 841835438, State ID 04799167 This is the company that controls everything.
-Location Of Head Quartiers Office (5200 Great America Pkwy, Santa Clara, California, 95054) : The main temp office rental location no longer exists that is advertised and on Entity Documents the location is currently enmity and abandoned, supposedly working remotely from home and out of a shipping warehouse since the past two years or longer, unable to verify from the last trip to California. No new permanent office location currently that I am aware of that has been verified. Even from there past video of this office location you can tell it was just a temp location as if it was like one of those rent a cubical to work at temporary location.
(A Few people have come and gone from the head ranks, not sure if currently accurate)
Chief Executive Officer: Hui (Russell) Liu; San Jose, California
Chief Technology Officer: Hui Liu/Chao Ma
Secretary/Chief Financial Officer: Xiaoshuai (Cheryl) Liu ; Maple Ridge, British Columbia, Canada
Corporate Officer: Adam Wolfe
Lei Chang; Saratoga, California
Chief Marketing Officer: Eric Ma (Thailand) (Working only part time now, another one of the upper ranks with one foot out the door, I believe the next person will be #3+ for this job title next)
Chief Branding Officer: Yinan S.
Software Developer: Arturo Jimenez
Product manager: Kain Xu
Deeper Network DPR Crypto Bearish FallDeeper Network DPR Crypto slowly sliding down in a bearish direction. At the moment there is no incentive to buy until the price bottoms out with Bitcoin as we all impatiently wait. Tomorrow is a AMA so we will see if there is any immediate solution before Sept 6th hits..........
Bearish News: Aug. 5 & 6, 2022 Deeper Network has turned down an invitation to showcase at Sir Richard Branson’s Block Chain Summit on Necker Island at the Neckerverse Showcase for a chance to pitch to the Virgin Impact team and other global heavyweight investors. The reason from Deeper Network "Cheryl, Russell and I ( Eric ) seriously considered attending the gathering but decided it was best to focus on exchange listings, research & development, and new product deadlines instead."
Bearish News: Possible Token Crash Starting around September 6, 2022 thru the next 8 months, investors getting Deeper Chain DPR returned to them who bought in at .006cents to .02cents. Deeper is only allowing 750,000 DPR total perday from the miners and the invests to go over the bridge from Deeper Chain to the other two chains to get to an exchange and to sell. Some of the people have set up computer programs to keep dumping coins over the bridge first so they do not get locked out when the daily total of 750,000 is hit. There was 2Billion token allocated to sell but they only advertise 1Billion being sold. DPR given out already to the investors that crashed the coin the first time (estimated 40% returned), there is an estimated amount of 2 to 4 Million Deeper Chain DPR being released each day to their investors for the next 8 months starting in September 2022 thru May 2023. Will Deeper fully open the bridge or will they try to control their investors cash out for a second time, well see what happens…….. How will the miners plan for this apocalyptic scenario of no longer being able to move Deeper Chain DPR across the bridge to get it on an exchange to pay for their expenses? I foresee another massive upset that Deeper Network will hush the investors by kicking people out of there Deeper Network community social groups when people complain and get upset like what happened when they lock up the investors DPR the first time without paying them back as was promised in their smart contract that had a hidden back door in the smart contract to reprogram it and to lock back up again. This is a lack of trust that I don’t think Deeper Network will every out live.
-Crypto Whale Information: See the Whale news on my channel for their Wallet address & Location, as you can track for yourself who is a true supporter and who is a dumper…… (AMA said Whales are allowed in the project now)
- Deeper Chain Community Governance - Currently being controlled directly by Deeper Network, not by the Community but thru a back door in the program (Verified on AMA) I don't foresee them giving the governance to the community within the next year or so because they like to be able to have fully control without have to wait for voting approvals, because the programing is far from being perfect..............
- 7 Validator Nodes on Deeper Chain, 3 have been verified to be in control of by Deeper Network DEVs, apparently they can control votes on the Governance with their locked DPR rewards- Wallet Addresses 1st 5C4vNVT5pDroqufEtXKYp3RKrNXVTHk9yqTeNNUSnJ6EbGGY ; 2nd 5CJDFR5RCMxPwVdzgH6JA9D7M625FEFKrdsJG1JnQVQdQkH2 ; 3rd 5HCG6MvAhYgLZdPoD1BVHEjgKee9n4AhMLKfq64VLiM4znuU
-Deeper Chain DPR Crypto Burn Wallet #1: (Warning this is a subject Deeper does not like to talk about) There has not been a routine burn setup yet promised by Deeper to fight inflation . The only burning is est 21DPR perday equivalent to about .80cents per day!!! from the Validator transactions which they are calling a “Routine Burning or Every Gas Fee”. The old burning was every 7 days and burnt all the treasury wallet. Then they slowed it down to every 24 Days thru the Treasury and to burn only about 1% now. There is credit burning set up for the miners, which is false advertisement because they only burn 1% of the money paid to buy credit to increase mining rewards. The rest of the money is added to the treasury wallet for Deeper to pay their DEVs instead. Waiting for Deeper Network to provide Burn Wallet Address for all three Blockchains so the community can monitor what they are being told. Talking about this subject will get you band and removed from Deeper Network Social media accounts so be aware………… Deeper Network has responded to my concern about this saying "that 1% of the treasury wallet is burned each day" but I don't believe that's what happens, I believe that only 1% of each transaction that is transferred to the Treasury wallet is then sent into the burn wallet only during the transaction process, not that 1% of the treasury wallet total is burned. So once the funds go into the Treasury wallet once the 1% has been taken out, the remaining funds are no longer programed to be burned. ( be determined) At the moment it is unknown how to see a total burn amount from this wallet but you can see how much DPR will be burned in the next 7 day burn period.
-Deeper Chain DPR Crypto Burn Wallet #2: Deeper Network has not provided the wallet address from the burning during the Pico sale so the community can monitor the wallet activity.
- Deeper Token ECR-20 Blockchain Ethereum Burn Wallet Address - Deeper Network has not provided the wallet address from the burning during the Pico sale so the community can monitor the wallet activity.
- Deeper Token BSC Binance Smart Chain Burn Wallet Address - Deeper Network has not provided the wallet address, nothing would be in the wallet address that i would be aware of if it exist yet
- Deeper Chain Treasury Wallet Address: 5EYCAe5ijiYfyeZ2JJCGq56LmPyNRAKzpG4QkoQkkQNB5e6Z (At the moment this is funded by the left over Validator Transactions & Burn DPR for Credit Score Increase, 1% of Transactions going into the wallet are Burned, this is confirmed)
- Polkadot Parachain for Deeper Chain – not yet, no future plans at the moment (Verified by Polkadot Support)
-10 Billion DPR Total: 6 Billion DPR will be mined within 25years (Verified on AMA); & 4 Billion DPR Belong to Deeper & Investors
-Location of Deeper Network servers where VPN data is stored: Unverified, Programmers working from China, ect. , Government Jurisdiction over VPN data information unknown, Privacy VPN info shows data is kept by Deeper Network, time period kept unknown.
- Deeper Network VPN / DPN equipment concerns: They say they do not keep logs of records of your internet access BUT!!!!! When you login to the device for the first time it makes you approve there two privacy agreements first. Terms and Condition of Use agreement under point Prohibited and restricted uses point #25 say : “We shall have the right… to monitor User Content”; The second agreement you must approve is the Deeper Network Privacy Policy under Data we Collect says “We may receive access to basic personal information from your social network accounts should you register or sign onto such services using Deeper Network Products or Services” (Why in the world is Deeper trying to collect your personal information?????????, also would they not also be able to see your banking information then...), then under section Data Retention it says “We will keep records containing personal data….. as maybe required by applicable laws (So then which governments laws are you under because there are countries that require no data collected) at the end of the day Deeper Network is not a Decentralized VPN because your data is collected in Deeper Networks Servers and Deeper Does not allow the Miners with the Exit Nodes for the VPN service to erase the VPN data on there own devices, even if their country allows for no logs to be collected. Will Deeper Network change their policy’s to be in harmony with what they told their community of NO LOGS/DATA KEEP BY DEEPER and ONLY DATA COLLECTED ON EACH EXIT NODE, apparently, they changed their minds……
Pico - At the moment the Pico is only good for mining with a Staked credit score, if the Pico has its own Public IP and is connected for months without being disconnected it will currently not get 10mb of traffic each day to get an increased organic credit score as an exit node, the network currently will choose a faster path out thru a Mini instead. So the Pico at the moment is not a good mining device if that's what you bought it for organically. This has been confirmed.
-Company Info:
-Deeper Network INC of the Marshal Islands (no office location there currently) Crypto Currency company that was set up as a shell company, filed on March 8, 2019 Entity number 100333 (Legal system mixed legal system of US and English common law, customary law, and local statutes; International law organization participation accepts compulsory ICJ jurisdiction with reservations; accepts ICCt jurisdiction)
-Deeper Network Inc of Delaware USA (no office location there currently) Software Developer/ VPN / DPN , Entity 201816910575 6/14/2018, EIN Tax ID# 841835438, State ID 04799167 This is the company that controls everything.
-Location Of Head Quartiers Office (5200 Great America Pkwy, Santa Clara, California, 95054) : The main temp office rental location no longer exists that is advertised and on Entity Documents the location is currently enmity and abandoned, supposedly working remotely from home and out of a shipping warehouse since the past two years or longer, unable to verify from the last trip to California. No new permanent office location currently that I am aware of that has been verified. Even from there past video of this office location you can tell it was just a temp location as if it was like one of those rent a cubical to work at temporary location.
(A Few people have come and gone from the head ranks, not sure if currently accurate)
Chief Executive Officer: Hui (Russell) Liu; San Jose, California
Chief Technology Officer: Hui Liu/Chao Ma
Secretary/Chief Financial Officer: Xiaoshuai (Cheryl) Liu ; Maple Ridge, British Columbia, Canada
Corporate Officer: Adam Wolfe
Lei Chang; Saratoga, California
Chief Marketing Officer: Eric Ma (Thailand) (Working only part time now, another one of the upper ranks with one foot out the door, I believe the next person will be #3+ for this job title next)
Chief Branding Officer: Yinan S.
Software Developer: Arturo Jimenez
Product manager: Kain Xu
Deeper Network DPR Crypto Crash ComingDeeper Network DPR Crypto crash coming. As you may know Deeper Network refused an all expense paid trip to advertise there product to Sir Richard Branson at Neckerverse to get an investment from his Company Virgin. This meeting with him could of been great advertisement for the crypto and would of given future DPR crypto owners optimism for the future coin price knowing that a reputable company known worldwide wanted to meet with them and or invest. Deeper could of refused his offer and then told the community what the offer was if any, showing the community that they are a sought after up and coming crypto but but as a routine disappointment they did not show up with a lame excuse........ So instead of planning for this September crash with even a little good news and hope, they decided to just let the house burn down for the mining community. Because Deeper Network has a main investor insurance policy from there buy in of the coin at a price of .003 cents that is currently a 619.667% increase of there original investment with the current coin price now. So a original $10,000 investment would now be worth $61,900. So the main people have no concern but the DPR Genesis miner who bought in at .15cents+ is now at a negative -85% or more. I bet if the main investors where at a negative there outlook would be different. But it is not and only the little guy gets hammered like always.......... Where will this crash bottom out at well Deeper has a 600% wiggle room before they start to get concerned, well see what happens in the next 8 months...............
Bearish News: Aug. 5 & 6, 2022 Deeper Network has turned down an invitation to showcase at Sir Richard Branson’s Block Chain Summit on Necker Island at the Neckerverse Showcase for a chance to pitch to the Virgin Impact team and other global heavyweight investors. The reason from Deeper Network "Cheryl, Russell and I ( Eric ) seriously considered attending the gathering but decided it was best to focus on exchange listings, research & development, and new product deadlines instead."
Bearish News: Possible Token Crash Starting around September 6, 2022 thru the next 8 months, investors getting Deeper Chain DPR returned to them who bought in at .006cents to .02cents. Deeper is only allowing 750,000 DPR total perday from the miners and the invests to go over the bridge from Deeper Chain to the other two chains to get to an exchange and to sell. Some of the people have set up computer programs to keep dumping coins over the bridge first so they do not get locked out when the daily total of 750,000 is hit. There was 2Billion token allocated to sell but they only advertise 1Billion being sold. DPR given out already to the investors that crashed the coin the first time, there is an estimated amount of 3.3Million to 6.6Million Deeper Chain DPR being released each day to their investors for the next 8 months starting in September 2022 thru May 2023. Will Deeper fully open the bridge or will they try to control their investors cash out for a second time, well see what happens…….. How will the miners plan for this apocalyptic scenario of no longer being able to move Deeper Chain DPR across the bridge to get it on an exchange to pay for their expenses? I foresee another massive upset that Deeper Network will hush the investors by kicking people out of there Deeper Network community social groups when people complain and get upset like what happened when they lock up the investors DPR the first time without paying them back as was promised in their smart contract that had a hidden back door in the smart contract to reprogram it and to lock back up again. This is a lack of trust that I don’t think Deeper Network will every out live.
-Crypto Whale Information: See the Whale news on my channel for their Wallet address & Location, as you can track for yourself who is a true supporter and who is a dumper…… (AMA said Whales are allowed in the project now)
- Deeper Chain Community Governance - Currently being controlled directly by Deeper Network, not by the Community but thru a back door in the program (Verified on AMA) I don't foresee them giving the governance to the community within the next year or so because they like to be able to have fully control without have to wait for voting approvals, because the programing is far from being perfect..............
- 7 Validator Nodes on Deeper Chain, 3 have been verified to be in control of by Deeper Network DEVs, apparently they can control votes on the Governance with their locked DPR rewards- Wallet Addresses 1st 5C4vNVT5pDroqufEtXKYp3RKrNXVTHk9yqTeNNUSnJ6EbGGY ; 2nd 5CJDFR5RCMxPwVdzgH6JA9D7M625FEFKrdsJG1JnQVQdQkH2 ; 3rd 5HCG6MvAhYgLZdPoD1BVHEjgKee9n4AhMLKfq64VLiM4znuU
-Deeper Chain DPR Crypto Burn Wallet #1: (Warning this is a subject Deeper does not like to talk about) There has not been a routine burn setup yet promised by Deeper to fight inflation . The only burning is est 21DPR perday equivalent to about .80cents per day!!! from the Validator transactions which they are calling a “Routine Burning or Every Gas Fee”. The old burning was every 7 days and burnt all the treasury wallet. Then they slowed it down to every 24 Days thru the Treasury and to burn only about 1% now. There is credit burning set up for the miners, which is false advertisement because they only burn 1% of the money paid to buy credit to increase mining rewards. The rest of the money is added to the treasury wallet for Deeper to pay their DEVs instead. Waiting for Deeper Network to provide Burn Wallet Address for all three Blockchains so the community can monitor what they are being told. Talking about this subject will get you band and removed from Deeper Network Social media accounts so be aware………… Deeper Network has responded to my concern about this saying "that 1% of the treasury wallet is burned each day" but I don't believe that's what happens, I believe that only 1% of each transaction that is transferred to the Treasury wallet is then sent into the burn wallet only during the transaction process, not that 1% of the treasury wallet total is burned. So once the funds go into the Treasury wallet once the 1% has been taken out, the remaining funds are no longer programed to be burned. ( be determined) At the moment it is unknown how to see a total burn amount from this wallet but you can see how much DPR will be burned in the next 7 day burn period.
-Deeper Chain DPR Crypto Burn Wallet #2: Deeper Network has not provided the wallet address from the burning during the Pico sale so the community can monitor the wallet activity.
- Deeper Token ECR-20 Blockchain Ethereum Burn Wallet Address - Deeper Network has not provided the wallet address from the burning during the Pico sale so the community can monitor the wallet activity.
- Deeper Token BSC Binance Smart Chain Burn Wallet Address - Deeper Network has not provided the wallet address, nothing would be in the wallet address that i would be aware of if it exist yet
- Deeper Chain Treasury Wallet Address: 5EYCAe5ijiYfyeZ2JJCGq56LmPyNRAKzpG4QkoQkkQNB5e6Z (At the moment this is funded by the left over Validator Transactions & Burn DPR for Credit Score Increase, 1% of Transactions going into the wallet are Burned, this is confirmed)
- Polkadot Parachain for Deeper Chain – not yet, no future plans at the moment (Verified by Polkadot Support)
-10 Billion DPR Total: 6 Billion DPR will be mined within 25years (Verified on AMA); & 4 Billion DPR Belong to Deeper & Investors
-Location of Deeper Network servers where VPN data is stored: Unverified, Programmers working from China, ect. , Government Jurisdiction over VPN data information unknown, Privacy VPN info shows data is kept by Deeper Network, time period kept unknown.
- Deeper Network VPN / DPN equipment concerns: They say they do not keep logs of records of your internet access BUT!!!!! When you login to the device for the first time it makes you approve there two privacy agreements first. Terms and Condition of Use agreement under point Prohibited and restricted uses point #25 say : “We shall have the right… to monitor User Content”; The second agreement you must approve is the Deeper Network Privacy Policy under Data we Collect says “We may receive access to basic personal information from your social network accounts should you register or sign onto such services using Deeper Network Products or Services” (Why in the world is Deeper trying to collect your personal information?????????, also would they not also be able to see your banking information then...), then under section Data Retention it says “We will keep records containing personal data….. as maybe required by applicable laws (So then which governments laws are you under because there are countries that require no data collected) at the end of the day Deeper Network is not a Decentralized VPN because your data is collected in Deeper Networks Servers and Deeper Does not allow the Miners with the Exit Nodes for the VPN service to erase the VPN data on there own devices, even if their country allows for no logs to be collected. Will Deeper Network change their policy’s to be in harmony with what they told their community of NO LOGS/DATA KEEP BY DEEPER and ONLY DATA COLLECTED ON EACH EXIT NODE, apparently, they changed their minds……
Pico - At the moment the Pico is only good for mining with a Staked credit score, if the Pico has its own Public IP and is connected for months without being disconnected it will currently not get 10mb of traffic each day to get an increased organic credit score as an exit node, the network currently will choose a faster path out thru a Mini instead. So the Pico at the moment is not a good mining device if that's what you bought it for organically. This has been confirmed.
-Company Info:
-Deeper Network INC of the Marshal Islands (no office location there currently) Crypto Currency company that was set up as a shell company, filed on March 8, 2019 Entity number 100333 (Legal system mixed legal system of US and English common law, customary law, and local statutes; International law organization participation accepts compulsory ICJ jurisdiction with reservations; accepts ICCt jurisdiction)
-Deeper Network Inc of Delaware USA (no office location there currently) Software Developer/ VPN / DPN , Entity 201816910575 6/14/2018, EIN Tax ID# 841835438, State ID 04799167 This is the company that controls everything.
-Location Of Head Quartiers Office (5200 Great America Pkwy, Santa Clara, California, 95054) : The main temp office rental location no longer exists that is advertised and on Entity Documents the location is currently enmity and abandoned, supposedly working remotely from home and out of a shipping warehouse since the past two years or longer, unable to verify from the last trip to California. No new permanent office location currently that I am aware of that has been verified. Even from there past video of this office location you can tell it was just a temp location as if it was like one of those rent a cubical to work at temporary location.
