libcompressLibrary "libcompress"
numbers compressor for large output data compression
converts float to base64 (4 chars) | 24 bits: 1 sign + 5 exponent + 18 mantissa
Returns: 4-character base64_1/5/18 representation of x
converts unsigned float to base64 (3 chars) | 18 bits: 5 exponent + 13 mantissa
Returns: 3-character base64_0/5/13 representation of x
converts int to base64
StringStringHashmapLibrary "StringStringHashmap"
A simple implementation of a key string-to-string value dictionary in pine script
Create an empty string-string dictionary
Returns: the indices and elements of the dict
add_key_value(key, value, i, e)
Add new key-value pair in the dictionary
key : string
value : string
i : string the indices of the dictionary
e : string the element of the dictionary
get_value(key, i, e)
Get the value of the given key
key : string
i : string the indices of the dictionary
e : string the element of the dictionary
Returns: return the value of the given key
change_value(key, value, i, e)
Change the value of the given key
key : string
value : string
i : string the indices of the dictionary
e : string the element of the dictionary
text_utilsLibrary "text_utils"
a set of functions to handle placeholder in texts
add_placeholder(list, key, value)
add a placehodler key and value to a local list
list : - reference to a local string array containing all placeholders, add string list = array.new_string(0) to your code
key : - a string representing the placeholder in a text, e.g. '{ticker}'
value : - a string representing the value of the placeholder e.g. 'EURUSD'
Returns: void
add_placeholder(list, key, value, format)
add a placehodler key and value to a local list
list : - reference to a local string array containing all placeholders, add string list = array.new_string(0) to your code
key : - a string representing the placeholder in a text, e.g. '{ticker}'
value : - an integer value representing the value of the placeholder e.g. 10
format : - optional format string to be used when converting integer value to string, see str.format() for details, must contain '{0}'
Returns: void
add_placeholder(list, key, value, format)
add a placehodler key and value to a local list
list : - reference to a local string array containing all placeholders, add string list = array.new_string(0) to your code
key : - a string representing the placeholder in a text, e.g. '{ticker}'
value : - a float value representing the value of the placeholder e.g. 1.5
format : - optional format string to be used when converting float value to string, see str.format() for details, must contain '{0}'
Returns: void
replace_all_placeholder(list, text_to_covert)
replace all placeholder keys with their value in a given text
list : - reference to a local string array containing all placeholders
text_to_covert : - a text with placeholder keys before their are replaced by their values
Returns: text with all replaced placeholder keys
String_Encoder_DecoderLibrary "String_Encoder_Decoder"
String encoder and decoder to use in internal data tranfer in script calculations.
In example, script encode 125 values once and then decode them every candle.
encode(array or values (val1,val2,val3,val4,val5,val6)
encode: encode some values into string
array : of values or values1, value2 (up to 6 values)
(input values must be stringified)
Returns: encoded value
decode: decode into string
val : value to decode, must be stringified
Returns: decoded array of stringified values
TradingHookLibrary "TradingHook"
This library is a client script for making a webhook signal formatted string to TradingHook webhook server.
buy_message(password, amount, order_name) Make a buy Message for TradingHook.
password : (string) password that you set in .env file.
amount : (float) amount. If not set, your strategy qty will be sent.
order_name : (string) order_name. The default name is "Order".
Returns: (string) A string containing the formatted webhook message.
sell_message(password, percent, order_name) Make a sell message for TradingHook.
password : (string) password that you set in .env file.
percent : (string) what percentage of your quantity you want to sell.
order_name : (string) order_name. The default name is "Order".
Returns: (string) A string containing the formatted webhook message.
You can use TradingHook WebServer open source code in github(
intoLibrary "into"
convert literals by type,
Same-types left in for bulk reasons.
TODO: Expand Types
Convert string to bool.
string : val A string value.
Returns: Bool.
Pass Bool/bool
bool :
Returns: Bool.
Convert Float (True if exists and not 0)
float : val A float value.
Returns: Bool.
Convert integer (True if exists and not 0)
int : val An integer value.
Returns: Bool.
Convert bool to float.
bool : val A boolean value.
Returns: Float.
f(string, int)
Convert with decimal
string : val A string value.
int : decimals Decimal places. def = 6
Returns: Float.
f(float, int)
Convert float bypass with decimals
float : val A float value.
int : decimals Decimal places. def = 6
Returns: Float.
Convert integer to float.
int : val An integer value.
Returns: Float.
