NATURAL GAS FUTURES (NG1!) WeeklyDates in the future with the greatest probability for a price high or price low.
The Djinn Predictive Indicators are simple mathematical equations. Once an equation is given to Siri the algorithm provides the future price swing date. Djinn Indicators work on all charts, for any asset category and in all time frames. Occasionally a Djinn Predictive Indicator will miss its prediction date by one candlestick. If multiple Djinn prediction dates are missed and are plowed through by same color Henikin Ashi candles the asset is being "reset". The "reset" is complete when Henikin Ashi candles are back in sync with Djinn price high or low prediction dates.
One way the Djinn Indicator is used to enter and exit trades:
For best results trade in the direction of the trend.
The Linear Regression channel is used to determine trend direction. The Linear Regression is set at 2 -2 30.
When a green Henikin Ashi candle intersects with the linear regression upper deviation line (green line) and both indicators intersect with a Djinn prediction date a sell is triggered.
When a red Henikin Ashi candle intersects with the linear regression lower deviation line (red line) and both indicators intersect with a Djinn prediction date a buy is triggered.
This trading strategy works on daily, weekly and Monthly Djinn Predictive charts.
This is not trading advice. Trade at your own risk.
NATURAL GAS FUTURES (NG1!) MonthlyDates in the future with the greatest probability for a price high or price low.
The Djinn Predictive Indicators are simple mathematical equations. Once an equation is given to Siri the algorithm provides the future price swing date. Djinn Indicators work on all charts, for any asset category and in all time frames. Occasionally a Djinn Predictive Indicator will miss its prediction date by one candlestick. If multiple Djinn prediction dates are missed and are plowed through by same color Henikin Ashi candles the asset is being "reset". The "reset" is complete when Henikin Ashi candles are back in sync with Djinn price high or low prediction dates.
One way the Djinn Indicator is used to enter and exit trades:
For best results trade in the direction of the trend.
The Linear Regression channel is used to determine trend direction. The Linear Regression is set at 2 -2 30.
When a green Henikin Ashi candle intersects with the linear regression upper deviation line (green line) and both indicators intersect with a Djinn prediction date a sell is triggered.
When a red Henikin Ashi candle intersects with the linear regression lower deviation line (red line) and both indicators intersect with a Djinn prediction date a buy is triggered.
This trading strategy works on daily, weekly and Monthly Djinn Predictive charts.
This is not trading advice. Trade at your own risk.
Strong Support & Favorable Risk-Reward in Natural GasI'm bullish in the short-term and through 2020.
- Natural Gas ($2.327) is currently sitting below the 20d ($2.37), 50d ($2.56), and 200d ($2.8) MAs.
- The recent retest of the 13-year falling trendline (orange) should also strengthen bull cases. In 2016 the trendline changed from resistance to support. And most recently in August, Natural Gas bounced off this trendline with gusto.
- Several converging support levels. There is minimal downside in Natural Gas Versus upside.
Over the short-term, 2-4 weeks, I think $2.55 will be achieved. From there $3.0 will potentially be next. I believe the support at $2.1 and $2.2 will hold over the near-term. I believe $3.8 may be achieved at some point in 2020.
Of course, there does exist risk in Natural Gas. There is a bear case. We could see a sell-off towards the lowest support levels. That would come in around $1.3. If that selloff does come, the signals will be the price action between 2.2-1.9 and a breaching of the white & orange trendlines lower. If this selloff does occur, I expect these lower prices to get bought up very quickly, thus making this scenario a strategic buying opportunity.
I welcome this selloff but I am not waiting for it. I expect the white support lines to be respected and for 3.0 to be achieved in the next couple months.
Natty Gas Breaking Higher?It appears that Natural Gas is trying to exit a "Channel" formation after its recent sell off.
To add some fuel to the fire, the recent price action has been supported by rising RSI momentum ("Higher Highs and Higher Lows").
If Natural Gas can "Break and Close" above the $2.77-$2.30 level, we could see prices moving higher.