(A Few people have come and gone from the head ranks, not sure if currently accurate)
Chief Executive Officer: Hui (Russell) Liu; San Jose, California
Chief Technology Officer: Hui Liu/Chao Ma
Secretary/Chief Financial Officer: Xiaoshuai (Cheryl) Liu ; Maple Ridge, British Columbia, Canada
Corporate Officer: Adam Wolfe
Lei Chang; Saratoga, California
Chief Marketing Officer: Eric Ma (Thailand) (Working only part time now, another one of the upper ranks leaving, I believe the next person will be #3+ for this job title next)
Chief Branding Officer: Yinan S.
Software Developer: Arturo Jimenez
Product manager: Kain Xu
Deeper Network DPR Crypto Bearish NewsDeeper Network DPR Crypto just keeps dropping one bearish news after another. They were provided an all expense paid trip to meet with Richard Branson in person and turned it down. Who would turn down just having a conversation with a Billionaire in order to just learn something from him, anything from him......... He has been meeting with Crypto companies for many years i am sure they could of gotten a programmer or two because as you can tell Deeper Network has alot of bugs in there system still....... This is my biggest disappoint yet so far with this company, second to when they relocked up there investors smart contract payout when no one know they had a back down programmed into the contract to stop it again. The next bearish new is for next month when these investors get there money back finally in Deeper Chain DPR which will be locked in the chain because Deeper still refuses to fully open the bridge to transfer to another block chain to be able to sell the token. Deeper Chain Crypto on its own blockchain is still useless and unable to do anything with it other than staking onto there miner and still that is not even fully working yet....... Someone please get some brains and run this company better instead of piecing it together with sticks..........
Bearish News: Eric CMO is apparently only doing his job for Deeper now on a part time basis because of his new job somewhere else, the employee turn over rate continues. Will they find another smooth talker, the possible new replacement is very choppy.
Bearish News: Aug. 5 & 6, 2022 Deeper Network has turned down an invitation to showcase at Sir Richard Branson’s Block Chain Summit on Necker Island at the Neckerverse Showcase for a chance to pitch to the Virgin Impact team and other global heavyweight investors. The reason from Deeper Network "Cheryl, Russell and I (Eric) seriously considered attending the gathering but decided it was best to focus on exchange listings, research & development, and new product deadlines instead."
Bearish News: Possible Token Crash Starting around September 6, 2022 thru the next 8 months, investors getting Deeper Chain DPR returned to them who bought in at .006cents to .02cents. Deeper is only allowing 750,000 DPR total perday from the miners and the invests to go over the bridge from Deeper Chain to the other two chains to get to an exchange and to sell. Some of the people have set up computer programs to keep dumping coins over the bridge first so they do not get locked out when the daily total of 750,000 is hit. There was 2Billion token allocated to sell but they only advertise 1Billion being sold. DPR given out already to the investors that crashed the coin the first time, there is an estimated amount of 3.3Million to 6.6Million Deeper Chain DPR being released each day to their investors for the next 8 months starting in September 2022 thru May 2023. Will Deeper fully open the bridge or will they try to control their investors cash out for a second time, well see what happens…….. How will the miners plan for this apocalyptic scenario of no longer being able to move Deeper Chain DPR across the bridge to get it on an exchange to pay for their expenses? I foresee another massive upset that Deeper Network will hush the investors by kicking people out of there Deeper Network community social groups when people complain and get upset like what happened when they lock up the investors DPR the first time without paying them back as was promised in their smart contract that had a hidden back door in the smart contract to reprogram it and to lock back up again. This is a lack of trust that I don’t think Deeper Network will every out live.
-Crypto Whale Information: See the Whale news on my channel for their Wallet address & Location, as you can track for yourself who is a true supporter and who is a dumper…… (AMA said Whales are allowed in the project now)
- Deeper Chain Community Governance - Currently being controlled directly by Deeper Network, not by the Community but thru a back door in the program (Verified on AMA) I don't foresee them giving the governance to the community within the next year or so because they like to be able to have fully control without have to wait for voting approvals, because the programing is far from being perfect..............
- 7 Validator Nodes on Deeper Chain, 3 have been verified to be in control of by Deeper Network DEVs, apparently they can control votes on the Governance with their locked DPR rewards- Wallet Addresses 1st 5C4vNVT5pDroqufEtXKYp3RKrNXVTHk9yqTeNNUSnJ6EbGGY ; 2nd 5CJDFR5RCMxPwVdzgH6JA9D7M625FEFKrdsJG1JnQVQdQkH2 ; 3rd 5HCG6MvAhYgLZdPoD1BVHEjgKee9n4AhMLKfq64VLiM4znuU
-Deeper Chain DPR Crypto Burn Wallet #1: (Warning this is a subject Deeper does not like to talk about) There has not been a routine burn setup yet promised by Deeper to fight inflation . The only burning is est 21DPR perday equivalent to about .80cents per day!!! from the Validator transactions which they are calling a “Routine Burning or Every Gas Fee”. The old burning was every 7 days and burnt all the treasury wallet. Then they slowed it down to every 24 Days thru the Treasury and to burn only about 1% now. There is credit burning set up for the miners, which is false advertisement because they only burn 1% of the money paid to buy credit to increase mining rewards. The rest of the money is added to the treasury wallet for Deeper to pay their DEVs instead. Waiting for Deeper Network to provide Burn Wallet Address for all three Blockchains so the community can monitor what they are being told. Talking about this subject will get you band and removed from Deeper Network Social media accounts so be aware………… Deeper Network has responded to my concern about this saying "that 1% of the treasury wallet is burned each day" but I don't believe that's what happens, I believe that only 1% of each transaction that is transferred to the Treasury wallet is then sent into the burn wallet only during the transaction process, not that 1% of the treasury wallet total is burned. So once the funds go into the Treasury wallet once the 1% has been taken out, the remaining funds are no longer programed to be burned. ( be determined) At the moment it is unknown how to see a total burn amount from this wallet but you can see how much DPR will be burned in the next 7 day burn period.
-Deeper Chain DPR Crypto Burn Wallet #2: Deeper Network has not provided the wallet address from the burning during the Pico sale so the community can monitor the wallet activity.
- Deeper Token ECR-20 Blockchain Ethereum Burn Wallet Address - Deeper Network has not provided the wallet address from the burning during the Pico sale so the community can monitor the wallet activity.
- Deeper Token BSC Binance Smart Chain Burn Wallet Address - Deeper Network has not provided the wallet address, nothing would be in the wallet address that i would be aware of if it exist yet
- Deeper Chain Treasury Wallet Address: 5EYCAe5ijiYfyeZ2JJCGq56LmPyNRAKzpG4QkoQkkQNB5e6Z (At the moment this is funded by the left over Validator Transactions & Burn DPR for Credit Score Increase, 1% of Transactions going into the wallet are Burned, this is confirmed)
- Polkadot Parachain for Deeper Chain – not yet, no future plans at the moment (Verified by Polkadot Support)
-10 Billion DPR Total: 6 Billion DPR will be mined within 25years (Verified on AMA); & 4 Billion DPR Belong to Deeper & Investors
-Location of Deeper Network servers where VPN data is stored: Unverified, Programmers working from China, ect. , Government Jurisdiction over VPN data information unknown, Privacy VPN info shows data is kept by Deeper Network, time period kept unknown.
- Deeper Network VPN / DPN equipment concerns: They say they do not keep logs of records of your internet access BUT!!!!! When you login to the device for the first time it makes you approve there two privacy agreements first. Terms and Condition of Use agreement under point Prohibited and restricted uses point #25 say : “We shall have the right… to monitor User Content”; The second agreement you must approve is the Deeper Network Privacy Policy under Data we Collect says “We may receive access to basic personal information from your social network accounts should you register or sign onto such services using Deeper Network Products or Services” (Why in the world is Deeper trying to collect your personal information?????????, also would they not also be able to see your banking information then...), then under section Data Retention it says “We will keep records containing personal data….. as maybe required by applicable laws (So then which governments laws are you under because there are countries that require no data collected) at the end of the day Deeper Network is not a Decentralized VPN because your data is collected in Deeper Networks Servers and Deeper Does not allow the Miners with the Exit Nodes for the VPN service to erase the VPN data on there own devices, even if their country allows for no logs to be collected. Will Deeper Network change their policy’s to be in harmony with what they told their community of NO LOGS/DATA KEEP BY DEEPER and ONLY DATA COLLECTED ON EACH EXIT NODE, apparently, they changed their minds……
Pico - At the moment the Pico is only good for mining with a Staked credit score, if the Pico has its own Public IP and is connected for months without being disconnected it will currently not get 10mb of traffic each day to get an increased organic credit score as an exit node, the network currently will choose a faster path out thru a Mini instead. So the Pico at the moment is not a good mining device if that's what you bought it for organically. This has been confirmed.
-Company Info:
-Deeper Network INC of the Marshal Islands (no office location there currently) Crypto Currency company that was set up as a shell company, filed on March 8, 2019 Entity number 100333 (Legal system mixed legal system of US and English common law, customary law, and local statutes; International law organization participation accepts compulsory ICJ jurisdiction with reservations; accepts ICCt jurisdiction)
-Deeper Network Inc of Delaware USA (no office location there currently) Software Developer/ VPN / DPN , Entity 201816910575 6/14/2018, EIN Tax ID# 841835438, State ID 04799167 This is the company that controls everything.
-Location Of Head Quartiers Office (5200 Great America Pkwy, Santa Clara, California, 95054) : The main temp office rental location no longer exists that is advertised and on Entity Documents the location is currently enmity and abandoned, supposedly working remotely from home and out of a shipping warehouse since the past two years or longer, unable to verify from the last trip to California. No new permanent office location currently that I am aware of that has been verified. Even from there past video of this office location you can tell it was just a temp location as if it was like one of those rent a cubical to work at temporary location.
(A Few people have come and gone from the head ranks, not sure if currently accurate)
Chief Executive Officer: Hui (Russell) Liu; San Jose, California
Chief Technology Officer: Hui Liu/Chao Ma
Secretary/Chief Financial Officer: Xiaoshuai (Cheryl) Liu ; Maple Ridge, British Columbia, Canada
Corporate Officer: Adam Wolfe
Lei Chang; Saratoga, California
Chief Marketing Officer: Eric Ma (Thailand) (Working only part time now, another one of the upper ranks leaving, I believe the next person will be #3+ for this job title next)
Chief Branding Officer: Yinan S.
Software Developer: Arturo Jimenez
Product manager: Kain Xu
Deeper Network DPR Crypto MarketCipher Deeper Network DPR Crypto I had this program Market Cipher for about a year or so. I decided to start using it now for DPR to see how things will play out now. Lets see what happens now. You can see over the past year on this Daily Chart how there graphing programs work.
Bearish News: Eric CMO is apparently only doing his job for Deeper now on a part time basis because of his new job somewhere else, the employee turn over rate continues. Will they find another smooth talker, the possible new replacement is very choppy.
Bullish News: Aug. 5 & 6, 2022 Deeper Network has an invitation to showcase at Sir Richard Branson’s Block Chain Summit on Necker Island at the Neckerverse Showcase for a chance to pitch to the Virgin Impact team and other global heavyweight investors. (On the AMA on 7/13/2022 at time spot 37:36 Eric said this might not translate directly into higher token prices. So that means something different and the thing right now we are also developing. I didn't get into too much of it, So apparently don't get your hopes up on a boost on the token price for this event. So they are just focusing on equipment sales I guess. Which has been a complaint from the community.
Bearish News: Possible Token Crash Starting around September 6, 2022 thru the next 8 months, investors getting Deeper Chain DPR returned to them who bought in at .006cents to .02cents. Deeper is only allowing 750,000 DPR total perday from the miners and the invests to go over the bridge from Deeper Chain to the other two chains to get to an exchange and to sell. Some of the people have set up computer programs to keep dumping coins over the bridge first so they do not get locked out when the daily total of 750,000 is hit. There was 2Billion token allocated to sell but they only advertise 1Billion being sold. DPR given out already to the investors that crashed the coin the first time, there is an estimated amount of 3.3Million to 6.6Million Deeper Chain DPR being released each day to their investors for the next 8 months starting in September 2022 thru May 2023. Will Deeper fully open the bridge or will they try to control their investors cash out for a second time, well see what happens…….. How will the miners plan for this apocalyptic scenario of no longer being able to move Deeper Chain DPR across the bridge to get it on an exchange to pay for their expenses? I foresee another massive upset that Deeper Network will hush the investors by kicking people out of there Deeper Network community social groups when people complain and get upset like what happened when they lock up the investors DPR the first time without paying them back as was promised in their smart contract that had a hidden back door in the smart contract to reprogram it and to lock back up again. This is a lack of trust that I don’t think Deeper Network will every out live.
-Crypto Whale Information: See the Whale news on my channel for their Wallet address & Location, as you can track for yourself who is a true supporter and who is a dumper…… (AMA said Whales are allowed in the project now)
- Deeper Chain Community Governance - Currently being controlled directly by Deeper Network, not by the Community but thru a back door in the program (Verified on AMA) I don't foresee them giving the governance to the community within the next year or so because they like to be able to have fully control without have to wait for voting approvals, because the programing is far from being perfect..............
- 7 Validator Nodes on Deeper Chain, 3 have been verified to be in control of by Deeper Network DEVs, apparently they can control votes on the Governance with their locked DPR rewards- Wallet Addresses 1st 5C4vNVT5pDroqufEtXKYp3RKrNXVTHk9yqTeNNUSnJ6EbGGY ; 2nd 5CJDFR5RCMxPwVdzgH6JA9D7M625FEFKrdsJG1JnQVQdQkH2 ; 3rd 5HCG6MvAhYgLZdPoD1BVHEjgKee9n4AhMLKfq64VLiM4znuU
-Deeper Chain DPR Crypto Burn Wallet #1: (Warning this is a subject Deeper does not like to talk about) There has not been a routine burn setup yet promised by Deeper to fight inflation . The only burning is est 21DPR perday equivalent to about .80cents per day!!! from the Validator transactions which they are calling a “Routine Burning or Every Gas Fee”. The old burning was every 7 days and burnt all the treasury wallet. Then they slowed it down to every 24 Days thru the Treasury and to burn only about 1% now. There is credit burning set up for the miners, which is false advertisement because they only burn 1% of the money paid to buy credit to increase mining rewards. The rest of the money is added to the treasury wallet for Deeper to pay their DEVs instead. Waiting for Deeper Network to provide Burn Wallet Address for all three Blockchains so the community can monitor what they are being told. Talking about this subject will get you band and removed from Deeper Network Social media accounts so be aware………… Deeper Network has responded to my concern about this saying "that 1% of the treasury wallet is burned each day" but I don't believe that's what happens, I believe that only 1% of each transaction that is transferred to the Treasury wallet is then sent into the burn wallet only during the transaction process, not that 1% of the treasury wallet total is burned. So once the funds go into the Treasury wallet once the 1% has been taken out, the remaining funds are no longer programed to be burned. ( be determined) At the moment it is unknown how to see a total burn amount from this wallet but you can see how much DPR will be burned in the next 7 day burn period.
-Deeper Chain DPR Crypto Burn Wallet #2: Deeper Network has not provided the wallet address from the burning during the Pico sale so the community can monitor the wallet activity.
- Deeper Token ECR-20 Blockchain Ethereum Burn Wallet Address - Deeper Network has not provided the wallet address from the burning during the Pico sale so the community can monitor the wallet activity.
- Deeper Token BSC Binance Smart Chain Burn Wallet Address - Deeper Network has not provided the wallet address, nothing would be in the wallet address that i would be aware of if it exist yet
- Deeper Chain Treasury Wallet Address: 5EYCAe5ijiYfyeZ2JJCGq56LmPyNRAKzpG4QkoQkkQNB5e6Z (At the moment this is funded by the left over Validator Transactions & Burn DPR for Credit Score Increase, 1% of Transactions going into the wallet are Burned, this is confirmed)
- Polkadot Parachain for Deeper Chain – not yet, no future plans at the moment (Verified by Polkadot Support)
-10 Billion DPR Total: 6 Billion DPR will be mined within 25years (Verified on AMA); & 4 Billion DPR Belong to Deeper & Investors
-Location of Deeper Network servers where VPN data is stored: Unverified, Programmers working from China, ect. , Government Jurisdiction over VPN data information unknown, Privacy VPN info shows data is kept by Deeper Network, time period kept unknown.
- Deeper Network VPN / DPN equipment concerns: They say they do not keep logs of records of your internet access BUT!!!!! When you login to the device for the first time it makes you approve there two privacy agreements first. Terms and Condition of Use agreement under point Prohibited and restricted uses point #25 say : “We shall have the right… to monitor User Content”; The second agreement you must approve is the Deeper Network Privacy Policy under Data we Collect says “We may receive access to basic personal information from your social network accounts should you register or sign onto such services using Deeper Network Products or Services” (Why in the world is Deeper trying to collect your personal information?????????, also would they not also be able to see your banking information then...), then under section Data Retention it says “We will keep records containing personal data….. as maybe required by applicable laws (So then which governments laws are you under because there are countries that require no data collected) at the end of the day Deeper Network is not a Decentralized VPN because your data is collected in Deeper Networks Servers and Deeper Does not allow the Miners with the Exit Nodes for the VPN service to erase the VPN data on there own devices, even if their country allows for no logs to be collected. Will Deeper Network change their policy’s to be in harmony with what they told their community of NO LOGS/DATA KEEP BY DEEPER and ONLY DATA COLLECTED ON EACH EXIT NODE, apparently, they changed their minds……
Pico - At the moment the Pico is only good for mining with a Staked credit score, if the Pico has its own Public IP and is connected for months without being disconnected it will currently not get 10mb of traffic each day to get an increased organic credit score as an exit node, the network currently will choose a faster path out thru a Mini instead. So the Pico at the moment is not a good mining device if that's what you bought it for organically. This has been confirmed. (I think they maybe working on this I will keep you posted)
-Company Info:
-Deeper Network INC of the Marshal Islands (no office location there currently) Crypto Currency company that was set up as a shell company, filed on March 8, 2019 Entity number 100333 (Legal system mixed legal system of US and English common law, customary law, and local statutes; International law organization participation accepts compulsory ICJ jurisdiction with reservations; accepts ICCt jurisdiction)
-Deeper Network Inc of Delaware USA (no office location there currently) Software Developer/ VPN / DPN , Entity 201816910575 6/14/2018, EIN Tax ID# 841835438, State ID 04799167 This is the company that controls everything.
-Location Of Head Quartiers Office (5200 Great America Pkwy, Santa Clara, California, 95054) : The main temp office rental location no longer exists that is advertised and on Entity Documents the location is currently enmity and abandoned, supposedly working remotely from home and out of a shipping warehouse since the past two years or longer, unable to verify from the last trip to California. No new permanent office location currently that I am aware of that has been verified. Even from there past video of this office location you can tell it was just a temp location as if it was like one of those rent a cubical to work at temporary location.