Convert bool to int.
bool : val A boolean value.
Returns: Int.
Convert string number to int.
string : val A string value.
Returns: Int.
Convert float to int.
float : val A float value.
Returns: Int.
Convert int to int.
int : val An int value.
Returns: Int.
Convert bool value to string.
bool : val A boolean value.
Returns: String.
bypass string
str : val A string value.
Returns: String.
Convert float value to string.
float : val A float value.
Returns: String.
Convert int value to string.
int : val An integer value.
Returns: String.
Array Convert Each Item
val : Array Input (Str,Bool,Int,Float)
Returns: String.
Array Convert Each Item
val : Array Input (Str,Bool,Int,Float)
Returns: String.
Array Convert Each Item
val : Array Input (Str,Bool,Int,Float)
Returns: String.
Array Convert Each Item
val : Array Input (Str,Bool,Int,Float)
Returns: String.
fontLibrary "font"
Unicode Characters Replacement function for strings.
uni(_str, _number)
Unicode Font Substitutee
_str : Input Strinbg
_number : Font by Int input
uni(_str, _number)
Unicode Font Substitutee
_str : Input Strinbg
_number : Font by Name input
String to NumberA library that exposes a method to translate strings to numbers. Adapted from MichelT 's String to Number indicator.
FrostyBotLibrary "FrostyBot"
JSON Alert Builder for FrostyBot.js Binance Futures and FTX orders
More Complete Version Soon.
TODO: Comment Functions and annotations from command reference ^^
TODO: Add additional whitelist and symbol mappings.
DiscordLibraryLibrary "DiscordLibrary"
Bold String in Discord Function
Italicize String in Discord Function
Strikethrough a String in Discord Function
Underline a String in Discord Function
When you send the text, it will be shown as a black block, and only by clicking on it will you be able to see what is written below, in a way, unveiling the text or giving spoilers
Highlight String Function
Put String in a Box Function
Format URL String so that it is not an embedded Image but just the Link
Send Inivisible Text
Generate discord embed JSON
Formats Content Only JSON Message
Custom function to truncate (cut) excess decimal places
format Content message
Format Ticker Symbol
UtilitiesLibrary "Utilities"
General utilities
print_series(s, skip_na, position, show_index, from_index, to_index)
Print series values
s : Series (string)
skip_na : Flag to skip na values (optional bool, dft = false)
position : Position to print the Table (optional string, dft = position.bottom_center)
show_index : Flag to show series indices (optional bool, dft = true)
from_index : First index to print (optional int, dft = 0)
to_index : Last index to print (optional int, dft = last_bar_index)
Returns: Table object, if series was printed
print(v, position, at_index)
Print value
v : Value (string)
position : Position to print the Table (optional string, dft = position.bottom_center)
at_index : Index at which to print (optional int, dft = last_bar_index)
Returns: Table object, if value was printed
lower_tf█ OVERVIEW
This library is a Pine programmer’s tool containing functions to help those who use the request.security_lower_tf() function. Its `ltf()` function helps translate user inputs into a lower timeframe string usable with request.security_lower_tf() . Another function, `ltfStats()`, accumulates statistics on processed chart bars and intrabars.
Chart bars
Chart bars , as referred to in our publications, are bars that occur at the current chart timeframe, as opposed to those that occur at a timeframe that is higher or lower than that of the chart view.
Intrabars are chart bars at a lower timeframe than the chart's. Each 1H chart bar of a 24x7 market will, for example, usually contain 60 intrabars at the LTF of 1min, provided there was market activity during each minute of the hour. Mining information from intrabars can be useful in that it offers traders visibility on the activity inside a chart bar.
Lower timeframes (LTFs)
A lower timeframe is a timeframe that is smaller than the chart's timeframe. This framework exemplifies how authors can determine which LTF to use by examining the chart's timeframe. The LTF determines how many intrabars are examined for each chart bar; the lower the timeframe, the more intrabars are analyzed.
Intrabar precision
The precision of calculations increases with the number of intrabars analyzed for each chart bar. As there is a 100K limit to the number of intrabars that can be analyzed by a script, a trade-off occurs between the number of intrabars analyzed per chart bar and the chart bars for which calculations are possible.
█ `ltf()`
This function returns a timeframe string usable with request.security_lower_tf() . It calculates the returned timeframe by taking into account a user selection between eight different calculation modes and the chart's timeframe. You send it the user's selection, along with the text corresponding to the eight choices from which the user has chosen, and the function returns a corresponding LTF string.
