Short position Trigger line failure in time trigger Return from weekly levelCShortby Mohammadrezahoseini175Apr 19, 20210
btc up till 1.5T to bring altcoin up by May 15th then dump allbtc up till 1.5T to bring altcoin up by May 15th then dump allCby rozy311Apr 18, 20210
BTC market cap chart n BTC.D ://maybe just turn the computer offom days like this maybe just turn that computer rite back off… _even with BTC dropn hard the BTC Market Dominance chart went up. The market dumped 330 plus BILLION USD in about 4hrs. thats impressive consider'n BTC wasnt at 500 Billion untill_ SAT DECEMBER 26th 2020 MY point is if you look at the BTC market cap chart a good portion of that market cap like 220 billion of that drop was in Bitcoin. eth dipped some in market cap n price but not like BTC _The same goes for the market dominance eth n btc charts. WE see a sharp drop in BTC n market followed hard but the bounce looks like it came quick which is GREAT as well as the inflows of BTC N esp ETH (ETH just keeps lookn stronger n stronger) _MY worrie, at least short term is that im not sure how much spine _ heart _ whatever this new retail wave of crypto has. IE how much pain can this new retail group new or newer to crypto group take before they sell, what projects_ ALT COINs brake week first, fastest n hardest (is what we watching in times like this.) _IM NOT SURE i was clear enough at least on how we feel on our end but BTC N ETH are about to take over the show for a bit so dont be surprised to see some alt profits black whole-d by the BTC monster n his quickly growing wild cousin ETHeReuM. On the other side good dip ops as well as seeing if ur fav project has the stones to still be a thing next year or in this space maybe next month. IT isnt enough to only have utility in the rite situation in an easy to use easy to adapt type of thing but u also need swag to carry the hype to get any traction, _unless ur just always blazing trails n very few in crypto or anywhere can do that consistently. _THIS leads me to my next point and something ive had shoved in my face recently via XRP n DODGE smilez lol esp with dodge there is no active or really any utility. all 100 percent hype from a few tweets mems and half a$$ed organization of online groups like Wallstreet bets run'n up the score to mind blown life changing get ur pussy ate for a week or she give u head in grandmas bathroom type money... lol for real, every time i forget im forced to remember, THE POWER OF THE HYPE... it also reminds me no matter how solid, game changer, whatever_ ur project is remember why u got into CRYPTO yes u need a wide net for all the reasons above_BUT_. _FOR me n Mine, it was many reasons. LONG STORY SHORT we felt like most of us, we missed the BTC boat (LOL AGAIN PERSPECTIVE BTC WAS AT 10K AT THE TIME) so we wanted to catch up n make a few 100x gains no problem n then buy btc n eth. lol that was the plan but what happened is we FOmOEd in and lost 35% of our small n most of our actual real world money in a few days one bad week really. we realized we had no idea what the h3ll we were doing and still mostly don’t (smilez) but we learned and we always call it how we see it. we share our wins n losses and we k33p tryn to get better and and and we learned sooo much along the way. _we have stopped getn alts n started takn profits last 2 weeks into eth n btc n some rebuys_stable coin_side line monies n thinkn about some new ones_projects but all in all its about btc n eth, for us at least. IM NOT sayn alts won’t continue to melt faces but we wanted to get back to our roots, _THE market is getting smarter and maturing. we see A LOT of volatility around option days now in crypto. we see some projects pumps even when btc drops and not just one or two outliers but a decent portion meaning there is ecosystem that can flourish when btc is dropn etc. All this healthy non cannibal like financial growth is a must… but the volatility is still here, as we all saw this weekend. the liquidity sources are many and this space has little to no rules and def no 1-800 support or complaint line to call when it goes bad. u on ur own… so whoever u are where ever u are just try n remember why u got into crypto in the first place _whether it was financial freedom in a communist country where u get killed for going on the wrong, no regime controlled internet to ur a-h0ie cuzin, rich from btc he forgot he bought n u found keys for on an old piece of paper on the floor when drinking bears in his garage to everything in between _get back to ur roots. _always respect the pump but never follow it. (buy the rumor sell the news type thang) _trust ur reads n try to stick to ur half a$$ plan _for us thats always ALWAYS mor3 BTC ETH Then even if u have the rite blend of utility – hype – swag – adaptability – project team_esp as they grow. (many projects just small teams sometimes just 4 or 5 people so scaling could get tricky and tech personalities im sure like