Opening (Margin): /MES February 28th 3670/4200 Short Strangle... for a 40.50 credit.
Comments: An additive delta adjustment trade, selling the +12 delta put and the -19 delta call to pick up net -7 delta. Will mostly look to mix and match profitable put with profitable call to peel off units from here to 21 DTE.
Opening (Margin): /MES February 28th 3770/4260 Short Strangle... for a 41.75 credit.
Comments: Additive delta adjustment trade, selling the +18 delta put and the -13 delta call.
As before, looking to mix and match profitable short call with profitable short put to reduce size, while simultaneously attempting to keep the position delta neutral.
Opening (Margin): /MES February 28th 3730/4230 Short Strangle... for a 44.75 credit.
Comments: Moving into the February 28th (47 DTE) expiry here after pulling off all of my Feb 15th stuff. Selling the 16 delta strikes on both sides. $223.75 max on buying power effect of 868.42; 25.8% ROC at max; 12.9% at 50% max.
Closing (Margin): /MES February 15th 3910/4080 Short Strangle... for a 108.75 debit.
Comments: I collected a total of 95.75 for the two legs of this short strangle. Closing it out here on abysmally low IVR for a realized loss of (108.75 - 98.75)/.20 = $50.00.
In spite of taking off these last two short strangles as losers, net realized gain on primarily February 15th cycle /MES: 236.25.
Closing (Margin): /MES 3850/4120 Short Strangle ... for a 78.50 debit.
Comments: I received 73.25 total in credits for these legs; closing out her results in a realized loss of (78.50 - 73.25)/.20 = 26.25 ($26.25). I'm fine with doing this here, since IVR has plummeted to almost 52-week lows, implying that there is a risk that IV could expand from here. If that happens, I'd rather be in a setup with further out-of-the-money sides.
Opening (Margin): /MES February 17th 3850, 3910 Short PutsComments: Replacing the short put aspects of my short strangles that I took off in profit earlier. (For all practical purposes, these are rolls of the untested side to delta balance).
In any event, I received a 71.25 credit for the 3910 and a 53.25 credit for the 3850, with the resulting position net delta neutral.
Closing (Margin): /MES March 17th 3410 Short Put... for a 17.50 debit.
Comments: More housekeeping ... . Filled this for a 22.00 credit as an additive delta adjustment trade. Out here for a 17.50 debit with the result being a small winner -- (22.00 - 17.50)/20 = .2250 ($22.50).
Now everything is tidied up and confined to the February 17th expiry, with the position's net delta leaning slightly short.
Closing (Margin): /MES February 28th 3550/4210 Short Strangle... for a 35.50 debit.
Comments: And now ... totally out of the February 28th expiry for a small winner. The 3550 leg was worth 23.00, the 4210 worth 16.50, for a total of 39.50. Closing it out here for 35.50 results in a (39.50 - 35.50)/20 = .20 ($20) gain. Nice to be able to make a little money on what started out as a mistake ... .
Closed (Margin): /MES February 28th 3720 Short Put... for a 42.25 debit.
Comments: Cleaning up a mistake made yesterday, which was an additive delta balancing adjustment in the wrong expiry. Closing out the "odd man out" here ... . This leg was filled for 52.25. Closing it out here for 42.25 results in a (52.25 - 42.25)/20 = .50 ($50) gain. I'll replace it shortly with a short put in the correct expiry ... .
Opening (Margin): /MES February 28th 3550 Short Put... for a 23.00 credit.
Comments: Now selling a correspondent short put in the February 28th expiry to replace the delta of the one I took off in February 17th due to selling an additive delta adjustment short strangle in the wrong expiry. 23.00/.20 = 1.15 ($115) credit for this leg.
Probably would've been easier to just close out my error and re-do it in the correct expiry ... .
Closing (Margin): /MES February 17th 3590 Short Put... for a 21.50 debit.
Comments: Fixing part of my screw up in opening my additive delta adjustment short strangle (which I opened in the February 28th expiry instead of the February 17th). (30.00 credit (for this leg) - 21.50)/20 = .425 ($42.50) profit. I will now proceed to open a 13 delta short put in the February 28th expiry to replace it, but will still have the February 28th 3720 short put on as "an odd man out" for the time being.
Opening (Margin): /MES February 28th 3720/4210 Short Strangle... for a 68.75 credit.
Comments: An additive delta adjustment trade. (68.75/20) = 3.4375 ($343.75) credit. My original thought process was to just leave what I had on mostly alone running into CPI, but didn't like how the position had skewed out short, so am adjusting it here to net delta flat.
I actually intended to open this in the February 17th contract, but am going to go ahead and leave it alone here. All this means is that I'll have to leg out of the sides one at a time versus closing the short strangle as a unit due to the fact that two corresponding legs will potentially be in different expiries.
Opened (Margin): /MES 4690/4240 Short Strangle... for a 46.50 credit.
Comments: Additive, bullishly skewed delta adjustment trade, selling the 9 delta call and the 21 delta put. 46.50/20 = 2.325 ($232.50) credit. As before, will look to mix and match profitable put side with profitable call side to take off risk ... .
Opening (Margin): /MES February 17th 3530/4080 Short Strangle... for a 48.75 credit.
Comments: An additive delta adjustment trade ... . 48.75/20 = $243.75 credit received. Because the remaining short strangle that I had was short the 19 delta put and short the 14 delta put, I sold the 14 delta put and the 19 delta call to delta balance, resulting in a net delta neutral position.
Closing (Margin): /MES February 3540/4160 Short Strangle... for a 38.75 debit.*
Comments: Mixing and matching profitable short call with profitable short put for a small realized gain ($35.00), leaving me with the 3590/4120, which I'll probably proceed to do an additive delta balance setup on here.
* -- The credit and debit amounts take some getting used to. For example, a short strangle that routes for a 50.00 credit actually has a max of only 2.50 ($250) (i.e., 1/20th of what the table says you'll receive in credit).
Opening (Margin): /MES February 17th 3590/4160 Short Strangle... for a 46.00 credit.
Comments: Additive delta balancing. $230 max on buying power effect of $790. 29.1% ROC as a function of buying power effect at max; 14.6% at 50% max. Total credits collected off $478.75.
Will look to mix and match profitable call with profitable put and/or take the entire cannoli off in profit.
Opening (Margin): /MES February 17th 3540/4120 Short Strangle... for a 49.75 credit.
Comments: Selling the 16 delta on both sides for my first trade of the year.
Although this routed for 49.75, the max profit on this is actually 1/20th of that or 2.4875 ($248.75) on buying power effect of around 7.05 ($705). 35.3% ROC at max; 17.6% at 50% max. Will look to roll in untested side to adjust delta.