(A Few people have come and gone from the head ranks, not sure if currently accurate)
Chief Executive Officer: Hui (Russell) Liu; San Jose, California
Chief Technology Officer: Hui Liu/Chao Ma
Secretary/Chief Financial Officer: Xiaoshuai (Cheryl) Liu ; Maple Ridge, British Columbia, Canada
Corporate Officer: Adam Wolfe
Lei Chang; Saratoga, California
Chief Marketing Officer: Eric Ma (Thailand) (Working only part time now, another one of the upper ranks leaving, I believe the next person will be #3+ for this job title next)
Chief Branding Officer: Yinan S.
Software Developer: Arturo Jimenez
Product manager: Kain Xu
Deeper Network DPR Crypto Falling WedgeDeeper Network DPR Crypto breaking bullish from a falling wedge , will see if it hits the price point at .029cents. I am assuming it will do the drop afterwards when BTC Bitcoin does its next major drop.
Bearish News: Eric CMO is apparently only doing his job for Deeper now on a part time basis because of his new job somewhere else, the employee turn over rate continues. Will they find another smooth talker, the possible new replacement is very choppy.
Bullish News: Aug. 5 & 6, 2022 Deeper Network has an invitation to showcase at Sir Richard Branson’s Block Chain Summit on Necker Island at the Neckerverse Showcase for a chance to pitch to the Virgin Impact team and other global heavyweight investors. (On the AMA on 7/13/2022 at time spot 37:36 Eric said this might not translate directly into higher token prices. So that means something different and the thing right now we are also developing. I didn't get into too much of it, So apparently don't get your hopes up on a boost on the token price for this event. So they are just focusing on equipment sales I guess. Which has been a complaint from the community.
Bearish News: Possible Token Crash Starting around September 6, 2022 thru the next 8 months, investors getting Deeper Chain DPR returned to them who bought in at .006cents to .02cents. Deeper is only allowing 750,000 DPR total perday from the miners and the invests to go over the bridge from Deeper Chain to the other two chains to get to an exchange and to sell. Some of the people have set up computer programs to keep dumping coins over the bridge first so they do not get locked out when the daily total of 750,000 is hit. There was 2Billion token allocated to sell but they only advertise 1Billion being sold. DPR given out already to the investors that crashed the coin the first time, there is an estimated amount of 3.3Million to 6.6Million Deeper Chain DPR being released each day to their investors for the next 8 months starting in September 2022 thru May 2023. Will Deeper fully open the bridge or will they try to control their investors cash out for a second time, well see what happens…….. How will the miners plan for this apocalyptic scenario of no longer being able to move Deeper Chain DPR across the bridge to get it on an exchange to pay for their expenses? I foresee another massive upset that Deeper Network will hush the investors by kicking people out of there Deeper Network community social groups when people complain and get upset like what happened when they lock up the investors DPR the first time without paying them back as was promised in their smart contract that had a hidden back door in the smart contract to reprogram it and to lock back up again. This is a lack of trust that I don’t think Deeper Network will every out live.
-Crypto Whale Information: See the Whale news on my channel for their Wallet address & Location, as you can track for yourself who is a true supporter and who is a dumper…… (AMA said Whales are allowed in the project now)
- Deeper Chain Community Governance - Currently being controlled directly by Deeper Network, not by the Community but thru a back door in the program (Verified on AMA) I don't foresee them giving the governance to the community within the next year or so because they like to be able to have fully control without have to wait for voting approvals, because the programing is far from being perfect..............
- 7 Validator Nodes on Deeper Chain, 3 have been verified to be in control of by Deeper Network DEVs, apparently they can control votes on the Governance with their locked DPR rewards- Wallet Addresses 1st 5C4vNVT5pDroqufEtXKYp3RKrNXVTHk9yqTeNNUSnJ6EbGGY ; 2nd 5CJDFR5RCMxPwVdzgH6JA9D7M625FEFKrdsJG1JnQVQdQkH2 ; 3rd 5HCG6MvAhYgLZdPoD1BVHEjgKee9n4AhMLKfq64VLiM4znuU
-Deeper Chain DPR Crypto Burn Wallet #1: (Warning this is a subject Deeper does not like to talk about) There has not been a routine burn setup yet promised by Deeper to fight inflation . The only burning is est 21DPR perday equivalent to about .80cents per day!!! from the Validator transactions which they are calling a “Routine Burning or Every Gas Fee”. The old burning was every 7 days and burnt all the treasury wallet. Then they slowed it down to every 24 Days thru the Treasury and to burn only about 1% now. There is credit burning set up for the miners, which is false advertisement because they only burn 1% of the money paid to buy credit to increase mining rewards. The rest of the money is added to the treasury wallet for Deeper to pay their DEVs instead. Waiting for Deeper Network to provide Burn Wallet Address for all three Blockchains so the community can monitor what they are being told. Talking about this subject will get you band and removed from Deeper Network Social media accounts so be aware………… Deeper Network has responded to my concern about this saying "that 1% of the treasury wallet is burned each day" but I don't believe that's what happens, I believe that only 1% of each transaction that is transferred to the Treasury wallet is then sent into the burn wallet only during the transaction process, not that 1% of the treasury wallet total is burned. So once the funds go into the Treasury wallet once the 1% has been taken out, the remaining funds are no longer programed to be burned. ( be determined) At the moment it is unknown how to see a total burn amount from this wallet but you can see how much DPR will be burned in the next 7 day burn period.
-Deeper Chain DPR Crypto Burn Wallet #2: Deeper Network has not provided the wallet address from the burning during the Pico sale so the community can monitor the wallet activity.
- Deeper Token ECR-20 Blockchain Ethereum Burn Wallet Address - Deeper Network has not provided the wallet address from the burning during the Pico sale so the community can monitor the wallet activity.
- Deeper Token BSC Binance Smart Chain Burn Wallet Address - Deeper Network has not provided the wallet address, nothing would be in the wallet address that i would be aware of if it exist yet
- Deeper Chain Treasury Wallet Address: 5EYCAe5ijiYfyeZ2JJCGq56LmPyNRAKzpG4QkoQkkQNB5e6Z (At the moment this is funded by the left over Validator Transactions & Burn DPR for Credit Score Increase, 1% of Transactions going into the wallet are Burned, this is confirmed)
- Polkadot Parachain for Deeper Chain – not yet, no future plans at the moment (Verified by Polkadot Support)
-10 Billion DPR Total: 6 Billion DPR will be mined within 25years (Verified on AMA); & 4 Billion DPR Belong to Deeper & Investors
-Location of Deeper Network servers where VPN data is stored: Unverified, Programmers working from China, ect. , Government Jurisdiction over VPN data information unknown, Privacy VPN info shows data is kept by Deeper Network, time period kept unknown.
- Deeper Network VPN / DPN equipment concerns: They say they do not keep logs of records of your internet access BUT!!!!! When you login to the device for the first time it makes you approve there two privacy agreements first. Terms and Condition of Use agreement under point Prohibited and restricted uses point #25 say : “We shall have the right… to monitor User Content”; The second agreement you must approve is the Deeper Network Privacy Policy under Data we Collect says “We may receive access to basic personal information from your social network accounts should you register or sign onto such services using Deeper Network Products or Services” (Why in the world is Deeper trying to collect your personal information?????????, also would they not also be able to see your banking information then...), then under section Data Retention it says “We will keep records containing personal data….. as maybe required by applicable laws (So then which governments laws are you under because there are countries that require no data collected) at the end of the day Deeper Network is not a Decentralized VPN because your data is collected in Deeper Networks Servers and Deeper Does not allow the Miners with the Exit Nodes for the VPN service to erase the VPN data on there own devices, even if their country allows for no logs to be collected. Will Deeper Network change their policy’s to be in harmony with what they told their community of NO LOGS/DATA KEEP BY DEEPER and ONLY DATA COLLECTED ON EACH EXIT NODE, apparently, they changed their minds……
Pico - At the moment the Pico is only good for mining with a Staked credit score, if the Pico has its own Public IP and is connected for months without being disconnected it will currently not get 10mb of traffic each day to get an increased organic credit score as an exit node, the network currently will choose a faster path out thru a Mini instead. So the Pico at the moment is not a good mining device if that's what you bought it for organically. This has been confirmed.
-Company Info:
-Deeper Network INC of the Marshal Islands (no office location there currently) Crypto Currency company that was set up as a shell company, filed on March 8, 2019 Entity number 100333 (Legal system mixed legal system of US and English common law, customary law, and local statutes; International law organization participation accepts compulsory ICJ jurisdiction with reservations; accepts ICCt jurisdiction)
-Deeper Network Inc of Delaware USA (no office location there currently) Software Developer/ VPN / DPN , Entity 201816910575 6/14/2018, EIN Tax ID# 841835438, State ID 04799167 This is the company that controls everything.
-Location Of Head Quartiers Office (5200 Great America Pkwy, Santa Clara, California, 95054) : The main temp office rental location no longer exists that is advertised and on Entity Documents the location is currently enmity and abandoned, supposedly working remotely from home and out of a shipping warehouse since the past two years or longer, unable to verify from the last trip to California. No new permanent office location currently that I am aware of that has been verified. Even from there past video of this office location you can tell it was just a temp location as if it was like one of those rent a cubical to work at temporary location.
(A Few people have come and gone from the head ranks, not sure if currently accurate)
Chief Executive Officer: Hui (Russell) Liu; San Jose, California
Chief Technology Officer: Hui Liu/Chao Ma
Secretary/Chief Financial Officer: Xiaoshuai (Cheryl) Liu ; Maple Ridge, British Columbia, Canada
Corporate Officer: Adam Wolfe
Lei Chang; Saratoga, California
Chief Marketing Officer: Eric Ma (Thailand) (Working only part time now, another one of the upper ranks leaving, I believe the next person will be #3+ for this job title next)
Chief Branding Officer: Yinan S.
Software Developer: Arturo Jimenez
Product manager: Kain Xu
Deeper Network DPR Crypto Falling WedgeDeeper Network DPR Crypto breaking bullish from a falling wedge , will see if it hits the price point at .029cents. I am assuming it will do the drop afterwards when BTC Bitcoin does its next major drop.
Bearish News: Eric CMO is apparently only doing his job for Deeper now on a part time basis because of his new job somewhere else, the employee turn over rate continues. Will they find another smooth talker, the possible new replacement is very choppy.
Bullish News: Aug. 5 & 6, 2022 Deeper Network has an invitation to showcase at Sir Richard Branson’s Block Chain Summit on Necker Island at the Neckerverse Showcase for a chance to pitch to the Virgin Impact team and other global heavyweight investors. (On the AMA on 7/13/2022 at time spot 37:36 Eric said this might not translate directly into higher token prices. So that means something different and the thing right now we are also developing. I didn't get into too much of it, So apparently don't get your hopes up on a boost on the token price for this event. So they are just focusing on equipment sales I guess. Which has been a complaint from the community.
Bearish News: Possible Token Crash Starting around September 6, 2022 thru the next 8 months, investors getting Deeper Chain DPR returned to them who bought in at .006cents to .02cents. Deeper is only allowing 750,000 DPR total perday from the miners and the invests to go over the bridge from Deeper Chain to the other two chains to get to an exchange and to sell. Some of the people have set up computer programs to keep dumping coins over the bridge first so they do not get locked out when the daily total of 750,000 is hit. There was 2Billion token allocated to sell but they only advertise 1Billion being sold. DPR given out already to the investors that crashed the coin the first time, there is an estimated amount of 3.3Million to 6.6Million Deeper Chain DPR being released each day to their investors for the next 8 months starting in September 2022 thru May 2023. Will Deeper fully open the bridge or will they try to control their investors cash out for a second time, well see what happens…….. How will the miners plan for this apocalyptic scenario of no longer being able to move Deeper Chain DPR across the bridge to get it on an exchange to pay for their expenses? I foresee another massive upset that Deeper Network will hush the investors by kicking people out of there Deeper Network community social groups when people complain and get upset like what happened when they lock up the investors DPR the first time without paying them back as was promised in their smart contract that had a hidden back door in the smart contract to reprogram it and to lock back up again. This is a lack of trust that I don’t think Deeper Network will every out live.
-Crypto Whale Information: See the Whale news on my channel for their Wallet address & Location, as you can track for yourself who is a true supporter and who is a dumper…… (AMA said Whales are allowed in the project now)
- Deeper Chain Community Governance - Currently being controlled directly by Deeper Network, not by the Community but thru a back door in the program (Verified on AMA) I don't foresee them giving the governance to the community within the next year or so because they like to be able to have fully control without have to wait for voting approvals, because the programing is far from being perfect..............
- 7 Validator Nodes on Deeper Chain, 3 have been verified to be in control of by Deeper Network DEVs, apparently they can control votes on the Governance with their locked DPR rewards- Wallet Addresses 1st 5C4vNVT5pDroqufEtXKYp3RKrNXVTHk9yqTeNNUSnJ6EbGGY ; 2nd 5CJDFR5RCMxPwVdzgH6JA9D7M625FEFKrdsJG1JnQVQdQkH2 ; 3rd 5HCG6MvAhYgLZdPoD1BVHEjgKee9n4AhMLKfq64VLiM4znuU
-Deeper Chain DPR Crypto Burn Wallet #1: (Warning this is a subject Deeper does not like to talk about) There has not been a routine burn setup yet promised by Deeper to fight inflation . The only burning is est 21DPR perday equivalent to about .80cents per day!!! from the Validator transactions which they are calling a “Routine Burning or Every Gas Fee”. The old burning was every 7 days and burnt all the treasury wallet. Then they slowed it down to every 24 Days thru the Treasury and to burn only about 1% now. There is credit burning set up for the miners, which is false advertisement because they only burn 1% of the money paid to buy credit to increase mining rewards. The rest of the money is added to the treasury wallet for Deeper to pay their DEVs instead. Waiting for Deeper Network to provide Burn Wallet Address for all three Blockchains so the community can monitor what they are being told. Talking about this subject will get you band and removed from Deeper Network Social media accounts so be aware………… Deeper Network has responded to my concern about this saying "that 1% of the treasury wallet is burned each day" but I don't believe that's what happens, I believe that only 1% of each transaction that is transferred to the Treasury wallet is then sent into the burn wallet only during the transaction process, not that 1% of the treasury wallet total is burned. So once the funds go into the Treasury wallet once the 1% has been taken out, the remaining funds are no longer programed to be burned. ( be determined) At the moment it is unknown how to see a total burn amount from this wallet but you can see how much DPR will be burned in the next 7 day burn period.
-Deeper Chain DPR Crypto Burn Wallet #2: Deeper Network has not provided the wallet address from the burning during the Pico sale so the community can monitor the wallet activity.
- Deeper Token ECR-20 Blockchain Ethereum Burn Wallet Address - Deeper Network has not provided the wallet address from the burning during the Pico sale so the community can monitor the wallet activity.
- Deeper Token BSC Binance Smart Chain Burn Wallet Address - Deeper Network has not provided the wallet address, nothing would be in the wallet address that i would be aware of if it exist yet
- Deeper Chain Treasury Wallet Address: 5EYCAe5ijiYfyeZ2JJCGq56LmPyNRAKzpG4QkoQkkQNB5e6Z (At the moment this is funded by the left over Validator Transactions & Burn DPR for Credit Score Increase, 1% of Transactions going into the wallet are Burned, this is confirmed)
- Polkadot Parachain for Deeper Chain – not yet, no future plans at the moment (Verified by Polkadot Support)
-10 Billion DPR Total: 6 Billion DPR will be mined within 25years (Verified on AMA); & 4 Billion DPR Belong to Deeper & Investors
-Location of Deeper Network servers where VPN data is stored: Unverified, Programmers working from China, ect. , Government Jurisdiction over VPN data information unknown, Privacy VPN info shows data is kept by Deeper Network, time period kept unknown.
- Deeper Network VPN / DPN equipment concerns: They say they do not keep logs of records of your internet access BUT!!!!! When you login to the device for the first time it makes you approve there two privacy agreements first. Terms and Condition of Use agreement under point Prohibited and restricted uses point #25 say : “We shall have the right… to monitor User Content”; The second agreement you must approve is the Deeper Network Privacy Policy under Data we Collect says “We may receive access to basic personal information from your social network accounts should you register or sign onto such services using Deeper Network Products or Services” (Why in the world is Deeper trying to collect your personal information?????????, also would they not also be able to see your banking information then...), then under section Data Retention it says “We will keep records containing personal data….. as maybe required by applicable laws (So then which governments laws are you under because there are countries that require no data collected) at the end of the day Deeper Network is not a Decentralized VPN because your data is collected in Deeper Networks Servers and Deeper Does not allow the Miners with the Exit Nodes for the VPN service to erase the VPN data on there own devices, even if their country allows for no logs to be collected. Will Deeper Network change their policy’s to be in harmony with what they told their community of NO LOGS/DATA KEEP BY DEEPER and ONLY DATA COLLECTED ON EACH EXIT NODE, apparently, they changed their minds……
Pico - At the moment the Pico is only good for mining with a Staked credit score, if the Pico has its own Public IP and is connected for months without being disconnected it will currently not get 10mb of traffic each day to get an increased organic credit score as an exit node, the network currently will choose a faster path out thru a Mini instead. So the Pico at the moment is not a good mining device if that's what you bought it for organically. This has been confirmed.
-Company Info:
-Deeper Network INC of the Marshal Islands (no office location there currently) Crypto Currency company that was set up as a shell company, filed on March 8, 2019 Entity number 100333 (Legal system mixed legal system of US and English common law, customary law, and local statutes; International law organization participation accepts compulsory ICJ jurisdiction with reservations; accepts ICCt jurisdiction)
-Deeper Network Inc of Delaware USA (no office location there currently) Software Developer/ VPN / DPN , Entity 201816910575 6/14/2018, EIN Tax ID# 841835438, State ID 04799167 This is the company that controls everything.
-Location Of Head Quartiers Office (5200 Great America Pkwy, Santa Clara, California, 95054) : The main temp office rental location no longer exists that is advertised and on Entity Documents the location is currently enmity and abandoned, supposedly working remotely from home and out of a shipping warehouse since the past two years or longer, unable to verify from the last trip to California. No new permanent office location currently that I am aware of that has been verified. Even from there past video of this office location you can tell it was just a temp location as if it was like one of those rent a cubical to work at temporary location.
(A Few people have come and gone from the head ranks, not sure if currently accurate)
Chief Executive Officer: Hui (Russell) Liu; San Jose, California
Chief Technology Officer: Hui Liu/Chao Ma
Secretary/Chief Financial Officer: Xiaoshuai (Cheryl) Liu ; Maple Ridge, British Columbia, Canada
Corporate Officer: Adam Wolfe
Lei Chang; Saratoga, California
Chief Marketing Officer: Eric Ma (Thailand) (Working only part time now, another one of the upper ranks leaving, I believe the next person will be #3+ for this job title next)
Chief Branding Officer: Yinan S.