any innovative space will be all over the spectrum so strong above qualities and team leaders etc etc will be a must as crypto begins to cross over mainstream n we see acquisitions, mergers and all the drama that comes with this growth. These cracks in the foundation will begin to show. It’s a big growing space so we definitely believe in wide big_ but QUALITY nets BtcBTCbtc ETHethETH Not in order but tiered in groups ALGO CEL SWAP ADA VET ZKS UNI AAVE REN n any solid defi project (need to look into the yearn team n curve etc etc asap) DMST RAMP STMX n deep diving on our new alt list below or around the 500 rank in market cap_bigger risk bigger gains but again would stick with the mainstream stuff for a bit and ur true HODLes u believe in like rite now we HUGE ON CEL SWAP ZKS n anything keepn up or and developing into n on layer 2 CRO CHSB VGX FTX_FTT N any other centralized exchanges keepn up to the race to the cheapest fees as layer 2 s cheep swaps etc begin to dominate and other projects and tech begin to adapt. REGARDLESS OF MY RAMBLES THESE CENTRALIZED EXCHANGES like coinbase unfortunately will be the first step for new retail entering into crypto BUT the trend is switching to DOAs like uniswap 1inch sushi pancakeswap ZKSwap etc etc THIS is due to accessing layer 2 via side chains and other forms of tech that is quickly developing and expanding IE this means what use to cost us 30 to 100 usd to swap on uniswap etc now cost less then 1usd or around there (minus the market moving spread_which sometimes can be a positive gain trade or loss depending on how volatile n what direction its going n u buy’n) zkswap and even uniswap via V3 n this new token that allows for limit trades on uniswap etc etc_ UNILAYER. All in all_ the game IS CHANGING. Imagine when the wallstreet bets mentality gets ahold of the concept of uniswap n DAOs in general. Happy hunting_ stay strong stay positive and never forget, get da bag… Have a good weekend ya all CLongby HustleGrindMomentumApr 18, 20214
Great buy opportunity for bitcoin!Here you can see bitcoin has broken out of its pattern due to large sales. This adds decentralization and the coin will rebound!!! Great news guys. CLongby xLucky900Apr 18, 2021116
Crypto Market blood bath is inevitable!Everything that goes up must come down. Just like the Stock Market, the Crypto market crash/correction is HIGHLY POSSIBLE! That's nature, that's balance. Here are my 2 cents. Good news is that we might see 2Trillion MC. Keep an eye on bond treasury rates and FOMC's balance sheet normalization program.Cby Sherman_TradesApr 15, 20212
BTC Breakout (Not financial advice)Over the past few months, Crytocurrency BTC has made higher lows. The charting displays a bullish ascending triangle, meaning that at the end of the compression stage, there will likely be a breakout. Cby transient_dealerApr 12, 20214
Bitcoin could to have a market cap valued in $4 trillion worthHello, in this special analysis of the market cap of Bitcoin, I want to show you how to calculate the future price of Bitcoin in 2021-2022. Well, when Bitcoin reached the mark of $56,000 USD, Bitcoin have a market cap valued in $1 trillion worth. Now, Bitcoin it's above of $1 trillion in their market cap, our next target could be the $2 trillion in Bitcoin. But, what will be the price when Bitcoin going to reach the market cap valued in $2 trillion worth. Remember: There're 18,673,537 (millions) of Bitcoin or you can to say we have 18.6 millions of Bitcoin in circulation supply. But based in the halving event, the next halving will be in 2024 and post later 2028, but in 2030 the Bitcoin miners it's going to mined the last Bitcoin until the reach 21,000,000 (millions of Bitcoin or you can to say that there will be 21 millions of Bitcoin in circulation supply. That number represent the exactly maximum that Bitcoin need to reach. That meaning that in the future, and recalling, it's scarce, and everyone can't to have Bitcoin independly how much quantity do you hold?. This mindset it's very important to know what kind of money it's Bitcoin. I learn in this year about and looking meanwhile Bitcoin up, U.S. Dollar down and the demand it's strenghten in Bitcoin, this unique assets it's extremely scarce and people don't know and understand this information. In the future, a small group of 1% in the world it's have Bitcoin in the hand or hidden in the back. For that, as I'm a people that have over 0.1 Bitcoin when I started to invest on 2018, I'd remember the bear market later that Bitcoin reach the mark of near of $20,000 USD in the end of 2017. I'd remember very well not in 2017 becuase I am not in this year, I appear in the starting of the year 2018, and well, the lower price that I see in Bitcoin was in the $3,200 USD, but in this year 2018 I was amateur, but I bought Bitcoin on 2018, in 2019 I was learning about how Blockchain work, how the others cryptocurrency like Ethereum, XRP, and much more work, I learn