Big Brother has increased his ETH holdings to 600,000.Big brother hardly ever loses.Big Brother has increased his ETH holdings to 600,000.BLongby moxuqqFeb 130
Long Trade Still SUPER Crowded SHORT ETHBTCI tried to post this chart as a follow up to my last ETHBTC chart but it kept rejecting it?! Anyways long interest hasn't capitulated in the least so the chart is still relevant. ETHBTC looks like it made a weird double top on this line chart and with LONG interest so high I feel very comfortable holding shorts here. Good luck.BShortby jamiecasselsDec 2, 20172
No Bottom in Alts Yet.. Look at all those ETHLongs! Short AltsThe long alts trade is way too crowded. This needs to capitulate before an actual bottom occurs. Stay long BTC and short alts.Bby jamiecasselsNov 8, 20170
ETHBTC Traders WAY Long, No Capitulation in Sight?Eventually alts will come back into favor, but it isn't likely anytime soon. Looking at ETHBTCLONGS and LTCBTCLONGS the alt traders are still buying ETHBTC and LTCBTC. I can't see capituatlion happening with this many longs, it's way too crowded. Until further notice, it seems prudent to just play BTC longs and wait for the bagholders to fold. GLBby jamiecasselsNov 1, 20172