CPO Malaysia Finishing Pullback Phase. Back To DowntrendCPO Malaysia ( MYX:FCPO1! ) is about to fall to MYR3,900 as it finishes Pullback phaseShortby mmdchartsFeb 181
Pick your Indonesia CPO StocksThe charts above are Ratio Charts among CPO Stocks such as : AALI, LSIP, SSMS, DSNG and TAPG. If the chart is rising, it means that the stock is Outperform compare to other CPO Stocks. If the chart is falling, it means that the stock is Underperform compare to other CPO Stocks. Trend Analysis and Peak Analysis can be applied here.Iby mmdchartsJun 29, 20220
IDX: AALI FOR NEXT WEEK 15-19 NOV 2021MEDIUM SUPPORT AT 10500 WAEK RESISTANCE AT 11400 I PREFER GREEN TRADING PLAN Disclaimer: This information is for educational purposes and is not an investment recommendation or representative of professional expertise. This analysis used herein is for illustration purposes only. This personal opinion should not be considered specific investment advice. I am not responsible for any trades, and individuals are solely responsible for any live trades placed in their own personal accounts.ILongby sutoguswandaNov 14, 20210
IDX: AALI FOR NEXT WEEK 8-12 NOV 2021Weak resistanceat 11400 medium support at 10500 I prefer yellow trading plan Disclaimer: This information is for educational purposes and is not an investment recommendation or representative of professional expertise. This analysis used herein is for illustration purposes only. This personal opinion should not be considered specific investment advice. I am not responsible for any trades, and individuals are solely responsible for any live trades placed in their own personal accounts.ILongby sutoguswandaNov 6, 20210
AALI BREAKING THE PENNANT PATTERN, UPSIDE MOVEMENT TO 8850?AALI is breaking the pennant pattern impulsively. The momentum indicator is pointing up in the neutral area, indicating that AALi has chance to move upward to the target area after impulsively breaking the pattern. The roadmap will be invalid after exceeding the support/target level.ILongby financialfreedomgoals101Updated Sep 6, 20211
IDX: AALI - May-2021AALI Astra Family in the CPO Industry Yesterday's (04-May-2021) confirmed the reversal for the shorter downtrend line. When the candle breakout the trend line, we can use the Fibonacci Retracement to predict the target of the price by following its retracement. I predict that the reversal of this stock is quite strong to reach the 0.500 retracements at 10450 because the commodity itself is supporting the reversal. The price will then retrace to 0.382 retracements at 10125 before continuing the minor uptrend momentum and aim to reach the 10775 as the final target from the smaller retracement. There are basically two scenarios that I imagined. We can use the support from the Volume Profile analysis for the pullback target. Support from Volume Profile is the red and blue thick horizontal line. I would love to see the shape of candle formation will be the inverted head and shoulders before the prices move higher. By the time prices reach the target of small retracements (pink Fibonacci Retracement), the candles are broken out from the larger downtrend line to draw the 2nd retracements (bigger retracements) - colored in an orange line. I expect a slow movement due to the historical consolidation area in this section. A yellow background marks the consolidation area. From the chart, we can see that this consolidation area is located between 0.618 to 1.000 retracements for the small Fibonacci in pink color and between 0.382 to 0.618 retracements for the larger Fibonacci in orange color. If we combined all the predictions above, the upper resistance of the consolidation area would be the final target for the price action. As we can see, there is a potential clustering area of the Fibonacci Retracement and Inverted Head and Shoulders target highlighted in the green color. Don't forget that all the scenarios above are only predictions, or I might say what I love to see in the future. Cheers! Disclaimer is always on. Trade at your own risks. Iby dhimaswpprUpdated May 23, 20211
