Houston, we have a bottom. $ALEOLadies and gentlemen, you might think this is reckless at a first glance of the daily chart, but take a glance at the 5 minute 10 minute and 30 minute charts etc... After an anticipated drop to $.91, concurrent with the CRYPTO:BTCUSD sell off and rally just now, I believe $ALEO has found a bottom and will reverse direction perhaps permanently. I am now in this position at $.91 precisely and holding for at least a dollar, but will probably continue to hold for $1.32, potential time horizon of two weeks, with I believe a very high likelihood of one week (or less, as a reversal after such a long down trend could attract a lot of attention)… I think this has potential to go much much higher, but this is a conservative selling point where it will likely see a slowdown anyway… Longer holding period to be determined upon approach.