Because the function processes strings and doesn't require recalculation on each bar, using var to declare the variable to which its result is assigned will execute the function only once on bar zero and speed up your script:
var string ltfString = ltf(ltfModeInput, LTF1, LTF2, LTF3, LTF4, LTF5, LTF6, LTF7, LTF8)
The eight choices users can select from are of two types: the first four allow a selection from the desired amount of chart bars to be covered, the last four are choices of a fixed number of intrabars to be analyzed per chart bar. Our example code shows how to structure your input call and then make the call to `ltf()`. By changing the text associated with the `LTF1` to `LTF8` constants, you can tailor it to your preferences while preserving the functionality of `ltf()` because you will be sending those string constants as the function's arguments so it can determine the user's selection. The association between each `LTFx` constant and its calculation mode is fixed, so the order of the arguments is important when you call `ltf()`.
These are the first four modes and the `LTFx` constants corresponding to each:
Covering most chart bars (least precise) — LTF1
Covers all chart bars. This is accomplished by dividing the current timeframe in seconds by 4 and converting that number back to a string in timeframe.period format using secondsToTfString() . Due to the fact that, on premium subscriptions, the typical historical bar count is between 20-25k bars, dividing the timeframe by 4 ensures the highest level of intrabar precision possible while achieving complete coverage for the entire dataset with the maximum allowed 100K intrabars.
Covering some chart bars (less precise) — LTF2
Covering less chart bars (more precise) — LTF3
These levels offer a stepped LTF in relation to the chart timeframe with slightly more, or slightly less precision. The stepped lower timeframe tiers are calculated from the chart timeframe as follows:
Chart Timeframe Lower Timeframe
Less Precise More Precise
< 1hr 1min 1min
< 1D 15min 1min
< 1W 2hr 30min
> 1W 1D 60min
Covering the least chart bars (most precise) — LTF4
Analyzes the maximum quantity of intrabars possible by using the 1min LTF, which also allows the least amount of chart bars to be covered.
The last four modes allow the user to specify a fixed number of intrabars to analyze per chart bar. Users can choose from 12, 24, 50 or 100 intrabars, respectively corresponding to the `LTF5`, `LTF6`, `LTF7` and `LTF8` constants. The value is a target; the function will do its best to come up with a LTF producing the required number of intrabars. Because of considerations such as the length of a ticker's session, rounding of the LTF to the closest allowable timeframe, or the lowest allowable timeframe of 1min intrabars, it is often impossible for the function to find a LTF producing the exact number of intrabars. Requesting 100 intrabars on a 60min chart, for example, can only produce 60 1min intrabars. Higher chart timeframes, tickers with high liquidity or 24x7 markets will produce optimal results.
█ `ltfStats()`
`ltfStats()` returns statistics that will be useful to programmers using intrabar inspection. By analyzing the arrays returned by request.security_lower_tf() in can determine:
• intrabarsInChartBar : The number of intrabars analyzed for each chart bar.
• chartBarsCovered : The number of chart bars where intrabar information is available.
• avgIntrabars : The average number of intrabars analyzed per chart bar. Events like holidays, market activity, or reduced hours sessions can cause the number of intrabars to vary, bar to bar.
The function must be called on each bar to produce reliable results.
Our example code shows how to provide users with an input from which they can select a LTF calculation mode. If you use this library's functions, feel free to reuse our input setup code, including the tooltip providing users with explanations on how it works for them.
We make a simple call to request.security_lower_tf() to fetch the close values of intrabars, but we do not use those values. We simply send the returned array to `ltfStats()` and then plot in the indicator's pane the number of intrabars examined on each bar and its average. We also display an information box showing the user's selection of the LTF calculation mode, the resulting LTF calculated by `ltf()` and some statistics.
• As in several of our recent publications, this script uses secondsToTfString() to produce a timeframe string in timeframe.period format from a timeframe expressed in seconds.
• The script utilizes display.data_window and display.status_line to restrict the display of certain plots.
These new built-ins allow coders to fine-tune where a script’s plot values are displayed.
• We implement a new recommended best practice for tables which works faster and reduces memory consumption.
Using this new method, tables are declared only once with var , as usual. Then, on bar zero only, we use table.cell() calls to populate the table.
Finally, table.set_*() functions are used to update attributes of table cells on the last bar of the dataset.