IDX: AALI - may-2021IDX:AALI Astra Family in the CPO Industry Yesterday's (04-May-2021) confirmed the reversal for the shorter downtrend line, when the candle breakout the trend line, we can use the Fibonacci Retracement to predict the target of the price by following its retracement. I predict that the reversal of this stock is quite strong to reach the 0.500 retracements at 10450 because the commodity itself is supporting the reversal. The price then will retrace to 0.382 retracements at 10125 before continuing the minor uptrend momentum and will aim to reach the 10775 as the final target from the smaller retracement. Iby dhimaswpprMay 5, 20210
AALI Berpeluang Memulai Trend Kenaikannya KembaliAALI Berkonsolidasi sehat menguji area resisten konsolidasi 11400 dan berada diatas rangkaian moving averagenya. Jika saham ini mampu menembus resisten tersebut, maka terbuka ruang kenaikan kembali bagi AALI menuju 13900 dengan minor target 12000. MACD yang golden cross menunjukan saham ini berada dalam momentum pergerakan yang positif. Rekomendasi : Buy jika break 11400. Stoploss level 10675. Disclaimer ONILongby galerisahamNov 12, 20200
AALI: Sebuah Ilusi Yang Dibentangkan Oleh InstitusiHarga CPO naik selama 3 minggu terakhir ini. Dan banyak orang dimarket mulai sekali lagi menaruh harapan terhadap kenaikan saham-saham CPO, seperti AALI ini misalnya dan inilah yang terjadi (yang terlihat di mata para trader retailer) bahwa AALI stop turun di 4140 dan kemudian mulai naik. Dan mulailah orang kemudian melakukan analisa ini dan itu dengan berbagai macam grafik, garis dan sebagainya untuk mencari pembenaran dari kenaikan harga ini. Padahal sebenarnya logikanya tidaklah ruwet. Saya akan jelaskan. Pertama , harga CPO di akhir Mei 2020 sudah menyentuh level 1982 dan ini sudah rendah, man. Kayak anda dapat Ipad terbaru harga Rp 3 juta, mau beli ga? Ya, mau dong. Logika lha. Barang bagus. Harga murah, ya disambar lha. Tapi tidak semua orang kan tahu ada Ipad dijual dengan harga segitu. Hanya orang-orang tertentu saja yang mengikuti Ipad, dan mengikuti pergerakan harganya bisa tahu ketika ada diskon seperti ini. Jadi, ketika CPO turun ke level 1982, dengan cepat para bandar CPO ini berebutan membelinya. Karena CPO masih dibutuhkan dunia, dan mereka tahu ini. Itulah alasan CPO naik. Kedua , AALI ini juga barang bagus. Dikelola oleh managemen terbaik diIndonesia, tapi karena harga CPOnya tidak naik naik malahan nyungsep maka saham ini juga nyungsep. Dan bandar tahu, untuk menaikkan saham ini mereka butuh alasan. Dan itu adalah harga CPO. Kalau naik, mereka memakainya untuk menaikkan saham AALI, dan kalau turun, mereka memakai dasar yang sama untuk menurunkan AALI sehingga mereka bisa membelinya dengan harga murah. Jadi meski kenaikan harga CPO ini belum bisa memberikan kontribusi profit yang signifikan ke AALI, tapi, itu tidak masalah. Karena para bandar ini bisa tetap memakai alasan ini untuk memasang iklan. Menebarkan sebuah ilusi yang membangkitkan harapan para retailer untuk mendapatkan profit kalau membeli saham ini. Yaitu saham yang dijual bandar kepada para retailer saat ini. Apakah AALI bakalan naik? Ya, tapi berhati-hati ketika mendekati harga 9500, atau ketika harga CPO berhenti naik. Karena disaat itulah, bandar kemungkinan akan membeli lagi saham ini. Dan berbeda dengan trader retailer yang sukanya beli di harga tinggi, para bandar ini pebisnis tulen. Mereka hanya mau beli saham di harga murah. Dan tidak heran saham yang sudah naik tinggi, akan diturunkan lagi supaya mereka bisa mengambilnya. Dan siklus ilusi ini bakalan terus berulang. Kecuali anda mampu membaca order flow di chart, barulah anda bisa lepas dari ilusi ini. -Jee ILongby Jee_DMay 29, 20205
AALI Siap Ke 15000?AALI telah tertahan di support RSI 36.34 Siap Rally STRONG BUY 12500<HOLD SIAP meunju 15000 CL<12000 Disclaimer ONIby ksepitbJan 15, 20205
AALI Berpeluang Bergerak Positif, Buy Jika BreakoutAALI saat ini membentuk higher low dan menguji area konsolidasi barunya. Jika mampu menguat menembus resisten konsolidasi di 10950, terbuka ruang kenaikan menuju 12325 dengan minor target 11675. MACD yang masih menurun mengindikasikan saham ini masih akan berkonsolidasi beberapa waktu kedepan. Rekomendasi: Buy jika break 10950. Stoploss level 10450ILongby galerisahamSep 3, 20194
AALI, Hati-hati, shooting star candleSetelah rebound minggu lalu, penutupan hari jumat candle shooting star muncul, hati hati..Iby sutisna_sutisnaOct 20, 20183