Software Developer: Arturo Jimenez
Product manager: Kain Xu
Deeper Network DPR Crypto Falling WedgeDeeper Network DPR Crypto breaking bullish from a falling wedge, will see if it hits the price point at .029cents. I am assuming it will do the drop afterwards when BTC Bitcoin does its next major drop.
Bearish News: Eric CMO is apparently only doing his job for Deeper now on a part time basis because of his new job somewhere else, the employee turn over rate continues. Will they find another smooth talker, the possible new replacement is very choppy.
Bullish News: Aug. 5 & 6, 2022 Deeper Network has an invitation to showcase at Sir Richard Branson’s Block Chain Summit on Necker Island at the Neckerverse Showcase for a chance to pitch to the Virgin Impact team and other global heavyweight investors. (On the AMA on 7/13/2022 at time spot 37:36 Eric said this might not translate directly into higher token prices. So that means something different and the thing right now we are also developing. I didn't get into too much of it, So apparently don't get your hopes up on a boost on the token price for this event. So they are just focusing on equipment sales I guess. Which has been a complaint from the community.
Bearish News: Possible Token Crash Starting around September 6, 2022 thru the next 8 months, investors getting Deeper Chain DPR returned to them who bought in at .006cents to .02cents. Deeper is only allowing 750,000 DPR total perday from the miners and the invests to go over the bridge from Deeper Chain to the other two chains to get to an exchange and to sell. Some of the people have set up computer programs to keep dumping coins over the bridge first so they do not get locked out when the daily total of 750,000 is hit. There was 2Billion token allocated to sell but they only advertise 1Billion being sold. DPR given out already to the investors that crashed the coin the first time, there is an estimated amount of 3.3Million to 6.6Million Deeper Chain DPR being released each day to their investors for the next 8 months starting in September 2022 thru May 2023. Will Deeper fully open the bridge or will they try to control their investors cash out for a second time, well see what happens…….. How will the miners plan for this apocalyptic scenario of no longer being able to move Deeper Chain DPR across the bridge to get it on an exchange to pay for their expenses? I foresee another massive upset that Deeper Network will hush the investors by kicking people out of there Deeper Network community social groups when people complain and get upset like what happened when they lock up the investors DPR the first time without paying them back as was promised in their smart contract that had a hidden back door in the smart contract to reprogram it and to lock back up again. This is a lack of trust that I don’t think Deeper Network will every out live.
-Crypto Whale Information: See the Whale news on my channel for their Wallet address & Location, as you can track for yourself who is a true supporter and who is a dumper…… (AMA said Whales are allowed in the project now)
- Deeper Chain Community Governance - Currently being controlled directly by Deeper Network, not by the Community but thru a back door in the program (Verified on AMA) I don't foresee them giving the governance to the community within the next year or so because they like to be able to have fully control without have to wait for voting approvals, because the programing is far from being perfect..............
- 7 Validator Nodes on Deeper Chain, 3 have been verified to be in control of by Deeper Network DEVs, apparently they can control votes on the Governance with their locked DPR rewards- Wallet Addresses 1st 5C4vNVT5pDroqufEtXKYp3RKrNXVTHk9yqTeNNUSnJ6EbGGY ; 2nd 5CJDFR5RCMxPwVdzgH6JA9D7M625FEFKrdsJG1JnQVQdQkH2 ; 3rd 5HCG6MvAhYgLZdPoD1BVHEjgKee9n4AhMLKfq64VLiM4znuU
-Deeper Chain DPR Crypto Burn Wallet #1: (Warning this is a subject Deeper does not like to talk about) There has not been a routine burn setup yet promised by Deeper to fight inflation . The only burning is est 21DPR perday equivalent to about .80cents per day!!! from the Validator transactions which they are calling a “Routine Burning or Every Gas Fee”. The old burning was every 7 days and burnt all the treasury wallet. Then they slowed it down to every 24 Days thru the Treasury and to burn only about 1% now. There is credit burning set up for the miners, which is false advertisement because they only burn 1% of the money paid to buy credit to increase mining rewards. The rest of the money is added to the treasury wallet for Deeper to pay their DEVs instead. Waiting for Deeper Network to provide Burn Wallet Address for all three Blockchains so the community can monitor what they are being told. Talking about this subject will get you band and removed from Deeper Network Social media accounts so be aware………… Deeper Network has responded to my concern about this saying "that 1% of the treasury wallet is burned each day" but I don't believe that's what happens, I believe that only 1% of each transaction that is transferred to the Treasury wallet is then sent into the burn wallet only during the transaction process, not that 1% of the treasury wallet total is burned. So once the funds go into the Treasury wallet once the 1% has been taken out, the remaining funds are no longer programed to be burned. ( be determined) At the moment it is unknown how to see a total burn amount from this wallet but you can see how much DPR will be burned in the next 7 day burn period.
-Deeper Chain DPR Crypto Burn Wallet #2: Deeper Network has not provided the wallet address from the burning during the Pico sale so the community can monitor the wallet activity.
- Deeper Token ECR-20 Blockchain Ethereum Burn Wallet Address - Deeper Network has not provided the wallet address from the burning during the Pico sale so the community can monitor the wallet activity.
- Deeper Token BSC Binance Smart Chain Burn Wallet Address - Deeper Network has not provided the wallet address, nothing would be in the wallet address that i would be aware of if it exist yet
- Deeper Chain Treasury Wallet Address: 5EYCAe5ijiYfyeZ2JJCGq56LmPyNRAKzpG4QkoQkkQNB5e6Z (At the moment this is funded by the left over Validator Transactions & Burn DPR for Credit Score Increase, 1% of Transactions going into the wallet are Burned, this is confirmed)
- Polkadot Parachain for Deeper Chain – not yet, no future plans at the moment (Verified by Polkadot Support)
-10 Billion DPR Total: 6 Billion DPR will be mined within 25years (Verified on AMA); & 4 Billion DPR Belong to Deeper & Investors
-Location of Deeper Network servers where VPN data is stored: Unverified, Programmers working from China, ect. , Government Jurisdiction over VPN data information unknown, Privacy VPN info shows data is kept by Deeper Network, time period kept unknown.
- Deeper Network VPN / DPN equipment concerns: They say they do not keep logs of records of your internet access BUT!!!!! When you login to the device for the first time it makes you approve there two privacy agreements first. Terms and Condition of Use agreement under point Prohibited and restricted uses point #25 say : “We shall have the right… to monitor User Content”; The second agreement you must approve is the Deeper Network Privacy Policy under Data we Collect says “We may receive access to basic personal information from your social network accounts should you register or sign onto such services using Deeper Network Products or Services” (Why in the world is Deeper trying to collect your personal information?????????, also would they not also be able to see your banking information then...), then under section Data Retention it says “We will keep records containing personal data….. as maybe required by applicable laws (So then which governments laws are you under because there are countries that require no data collected) at the end of the day Deeper Network is not a Decentralized VPN because your data is collected in Deeper Networks Servers and Deeper Does not allow the Miners with the Exit Nodes for the VPN service to erase the VPN data on there own devices, even if their country allows for no logs to be collected. Will Deeper Network change their policy’s to be in harmony with what they told their community of NO LOGS/DATA KEEP BY DEEPER and ONLY DATA COLLECTED ON EACH EXIT NODE, apparently, they changed their minds……
Pico - At the moment the Pico is only good for mining with a Staked credit score, if the Pico has its own Public IP and is connected for months without being disconnected it will currently not get 10mb of traffic each day to get an increased organic credit score as an exit node, the network currently will choose a faster path out thru a Mini instead. So the Pico at the moment is not a good mining device if that's what you bought it for organically. This has been confirmed.
-Company Info:
-Deeper Network INC of the Marshal Islands (no office location there currently) Crypto Currency company that was set up as a shell company, filed on March 8, 2019 Entity number 100333 (Legal system mixed legal system of US and English common law, customary law, and local statutes; International law organization participation accepts compulsory ICJ jurisdiction with reservations; accepts ICCt jurisdiction)
-Deeper Network Inc of Delaware USA (no office location there currently) Software Developer/ VPN / DPN , Entity 201816910575 6/14/2018, EIN Tax ID# 841835438, State ID 04799167 This is the company that controls everything.
-Location Of Head Quartiers Office (5200 Great America Pkwy, Santa Clara, California, 95054) : The main temp office rental location no longer exists that is advertised and on Entity Documents the location is currently enmity and abandoned, supposedly working remotely from home and out of a shipping warehouse since the past two years or longer, unable to verify from the last trip to California. No new permanent office location currently that I am aware of that has been verified. Even from there past video of this office location you can tell it was just a temp location as if it was like one of those rent a cubical to work at temporary location.
(A Few people have come and gone from the head ranks, not sure if currently accurate)
Chief Executive Officer: Hui (Russell) Liu; San Jose, California
Chief Technology Officer: Hui Liu/Chao Ma
Secretary/Chief Financial Officer: Xiaoshuai (Cheryl) Liu ; Maple Ridge, British Columbia, Canada
Corporate Officer: Adam Wolfe
Lei Chang; Saratoga, California
Chief Marketing Officer: Eric Ma (Thailand) (Working only part time now, another one of the upper ranks leaving, I believe the next person will be #3+ for this job title next)
Chief Branding Officer: Yinan S.
Software Developer: Arturo Jimenez
Product manager: Kain Xu
Deeper Network DPR Crypto Bearish MDeeper Network DPR Crypto breaking down from the Bearish M Pattern with a drop to .0186cents. I am assuming it will do the drop when BTC Bitcoin does its next major drop.
Bearish News: Eric CMO is apparently only doing his job for Deeper now on a part time basis because of his new job somewhere else, the employee turn over rate continues. Will they find another smooth talker, the possible new replacement is very choppy.
Bullish News: Aug. 5 & 6, 2022 Deeper Network has an invitation to showcase at Sir Richard Branson’s Block Chain Summit on Necker Island at the Neckerverse Showcase for a chance to pitch to the Virgin Impact team and other global heavyweight investors. (On the AMA on 7/13/2022 at time spot 37:36 Eric said this might not translate directly into higher token prices. So that means something different and the thing right now we are also developing. I didn't get into too much of it, So apparently don't get your hopes up on a boost on the token price for this event. So they are just focusing on equipment sales I guess. Which has been a complaint from the community.
Bearish News: Possible Token Crash Starting around September 6, 2022 thru the next 8 months, investors getting Deeper Chain DPR returned to them who bought in at .006cents to .02cents. Deeper is only allowing 750,000 DPR total perday from the miners and the invests to go over the bridge from Deeper Chain to the other two chains to get to an exchange and to sell. Some of the people have set up computer programs to keep dumping coins over the bridge first so they do not get locked out when the daily total of 750,000 is hit. There was 2Billion token allocated to sell but they only advertise 1Billion being sold. DPR given out already to the investors that crashed the coin the first time, there is an estimated amount of 3.3Million to 6.6Million Deeper Chain DPR being released each day to their investors for the next 8 months starting in September 2022 thru May 2023. Will Deeper fully open the bridge or will they try to control their investors cash out for a second time, well see what happens…….. How will the miners plan for this apocalyptic scenario of no longer being able to move Deeper Chain DPR across the bridge to get it on an exchange to pay for their expenses? I foresee another massive upset that Deeper Network will hush the investors by kicking people out of there Deeper Network community social groups when people complain and get upset like what happened when they lock up the investors DPR the first time without paying them back as was promised in their smart contract that had a hidden back door in the smart contract to reprogram it and to lock back up again. This is a lack of trust that I don’t think Deeper Network will every out live.
-Crypto Whale Information: See the Whale news on my channel for their Wallet address & Location, as you can track for yourself who is a true supporter and who is a dumper…… (AMA said Whales are allowed in the project now)
- Deeper Chain Community Governance - Currently being controlled directly by Deeper Network, not by the Community but thru a back door in the program (Verified on AMA) I don't foresee them giving the governance to the community within the next year or so because they like to be able to have fully control without have to wait for voting approvals, because the programing is far from being perfect..............
- 7 Validator Nodes on Deeper Chain, 3 have been verified to be in control of by Deeper Network DEVs, apparently they can control votes on the Governance with their locked DPR rewards- Wallet Addresses 1st 5C4vNVT5pDroqufEtXKYp3RKrNXVTHk9yqTeNNUSnJ6EbGGY ; 2nd 5CJDFR5RCMxPwVdzgH6JA9D7M625FEFKrdsJG1JnQVQdQkH2 ; 3rd 5HCG6MvAhYgLZdPoD1BVHEjgKee9n4AhMLKfq64VLiM4znuU
-Deeper Chain DPR Crypto Burn Wallet #1: (Warning this is a subject Deeper does not like to talk about) There has not been a routine burn setup yet promised by Deeper to fight inflation . The only burning is est 21DPR perday equivalent to about .80cents per day!!! from the Validator transactions which they are calling a “Routine Burning or Every Gas Fee”. The old burning was every 7 days and burnt all the treasury wallet. Then they slowed it down to every 24 Days thru the Treasury and to burn only about 1% now. There is credit burning set up for the miners, which is false advertisement because they only burn 1% of the money paid to buy credit to increase mining rewards. The rest of the money is added to the treasury wallet for Deeper to pay their DEVs instead. Waiting for Deeper Network to provide Burn Wallet Address for all three Blockchains so the community can monitor what they are being told. Talking about this subject will get you band and removed from Deeper Network Social media accounts so be aware………… Deeper Network has responded to my concern about this saying "that 1% of the treasury wallet is burned each day" but I don't believe that's what happens, I believe that only 1% of each transaction that is transferred to the Treasury wallet is then sent into the burn wallet only during the transaction process, not that 1% of the treasury wallet total is burned. So once the funds go into the Treasury wallet once the 1% has been taken out, the remaining funds are no longer programed to be burned. ( be determined) At the moment it is unknown how to see a total burn amount from this wallet but you can see how much DPR will be burned in the next 7 day burn period.
-Deeper Chain DPR Crypto Burn Wallet #2: Deeper Network has not provided the wallet address from the burning during the Pico sale so the community can monitor the wallet activity.
- Deeper Token ECR-20 Blockchain Ethereum Burn Wallet Address - Deeper Network has not provided the wallet address from the burning during the Pico sale so the community can monitor the wallet activity.
- Deeper Token BSC Binance Smart Chain Burn Wallet Address - Deeper Network has not provided the wallet address, nothing would be in the wallet address that i would be aware of if it exist yet
- Deeper Chain Treasury Wallet Address: 5EYCAe5ijiYfyeZ2JJCGq56LmPyNRAKzpG4QkoQkkQNB5e6Z (At the moment this is funded by the left over Validator Transactions & Burn DPR for Credit Score Increase, 1% of Transactions going into the wallet are Burned, this is confirmed)
- Polkadot Parachain for Deeper Chain – not yet, no future plans at the moment (Verified by Polkadot Support)
-10 Billion DPR Total: 6 Billion DPR will be mined within 25years (Verified on AMA); & 4 Billion DPR Belong to Deeper & Investors
-Location of Deeper Network servers where VPN data is stored: Unverified, Programmers working from China, ect. , Government Jurisdiction over VPN data information unknown, Privacy VPN info shows data is kept by Deeper Network, time period kept unknown.
- Deeper Network VPN / DPN equipment concerns: They say they do not keep logs of records of your internet access BUT!!!!! When you login to the device for the first time it makes you approve there two privacy agreements first. Terms and Condition of Use agreement under point Prohibited and restricted uses point #25 say : “We shall have the right… to monitor User Content”; The second agreement you must approve is the Deeper Network Privacy Policy under Data we Collect says “We may receive access to basic personal information from your social network accounts should you register or sign onto such services using Deeper Network Products or Services” (Why in the world is Deeper trying to collect your personal information?????????, also would they not also be able to see your banking information then...), then under section Data Retention it says “We will keep records containing personal data….. as maybe required by applicable laws (So then which governments laws are you under because there are countries that require no data collected) at the end of the day Deeper Network is not a Decentralized VPN because your data is collected in Deeper Networks Servers and Deeper Does not allow the Miners with the Exit Nodes for the VPN service to erase the VPN data on there own devices, even if their country allows for no logs to be collected. Will Deeper Network change their policy’s to be in harmony with what they told their community of NO LOGS/DATA KEEP BY DEEPER and ONLY DATA COLLECTED ON EACH EXIT NODE, apparently, they changed their minds……
Pico - At the moment the Pico is only good for mining with a Staked credit score, if the Pico has its own Public IP and is connected for months without being disconnected it will currently not get 10mb of traffic each day to get an increased organic credit score as an exit node, the network currently will choose a faster path out thru a Mini instead. So the Pico at the moment is not a good mining device if that's what you bought it for organically. This has been confirmed.
-Company Info:
-Deeper Network INC of the Marshal Islands (no office location there currently) Crypto Currency company that was set up as a shell company, filed on March 8, 2019 Entity number 100333 (Legal system mixed legal system of US and English common law, customary law, and local statutes; International law organization participation accepts compulsory ICJ jurisdiction with reservations; accepts ICCt jurisdiction)
-Deeper Network Inc of Delaware USA (no office location there currently) Software Developer/ VPN / DPN , Entity 201816910575 6/14/2018, EIN Tax ID# 841835438, State ID 04799167 This is the company that controls everything.
-Location Of Head Quartiers Office (5200 Great America Pkwy, Santa Clara, California, 95054) : The main temp office rental location no longer exists that is advertised and on Entity Documents the location is currently enmity and abandoned, supposedly working remotely from home and out of a shipping warehouse since the past two years or longer, unable to verify from the last trip to California. No new permanent office location currently that I am aware of that has been verified. Even from there past video of this office location you can tell it was just a temp location as if it was like one of those rent a cubical to work at temporary location.
(A Few people have come and gone from the head ranks, not sure if currently accurate)
Chief Executive Officer: Hui (Russell) Liu; San Jose, California
Chief Technology Officer: Hui Liu/Chao Ma
Secretary/Chief Financial Officer: Xiaoshuai (Cheryl) Liu ; Maple Ridge, British Columbia, Canada
Corporate Officer: Adam Wolfe
Lei Chang; Saratoga, California
Chief Marketing Officer: Eric Ma (Thailand) (Working only part time now, another one of the upper ranks leaving, I believe the next person will be #3+ for this job title next)
Chief Branding Officer: Yinan S.
Software Developer: Arturo Jimenez
Product manager: Kain Xu
Deeper Network DPR Crypto Bearish MDeeper Network DPR Crypto breaking down from the Bearish M Pattern with a drop to .0186cents. I am assuming it will do the drop when BTC Bitcoin does its next major drop.
Bearish News: Eric CMO is apparently only doing his job for Deeper now on a part time basis because of his new job somewhere else, the employee turn over rate continues. Will they find another smooth talker, the possible new replacement is very choppy.