This greatly reduces the resources required to render tables. We encourage all Pine Script™ programmers to do the same.
Look first. Then leap.
The library contains the following functions:
ltf(userSelection, choice1, choice2, choice3, choice4, choice5, choice6, choice7, choice8)
Selects a LTF from the chart's TF, depending on the `userSelection` input string.
userSelection : (simple string) User-selected input string which must be one of the `choicex` arguments.
choice1 : (simple string) Input selection corresponding to "Least precise, covering most chart bars".
choice2 : (simple string) Input selection corresponding to "Less precise, covering some chart bars".
choice3 : (simple string) Input selection corresponding to "More precise, covering less chart bars".
choice4 : (simple string) Input selection corresponding to "Most precise, 1min intrabars".
choice5 : (simple string) Input selection corresponding to "~12 intrabars per chart bar".
choice6 : (simple string) Input selection corresponding to "~24 intrabars per chart bar".
choice7 : (simple string) Input selection corresponding to "~50 intrabars per chart bar".
choice8 : (simple string) Input selection corresponding to "~100 intrabars per chart bar".
Returns: (simple string) A timeframe string to be used with `request.security_lower_tf()`.
Returns statistics about analyzed intrabars and chart bars covered by calls to `request.security_lower_tf()`.
intrabarValues : (float [ ]) The ID of a float array containing values fetched by a call to `request.security_lower_tf()`.
Returns: A 3-element tuple: [ (series int) intrabarsInChartBar, (series int) chartBarsCovered, (series float) avgIntrabars ].
myAlertsLibrary "myAlerts"
My Alerts Functions - To use with autoview
f_order(_price, _qty, _position, _account, _exchange, _i, i_qtyTypeOrder, typeMsg, syminfoticker)
- Write the entry order message
_price : - The order price
_qty : - The order quantity
_position : - The order side
_account : - The user account
_exchange : - The user exchange
_i : - Used for multi-accounts, this represents the index of accounts
i_qtyTypeOrder : - String used to set Thether or Bitcoin Type Orders
typeMsg : - True = Autoview; False = Metatrader
syminfoticker : - Ticker
Returns: - Returns the open order message
f_stop(_stop_price, _slLimit_price, _account, _exchange, _i, i_delayOrders, typeMsg, syminfoticker)
- Write the stop order message
_stop_price : - The order stop price
_slLimit_price : - The order stop limit price
_account : - The user account
_exchange : - The user exchange
_i : - Used for multi-accounts, this represents the index of accounts
i_delayOrders : - Time in seconds to delay command on autoview
typeMsg : - True = Autoview; False = Metatrader
syminfoticker : - Ticker
Returns: - Returns the open order message
f_take(_take_price, _account, _exchange, _i, i_delayOrders, typeMsg, syminfoticker)
- Write the stop order message
_take_price : - The order stop price
_account : - The user account
_exchange : - The user exchange
_i : - Used for multi-accounts, this represents the index of accounts
i_delayOrders : - Time in seconds to delay command on autoview
typeMsg : - True = Autoview; False = Metatrader
syminfoticker : - Ticker
Returns: - Returns the open order message
f_update(_account, _exchange, _i, i_delayOrders, typeMsg, syminfoticker)
- Write the update order message
_account : - The user account
_exchange : - The user exchange
_i : - Used for multi-accounts, this represents the index of accounts
i_delayOrders : - Time in seconds to delay command on autoview
typeMsg : - True = Autoview; False = Metatrader
syminfoticker : - Ticker
Returns: - Returns the open order message
f_exit(_account, _exchange, _i, i_delayOrders, typeMsg, syminfoticker)
- Write the exit order message
_account : - The user account
_exchange : - The user exchange
_i : - Used for multi-accounts, this represents the index of accounts
i_delayOrders : - Time in seconds to delay command on autoview
typeMsg : - True = Autoview; False = Metatrader
syminfoticker : - Ticker
Returns: - Returns the open order message
f_hedge(_account, _exchange, _i, i_delayOrders, typeMsg, syminfoticker)
- Write the exit order message
_account : - The user account
_exchange : - The user exchange
_i : - Used for multi-accounts, this represents the index of accounts
i_delayOrders : - Time in seconds to delay command on autoview
typeMsg : - True = Autoview; False = Metatrader
syminfoticker : - Ticker
Returns: - Returns the open order message
FunctionPatternFrequencyLibrary "FunctionPatternFrequency"
Counts the word or integer number pattern frequency on a array.
counts the number a pattern is repeated.
pattern : : array : array with patterns to be counted.
array : list of unique patterns.
array : list of counters per pattern.
counts the number a pattern is repeated.
pattern : : array : array with patterns to be counted.
array : list of unique patterns.
array : list of counters per pattern.