about how money work, how banks work in my experience that I was in it, and also I learn about trading and others financial markets like Forex, commodities, and much more. Now, in 2020 (the past year) as I have a lot knowledge about of these themes that I writing it, when I starting to make trading, it's so normal to be amateur and get mistake, but it's so normal and we're human, we're no perfect. The widely word that I learn in my life it's if you don't get risk, you can't to learn anything and you're conditioned to learn the same what you learned, you can't to update and learn any o development personal. For that, I learn about this widely word. And well, throughout of the 2020 that was my best year, becuase I was in top trader in some pars of Forex, well, in general, I have not been trading in Forex for a long time. But, more later, I will going to get practice again to trade Forex, becuase right now, I'm more enfocous in cryptocurrency and from 2020, I became an expert cryptocurrency trader and right now, I have a lot confidence in my technical analysis that I was working day to day to better. And now, on 2021 I becoming more impecable and expert in cryptocurrencies since 2018 when I started like amateur. That it's my little history to be inspirate!!! Now if you want to know and how to calculate, to recalling that there will be 21 millions of Bitcoin in the world and just 1% of the world have Bitcoin in their hidden back. For that, it's very important to be associated that Bitcoin it's scarce and everyone can't to have Bitcoin because this unique assets and money it's extremely scarce to adquire Bitcoin, for that the Bitcoin trend it's bulllish and ever!!! Right now, there're 18,673,537 Bitcoin in circulation supply!!! Imagine the following, we hope that Bitcoin reach the mark of $100,000 USD, and to know what will be the Bitcoin market cap if Bitcoin reach the $100,000 USD? The formula will be: multiply the price future with the Bitcoin circulation supply $100,000 USD x 18,673,537 Bitcoin (circulation supply) = $1.86 trillion worth. That it's, if Bitcoin reach the $100,000 USD, the Bitcoin market cap will be around value of $1.86 trillion worth. And to know if Bitcoin reach the $200,000 USD, we apply the same formula: $200,000 USD x 18,673,537 Bitcoin (circulation supply) = $3.73 trillion worth. That explain how the price work, if Bitcoin reach the mark of $200,000 USD, the Bitcoin market cap will be around value of $3.7347 trillion worth. I use $3.73 trillion Otherway, we can to apply the formula inverse. It's divided the target of your Bitcoin market cap with the circulation supply Let's see, if we using an example that to Bitcoin reach the $200,000 USD, we use the market cap value o $3.73 trillion worth to explain. $3.73 trillion worth / 18,673,537 Bitcoins (circulation supply) = $199,747.91 USD. This it's average!!! But, if we apply it, we can to know that approximately that the possible prediction it''s around a little more over $200,000 USD future price a market cap so near value of $4 trillion. Now, if you want to know what will be happening if Bitcoin reach a market cap value of $6 trillion worth, well, we use the formula didived this market cap with the circulation supply to know what will be the exactly price. $6 trillion worth / 18,673, 537 Bitcoins (circulation supply)= $321,310.31 USD. That will be the price if Bitcoin reach a market value of $6 trillion worth. Guys, that it;s it, I have a forecast that Bitcoin could to reach a market cap value of $4 trillion worth, it's approximately a litle more above of $200,000 USD. But, this it's not guarantize. But all depending how much Bitcoin can to strenghten in based in the world inflation that we live. But we know that Bitcoin have all chances iimparable to up, independly if Bitcoin could to reach the $300,000 USD. I believe that the best way to calculate it's using your possible future price to multiply with the Bitcoin circulation supply. Guys, if you found out that this special analysis it's sount intersting for you, get hand up to share this value information to others cryptocurrency amateur know this information and traders in cryptocurrency.CLongby harisonhbn9718Apr 4, 2021227
Crypto Covid-19 2020-20201During COVID-19, crypto-assets have been soaring. ETH has seen the explosion of DeFi on its platform. This chart tracks both of those crypto assets compared to the S&P500.CLongby oyiptongApr 3, 20210
BTC Crab Bullish Reversal into take profitsHello everyone. Here is a trade I took off Crab Completion to the penny.. Avoid all the noise and you will see it is all computers trading.. Right side Fibonacci is take profit rules per Harmonics. In my link there is a Room I have opened due to demand. Harmonics work on Stock, Currencies, Cryptos... everything is all the same. CLongby CyphertradesMar 27, 20213
L1000X on top again, Finished Trend indicator researchIndicator completeCby Leverage1000XUpdated Mar 21, 2021111