Bullish News: Aug. 5 & 6, 2022 Deeper Network has an invitation to showcase at Sir Richard Branson’s Block Chain Summit on Necker Island at the Neckerverse Showcase for a chance to pitch to the Virgin Impact team and other global heavyweight investors. (On the AMA on 7/13/2022 at time spot 37:36 Eric said this might not translate directly into higher token prices. So that means something different and the thing right now we are also developing. I didn't get into too much of it, So apparently don't get your hopes up on a boost on the token price for this event. So they are just focusing on equipment sales I guess. Which has been a complaint from the community.
Bearish News: Possible Token Crash Starting around September 6, 2022 thru the next 8 months, investors getting Deeper Chain DPR returned to them who bought in at .006cents to .02cents. Deeper is only allowing 750,000 DPR total perday from the miners and the invests to go over the bridge from Deeper Chain to the other two chains to get to an exchange and to sell. Some of the people have set up computer programs to keep dumping coins over the bridge first so they do not get locked out when the daily total of 750,000 is hit. There was 2Billion token allocated to sell but they only advertise 1Billion being sold. DPR given out already to the investors that crashed the coin the first time, there is an estimated amount of 3.3Million to 6.6Million Deeper Chain DPR being released each day to their investors for the next 8 months starting in September 2022 thru May 2023. Will Deeper fully open the bridge or will they try to control their investors cash out for a second time, well see what happens…….. How will the miners plan for this apocalyptic scenario of no longer being able to move Deeper Chain DPR across the bridge to get it on an exchange to pay for their expenses? I foresee another massive upset that Deeper Network will hush the investors by kicking people out of there Deeper Network community social groups when people complain and get upset like what happened when they lock up the investors DPR the first time without paying them back as was promised in their smart contract that had a hidden back door in the smart contract to reprogram it and to lock back up again. This is a lack of trust that I don’t think Deeper Network will every out live.
-Crypto Whale Information: See the Whale news on my channel for their Wallet address & Location, as you can track for yourself who is a true supporter and who is a dumper…… (AMA said Whales are allowed in the project now)
- Deeper Chain Community Governance - Currently being controlled directly by Deeper Network, not by the Community but thru a back door in the program (Verified on AMA) I don't foresee them giving the governance to the community within the next year or so because they like to be able to have fully control without have to wait for voting approvals, because the programing is far from being perfect..............
- 7 Validator Nodes on Deeper Chain, 3 have been verified to be in control of by Deeper Network DEVs, apparently they can control votes on the Governance with their locked DPR rewards- Wallet Addresses 1st 5C4vNVT5pDroqufEtXKYp3RKrNXVTHk9yqTeNNUSnJ6EbGGY ; 2nd 5CJDFR5RCMxPwVdzgH6JA9D7M625FEFKrdsJG1JnQVQdQkH2 ; 3rd 5HCG6MvAhYgLZdPoD1BVHEjgKee9n4AhMLKfq64VLiM4znuU
-Deeper Chain DPR Crypto Burn Wallet #1: (Warning this is a subject Deeper does not like to talk about) There has not been a routine burn setup yet promised by Deeper to fight inflation . The only burning is est 21DPR perday equivalent to about .80cents per day!!! from the Validator transactions which they are calling a “Routine Burning or Every Gas Fee”. The old burning was every 7 days and burnt all the treasury wallet. Then they slowed it down to every 24 Days thru the Treasury and to burn only about 1% now. There is credit burning set up for the miners, which is false advertisement because they only burn 1% of the money paid to buy credit to increase mining rewards. The rest of the money is added to the treasury wallet for Deeper to pay their DEVs instead. Waiting for Deeper Network to provide Burn Wallet Address for all three Blockchains so the community can monitor what they are being told. Talking about this subject will get you band and removed from Deeper Network Social media accounts so be aware………… Deeper Network has responded to my concern about this saying "that 1% of the treasury wallet is burned each day" but I don't believe that's what happens, I believe that only 1% of each transaction that is transferred to the Treasury wallet is then sent into the burn wallet only during the transaction process, not that 1% of the treasury wallet total is burned. So once the funds go into the Treasury wallet once the 1% has been taken out, the remaining funds are no longer programed to be burned. ( be determined) At the moment it is unknown how to see a total burn amount from this wallet but you can see how much DPR will be burned in the next 7 day burn period.
-Deeper Chain DPR Crypto Burn Wallet #2: Deeper Network has not provided the wallet address from the burning during the Pico sale so the community can monitor the wallet activity.
- Deeper Token ECR-20 Blockchain Ethereum Burn Wallet Address - Deeper Network has not provided the wallet address from the burning during the Pico sale so the community can monitor the wallet activity.
- Deeper Token BSC Binance Smart Chain Burn Wallet Address - Deeper Network has not provided the wallet address, nothing would be in the wallet address that i would be aware of if it exist yet
- Deeper Chain Treasury Wallet Address: 5EYCAe5ijiYfyeZ2JJCGq56LmPyNRAKzpG4QkoQkkQNB5e6Z (At the moment this is funded by the left over Validator Transactions & Burn DPR for Credit Score Increase, 1% of Transactions going into the wallet are Burned, this is confirmed)
- Polkadot Parachain for Deeper Chain – not yet, no future plans at the moment (Verified by Polkadot Support)
-10 Billion DPR Total: 6 Billion DPR will be mined within 25years (Verified on AMA); & 4 Billion DPR Belong to Deeper & Investors
-Location of Deeper Network servers where VPN data is stored: Unverified, Programmers working from China, ect. , Government Jurisdiction over VPN data information unknown, Privacy VPN info shows data is kept by Deeper Network, time period kept unknown.
- Deeper Network VPN / DPN equipment concerns: They say they do not keep logs of records of your internet access BUT!!!!! When you login to the device for the first time it makes you approve there two privacy agreements first. Terms and Condition of Use agreement under point Prohibited and restricted uses point #25 say : “We shall have the right… to monitor User Content”; The second agreement you must approve is the Deeper Network Privacy Policy under Data we Collect says “We may receive access to basic personal information from your social network accounts should you register or sign onto such services using Deeper Network Products or Services” (Why in the world is Deeper trying to collect your personal information?????????, also would they not also be able to see your banking information then...), then under section Data Retention it says “We will keep records containing personal data….. as maybe required by applicable laws (So then which governments laws are you under because there are countries that require no data collected) at the end of the day Deeper Network is not a Decentralized VPN because your data is collected in Deeper Networks Servers and Deeper Does not allow the Miners with the Exit Nodes for the VPN service to erase the VPN data on there own devices, even if their country allows for no logs to be collected. Will Deeper Network change their policy’s to be in harmony with what they told their community of NO LOGS/DATA KEEP BY DEEPER and ONLY DATA COLLECTED ON EACH EXIT NODE, apparently, they changed their minds……
Pico - At the moment the Pico is only good for mining with a Staked credit score, if the Pico has its own Public IP and is connected for months without being disconnected it will currently not get 10mb of traffic each day to get an increased organic credit score as an exit node, the network currently will choose a faster path out thru a Mini instead. So the Pico at the moment is not a good mining device if that's what you bought it for organically. This has been confirmed.
-Company Info:
-Deeper Network INC of the Marshal Islands (no office location there currently) Crypto Currency company that was set up as a shell company, filed on March 8, 2019 Entity number 100333 (Legal system mixed legal system of US and English common law, customary law, and local statutes; International law organization participation accepts compulsory ICJ jurisdiction with reservations; accepts ICCt jurisdiction)
-Deeper Network Inc of Delaware USA (no office location there currently) Software Developer/ VPN / DPN , Entity 201816910575 6/14/2018, EIN Tax ID# 841835438, State ID 04799167 This is the company that controls everything.
-Location Of Head Quartiers Office (5200 Great America Pkwy, Santa Clara, California, 95054) : The main temp office rental location no longer exists that is advertised and on Entity Documents the location is currently enmity and abandoned, supposedly working remotely from home and out of a shipping warehouse since the past two years or longer, unable to verify from the last trip to California. No new permanent office location currently that I am aware of that has been verified. Even from there past video of this office location you can tell it was just a temp location as if it was like one of those rent a cubical to work at temporary location.
(A Few people have come and gone from the head ranks, not sure if currently accurate)
Chief Executive Officer: Hui (Russell) Liu; San Jose, California
Chief Technology Officer: Hui Liu/Chao Ma
Secretary/Chief Financial Officer: Xiaoshuai (Cheryl) Liu ; Maple Ridge, British Columbia, Canada
Corporate Officer: Adam Wolfe
Lei Chang; Saratoga, California
Chief Marketing Officer: Eric Ma (Thailand) (Working only part time now, another one of the upper ranks leaving, I believe the next person will be #3+ for this job title next)
Chief Branding Officer: Yinan S.
Software Developer: Arturo Jimenez
Product manager: Kain Xu
Deeper Network DPR Crypto Bearish MDeeper Network DPR Crypto breaking down from the Bearish M Pattern with a drop to .0186cents. I am assuming it will do the drop when BTC Bitcoin does its next major drop.
Bearish News: Eric CMO will be leaving Deeper Network, the employee turn over rate continues. Will they find another smooth talker, the possible new replacement is very choppy.
Bullish News: Aug. 5 & 6, 2022 Deeper Network has an invitation to showcase at Sir Richard Branson’s Block Chain Summit on Necker Island at the Neckerverse Showcase for a chance to pitch to the Virgin Impact team and other global heavyweight investors. (On the AMA on 7/13/2022 at time spot 37:36 Eric said this might not translate directly into higher token prices. So that means something different and the thing right now we are also developing. I didn't get into too much of it, So apparently don't get your hopes up on a boost on the token price for this event. So they are just focusing on equipment sales I guess. Which has been a complaint from the community.
Bearish News: Possible Token Crash Starting around September 6, 2022 thru the next 8 months, investors getting Deeper Chain DPR returned to them who bought in at .006cents to .02cents. Deeper is only allowing 750,000 DPR total perday from the miners and the invests to go over the bridge from Deeper Chain to the other two chains to get to an exchange and to sell. Some of the people have set up computer programs to keep dumping coins over the bridge first so they do not get locked out when the daily total of 750,000 is hit. There was 2Billion token allocated to sell but they only advertise 1Billion being sold. DPR given out already to the investors that crashed the coin the first time, there is an estimated amount of 3.3Million to 6.6Million Deeper Chain DPR being released each day to their investors for the next 8 months starting in September 2022 thru May 2023. Will Deeper fully open the bridge or will they try to control their investors cash out for a second time, well see what happens…….. How will the miners plan for this apocalyptic scenario of no longer being able to move Deeper Chain DPR across the bridge to get it on an exchange to pay for their expenses? I foresee another massive upset that Deeper Network will hush the investors by kicking people out of there Deeper Network community social groups when people complain and get upset like what happened when they lock up the investors DPR the first time without paying them back as was promised in their smart contract that had a hidden back door in the smart contract to reprogram it and to lock back up again. This is a lack of trust that I don’t think Deeper Network will every out live.
-Crypto Whale Information: See the Whale news on my channel for their Wallet address & Location, as you can track for yourself who is a true supporter and who is a dumper…… (AMA said Whales are allowed in the project now)
- Deeper Chain Community Governance - Currently being controlled directly by Deeper Network, not by the Community but thru a back door in the program (Verified on AMA) I don't foresee them giving the governance to the community within the next year or so because they like to be able to have fully control without have to wait for voting approvals, because the programing is far from being perfect..............
- 7 Validator Nodes on Deeper Chain, 3 have been verified to be in control of by Deeper Network DEVs, apparently they can control votes on the Governance with their locked DPR rewards- Wallet Addresses 1st 5C4vNVT5pDroqufEtXKYp3RKrNXVTHk9yqTeNNUSnJ6EbGGY ; 2nd 5CJDFR5RCMxPwVdzgH6JA9D7M625FEFKrdsJG1JnQVQdQkH2 ; 3rd 5HCG6MvAhYgLZdPoD1BVHEjgKee9n4AhMLKfq64VLiM4znuU
-Deeper Chain DPR Crypto Burn Wallet #1: (Warning this is a subject Deeper does not like to talk about) There has not been a routine burn setup yet promised by Deeper to fight inflation . The only burning is est 21DPR perday equivalent to about .80cents per day!!! from the Validator transactions which they are calling a “Routine Burning or Every Gas Fee”. The old burning was every 7 days and burnt all the treasury wallet. Then they slowed it down to every 24 Days thru the Treasury and to burn only about 1% now. There is credit burning set up for the miners, which is false advertisement because they only burn 1% of the money paid to buy credit to increase mining rewards. The rest of the money is added to the treasury wallet for Deeper to pay their DEVs instead. Waiting for Deeper Network to provide Burn Wallet Address for all three Blockchains so the community can monitor what they are being told. Talking about this subject will get you band and removed from Deeper Network Social media accounts so be aware………… Deeper Network has responded to my concern about this saying "that 1% of the treasury wallet is burned each day" but I don't believe that's what happens, I believe that only 1% of each transaction that is transferred to the Treasury wallet is then sent into the burn wallet only during the transaction process, not that 1% of the treasury wallet total is burned. So once the funds go into the Treasury wallet once the 1% has been taken out, the remaining funds are no longer programed to be burned. ( be determined) At the moment it is unknown how to see a total burn amount from this wallet but you can see how much DPR will be burned in the next 7 day burn period.
-Deeper Chain DPR Crypto Burn Wallet #2: Deeper Network has not provided the wallet address from the burning during the Pico sale so the community can monitor the wallet activity.
- Deeper Token ECR-20 Blockchain Ethereum Burn Wallet Address - Deeper Network has not provided the wallet address from the burning during the Pico sale so the community can monitor the wallet activity.
- Deeper Token BSC Binance Smart Chain Burn Wallet Address - Deeper Network has not provided the wallet address, nothing would be in the wallet address that i would be aware of if it exist yet
- Deeper Chain Treasury Wallet Address: 5EYCAe5ijiYfyeZ2JJCGq56LmPyNRAKzpG4QkoQkkQNB5e6Z (At the moment this is funded by the left over Validator Transactions & Burn DPR for Credit Score Increase, 1% of Transactions going into the wallet are Burned, this is confirmed)
- Polkadot Parachain for Deeper Chain – not yet, no future plans at the moment (Verified by Polkadot Support)
-10 Billion DPR Total: 6 Billion DPR will be mined within 25years (Verified on AMA); & 4 Billion DPR Belong to Deeper & Investors
-Location of Deeper Network servers where VPN data is stored: Unverified, Programmers working from China, ect. , Government Jurisdiction over VPN data information unknown, Privacy VPN info shows data is kept by Deeper Network, time period kept unknown.
- Deeper Network VPN / DPN equipment concerns: They say they do not keep logs of records of your internet access BUT!!!!! When you login to the device for the first time it makes you approve there two privacy agreements first. Terms and Condition of Use agreement under point Prohibited and restricted uses point #25 say : “We shall have the right… to monitor User Content”; The second agreement you must approve is the Deeper Network Privacy Policy under Data we Collect says “We may receive access to basic personal information from your social network accounts should you register or sign onto such services using Deeper Network Products or Services” (Why in the world is Deeper trying to collect your personal information?????????, also would they not also be able to see your banking information then...), then under section Data Retention it says “We will keep records containing personal data….. as maybe required by applicable laws (So then which governments laws are you under because there are countries that require no data collected) at the end of the day Deeper Network is not a Decentralized VPN because your data is collected in Deeper Networks Servers and Deeper Does not allow the Miners with the Exit Nodes for the VPN service to erase the VPN data on there own devices, even if their country allows for no logs to be collected. Will Deeper Network change their policy’s to be in harmony with what they told their community of NO LOGS/DATA KEEP BY DEEPER and ONLY DATA COLLECTED ON EACH EXIT NODE, apparently, they changed their minds……
Pico - At the moment the Pico is only good for mining with a Staked credit score, if the Pico has its own Public IP and is connected for months without being disconnected it will currently not get 10mb of traffic each day to get an increased organic credit score as an exit node, the network currently will choose a faster path out thru a Mini instead. So the Pico at the moment is not a good mining device if that's what you bought it for organically. This has been confirmed.
-Company Info:
-Deeper Network INC of the Marshal Islands (no office location there currently) Crypto Currency company that was set up as a shell company, filed on March 8, 2019 Entity number 100333 (Legal system mixed legal system of US and English common law, customary law, and local statutes; International law organization participation accepts compulsory ICJ jurisdiction with reservations; accepts ICCt jurisdiction)
-Deeper Network Inc of Delaware USA (no office location there currently) Software Developer/ VPN / DPN , Entity 201816910575 6/14/2018, EIN Tax ID# 841835438, State ID 04799167 This is the company that controls everything.
-Location Of Head Quartiers Office (5200 Great America Pkwy, Santa Clara, California, 95054) : The main temp office rental location no longer exists that is advertised and on Entity Documents the location is currently enmity and abandoned, supposedly working remotely from home and out of a shipping warehouse since the past two years or longer, unable to verify from the last trip to California. No new permanent office location currently that I am aware of that has been verified. Even from there past video of this office location you can tell it was just a temp location as if it was like one of those rent a cubical to work at temporary location.
(A Few people have come and gone from the head ranks, not sure if currently accurate)
Chief Executive Officer: Hui (Russell) Liu; San Jose, California
Chief Technology Officer: Hui Liu/Chao Ma
Secretary/Chief Financial Officer: Xiaoshuai (Cheryl) Liu ; Maple Ridge, British Columbia, Canada
Corporate Officer: Adam Wolfe
Lei Chang; Saratoga, California
Chief Marketing Officer: Eric Ma (Thailand) (He is leaving for another job now, another one of the upper ranks leaving, I believe the next person will be #3+ for this job title next)
Chief Branding Officer: Yinan S.
Software Developer: Arturo Jimenez
Product manager: Kain Xu
Deeper Network DPR Crypto Bearish MDeeper Network DPR Crypto breaking down from the Bearish M Pattern with a drop to .0186cents. I am assuming it will do the drop when BTC Bitcoin does its next major drop.
Bullish News: Aug. 5 & 6, 2022 Deeper Network has an invitation to showcase at Sir Richard Branson’s Block Chain Summit on Necker Island at the Neckerverse Showcase for a chance to pitch to the Virgin Impact team and other global heavyweight investors.
Bearish News: Possible Token Crash Starting around September 6, 2022 thru the next 8 months, investors getting Deeper Chain DPR returned to them who bought in at .006cents to .02cents. Deeper is only allowing 750,000 DPR total perday from the miners and the invests to go over the bridge from Deeper Chain to the other two chains to get to an exchange and to sell. Some of the people have set up computer programs to keep dumping coins over the bridge first so they do not get locked out when the daily total of 750,000 is hit. There was 2Billion token allocated to sell but they only advertise 1Billion being sold. DPR given out already to the investors that crashed the coin the first time, there is an estimated amount of 3.3Million to 6.6Million Deeper Chain DPR being released each day to their investors for the next 8 months starting in September 2022 thru May 2023. Will Deeper fully open the bridge or will they try to control their investors cash out for a second time, well see what happens…….. How will the miners plan for this apocalyptic scenario of no longer being able to move Deeper Chain DPR across the bridge to get it on an exchange to pay for their expenses? I foresee another massive upset that Deeper Network will hush the investors by kicking people out of there Deeper Network community social groups when people complain and get upset like what happened when they lock up the investors DPR the first time without paying them back as was promised in their smart contract that had a hidden back door in the smart contract to reprogram it and to lock back up again. This is a lack of trust that I don’t think Deeper Network will every out live.