UGAZ - 8% LONG? - ADX PLAYING TRENDING BELLS!Hello hello hello...
Today we're back with UGAZ analysis.
This time we analysed UGAZ's past data and we found some interesting levels which are pretty close to the price we are at the moment.
27$ mark is one of the lowest supports UGAZ has had in the past and it might be the new support after breakout.
28.7$ has been the resistance in the past.
A little higher, 33.3$~, has been a resistance level too.
These 3 price levels are the ones you should keep an eye on. We'll see if we can find any channeling between old resistance and support (28.7$, 27$). If there is channeling between those two prices I would trade them myself.
Adx is showing a bit of reversal movement which means the trend would change from bearish to bullish.
Hope he hit some good numbers.
Also: for technical analysis content and daytrading ! ;)
NaturalGas long target 2800 and 2920 short target 2640.I invest in Crypto currencies and I trade CFD's. When you want to invest in crypto, I advise you to buy 'real coins' because on long term that will give you far more profit than speculate the chart with CFD's. I have bought XRP-Ripple, Bitcoin, Bitcoin Cash, Ethereum, ReddCoin, FeatherCoin, Adcoin ( ACC ), Bunny Token and looking for others every day!
What about my ' Cycle phenomenon' ? read here:
My main strategy is called 'cycle-trading'. After years of learning and practicing after I bought a teaching-package from a visionair, I found a way of how to trade successful with CFD's on the stock-market. Every stock is following an certain cycle which repeats itself. So, movements are often appearing in the same percentage, aswel long as short. This cycles appear at all levels; when you analyse the chart at 1 month, 1 week, 1 day, 1 hour. (others I don't use). This is the case, because all in life is build by the fibonacci sequence. When you analyse the chart, you'll also see the stock market is behaving itself as the fibonacci sequence. But, still the most difficult part and what it's all about, is where does a long or a short start? and which point is telling you that the cycle is started, so that you know it will probably go to the next fibonacci resistance? .... therefore I have developed some own indicators!
The exact positions of where to open, to close and the stop loss position and take profit position is very important to be successful with trading!
My strategy is to never trade on volatile markets. You will lose your money when you do! Trade on technical-chart analysis! not on news and volatility!
One of my other strategies is that trades are only interesting and ‘safe’ to open when: you can possibly lose 1/3rd of the possible profit. So; when you set the indicators after analysing resistances, and you can lose 100 but win 300, it is worth the try!
How do I decide to open a position or not? First I analyse:
- sentiment on the market > are people in buy mode or short mode
- I have some own created indicators, some I show in my charts. Therefor I use the fibonacci sequence. My indicators tell to open a position or not and in combination with other own created indicators I decide where to place the stop loss and take profit positions.
- and this own indicators tell me when probably a new long position starts or a new short > these are the positions where I place my orders! or open directly.
- and again other own created indicators tell me how far long or short it probably goes. The take profit and stop loss positions are other positions than the resistances in the market!
- the moving-averages and bollinger-bands are very important indicators also. They are helping a lot! by making decisions.
And that is Why I win more than I lose in the end. Patience is everything, we’ll wait for the right moment! But don't forget; trading means investing. Sometimes you lose more than you win in the beginning of a period!
Most of the times the sentiment changes on Monday! please consider that when you start a position on Monday. Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday are on steady markets normally calm trading days. Than, my strategies work at their best!
Don't forget to follow me, so you get updated when I post new analysis. Also read my account and the 'status updates' to be informed.
Thank you for following and Succes with trading !
Richard from Rich.Exclusive.Trading
Will NaturalGas test 2600? or go back long to 2800 area ?NaturalGas could probably short to 2600 area when it breaks the current fibonacci resistance. When it doesn't break; long to 2800 area.
Gas is between the two bollinger bands now, so volatility / price fluctuations expected! difficult to open a trade on this one now.
