Oil SilverThis is the 11th of September. This video is about contraction of the market and the difficulty of making trade decisions when markets are contracted. In my view it is much harder to trade in contracted markets and it's harder to make more money in contracted markets. You have a much greater chance of losing money. There will be times when you enter a market and it is not contracted, but then it contracts. Personally this is when markets get frustrating to me and in the past I didn't understand it... and so I would battle with the market because I didn't understand and associate the general relationship of buyers and sellers at that time and thought and if I was a good trader I would know how to manage difficult markets like this....And I can tell you that I am very happy to report just how to do that.... I stay away from those markets as much as possible so that I don't risk my capital. If it's an issue of being a gladiator or a chicken... and the chicken point of view keeps me from disaster and losing money... I'm proud to call myself a chicken if it meant I didn't lose money.... because if I don't lose money on bad trades, I preserve my capital.... And I maintained a relatively lower stress level because of it... and I'm okay with that as well. I don't really need to trade the difficult trades. In NLP I'm probably auditory kinesthetic... I'm not sure because I might be kinesthetic auditory. In trading if there was an NLP algorithm... I would be 90% chicken and 5% heroic. I need wider range boxes...or I can't play.