-Crypto Whale Information: See the Whale news on my channel for their Wallet address & Location, as you can track for yourself who is a true supporter and who is a dumper…… (AMA said Whales are allowed in the project now)
- Deeper Chain Community Governance - Currently being controlled directly by Deeper Network, not by the Community but thru a back door in the program (Verified on AMA)
- 7 Validator Nodes on Deeper Chain, 3 have been verified to be in control of by Deeper Network DEVs, apparently they can control votes on the Governance with their locked DPR rewards- Wallet Addresses 1st 5C4vNVT5pDroqufEtXKYp3RKrNXVTHk9yqTeNNUSnJ6EbGGY ; 2nd 5CJDFR5RCMxPwVdzgH6JA9D7M625FEFKrdsJG1JnQVQdQkH2 ; 3rd 5HCG6MvAhYgLZdPoD1BVHEjgKee9n4AhMLKfq64VLiM4znuU
-Deeper Chain DPR Crypto Burn Wallet #1: (Warning this is a subject Deeper does not like to talk about) There has not been a routine burn setup yet promised by Deeper to fight inflation . The only burning is est 21DPR perday equivalent to about .80cents per day!!! from the Validator transactions which they are calling a “Routine Burning or Every Gas Fee”. The old burning was every 7 days and burnt all the treasury wallet. Then they slowed it down to every 24 Days thru the Treasury and to burn only about 1% now. There is credit burning set up for the miners, which is false advertisement because they only burn 1% of the money paid to buy credit to increase mining rewards. The rest of the money is added to the treasury wallet for Deeper to pay their DEVs instead. Waiting for Deeper Network to provide Burn Wallet Address for all three Blockchains so the community can monitor what they are being told. Talking about this subject will get you band and removed from Deeper Network Social media accounts so be aware………… Deeper Network has responded to my concern about this saying "that 1% of the treasury wallet is burned each day" but I don't believe that's what happens, I believe that only 1% of each transaction that is transferred to the Treasury wallet is then sent into the burn wallet only during the transaction process, not that 1% of the treasury wallet total is burned. So once the funds go into the Treasury wallet once the 1% has been taken out, the remaining funds are no longer programed to be burned. ( be determined) At the moment it is unknown how to see a total burn amount from this wallet but you can see how much DPR will be burned in the next 7 day burn period.
-Deeper Chain DPR Crypto Burn Wallet #2: Deeper Network has not provided the wallet address from the burning during the Pico sale so the community can monitor the wallet activity.
- Deeper Token ECR-20 Blockchain Ethereum Burn Wallet Address - Deeper Network has not provided the wallet address from the burning during the Pico sale so the community can monitor the wallet activity.
- Deeper Token BSC Binance Smart Chain Burn Wallet Address - Deeper Network has not provided the wallet address, nothing would be in the wallet address that i would be aware of if it exist yet
- Deeper Chain Treasury Wallet Address: 5EYCAe5ijiYfyeZ2JJCGq56LmPyNRAKzpG4QkoQkkQNB5e6Z (At the moment this is funded by the left over Validator Transactions & Burn DPR for Credit Score Increase, 1% of Transactions going into the wallet are Burned, this is confirmed)
- Polkadot Parachain for Deeper Chain – not yet, no future plans at the moment (Verified by Polkadot Support)
-10 Billion DPR Total: 6 Billion DPR will be mined within 25years (Verified on AMA); & 4 Billion DPR Belong to Deeper & Investors
-Location of Deeper Network servers where VPN data is stored: Unverified, Programmers working from China, ect. , Government Jurisdiction over VPN data information unknown, Privacy VPN info shows data is kept by Deeper Network, time period kept unknown.
- Deeper Network VPN / DPN equipment concerns: They say they do not keep logs of records of your internet access BUT!!!!! When you login to the device for the first time it makes you approve there two privacy agreements first. Terms and Condition of Use agreement under point Prohibited and restricted uses point #25 say : “We shall have the right… to monitor User Content”; The second agreement you must approve is the Deeper Network Privacy Policy under Data we Collect says “We may receive access to basic personal information from your social network accounts should you register or sign onto such services using Deeper Network Products or Services” (Why in the world is Deeper trying to collect your personal information?????????, also would they not also be able to see your banking information then...), then under section Data Retention it says “We will keep records containing personal data….. as maybe required by applicable laws (So then which governments laws are you under because there are countries that require no data collected) at the end of the day Deeper Network is not a Decentralized VPN because your data is collected in Deeper Networks Servers and Deeper Does not allow the Miners with the Exit Nodes for the VPN service to erase the VPN data on there own devices, even if their country allows for no logs to be collected. Will Deeper Network change their policy’s to be in harmony with what they told their community of NO LOGS/DATA KEEP BY DEEPER and ONLY DATA COLLECTED ON EACH EXIT NODE, apparently, they changed their minds……
Pico - At the moment the Pico is only good for mining with a Staked credit score, if the Pico has its own Public IP and is connected for months without being disconnected it will currently not get 10mb of traffic each day to get an increased organic credit score as an exit node, the network currently will choose a faster path out thru a Mini instead. So the Pico at the moment is not a good mining device if that's what you bought it for organically. This has been confirmed.
-Company Info:
-Deeper Network INC of the Marshal Islands (no office location there currently) Crypto Currency company that was set up as a shell company, filed on March 8, 2019 Entity number 100333 (Legal system mixed legal system of US and English common law, customary law, and local statutes; International law organization participation accepts compulsory ICJ jurisdiction with reservations; accepts ICCt jurisdiction)
-Deeper Network Inc of Delaware USA (no office location there currently) Software Developer/ VPN / DPN , Entity 201816910575 6/14/2018, EIN Tax ID# 841835438, State ID 04799167 This is the company that controls everything.
-Location Of Head Quartiers Office (5200 Great America Pkwy, Santa Clara, California, 95054) : The main temp office rental location no longer exists that is advertised and on Entity Documents the location is currently enmity and abandoned, supposedly working remotely from home and out of a shipping warehouse since the past two years or longer, unable to verify from the last trip to California. No new permanent office location currently that I am aware of that has been verified. Even from there past video of this office location you can tell it was just a temp location as if it was like one of those rent a cubical to work at temporary location.
(A Few people have come and gone from the head ranks, not sure if currently accurate)
Chief Executive Officer: Hui (Russell) Liu; San Jose, California
Chief Technology Officer: Hui Liu/Chao Ma
Secretary/Chief Financial Officer: Xiaoshuai (Cheryl) Liu ; Maple Ridge, British Columbia, Canada
Corporate Officer: Adam Wolfe
Lei Chang; Saratoga, California
Chief Marketing Officer: Eric Ma (Thailand)
Chief Branding Officer: Yinan S.
Software Developer: Arturo Jimenez
Product manager: Kain Xu
Deeper Network DPR Crypto Bearish MDeeper Network DPR Crypto breaking down from the Bearish M Pattern with a drop to .0186cents. It is starting to hit the first resistance line, we will see if it can break thru or get pushed back down.
Bullish News: Aug. 5 & 6, 2022 Deeper Network has an invitation to showcase at Sir Richard Branson’s Block Chain Summit on Necker Island at the Neckerverse Showcase for a chance to pitch to the Virgin Impact team and other global heavyweight investors.
Bearish News: Possible Token Crash Starting around September 6, 2022 thru the next 8 months, investors getting Deeper Chain DPR returned to them who bought in at .006cents to .02cents. Deeper is only allowing 750,000 DPR total perday from the miners and the invests to go over the bridge from Deeper Chain to the other two chains to get to an exchange and to sell. Some of the people have set up computer programs to keep dumping coins over the bridge first so they do not get locked out when the daily total of 750,000 is hit. There was 2Billion token allocated to sell but they only advertise 1Billion being sold. DPR given out already to the investors that crashed the coin the first time, there is an estimated amount of 3.3Million to 6.6Million Deeper Chain DPR being released each day to their investors for the next 8 months starting in September 2022 thru May 2023. Will Deeper fully open the bridge or will they try to control their investors cash out for a second time, well see what happens…….. How will the miners plan for this apocalyptic scenario of no longer being able to move Deeper Chain DPR across the bridge to get it on an exchange to pay for their expenses? I foresee another massive upset that Deeper Network will hush the investors by kicking people out of there Deeper Network community social groups when people complain and get upset like what happened when they lock up the investors DPR the first time without paying them back as was promised in their smart contract that had a hidden back door in the smart contract to reprogram it and to lock back up again. This is a lack of trust that I don’t think Deeper Network will every out live.
-Crypto Whale Information: See the Whale news on my channel for their Wallet address & Location, as you can track for yourself who is a true supporter and who is a dumper…… (AMA said Whales are allowed in the project now)
- Deeper Chain Community Governance - Currently being controlled directly by Deeper Network, not by the Community but thru a back door in the program (Verified on AMA)
- 7 Validator Nodes on Deeper Chain, 3 have been verified to be in control of by Deeper Network DEVs, apparently they can control votes on the Governance with their locked DPR rewards- Wallet Addresses 1st 5C4vNVT5pDroqufEtXKYp3RKrNXVTHk9yqTeNNUSnJ6EbGGY ; 2nd 5CJDFR5RCMxPwVdzgH6JA9D7M625FEFKrdsJG1JnQVQdQkH2 ; 3rd 5HCG6MvAhYgLZdPoD1BVHEjgKee9n4AhMLKfq64VLiM4znuU
-Deeper Chain DPR Crypto Burn Wallet #1: (Warning this is a subject Deeper does not like to talk about) There has not been a routine burn setup yet promised by Deeper to fight inflation . The only burning is est 21DPR perday equivalent to about .80cents per day!!! from the Validator transactions which they are calling a “Routine Burning or Every Gas Fee”. The old burning was every 7 days and burnt all the treasury wallet. Then they slowed it down to every 24 Days thru the Treasury and to burn only about 1% now. There is credit burning set up for the miners, which is false advertisement because they only burn 1% of the money paid to buy credit to increase mining rewards. The rest of the money is added to the treasury wallet for Deeper to pay their DEVs instead. Waiting for Deeper Network to provide Burn Wallet Address for all three Blockchains so the community can monitor what they are being told. Talking about this subject will get you band and removed from Deeper Network Social media accounts so be aware………… Deeper Network has responded to my concern about this saying "that 1% of the treasury wallet is burned each day" but I don't believe that's what happens, I believe that only 1% of each transaction that is transferred to the Treasury wallet is then sent into the burn wallet only during the transaction process, not that 1% of the treasury wallet total is burned. So once the funds go into the Treasury wallet once the 1% has been taken out, the remaining funds are no longer programed to be burned. ( be determined) At the moment it is unknown how to see a total burn amount from this wallet but you can see how much DPR will be burned in the next 7 day burn period.
-Deeper Chain DPR Crypto Burn Wallet #2: Deeper Network has not provided the wallet address from the burning during the Pico sale so the community can monitor the wallet activity.
- Deeper Token ECR-20 Blockchain Ethereum Burn Wallet Address - Deeper Network has not provided the wallet address from the burning during the Pico sale so the community can monitor the wallet activity.
- Deeper Token BSC Binance Smart Chain Burn Wallet Address - Deeper Network has not provided the wallet address, nothing would be in the wallet address that i would be aware of if it exist yet
- Deeper Chain Treasury Wallet Address: 5EYCAe5ijiYfyeZ2JJCGq56LmPyNRAKzpG4QkoQkkQNB5e6Z (At the moment this is funded by the left over Validator Transactions & Burn DPR for Credit Score Increase, 1% of Transactions going into the wallet are Burned, this is confirmed)
- Polkadot Parachain for Deeper Chain – not yet, no future plans at the moment (Verified by Polkadot Support)
-10 Billion DPR Total: 6 Billion DPR will be mined within 25years (Verified on AMA); & 4 Billion DPR Belong to Deeper & Investors
-Location of Deeper Network servers where VPN data is stored: Unverified, Programmers working from China, ect. , Government Jurisdiction over VPN data information unknown, Privacy VPN info shows data is kept by Deeper Network, time period kept unknown.
- Deeper Network VPN / DPN equipment concerns: They say they do not keep logs of records of your internet access BUT!!!!! When you login to the device for the first time it makes you approve there two privacy agreements first. Terms and Condition of Use agreement under point Prohibited and restricted uses point #25 say : “We shall have the right… to monitor User Content”; The second agreement you must approve is the Deeper Network Privacy Policy under Data we Collect says “We may receive access to basic personal information from your social network accounts should you register or sign onto such services using Deeper Network Products or Services” (Why in the world is Deeper trying to collect your personal information?????????), then under section Data Retention it says “We will keep records containing personal data….. as maybe required by applicable laws (So then which governments laws are you under because there are countries that require no data collected) at the end of the day Deeper Network is not a Decentralized VPN because your data is collected in Deeper Networks Servers and Deeper Does not allow the Miners with the Exit Nodes for the VPN service to erase the VPN data on there own devices, even if their country allows for no logs to be collected. Will Deeper Network change their policy’s to be in harmony with what they told their community of NO LOGS/DATA KEEP BY DEEPER and ONLY DATA COLLECTED ON EACH EXIT NODE, apparently, they changed their minds……
Pico - At the moment the Pico is only good for mining with a Staked credit score, if the Pico has its own Public IP and is connected for months without being disconnected it will currently not get 10mb of traffic each day to get an increased organic credit score as an exit node, they network currently will choose a faster path out thru a Mini instead. So the Pico at the moment is not a good mining device if that's what you bought it for. This has been confirmed.
-Company Info:
-Deeper Network INC of the Marshal Islands (no office location there currently) Crypto Currency company that was set up as a shell company, filed on March 8, 2019 Entity number 100333 (Legal system mixed legal system of US and English common law, customary law, and local statutes; International law organization participation accepts compulsory ICJ jurisdiction with reservations; accepts ICCt jurisdiction)
-Deeper Network Inc of Delaware USA (no office location there currently) Software Developer/ VPN / DPN , Entity 201816910575 6/14/2018, EIN Tax ID# 841835438, State ID 04799167 This is the company that controls everything.
-Location Of Head Quartiers Office (5200 Great America Pkwy, Santa Clara, California, 95054) : The main temp office rental location no longer exists that is advertised and on Entity Documents the location is currently enmity and abandoned, supposedly working remotely from home and out of a shipping warehouse since the past two years or longer, unable to verify from the last trip to California. No new permanent office location currently that I am aware of that has been verified.
(A Few people have come and gone from the head ranks, not sure if currently accurate)
Chief Executive Officer: Hui (Russell) Liu; San Jose, California
Chief Technology Officer: Hui Liu/Chao Ma
Secretary/Chief Financial Officer: Xiaoshuai (Cheryl) Liu ; Maple Ridge, British Columbia, Canada
Corporate Officer: Adam Wolfe
Lei Chang; Saratoga, California
Chief Marketing Officer: Eric Ma (Thailand)
Chief Branding Officer: Yinan S.
Software Developer: Arturo Jimenez
Product manager: Kain Xu
Deeper Network DPR Crypto Bearish MDeeper Network DPR Crypto breaking down from the Bearish M Pattern with a drop to .0186cents. It is starting to hit the first resistance line, we will see if it can break thru or get pushed back down.
Bullish News: Aug. 5 & 6, 2022 Deeper Network has an invitation to showcase at Sir Richard Branson’s Block Chain Summit on Necker Island at the Neckerverse Showcase for a chance to pitch to the Virgin Impact team and other global heavyweight investors.
Bearish News: Possible Token Crash Starting around September 6, 2022 thru the next 8 months, investors getting Deeper Chain DPR returned to them who bought in at .006cents to .02cents. Deeper is only allowing 750,000 DPR total perday from the miners and the invests to go over the bridge from Deeper Chain to the other two chains to get to an exchange and to sell. Some of the people have set up computer programs to keep dumping coins over the bridge first so they do not get locked out when the daily total of 750,000 is hit. There was 2Billion token allocated to sell but they only advertise 1Billion being sold. DPR given out already to the investors that crashed the coin the first time, there is an estimated amount of 3.3Million to 6.6Million Deeper Chain DPR being released each day to their investors for the next 8 months starting in September 2022 thru May 2023. Will Deeper fully open the bridge or will they try to control their investors cash out for a second time, well see what happens…….. How will the miners plan for this apocalyptic scenario of no longer being able to move DPR across the bridge to get it on an exchange to pay for their expenses? I foresee another massive upset that Deeper Network will hush the investors by kicking people out of there Deeper Network community social groups when people complain and get upset like what happened when the lock up the investors DPR the first time without paying them back as was promised in their smart contract that had a hidden back door in the smart contract to reprogram it and to lock back up again. This is a lack of trust that I don’t think Deeper Network will every out live.
-Crypto Whale Information: See the Whale news on my channel for their Wallet address & Location, as you can track for yourself who is a true supporter and who is a dumper…… (AMA said Whales are allowed in the project now)
- Deeper Chain Community Governance - Currently being controlled directly by Deeper Network, not by the Community but thru a back door in the program (Verified on AMA)
- 7 Validator Nodes on Deeper Chain, 3 have been verified to be in control of by Deeper Network DEVs, apparently they can control votes on the Governance with their locked DPR rewards- Wallet Addresses 1st 5C4vNVT5pDroqufEtXKYp3RKrNXVTHk9yqTeNNUSnJ6EbGGY ; 2nd 5CJDFR5RCMxPwVdzgH6JA9D7M625FEFKrdsJG1JnQVQdQkH2 ; 3rd 5HCG6MvAhYgLZdPoD1BVHEjgKee9n4AhMLKfq64VLiM4znuU
- Burn Wallet (Warning this is a subject Deeper does not like to talk about): There has not been a routine burn setup yet promised by Deeper to fight inflation . The only burning is est 21DPR perday equivalent to about .80cents per day!!! from the Validator transactions which they are calling a “Routine Burning or Every Gas Fee”. The old burning was every 7 days and burnt all the treasury wallet. Then they slowed it down to every 24 Days thru the Treasury and to burn only about 1% now. There is credit burning set up for the miners, which is false advertisement because they only burn 1% of the money paid to buy credit to increase mining rewards. The rest of the money is added to the treasury wallet for Deeper to pay their DEVs instead. Waiting for Deeper Network to provide Burn Wallet Address for all three Blockchains so the community can monitor what they are being told. Talking about this subject will get you band and removed from Deeper Network Social media accounts so be aware…………
- Deeper Chain Treasury Wallet Address: 5EYCAe5ijiYfyeZ2JJCGq56LmPyNRAKzpG4QkoQkkQNB5e6Z
- Polkadot Parachain for Deeper Chain – not yet, no future plans at the moment (Verified by Polkadot Support)
-10 Billion DPR Total: 6 Billion DPR will be mined within 25years (Verified on AMA); & 4 Billion DPR Belong to Deeper & Investors
-Location of Deeper Network servers where VPN data is stored: Unverified, Programmers working from China, ect. , Government Jurisdiction over VPN data information unknown, Privacy VPN info shows data is kept by Deeper Network, time period kept unknown.