My main strategy is called 'cycle-trading'. After years of learning and practicing after I bought a teaching-package from a visionair, I found a way of how to trade successful with CFD's on the stock-market. Every stock is following an certain cycle which repeats itself. So, movements are often appearing in the same percentage, aswel long as short. This cycles appear at all levels; when you analyse the chart at 1 month, 1 week, 1 day, 1 hour. (others I don't use). This is the case, because all in life is build by the fibonacci sequence. When you analyse the chart, you'll also see the stock market is behaving itself as the fibonacci sequence. But, still the most difficult part and what it's all about, is where does a long or a short start? and which point is telling you that the cycle is started, so that you know it will probably go to the next fibonacci resistance? .... therefore I have developed some own indicators!
The exact positions of where to open, to close and the stop loss position and take profit position is very important to be successful with trading!
My strategy is to never trade on volatile markets. You will lose your money when you do! Trade on technical-chart analysis! not on news and volatility!
One of my other strategies is that trades are only interesting and ‘safe’ to open when: you can possibly lose 1/3rd of the possible profit. So; when you set the indicators after analysing resistances, and you can lose 100 but win 300, it is worth the try!
How do I decide to open a position or not? First I analyse:
- sentiment on the market > are people in buy mode or short mode
- I have some own created indicators, some I show in my charts. Therefor I use the fibonacci sequence. My indicators tell to open a position or not and in combination with other own created indicators I decide where to place the stop loss and take profit positions.
- and this own indicators tell me when probably a new long position starts or a new short > these are the positions where I place my orders! or open directly.
- and again other own created indicators tell me how far long or short it probably goes. The take profit and stop loss positions are other positions than the resistances in the market!
- the moving-averages and bollinger-bands are very important indicators also. They are helping a lot! by making decisions.
And that is Why I win more than I lose in the end. Patience is everything, we’ll wait for the right moment! But don't forget; trading means investing. Sometimes you lose more than you win in the beginning of a period!
Most of the times the sentiment changes on Monday! please consider that when you start a position on Monday. Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday are on steady markets normally calm trading days. Than, my strategies work at their best!
Don't forget to follow me, so you get updated when I post new ones. Also read my account and the 'status updates' to be informed.
Thank you for following and Succes with trading !
Richard from Rich.Exclusive.Trading
Looking for best position to buy. 2815 or 2867. Don't know yet!The stop-loss positions are making this chart very hard. There are huge chances to make huge money! but also huge risks to lose a lot!.
The resistance at 2.600 I don't like at all. When this one gets tested, we're going very deep. I'll wait next week what is going to happen.
My main strategy is called 'cycle-trading' . After years of learning and practicing after I bought a teaching-package from a visionair, I found a way of how to trade successful with CFD's on the stock-market. Every stock is following an certain cycle which repeats itself. So, movements are often appearing in the same percentage, aswel long as short. This cycles appear at all levels; when you analyse the chart at 1 month, 1 week, 1 day, 1 hour. (others I don't use). This is the case, because all in life is build by the fibonacci sequence. When you analyse the chart, you'll also see the stock market is behaving itself as the fibonacci sequence. But, still the most difficult part and what it's all about, is where does a long or a short start? and which point is telling you that the cycle is started, so that you know it will probably go to the next fibonacci resistance? .... therefore I have developed some own indicators!
The exact positions of where to open, to close and the stop loss position and take profit position is very important to be successful with trading!
My strategy is to never trade on volatile markets. You will lose your money when you do! Trade on technical-chart analysis! not on news and volatility!
One of my other strategies is that trades are only interesting and ‘safe’ to open when: you can possibly lose 1/3rd of the possible profit. So; when you set the indicators after analysing resistances, and you can lose 100 but win 300, it is worth the try!
How do I decide to open a position or not? First I analyse:
- sentiment on the market > are people in buy mode or short mode
- I have some own created indicators, some I show in my charts. Therefor I use the fibonacci sequence. My indicators tell to open a position or not and in combination with other own created indicators I decide where to place the stop loss and take profit positions.
- and this own indicators tell me when probably a new long position starts or a new short > these are the positions where I place my orders! or open directly.
