The fund employs a dynamic long/short equities strategy with a long bias, primarily investing in listed international equities. The core is to identify sustainable growth opportunities undervalued by the market while pinpointing overvalued stocks for short positions. The sub-adviser leverages top-down thematic views and bottom-up stock analysis to generate high-conviction investment ideas, rigorously screening them through quantitative and qualitative tests. Typically, the portfolio will consist of 30-50 securities, without constraints on region, market capitalization, or sector, and dynamically manages market and currency exposures. Leveraging up to 150% of NAV through derivatives and short selling, the fund maintains a disciplined approach to risk, avoiding excessive leverage and utilizing short selling primarily for profit from market downturns rather than as a hedge. The fund may also utilize derivatives, invest in cash equivalents, OTC and exchange-traded derivatives, and occasionally in unlisted equities expected to list within a year.