- Deeper Network VPN / DPN equipment concerns: They say they do not keep logs of records of your internet access BUT!!!!! When you login to the device for the first time it makes you approve there two privacy agreements first. Terms and Condition of Use agreement under point Prohibited and restricted uses point #25 say : “We shall have the right… to monitor User Content”; The second agreement you must approve is the Deeper Network Privacy Policy under Data we Collect says “We may receive access to basic personal information from your social network accounts should you register or sign onto such services using Deeper Network Products or Services” (Why in the world is Deeper trying to collect your personal information?????????), then under section Data Retention it says “We will keep records containing personal data….. as maybe required by applicable laws (So then which governments laws are you under because there are countries that require no data collected) at the end of the day Deeper Network is not a Decentralized VPN because your data is collected in Deeper Networks Servers and Deeper Does not allow the Miners with the Exit Nodes for the VPN service to erase the VPN data on there own devices, even if the country allows for no logs to be collected. Will Deeper Network change their policy’s to be in harmony with what they told their community of NO LOGS/DATA KEEP BY DEEPER and ONLY DATA COLLECTED ON EACH EXIT NODE, apparently, they changed their minds……
-Company Info:
-Deeper Network INC of the Marshal Islands (no office location there currently) Crypto Currency company that was set up as a shell company, filed on March 8, 2019 Entity number 100333 (Legal system mixed legal system of US and English common law, customary law, and local statutes; International law organization participation accepts compulsory ICJ jurisdiction with reservations; accepts ICCt jurisdiction)
-Deeper Network Inc of Delaware USA (no office location there currently) Software Developer/ VPN / DPN , Entity 201816910575 6/14/2018, EIN Tax ID# 841835438, State ID 04799167 This is the company that controls everything.
-Location Of Head Quartiers Office (5200 Great America Pkwy, Santa Clara, California, 95054) : The main temp office rental location no longer exists that is advertised and on Entity Documents the location is currently enmity and abandoned, supposedly working remotely from home and out of a shipping warehouse since the past two years or longer, unable to verify from the last trip to California. No new permanent office location currently that I am aware of that has been verified.
(A Few people have come and gone from the head ranks, not sure if currently accurate)
Chief Executive Officer: Hui (Russell) Liu; San Jose, California
Chief Technology Officer: Hui Liu/Chao Ma
Secretary/Chief Financial Officer: Xiaoshuai (Cheryl) Liu ; Maple Ridge, British Columbia, Canada
Corporate Officer: Adam Wolfe
Lei Chang; Saratoga, California
Chief Marketing Officer: Eric Ma (Thailand)
Chief Branding Officer: Yinan S.
Software Developer: Arturo Jimenez
Product manager: Kain Xu
Deeper Network DPR Crypto Bearish MDeeper Network DPR Crypto breaking down from the Bearish M Pattern with a drop to .0186cents. It is starting to hit the first resistance line, we will see if it can break thru or get pushed back down.
Bullish News: Aug. 5 & 6, 2022 Deeper Network has an invitation to showcase at Sir Richard Branson’s Block Chain Summit on Necker Island at the Neckerverse Showcase for a chance to pitch to the Virgin Impact team and other global heavyweight investors.
Bearish News: Possible Token Crash Starting around September 6, 2022 thru the next 8 months, investors getting Deeper Chain DPR returned to them who bought in at .006cents to .02cents. Deeper is only allowing 750,000 DPR total perday from the miners and the invests to go over the bridge from Deeper Chain to the other two chains to get to an exchange and to sell. Some of the people have set up computer programs to keep dumping coins over the bridge first so they do not get locked out when the daily total of 750,000 is hit. There was 2Billion token allocated to sell but they only advertise 1Billion being sold. DPR given out already to the investors that crashed the coin the first time, there is an estimated amount of 3.3Million to 6.6Million Deeper Chain DPR being released each day to their investors for the next 8 months starting in September 2022 thru May 2023. Will Deeper fully open the bridge or will they try to control their investors cash out for a second time, well see what happens…….. How will the miners plan for this apocalyptic scenario of no longer being able to move DPR across the bridge to get it on an exchange to pay for their expenses? I foresee another massive upset that Deeper Network will hush the investors by kicking people out of there Deeper Network community social groups when people complain and get upset like what happened when the lock up the investors DPR the first time without paying them back as was promised in their smart contract that had a hidden back door in the smart contract to reprogram it and to lock back up again. This is a lack of trust that I don’t think Deeper Network will every out live.
-Crypto Whale Information: See the Whale news on my channel for their Wallet address & Location, as you can track for yourself who is a true supporter and who is a dumper…… (AMA said Whales are allowed in the project now)
- Deeper Chain Community Governance - Currently being controlled directly by Deeper Network, not by the Community but thru a back door in the program (Verified on AMA)
- 7 Validator Nodes on Deeper Chain, 3 have been verified to be in control of by Deeper Network DEVs, apparently they can control votes on the Governance with their locked DPR rewards- Wallet Addresses 1st 5C4vNVT5pDroqufEtXKYp3RKrNXVTHk9yqTeNNUSnJ6EbGGY ; 2nd 5CJDFR5RCMxPwVdzgH6JA9D7M625FEFKrdsJG1JnQVQdQkH2 ; 3rd 5HCG6MvAhYgLZdPoD1BVHEjgKee9n4AhMLKfq64VLiM4znuU
- Burn Wallet (Warning this is a subject Deeper does not like to talk about): There has not been a routine burn setup yet promised by Deeper to fight inflation . The only burning is est 21DPR perday equivalent to about .80cents per day!!! from the Validator transactions which they are calling a “Routine Burning or Every Gas Fee”. The old burning was every 7 days and burnt all the treasury wallet. Then they slowed it down to every 24 Days thru the Treasury and to burn only about 1% now. There is credit burning set up for the miners, which is false advertisement because they only burn 1% of the money paid to buy credit to increase mining rewards. The rest of the money is added to the treasury wallet for Deeper to pay their DEVs instead. Waiting for Deeper Network to provide Burn Wallet Address for all three Blockchains so the community can monitor what they are being told. Talking about this subject will get you band and removed from Deeper Network Social media accounts so be aware…………
- Deeper Chain Treasury Wallet Address: 5EYCAe5ijiYfyeZ2JJCGq56LmPyNRAKzpG4QkoQkkQNB5e6Z
- Polkadot Parachain for Deeper Chain – not yet, no future plans at the moment (Verified by Polkadot Support)
-10 Billion DPR Total: 6 Billion DPR will be mined within 25years (Verified on AMA); & 4 Billion DPR Belong to Deeper & Investors
-Location of Deeper Network servers where VPN data is stored: Unverified, Programmers working from China, ect. , Government Jurisdiction over VPN data information unknown, Privacy VPN info shows data is kept by Deeper Network, time period kept unknown.
- Deeper Network VPN / DPN equipment concerns: They say they do not keep logs of records of your internet access BUT!!!!! When you login to the device for the first time it makes you approve there two privacy agreements first. Terms and Condition of Use agreement under point Prohibited and restricted uses point #25 say : “We shall have the right… to monitor User Content”; The second agreement you must approve is the Deeper Network Privacy Policy under Data we Collect says “We may receive access to basic personal information from your social network accounts should you register or sign onto such services using Deeper Network Products or Services” (Why in the world is Deeper trying to collect your personal information?????????), then under section Data Retention it says “We will keep records containing personal data….. as maybe required by applicable laws (So then which governments laws are you under because there are countries that require no data collected) at the end of the day Deeper Network is not a Decentralized VPN because your data is collected in Deeper Networks Servers and Deeper Does not allow the Miners with the Exit Nodes for the VPN service to erase the VPN data on there own devices, even if the country allows for no logs to be collected. Will Deeper Network change their policy’s to be in harmony with what they told their community of NO LOGS/DATA KEEP BY DEEPER and ONLY DATA COLLECTED ON EACH EXIT NODE, apparently, they changed their minds……
-Company Info:
-Deeper Network INC of the Marshal Islands (no office location there currently) Crypto Currency company that was set up as a shell company, filed on March 8, 2019 Entity number 100333 (Legal system mixed legal system of US and English common law, customary law, and local statutes; International law organization participation accepts compulsory ICJ jurisdiction with reservations; accepts ICCt jurisdiction)
-Deeper Network Inc of Delaware USA (no office location there currently) Software Developer/ VPN / DPN , Entity 201816910575 6/14/2018, EIN Tax ID# 841835438, State ID 04799167 This is the company that controls everything.
-Location Of Head Quartiers Office (5200 Great America Pkwy, Santa Clara, California, 95054) : The main temp office rental location no longer exists that is advertised and on Entity Documents the location is currently enmity and abandoned, supposedly working remotely from home and out of a shipping warehouse since the past two years or longer, unable to verify from the last trip to California. No new permanent office location currently that I am aware of that has been verified.
(A Few people have come and gone from the head ranks, not sure if currently accurate)
Chief Executive Officer: Hui (Russell) Liu; San Jose, California
Chief Technology Officer: Hui Liu/Chao Ma
Secretary/Chief Financial Officer: Xiaoshuai (Cheryl) Liu ; Maple Ridge, British Columbia, Canada
Corporate Officer: Adam Wolfe
Lei Chang; Saratoga, California
Chief Marketing Officer: Eric Ma (Thailand)
Chief Branding Officer: Yinan S.
Software Developer: Arturo Jimenez
Product manager: Kain Xu
Deeper Network DPR Crypto Bearish MDeeper Network DPR Crypto breaking down from the Bearish M Pattern with a drop to .0186cents. It is starting to hit the first resistance line, we will see if it can break thru or get pushed back down.
Bullish News: Aug. 5 & 6, 2022 Deeper Network has an invitation to showcase at Sir Richard Branson’s Block Chain Summit on Necker Island at the Neckerverse Showcase for a chance to pitch to the Virgin Impact team and other global heavyweight investors.
Bearish News: Possible Token Crash Starting around September 6, 2022 thru the next 8 months, investors getting Deeper Chain DPR returned to them who bought in at .006cents to .02cents. Deeper is only allowing 750,000 DPR total perday from the miners and the invests to go over the bridge from Deeper Chain to the other two chains to get to an exchange and to sell. Some of the people have set up computer programs to keep dumping coins over the bridge first so they do not get locked out when the daily total of 750,000 is hit. There was 2Billion token allocated to sell but they only advertise 1Billion being sold. DPR given out already to the investors that crashed the coin the first time, there is an estimated amount of 3.3Million to 6.6Million Deeper Chain DPR being released each day to their investors for the next 8 months starting in September 2022 thru May 2023. Will Deeper fully open the bridge or will they try to control their investors cash out for a second time, well see what happens…….. How will the miners plan for this apocalyptic scenario of no longer being able to move DPR across the bridge to get it on an exchange to pay for their expenses? I foresee another massive upset that Deeper Network will hush the investors by kicking people out of there Deeper Network community social groups when people complain and get upset like what happened when the lock up the investors DPR the first time without paying them back as was promised in their smart contract that had a hidden back door in the smart contract to reprogram it and to lock back up again. This is a lack of trust that I don’t think Deeper Network will every out live.
-Crypto Whale Information: See the Whale news on my channel for their Wallet address & Location, as you can track for yourself who is a true supporter and who is a dumper…… (AMA said Whales are allowed in the project now)
- Deeper Chain Community Governance - Currently being controlled directly by Deeper Network, not by the Community but thru a back door in the program (Verified on AMA)
- 7 Validator Nodes on Deeper Chain, 3 have been verified to be in control of by Deeper Network DEVs, apparently they can control votes on the Governance with their locked DPR rewards- Wallet Addresses 1st 5C4vNVT5pDroqufEtXKYp3RKrNXVTHk9yqTeNNUSnJ6EbGGY ; 2nd 5CJDFR5RCMxPwVdzgH6JA9D7M625FEFKrdsJG1JnQVQdQkH2 ; 3rd 5HCG6MvAhYgLZdPoD1BVHEjgKee9n4AhMLKfq64VLiM4znuU
- Burn Wallet (Warning this is a subject Deeper does not like to talk about): There has not been a routine burn setup yet promised by Deeper to fight inflation. The only burning is est 21DPR perday equivalent to about .80cents per day!!! from the Validator transactions which they are calling a “Routine Burning or Every Gas Fee”. The old burning was every 7 days and burnt all the treasury wallet. Then they slowed it down to every 24 Days thru the Treasury and to burn only about 1% now. There is credit burning set up for the miners, which is false advertisement because they only burn 1% of the money paid to buy credit to increase mining rewards. The rest of the money is added to the treasury wallet for Deeper to pay their DEVs instead. Waiting for Deeper Network to provide Burn Wallet Address for all three Blockchains so the community can monitor what they are being told. Talking about this subject will get you band and removed from Deeper Network Social media accounts so be aware…………
- Deeper Chain Treasury Wallet Address: 5EYCAe5ijiYfyeZ2JJCGq56LmPyNRAKzpG4QkoQkkQNB5e6Z
- Polkadot Parachain for Deeper Chain – not yet, no future plans at the moment (Verified by Polkadot Support)
-10 Billion DPR Total: 6 Billion DPR will be mined within 25years (Verified on AMA); & 4 Billion DPR Belong to Deeper & Investors
-Location of Deeper Network servers where VPN data is stored: Unverified, Programmers working from China, ect. , Government Jurisdiction over VPN data information unknown, Privacy VPN info shows data is kept by Deeper Network, time period kept unknown.
- Deeper Network VPN/DPN equipment concerns: They say they do not keep logs of records of your internet access BUT!!!!! When you login to the device for the first time it makes you approve there two privacy agreements first. Terms and Condition of Use agreement under point Prohibited and restricted uses point #25 say : “We shall have the right… to monitor User Content”; The second agreement you must approve is the Deeper Network Privacy Policy under Data we Collect says “We may receive access to basic personal information from your social network accounts should you register or sign onto such services using Deeper Network Products or Services” (Why in the world is Deeper trying to collect your personal information?????????), then under section Data Retention it says “We will keep records containing personal data….. as maybe required by applicable laws (So then which governments laws are you under because there are countries that require no data collected) at the end of the day Deeper Network is not a Decentralized VPN because your data is collected in Deeper Networks Servers and Deeper Does not allow the Miners with the Exit Nodes for the VPN service to erase the VPN data on there own devices, even if the country allows for no logs to be collected. Will Deeper Network change their policy’s to be in harmony with what they told their community of NO LOGS/DATA KEEP BY DEEPER and ONLY DATA COLLECTED ON EACH EXIT NODE, apparently, they changed their minds……
-Company Info:
-Deeper Network INC of the Marshal Islands (no office location there currently) Crypto Currency company that was set up as a shell company, filed on March 8, 2019 Entity number 100333 (Legal system mixed legal system of US and English common law, customary law, and local statutes; International law organization participation accepts compulsory ICJ jurisdiction with reservations; accepts ICCt jurisdiction)
-Deeper Network Inc of Delaware USA (no office location there currently) Software Developer/VPN/DPN, Entity 201816910575 6/14/2018, EIN Tax ID# 841835438, State ID 04799167 This is the company that controls everything.
-Location Of Head Quartiers Office (5200 Great America Pkwy, Santa Clara, California, 95054) : The main temp office rental location no longer exists that is advertised and on Entity Documents the location is currently enmity and abandoned, supposedly working remotely from home and out of a shipping warehouse since the past two years or longer, unable to verify from the last trip to California. No new permanent office location currently that I am aware of that has been verified.
(A Few people have come and gone from the head ranks, not sure if currently accurate)
Chief Executive Officer: Hui (Russell) Liu; San Jose, California
Chief Technology Officer: Hui Liu/Chao Ma
Secretary/Chief Financial Officer: Xiaoshuai (Cheryl) Liu ; Maple Ridge, British Columbia, Canada
Corporate Officer: Adam Wolfe
Lei Chang; Saratoga, California
Chief Marketing Officer: Eric Ma (Thailand)
Chief Branding Officer: Yinan S.
Software Developer: Arturo Jimenez
Product manager: Kain Xu
Deeper Network DPR Crypto Bearish M Deeper Network DPR Crypto breaking down from the Bearish M Pattern with a drop to .0186cents.
Bullish News: Aug. 5 & 6, 2022 Deeper Network has an invitation to showcase at Sir Richard Branson’s Block Chain Summit on Necker Island at the Neckerverse Showcase for a chance to pitch to the Virgin Impact team and other global heavyweight investors.
Bearish News: Possible Token Crash Starting around September 6, 2022 thru the next 8 months, investors getting Deeper Chain DPR returned to them who bought in at .006cents to .02cents. Deeper is only allowing 750,000 DPR total perday from the miners and the invests to go over the bridge from Deeper Chain to the other two chains to get to an exchange and to sell. Some of the people have set up computer programs to keep dumping coins over the bridge first so they do not get locked out when the daily total of 750,000 is hit. There was 2Billion token allocated to sell but they only advertise 1Billion being sold. DPR given out already to the investors that crashed the coin the first time, there is an estimated amount of 3.3Million to 6.6Million Deeper Chain DPR being released each day to their investors for the next 8 months starting in September 2022 thru May 2023. Will Deeper fully open the bridge or will they try to control their investors cash out for a second time, well see what happens…….. How will the miners plan for this apocalyptic scenario of no longer being able to move DPR across the bridge to get it on an exchange to pay for their expenses? I foresee another massive upset that Deeper Network will hush the investors by kicking people out of there Deeper Network community social groups when people complain and get upset like what happened when the lock up the investors DPR the first time without paying them back as was promised in their smart contract that had a hidden back door in the smart contract to reprogram it and to lock back up again. This is a lack of trust that I don’t think Deeper Network will every out live.