- and again other own created indicators tell me how far long or short it probably goes. The take profit and stop loss positions are other positions than the resistances in the market!
- the moving-averages and bollinger-bands are very important indicators also. They are helping a lot! by making decisions.
And that is Why I win more than I lose in the end. Patience is everything, we’ll wait for the right moment! But don't forget; trading means investing. Sometimes you lose more than you win in the beginning of a period!
Most of the times the sentiment changes on Monday! please consider that when you start a position on monade. Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday are on steady markets normally calm trading days. Than, my strategies work at their best!
Like my analyses? don't forget to follow me, so you get updated when I post new ones. Also read my account and the 'status updates' to be informed.
Thank you for following and Succes with trading !
Richard from Rich.Exclusive.Trading
NaturalGas at important resistance now. Will it go long further?NaturalGas at important resistance now. Will it go long further?
NaturalGas is very interesting now. It broak 2.755 which is an important breaking point. When it does, 2.845 we are going to look for opening a long position!
After years of studying, learning and practicing I have developed a way of trading which can provide an profit every month by trading cfd's.
The strategy I learned from an visionair is 'Cycle trading' and I have developed this further and made it my own.
How do I decide to open a position or not? First I analyse:
- sentiment on the market > are people in buy mode or short mode
- I have some own created indicators, some I show in my charts, as; is the trend horizontal / uptrend or downtrend or volatile.
- and this own indicators tell me when probably a new long position starts or a new short > these are the positions where I place my orders! one of the indicators I use here to help me is the Fibonacci sequence.
- and again other own created indicators tell me how far long or short it probably goes. The take profit and stop loss positions are Other positions than the resistances in the market! Here I work with 'the total expected possible profit' and an percentage from this total opportunity where I mostly close the trade to be safe.
And that's not all at all. Also I check if the opportunity is interesting, by analyzing the charts and when I can make the conclusion that when I should open an certain trade and the possible profit would be 2/3rd of the amount you can possibly lose. So, in bad case lose 100 dollar and best case win 300 dollar it is worth the try! losing these kind of trades, I see as an investment on the possible loss. Stop loss needs to be tight here.
Patience is everything, we’ll wait for the right moment!
Sometimes we are in huge loss, before we end the month in good profit. This is all part of the game. Without trading positions which we lose, we could never win more than we lose. Losing orders is investing in the knowledge to trade the right one to earn money.
Thank you for following and Succes with trading ! and please check my main TradingView account!
When you like my ideas, please follow me, so you don't miss my analyses and my 'status updates' !
Richard from Rich.Exclusive.Trading
Gas very interesting now. Waiting for making a big move. Long??NaturalGas is very interesting now. 2.755 is a breaking point, which I am Waiting the chart to pass. When it does, 2.852 looks like a good position to open a trade! following my unique strategy. NaturalGas is now waiting to making a big move. Long?? Chart is horizontal pattern!
My strategy is to never trade on volatile markets. You will lose your money when you do! Just like last week, when came up unexpected volatility at oil, and we lost two trades. The won position a day before was at a steady market.
Well, one of my other strategies is that trades are only interesting and ‘safe’ to open when: you can possibly lose 1/3rd of the possible profit. So; when you set the indicators after analysing resistances, and you can lose 100 but win 300, it is worth the try!
Now, I see a opportunity on NaturalGas. The chart is horizontal and the lower horizontal resistance is almost touched.When it breaks it is time to open a long.
How do I decide to open a position or not? First I analyse:
- sentiment on the market > are people in buy mode or short mode
- I have some own created indicators
- and this own indicators tell me If a new long position starts or a new short > these are the positions where I place my orders!
- and again other own created indicators tell me how far long or short it probably goes. The take profit and stop loss positions are Other positions than the resistances in the market!
And that is Why I win more than I lose. Patience is everything, we’ll wait for the right moment!
Most of the times the sentiment changes on Monday!
Thank you for following and Succes with trading !
Richard from Rich.Exclusive.Trading