Color Library: Rainbow Index & Simplest Return ColorLibrary "Color Library!"
To help with large projects that need colors!
If you guys make the library bigger, share it so we can all have tons of colors!
2 Functions
Uppercase and Lowercase, because why not?
import library as color
1.) color.this("Brown") // or color.this("brown") both work
2.) color.rainbow(1) //Returns first index of Rainbow
TODO: color.this(Brown)
x : TODO: String Color Name
Returns: TODO: Color
TODO: Return Rainbow Index
x : TODO: Number is index of Rainbow :)
Returns: TODO: Color
Library "DateNow"
TODO: Provide today's date based on UNIX time
Use pinescript v4 functions such as year(), month() and dayofmonth().
Use pinescript v5 function such as switch.
Export as string variables.
Not using any match function such as math.floor.
Date for Day display incorrectly by shortage 1 value especially Year equal to or before 1984
Timezone issue. Example : I using GMT+8 for my timezone, try using other GMT will not work. Al least, GMT+2 to GMT+13 is working. GMT-0 to GMT+1 is not working, although already attempt using UTC-10 to UTC-1.
: DateNow
: : _timezone
Returns: : YYYY, YY, M, MM, MMM, DD
catchChecksLibrary "catchChecks"
Type Check for Function Builders to allow Single item to be
passed in, and determine what to do with the item, ie: need an x value?
function that allows label, line, box, float, or even a string..
check item type? string ? 'str.tonumber(_item)' can be in the same
switch as a 'line.get_price(_item, bar_index)' both outputting float
or for pulling a value from simple, array, or matrix, one function
that can switch between them. reduce overhead of many functions.
there are many ways to use this tool, the simplest may be
string/floats on one switch or grabbing colors from line/fill/label
please Share any great recipes you come up with!
typeIs(_temp, _doMeth)
Input anything..
Determine what it is.
_temp : (any) Matrix, Array, or Simple Item
_doMeth : (bool) True for M/A/S , false for int/float/string.. etc..
Returns: (string) Type of item checked. ('bool' .. or 'array'.. etc..)
HexLibrary "Hex"
Hex String Utility
helper Binary half octet to hex character
_n : Digits to convert
fromDigits(_input, _buffer)
Digits to Hex String output
_input : Integer Input
_buffer : Number of 0's to pad Hex with
Returns: string output hex character value buffered to desired length (00-ff default)
FunctionArrayUniqueLibrary "FunctionArrayUnique"
Method for retrieving the unique elements in a array.
for example would retrieve a array with ,
the elements retrieved will be sorted by its first seen index in
parent array.
note: float values have no precision option.
method for retrieving the unique elements in a array.
source : array source array to extract elements.
Returns: array unique elements in the source array.
method for retrieving the unique elements in a array.
source : array source array to extract elements.
Returns: array unique elements in the source array.
method for retrieving the unique elements in a array.
source : array source array to extract elements.
Returns: array unique elements in the source array.
functionStringToMatrixLibrary "functionStringToMatrix"
Provides unbound methods (no error checking) to parse a string into a float or int matrix.
to_matrix_float(str, interval_sep, start_tk, end_tk)
Parse a string into a float matrix.
str : , string, the formated string to parse.
interval_sep : , string, cell interval separator token.
start_tk : , string, row start token.
end_tk : , string, row end token.
Returns: matrix, parsed float matrix.
to_matrix_int(str, interval_sep, start_tk, end_tk)
Parse a string into a int matrix.
str : , string, the formated string to parse.
interval_sep : , string, cell interval separator token.
start_tk : , string, row start token.
end_tk : , string, row end token.
Returns: matrix, parsed int matrix.
HarmonicSwitches█ OVERVIEW
This library is complementary for XABCD Harmonic Pattern Custom Range Interactive
: Tuple Switch for High Low
: : _bool, low_X, high_X, low_A, high_A, low_B, high_B, low_C, high_C
Returns: : price_X, price_A, price_B, price_C
: Tuple switch for style and color
: : _bool
Returns: : style0, style1, col_dir
: Tuple switch for string
: : _bool
Returns: : str_dir, str_X, str_A
: Tuple switch for valid
: : _str
Returns: : str_invalid, str_valid
: Tuple switch for time
: : _str, time_1, time_2, time_3
Returns: : E1, E2
: Switch color
: : _str
Returns: : col_valid
: Extend line
: : _str
Returns: : _extend
srcCalcLibrary "srcCalc"
Provides functions for converting input strings 'open','high','low','close','hl2','hlc3','ohlc4','hlcc4' to corresponding source values.