-Crypto Whale Information: See the Whale news on my channel for their Wallet address & Location, as you can track for yourself who is a true supporter and who is a dumper…… (AMA said Whales are allowed in the project now)
- Deeper Chain Community Governance - Currently being controlled directly by Deeper Network, not by the Community but thru a back door in the program (Verified on AMA)
- 7 Validator Nodes on Deeper Chain, 3 have been verified to be in control of by Deeper Network DEVs, apparently they can control votes on the Governance with their locked DPR rewards- Wallet Addresses 1st 5C4vNVT5pDroqufEtXKYp3RKrNXVTHk9yqTeNNUSnJ6EbGGY ; 2nd 5CJDFR5RCMxPwVdzgH6JA9D7M625FEFKrdsJG1JnQVQdQkH2 ; 3rd 5HCG6MvAhYgLZdPoD1BVHEjgKee9n4AhMLKfq64VLiM4znuU
- Burn Wallet (Warning this is a subject Deeper does not like to talk about): There has not been a routine burn setup yet promised by Deeper to fight inflation. The only burning is est 21DPR perday equivalent to about .80cents per day!!! from the Validator transactions which they are calling a “Routine Burning or Every Gas Fee”. The old burning was every 7 days and burnt all the treasury wallet. Then they slowed it down to every 24 Days thru the Treasury and to burn only about 1% now. There is credit burning set up for the miners, which is false advertisement because they only burn 1% of the money paid to buy credit to increase mining rewards. The rest of the money is added to the treasury wallet for Deeper to pay their DEVs instead. Waiting for Deeper Network to provide Burn Wallet Address for all three Blockchains so the community can monitor what they are being told. Talking about this subject will get you band and removed from Deeper Network Social media accounts so be aware…………
- Deeper Chain Treasury Wallet Address: 5EYCAe5ijiYfyeZ2JJCGq56LmPyNRAKzpG4QkoQkkQNB5e6Z
- Polkadot Parachain for Deeper Chain – not yet, no future plans at the moment (Verified by Polkadot Support)
-10 Billion DPR Total: 6 Billion DPR will be mined within 25years (Verified on AMA); & 4 Billion DPR Belong to Deeper & Investors
-Location of Deeper Network servers where VPN data is stored: Unverified, Programmers working from China, ect. , Government Jurisdiction over VPN data information unknown, Privacy VPN info shows data is kept by Deeper Network, time period kept unknown.
- Deeper Network VPN/DPN equipment concerns: They say they do not keep logs of records of your internet access BUT!!!!! When you login to the device for the first time it makes you approve there two privacy agreements first. Terms and Condition of Use agreement under point Prohibited and restricted uses point #25 say : “We shall have the right… to monitor User Content”; The second agreement you must approve is the Deeper Network Privacy Policy under Data we Collect says “We may receive access to basic personal information from your social network accounts should you register or sign onto such services using Deeper Network Products or Services” (Why in the world is Deeper trying to collect your personal information?????????), then under section Data Retention it says “We will keep records containing personal data….. as maybe required by applicable laws (So then which governments laws are you under because there are countries that require no data collected) at the end of the day Deeper Network is not a Decentralized VPN because your data is collected in Deeper Networks Servers and Deeper Does not allow the Miners with the Exit Nodes for the VPN service to erase the VPN data on there own devices, even if the country allows for no logs to be collected. Will Deeper Network change their policy’s to be in harmony with what they told their community of NO LOGS/DATA KEEP BY DEEPER and ONLY DATA COLLECTED ON EACH EXIT NODE, apparently, they changed their minds……
-Company Info:
-Deeper Network INC of the Marshal Islands (no office location there currently) Crypto Currency company that was set up as a shell company, filed on March 8, 2019 Entity number 100333 (Legal system mixed legal system of US and English common law, customary law, and local statutes; International law organization participation accepts compulsory ICJ jurisdiction with reservations; accepts ICCt jurisdiction)
-Deeper Network Inc of Delaware USA (no office location there currently) Software Developer/VPN/DPN, Entity 201816910575 6/14/2018, EIN Tax ID# 841835438, State ID 04799167 This is the company that controls everything.
-Location Of Head Quartiers Office (5200 Great America Pkwy, Santa Clara, California, 95054) : The main temp office rental location no longer exists that is advertised and on Entity Documents the location is currently enmity and abandoned, supposedly working remotely from home and out of a shipping warehouse since the past two years or longer, unable to verify from the last trip to California. No new permanent office location currently that I am aware of that has been verified.
(A Few people have come and gone from the head ranks, not sure if currently accurate)
Chief Executive Officer: Hui (Russell) Liu; San Jose, California
Chief Technology Officer: Hui Liu/Chao Ma
Secretary/Chief Financial Officer: Xiaoshuai (Cheryl) Liu ; Maple Ridge, British Columbia, Canada
Corporate Officer: Adam Wolfe
Lei Chang; Saratoga, California
Chief Marketing Officer: Eric Ma (Thailand)
Chief Branding Officer: Yinan S.
Software Developer: Arturo Jimenez
Product manager: Kain Xu
Deeper Network DPR Crypto last Drop????Deeper Network DPR Crypto possibly breaking out of a M Pattern with a drop to .081cents if this pattern stays Bearish. This maybe the last bottom to buy into because it looks like BTC Bitcoin may hit its bottom in the next week or two. If this happens then we are off to the races again.
Bullish News: 6/12/2022 CoinDesk Consensus 2022 Web3 Pitch Fest Extreme Tech Challenge. Deeper Network won 2nd place with an exclusive invitation to showcase at Sir Richard Branson’s Block Chain Summit on Necker Island since 2015 at the Neckerverse Showcase on Aug. 5 & 6, 2022 for a chance to pitch to the Virgin Impact team and other global heavyweight investors. I am sure they will get an investment but not sure if it will benefit the equipment company and/or the crypto company.
Bearish News: Possible Token Crash Starting in September 2022 thru the next 8 months, investors getting Deeper Chain DPR returned. Deeper is trying to stop them from selling by not allowing them to bridge over the token to an exchange company with limited transactions on the bridge.
Websites: (DPR Main Equipment Website) (Mining Rewards after Staking) (DPR Wallet Lookup) (DPR Crypto Polkadot Parachain Governance System, New Wallet, Smart Contracts Upload, Miner Wallet Info) (DPR Videos) (FBI VPN Video) (Deeper Chain Polkadot Parachain Pending) (Deeper Chain Treasury Wallet Address: 5EYCAe5ijiYfyeZ2JJCGq56LmPyNRAKzpG4QkoQkkQNB5e6Z )
-Crypto Whale Information: See the Whale news on my channel for their Wallet address & Location, as you can track for yourself who is a true supporter and who is a dumper…… (AMA said Whales are allowed in the project now)
- Deeper Chain Community Governance - Currently being controlled directly by Deeper Network, not by the Community but thru a back door in the program (Verified on AMA)
- 7 Validator Nodes on Deeper Chain, 3 have been verified to be in control of by Deeper Network DEVs, apparently they can control votes on the Governance with their locked DPR rewards- Wallet Addresses 1st 5C4vNVT5pDroqufEtXKYp3RKrNXVTHk9yqTeNNUSnJ6EbGGY ; 2nd 5CJDFR5RCMxPwVdzgH6JA9D7M625FEFKrdsJG1JnQVQdQkH2 ; 3rd 5HCG6MvAhYgLZdPoD1BVHEjgKee9n4AhMLKfq64VLiM4znuU
- Burn Wallet: There has not been a routine burn setup yet promised by Deeper to fight inflation. The only burning is est 21DPR perday equivalent to about .80cents per day!!! from the validator Transactions which they are calling a “Routine Burning or Every Gas Fee”. The old burning was every 7 days or so until they slowed it down to every 24 Days thru the Treasury Waiting for Deeper Network to provide Burn Wallet Address for all three Blockchains so the community.
- Polkadot Parachain for Deeper Chain – not yet (Verified by Polkadot Support)
-10 Billion DPR Total: 6 Billion DPR will be mined within 25years (Verified on AMA); 4 Billion DPR Belong to Deeper & Investors
-Company Info:
-Deeper Network of the Marshal Islands (no office location there currently) Crypto Currency, filed on March 8, 2019 Entity number 100333
-Deeper Network Inc of Delaware USA (no office location there currently) Software Developer/VPN/DPN, Entity 201816910575 6/14/2018, EIN Tax ID# 841835438
-Location Of Head Quartiers Office: The main temp office rental location no longer exists that is advertised and on Entity Documents, supposedly working remotely from home and out of a shipping warehouse since the past two years or longer, unable to verify from the last trip to California. No new permanent office location currently that I am aware of that has been verified.
-Location of their servers where VPN data is stored: Unverified, Programmers working from China, ect. , Government Jurisdiction over VPN data information unknown, Privacy VPN info shows data is kept by Deeper Network, time period kept unknown.
(A Few people have come and gone from the head ranks, not sure if currently accurate)
Chief Executive Officer: Hui (Russell) Liu; San Jose, California
Chief Technology Officer: Hui Liu/Chao Ma
Secretary/Chief Financial Officer: Xiaoshuai (Cheryl) Liu ; Maple Ridge, British Columbia, Canada
Corporate Officer: Adam Wolfe
Lei Chang; Saratoga, California
Chief Marketing Officer: Eric Ma (Thailand)
Chief Branding Officer: Yinan S.
Software Developer: Arturo Jimenez
Product manager: Kain Xu
Deeper Network DPR CryptoIt would appear at the moment that Deeper Network DPR Crypto is recovering from bearish triangle drop. People maybe trying to buy in cheaply to restake for the mining. The only remaining lines of resistance are the investor buyin spots. Its currently unknown if Deeper can hold above it because there was an early Triangle that broke out bullish then collapsed back into the triangle Bearishly. We are still waiting for that triangle to play thru if it is still Bearish. If it is then there will a drop again but this time break thru the investor resistance lines. I am not sure yet if the two Bullish news reports can out weight the next Bearish news of the investor pay back. If Deeper returns there coins as ERC20 DPR Tokens then then there will be a major dump, but if they return them a Deeper Chain DPR there is no where to dump because no one accepts Deeper Chain that i am aware of and Deeper Network has purposely added a made there bridge to the two other chains with limits on it because they know it will be a major crash just like last time but slower. The next pattern will help show us the next potential direction. I think we all expected the project to crash with BTC but not down to .02cents i think if it stayed about .05cents it would of been more acceptable.
Websites: (DPR Main Equipment Website) (Mining Rewards after Staking) (DPR Wallet Lookup) (DPR Crypto Polkadot Parachain Governance System, New Wallet, Smart Contracts Upload, Miner Wallet Info) (DPR Videos) (FBI VPN Video) (DPR Polkadot Parachain)
Crypto Whale Information: See the Whale news on my channel for there wallet info as you can track your self who is a true supporter and who is a dumper…… (AMA said Whales are allowed in the project now)
Crypto Blockchain Community Governance - Currently being controlled directly by Deeper Network not by the Community thru a back door in the program (Verified on AMA)
7 Validator Nodes – 3 have been verified to be in control of by Deeper Network DEVs, apparently they can control votes with their locked DPR rewards- Wallet Addresses 1st 5C4vNVT5pDroqufEtXKYp3RKrNXVTHk9yqTeNNUSnJ6EbGGY ; 2nd 5CJDFR5RCMxPwVdzgH6JA9D7M625FEFKrdsJG1JnQVQdQkH2 ; 3rd 5HCG6MvAhYgLZdPoD1BVHEjgKee9n4AhMLKfq64VLiM4znuU
Burn Wallet – There has not been a routine burn setup yet promised by Deeper to fight inflation.
Polkadot Parachain for Deeper Chain – is not at the moment yet (Verified by Polkadot Support)
Warning: Possible Token Crash Starting in September 2022 thru the next 8 months
Company Info:
Deeper Network of the Marshal Islands (no office location there currently) Crypto Currency
Deeper Network Inc of Delaware USA (no office location there currently) Software Developer/VPN/DPN
EIN Tax ID# 841835438
Location Of Head Quartiers Office: The main temp office rental location no longer exists that is advertised and on Entity Documents, supposedly working remotely from home and out of a shipping warehouse since the past year or longer unable to verify from the last trip to California. No new permanent office location currently that I am aware of that has been verified.
Location of their servers where data is stored: Unverified, Programmers working from China, ect. , Government Jurisdiction over VPN data information unknown, Privacy VPN info shows data is kept by Deeper Network, time period kept unknown.
(A Few people have come and gone from the head ranks, not sure if currently accurate)
Chief Executive Officer: Hui (Russell) Liu; San Jose, California
Chief Technology Officer: Hui Liu/Chao Ma
Secretary/Chief Financial Officer: Xiaoshuai (Cheryl) Liu ; Maple Ridge, British Columbia, Canada
Corporate Officer: Adam Wolfe
Lei Chang; Saratoga, California
Chief Marketing Officer: Eric Ma (Thailand)
Chief Branding Officer: Yinan S.
Software Developer: Arturo Jimenez
Product manager: Kain Xu
Deeper Network DPR on Live SupportDeeper Network is now official on a death spiral knocking out each group of project investors. Is there anyone who works in Deeper Network who is able to save this project or is this a Pump and Dump Project the the Telegram Deeper Network Mod told us about as he maybe dumping his own mining wallet if that is his from the United Kingdom. This is an example of poor planning on the part of Deeper Network as well as them saying on the AMAs that they do not care about the coin price................... Now to the good news all of the miners will likely be in a tax deficit for the 2022 Tax years because they can not even pay for there dedicated high speed Fiber Optic lines now that they installed specifically to help the project out with speed. Even though the market is down there are still crypto projects out there in the positive for the year if you look at so this is not an excuse but a sign of poor management on there part and of a high internal employee turn over in the high ranks. As each investor tear gets broken now i can only site back and laugh and cry as my investment is getting blown up for the next year or so thru the bear market and the recession that is making it way............................ Then END!!!!!!!!
Websites: (DPR Main Equipment Website) (Mining Rewards after Staking) (DPR Wallet Lookup) (DPR Crypto Polkadot Parachain Governance System, New Wallet, Smart Contracts Upload, Miner Wallet Info) (DPR Videos) (FBI VPN Video) (DPR Polkadot Parachain)
Crypto Whale Information: See the Whale news on my channel for there wallet info as you can track your self who is a true supporter and who is a dumper…… (AMA said Whales are allowed in the project now)
Crypto Blockchain Community Governance - Currently being controlled directly by Deeper Network not by the Community thru a back door in the program (Verified on AMA)
7 Validator Nodes – 3 have been verified to be in control of by Deeper Network DEVs, apparently they can control votes with their locked DPR rewards- Wallet Addresses 1st 5C4vNVT5pDroqufEtXKYp3RKrNXVTHk9yqTeNNUSnJ6EbGGY ; 2nd 5CJDFR5RCMxPwVdzgH6JA9D7M625FEFKrdsJG1JnQVQdQkH2 ; 3rd 5HCG6MvAhYgLZdPoD1BVHEjgKee9n4AhMLKfq64VLiM4znuU
Burn Wallet – There has not been a routine burn setup yet promised by Deeper to fight inflation.
Polkadot Parachain for Deeper Chain – is not at the moment yet (Verified by Polkadot Support)
Warning: Possible Token Crash Starting in September 2022 thru the next 8 months
Company Info:
Deeper Network of the Marshal Islands (no office location there currently) Crypto Currency
Deeper Network Inc of Delaware USA (no office location there currently) Software Developer/VPN/DPN
EIN Tax ID# 841835438
Location Of Head Quartiers Office: The main temp office rental location no longer exists that is advertised and on Entity Documents, supposedly working remotely from home and out of a shipping warehouse since the past year or longer unable to verify from the last trip to California. No new permanent office location currently that I am aware of that has been verified.
Location of their servers where data is stored: Unverified, Programmers working from China, ect. , Government Jurisdiction over VPN data information unknown, Privacy VPN info shows data is kept by Deeper Network, time period kept unknown.
(A Few people have come and gone from the head ranks, not sure if currently accurate)
Chief Executive Officer: Hui (Russell) Liu; San Jose, California
Chief Technology Officer: Hui Liu/Chao Ma
Secretary/Chief Financial Officer: Xiaoshuai (Cheryl) Liu ; Maple Ridge, British Columbia, Canada
Corporate Officer: Adam Wolfe
Lei Chang; Saratoga, California
Chief Marketing Officer: Eric Ma (Thailand)
Chief Branding Officer: Yinan S.
Software Developer: Arturo Jimenez
Product manager: Kain Xu
Deeper Network DPR Bearish Triangle Deeper Network DPR Crypto has play thru with the bearish triangle but there is still a possible -10% drop for this pattern. As DPR is looking to form a new pattern it will only be bullish if Deeper can put trust back into the project with a possible routine crypto burning to fight inflation as was promised. I think this might spark a renewed trust. But no one is in a hurry to buy because of the bear market and a coming recession possibly thru next year. And all the miners are concerned about another crash in September for 8 months straight as the investors are paid back in DPR. Another concern is losing the mining rewards in December 2022 because Deeper said they will cut them but did not give any additional information. They think inflation will be cut by reducing the mining rewards but once investor DPR is released it will definitely wreck the price as investors are mad there smart contract was relocked back up. I can easily see DPR going down lower because of the environment that was made by Deeper and the Financial Markets at the moment. But as I say for those mining and paying taxes on it who are holding long term, then this is the perfect storm, and as a long term holder I say thank you Deeper Network. Hopeful your figure things out in 3 years when I am ready to sell a little off.
Websites: (DPR Main Equipment Website) (Mining Rewards after Staking) (DPR Wallet Lookup) (DPR Crypto Polkadot Parachain Governance System, New Wallet, Smart Contracts Upload, Miner Wallet Info) (DPR Videos) (FBI VPN Video) (DPR Polkadot Parachain)
Crypto Whale Information: See the Whale news on my channel for there wallet info as you can track your self who is a true supporter and who is a dumper…… (AMA said Whales are allowed in the project now)
Crypto Blockchain Community Governance - Currently being controlled directly by Deeper Network not by the Community thru a back door in the program (Verified on AMA)
7 Validator Nodes – 3 have been verified to be in control of by Deeper Network DEVs, apparently they can control votes with their locked DPR rewards- Wallet Addresses 1st 5C4vNVT5pDroqufEtXKYp3RKrNXVTHk9yqTeNNUSnJ6EbGGY ; 2nd 5CJDFR5RCMxPwVdzgH6JA9D7M625FEFKrdsJG1JnQVQdQkH2 ; 3rd 5HCG6MvAhYgLZdPoD1BVHEjgKee9n4AhMLKfq64VLiM4znuU
Burn Wallet – There has not been a routine burn setup yet promised by Deeper to fight inflation.
Polkadot Parachain for Deeper Chain – is not at the moment yet (Verified by Polkadot Support)
Warning: Possible Token Crash Starting in September 2022 thru the next 8 months
Company Info:
Deeper Network of the Marshal Islands (no office location there currently) Crypto Currency
Deeper Network Inc of Delaware USA (no office location there currently) Software Developer/VPN/DPN
EIN Tax ID# 841835438
Location Of Head Quartiers Office: The main temp office rental location no longer exists that is advertised and on Entity Documents, supposedly working remotely from home and out of a shipping warehouse since the past year or longer unable to verify from the last trip to California. No new permanent office location currently that I am aware of that has been verified.
Location of their servers where data is stored: Unverified, Programmers working from China, ect. , Government Jurisdiction over VPN data information unknown, Privacy VPN info shows data is kept by Deeper Network, time period kept unknown.
(A Few people have come and gone from the head ranks, not sure if currently accurate)
Chief Executive Officer: Hui (Russell) Liu; San Jose, California
Chief Technology Officer: Hui Liu/Chao Ma
Secretary/Chief Financial Officer: Xiaoshuai (Cheryl) Liu ; Maple Ridge, British Columbia, Canada
Corporate Officer: Adam Wolfe
Lei Chang; Saratoga, California
Chief Marketing Officer: Eric Ma (Thailand)
Chief Branding Officer: Yinan S.
Software Developer: Arturo Jimenez
Product manager: Kain Xu