tradin gplan smsm dailytrading plan smsm daily buy 1675 sl 1645 tp 2000 disclamer onby TradermilenialsMay 4, 20230
SMSM Menguji Resistance 1.365Membentuk Support di 1.275 Berpotensi Menuju 1.365 Rabu, 24 November 2021 Mas Res HARRUMA DIGITRADE Iby masresharrumadigitradeNov 24, 20210
idx: SMSM daily, buy: 1365 idx: SMSM daily, buy: 1365 volume pembelian: 6 resiko: Rp . 100.000,- R/R ratio: 2.79 sl: 1200 tp: 1825 _ILongby TEKNOKRAT_TradingAcademyUpdated Aug 12, 20210
SMSM Beginning of the Trend?Will be interesting within next couple of week, just watch the kumo development and price action against the resistence.ILongby DXNV80Jul 6, 20210
SMSM worth to wait... SMSM still need some time to break the boundaries. It is worth to try. Passive income? Yes!!! ILongby pythoncoder999Dec 21, 20203
SMSM $money$money after breaking weak downtrend resistance...SMSM $money$money after breaking weak downtrend resistance... Passive income? Yes!!! Share your thoughts?ILongby pythoncoder999Dec 16, 20202
SMSM Symetrical Triangle: Swing TradeBuy: 1508-1525 Taking Profit: 1600-1680 Stop Loss: 1465-1470Iby PaulusihombingJul 13, 2019114