Long postionLong at current price 309, Stop loss 295, Take profit 346Longby UK_LEEUpdated May 24, 20241
Rubber price will increase Here are some recent information that can increase rubber price tomorrow: The ongoing war in Ukraine: The war has disrupted the global rubber market, as Russia and Ukraine are both major producers of rubber. The war has also caused uncertainty in the market, which could lead to volatility in rubber prices. The weather: Rubber prices can be affected by weather conditions, such as droughts and floods. Droughts can damage rubber trees and reduce production, while floods can damage rubber plantations and disrupt transportation. The demand for rubber: The demand for rubber is influenced by a number of factors, including the global economy, the automotive industry, and the construction industry. If the demand for rubber increases, prices will likely go up. The supply of rubber: The supply of rubber is influenced by a number of factors, including the weather, the political stability of rubber-producing countries, and the availability of raw materials. If the supply of rubber decreases, prices will likely go up. Government policies: Government policies can also affect rubber prices. For example, tariffs on imported rubber can increase prices, while subsidies for rubber production can decrease prices Entry: 224.0 - 223.0 TP1: 238.9 TP2: 249.1 TP3: 255.5 SL: 217.6TLongby neurotrader95Sep 6, 20230
TSR 20 OCTOBER SICOM BULLISH TREND4 hrs CS showed movement with 3 continuous of Bullish Engulfin means strong movement for an uptrend. Breaking the EMA 100 and EMA 200 with a strong CS is also a sign of trend change from a bearish to a bullish trend with continuous movement. SLongby nizamtrader2014Updated Aug 30, 20231
TSR20 LOOKING FORWARD FOR BULLISH IF BREAK THE ZONEThe time frame daily will be the indicator for the break zone for TSR20 Sicom April price. At the same time please look at the strength of DXY/USD if the DXY become a stronger possibility is again bearish. This Month 23rd Feb 3.00 am (Wib) watch out for the FED FOMC meeting. Sby nizamtrader2014Feb 23, 20230
STRONG SUPPORT HOLDING THE PRICE TO DOWN TRENDAs previously updated, the strong support still holds preventing the price from going down. As my prediction, this will be sideways until the FOMC Result this coming Thursday. The FOMC will determine which path of direction up trend or down trend. Sby nizamtrader2014Nov 1, 20220
WEEKLY LOW BB TARGET OF DOWN TREND Predict to go until Low BB weekly then will bounce back due to the weakness of USD. Expected there will be sideways movement on next week on USD that will prevent the TSR20 price to go lower. Break out zone will be the tested area whether it will continue up trend if fail to break then it will again go down trend.SShortby nizamtrader2014Oct 30, 2022110
SUPPORT BECAME RESISTENCE(SBR) & NEW SUPPORT TARGETEDMeet my expectation of movement tested the support, break out went to Low BB, and now the Low BB line open little more to downtrend. And starting today if the US DXY currency continues to strengthen the Rubber Price will continue target to the next D1 Fresh Strong Support. If the US Currency at sideways it will also reflect the Rubber price to fluctuate sideway movement around 130-128, testing the new support. Until there is a SIGN or GUIDANCE whether to break out the support or again break out the resistance. Strong Movement is expected will be tomorrow on Results of the Philly FED Manufacturing Index, Unemployment Claims & Existing Home Sales, it will move the US Currency at & the same time affect the TSR Price also.SShortby nizamtrader2014Oct 19, 20220
BREAKOUT OF SUPPORT WILL LEAD TO LOWER BB@130CS moving toward the continuation of the downtrend. Break out support the dot lines will continue dropping estimate to lower BB at 130.50. D1 Support is strong support it will be pullback for some time before it again tests the support, a strong uptrend in USD will give an opportunity to break the support and go direct to lower BB.SShortby nizamtrader2014Updated Oct 17, 20220
CANNOT BREAK THE MID BB PULLBACK TO LOW BB FOR TSR20 TSR20 was expected to do a pullback due to the correlation between the strong USD and the weak gold. The pullback is expected to reach the low BB because as normal or standard analysis once the CS reach the mid-BB and cannot break it it will go back to Low BB. However, it depends on the current economic news it can affect the movement to reverse to a strong buy if the USD becomes weak and gold starts to strong buy again. Good LuckSShortby nizamtrader2014Sep 16, 2022110
CONTINUATION DOWNTREND TSR 20 AS PREDICTED FROM LAST WEEKTarget to reach at Low BB at W1 with USD 142.00 KG Dry price for October Sales. Strong Shooting Star from seller makes a continuation Candle Stick to break support at D1 and as closing today it was at USD 143.70SShortby nizamtrader2014Aug 24, 20220
GOING TOWARD 140 OCTOBER SICOM PRICEThe rubber price affects by the whole downtrend in the market. Rubber October price moving toward 140 if the gold continue to drop down. This week Jackson Hole; a Speech by FED Jerome Powell will be the direction on the moving continue upwards or downward.SShortby nizamtrader2014Aug 22, 2022110
MOEX:TFJ2022To be, or not to be, that is the question: Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune, Or to take arms against a sea of troubles And by opposing end them. To die—to sleep, No more; and by a sleep to say we end The heart-ache and the thousand natural shocks That flesh is heir to: 'tis a consummation Devoutly to be wish'dSby lguliyanApr 6, 20220
Rubber got 300 levelPrice action rubber maybe hit psychology level 300. hope fundamental drive this sentiment. Reason here, fibo level 423 and price starting above ema 50.Tby transtradersMar 19, 2022112
Rubber Futures ConsolidationFor Discussion, Rubber Futures trading in consolidation. May break higher; Higher rubber prices may affect margin of glove making companies? What are your thoughts?Tby DarrylUOBKHFeb 1, 20211
TOCOM rubber-day-rsi-green_short-red_longTOCOM rubber-day-rsi-green_short-red_longTby idevinShenFeb 19, 20176