Consumer Sentiment - 10 AM ESTThe 007s are back, we know full well what that means.
Gap to Trap the Safety Trade Baggies again.
They never learn.
CDs - 3/6 Months @ 2.10 and 2.20, Yr @ 3.30, 4/5Yr @ 3.40....
If ya believe, load the woodshed.
Prior to making the same mistake for the 4t time, ask yourselves
one simple question - why are these not following the decline in
For the gang who couldn't shoot straight - answers are never a
clear target.
We'll continue to take the Bond Ape's Bong Money.
Toke up Dino and crew, we're hunting you.
UMICH - CONsumer SentimentNo worries Mates and Shelia's - this is bottoming.
It's down under, so far down under it's Alice Springs
under with a dash of ET tossed in for good measure.
A "Turnaround" ?
Ozzy Man Reviews: What is a Turnaround?
search Youtube...
You'll get the idea of how "Top and Bottom" promoting works out.
@ 50.20 after another decline of 16%, they'll defend 50... or at least
feign it.
What actually improved?
Gas Prices?
Food Prices?
Supply Chains Globally?
War against the CIA in Ukraine?
China backing off Taiwan?
Brandon still alive so we can avoid Pelosi, Kamala will be chicken choked...
never stood a chance. The CFR didn't invite her to the room for anything
less than nefarious purposes... Nnnn.Kay?
It's Nancy's moment to shine soon enuf.
Have China’s growth prospects been hammered by strict Covid-19 lockdowns? Well for 61 hours...
Does not count.
Have Europe’s households enduring cost of living crisis ended, or will the ECB's Rate Hikes temper it?
Hiking rates in a Depression a good idea?
Uh... no.
And let's not skirt the situation in many poorer emerging markets, where food crises and even famines are spreading...
Yeah, naw... it's all good there IF your epigenetic goal is... less peeps and a cleaner less colored deep end of the pool.
The last time that the - everything sell-off stars aligned was in early 1981 when Paul Volcker’s Fed broke the back of
inflation and turned stagflation into an outright poof... Volker was no Pompedor, he simply drove as many stakes into
Capital Stocks as possible given his Agenda, for which he is touted as a HERO.
Lunacy at best.
The dude was a Temple Master... And for you younglings... Eustice Mullens... Google "Secrets of the Temple"
it's a good read, but hell few bother to do that any longer. Watch it on the Tube then.