Everfuel and Karlstads Energi gets funding notification for potential project in Sweden
Herning, Denmark, 13 December 2024 - Everfuel A/S' is pleased to announce thatits subsidiary Everfuel Production Karlstad AB have been awarded a grant bytheSwedish Environmental Protection Agency under the Climate Leap (Klimatklivet)investment program following a funding application made in 2022, for thepotential 20 MW electrolyser project. The project is a joint initiative withthelocal utility company, Karlstads Energi.
The project grant is subject to the parties moving forward with the projectandfulfilling the grant conditions. If finally awarded, the grant would be in anamount of up to EUR 13.9 million (SEK 159.7 million), which would providepartial financing of the potential hydrogen production project in Karlstad.Theproject is not included in Everfuel's updated strategy as announced in May2023.Everfuel and Karlstads Energi are jointly exploring various options for therealisation of the project.
For further information, please contact:
Jacob Krogsgaard, CEO, Everfuel, +45 2871 8945Mads Tirsgaard Mortensen, Investor Relations Director, Everfuel,mm@everfuel.com, +45 7730 4727
About Karlstads Energi | www.karlstadsenergi.se
We light up your home, ensure your oven works and we charge your mobile phone.We provide comfort in your home and your screens with information andentertainment. Around 42,000 households and businesses are reached by ourrenewable electricity and over 50,000 residents of Karlstad enjoy our districtheating at home, at school or at work. When our relationship is at its best,youdon't give us a second thought, even though we're with you 24/7. Through ourrecycling services, we collect and take care of the municipality's householdandbusiness waste and manage Karlstad's six recycling centers. We believe insecondchances and together we contribute to increased reuse and a more sustainablelife for you and your waste.
About Everfuel | www.everfuel.com
Everfuel own and operate green hydrogen infrastructure and partner withindustryand vehicle OEMs to connect the entire hydrogen value chain and seamlesslyprovide hydrogen fuel to enterprise customers under long-term contracts. Greenhydrogen is a 100% clean energy carrier made from renewable solar and windpowerand key to decarbonising industry and transportation in Europe. We are anambitious, rapidly growing company, headquartered in Herning, Denmark, andwithactivities in Denmark, Germany and The Netherlands, and a plan to grow acrossEurope. Everfuel is listed on Euronext Growth in Oslo under EFUEL.