Converts string to source float value
src : String to use (`close` is used if no argument is supplied).
Returns: Returns the float value of the string
Object: object oriented programming made possible! Hash map's in Pinescript?? Absolutely
This Library is the first step towards bringing a much needed data structure to the Pine Script community.
"Object" allows Pine coders to finally create objects full or unique key:value pairs, which are converted to strings and stored in an array. Data can be stored and accessed using dedicated get and set methods.
The workflow is simple, but has a few nuances:
0. Import this library into your project; you can give it whatever alias you'd like (I'll be using obj)
1. Create your first object using the method and assign it a variable or "ID".
2. Use the object's ID as the first argument into the obj.set() method, for the key and value there's one extra step required. They must be added as arguments to the appropriate prop_() method.
Note: While objects in this library technically only store data as strings, any primitive data type can be converted to a string before being stored, meaning that one object can hold data from multiple types at once. There's a trade off though..Pine Script requires that all exported function parameters have pre-defined types, meaning that as convenient as it would be to have a single method for storing and returning data of every type, it's not currently possible. Instead there are functions to add properties for each individual type, which are then converted to strings automatically (the original type is flagged and stored along with the data). Furthermore, since switch/if statements can only return values of the same type, there must also be "get" methods which correspond with each type. Again, a single "get" method which auto-detects the returned value's type was the goal but it's just not currently possible. Instead each get method is only allowed to return a value of its own type. No worries though, all the "get" methods will throw errors if they can't access the data you're trying to access. In that error message, you'll be informed exactly which "get" method you need to use if you ever lose track of what type of data you should be returning.
3. The second argument for obj.set() method is the obj.prop_() method. You just plug in your key as a string and your value and you're done. Easy as that.
Please do not skip this step, properties must be formatted correctly for data to be stored and accessed correctly
4. Obj.get_ (s: string, f: float, b: bool, i: int) methods are even easier, just choose whichever method will return the data type you need, then plug in your ID, and key and that's it. Objects will output data of the same type they were stored as!
There's a short example at the end of the script if you'd like to see more!
prop_string(string: key, string: value)
returns property formatted to string and flagged as string type
prop_float(string: key, float: value)
returns property formatted to string and flagged as float type
prop_bool(string: key, bool: value)
returns property formatted to string and flagged as bool type
prop_int(string: key, int: value)
returns property formatted to string and flagged as int type
Support for lines and shapes coming soon!
returns an empty object
set(string : ID, string: property)
adds new property to object
get_f(string : ID, string: key)
returns float values
get_s(string : ID, string: key)
returns string values
get_b(string : ID, string: key)
returns boolean values
get_i(string : ID, string: key)
returns int values
More methods like Obj.remove(), Obj.size(), Obj.fromString, Obj.fromArray, Obj.toJSON, Obj.keys, & Obj.values coming very soon!!
HarmonicCalculation█ OVERVIEW
This library is complementary for XABCD Harmonic Pattern Custom Range Interactive
: Price Difference
: : price_1, price_2
Returns: : PriceDiff
: Time Difference
: : time_1, time_2
Returns: : TimeDiff
: Return Index Of 3 Arrays
: : id1, id2, id3, _int
Returns: : ReturnIndexOf3Arrays
: Price Difference
: : price, y, point
Returns: : AbsoluteRange
: To calculate average of 2 prices
: : price_1, price_2
Returns: : PriceAverage
: To calculate average of 2 times
: : time_1, time_2
Returns: : TimeAverage
: To show ratio in 3 decimals format
: : _value, _bool, _text
Returns: : StringBool
: To show Price in percent format
: : _price, PriceRef, str_dir
Returns: : PricePercent
: To show syminfo.currency
: : _bool
Returns: : BoolCurrency
: To show RatioText in 3 decimals format
: : _value, _text
Returns: : RatioText
: To display RangeText in Harmonic Range Format
: : _id1, _id2, _int, _text
Returns: : RangeText
: To show Currency in Price Format
: : _bool, _value
Returns: : PriceCurrency