Where Ethereum Stands and The Best Time to BuyEthereum has essentially ranged the last year with large swings up and down. Major support rests at $2770 and upper resistance at $4700 with a current target of at least $13.6k.
While Ethereum has been ranging it's been falling against Bitcoin and like every bull cycle since 2017, Ethereum will be the last to catch up. But that time to buy is now and we can see major volumes have been hitting the Ethereum maket as eth/btc is in the buy zone below 0.031 with a target of 0.09. If bitcoin holds it's current support and runs to $174k in the coming months that puts Ethreum around $15.6k which is very close to my eth/usd target of $13.6k.
Aave market has 88% of all Ethereum on the platform (1.64M eth or $5.1 Billion) loaned out and sold short. There seem to be online wars of people fighting over why eth isn't on par with bitcoin. Ethereum futures has ATH open interest yet lending rates are near zero. These are all major signs of the end of the eth/btc bear market. We should see eth outperform btc this year. There's not much eth left to be sold short. I've never seen such reckless shorting of a crypto currency, but it's all fuel of the run up.